ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 55

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cloud-based forensics ? Anybody?

He submitted his application to the police department at some point during the fall semester, when he took his first semester of classes at WSU after graduating from DeSales University with a master’s degree in psychology and cloud-based forensics in June 2022.

"Kohberger wrote in his essay he had interest in assisting rural law enforcement agencies with how to better collect and analyze technological data in public safety operations," an arrest affidavit states.
I know many have mixed feelings about Kaylee's dad and some of the things he's said, but this quote from the above article really struck me.

'If our daughters could switch places with him. And I'm saying Maddie, as my daughter would do it in a heartbeat if they could sit there and have three squares, a place to live and we could call them we could write them letters.

'They could watch TV they could get educated. I would love if Maddie and Kaylee were doing life in prison right now.

'At least we could talk to them. They'd be breathing, that's not a punishment equivalent to being killed.'

Here are my takeaways from the PCA. I apologize if any of this has been discussed as threads were moving quickly, and keeping up is difficult.

  • MM seems to have been the target and attacked first. BK had scoped out that residence numerous times before. Perhaps, he went more frequently in the days leading up to the murders and never saw KG there so likely did not expect her to be there. From his observation, it might have looked like a vacated room. He also wouldn’t have expected EC to be there unless he regularly stayed there.
  • Since Murphy was in KG’s old room, it is possible that KG was sleeping in her old room but awoke at the sound of MM being attacked and went in there. Also explaining why her wounds were purported to have been very different and worse compared to MM.
  • At best, he expected MM, BF, DM, and XR to be there but didn’t expect that the 2nd floor occupants would cause trouble. Another reason that I believe he did not expect KG was because of Murphy. He would have expected a dog to bark if he knew one was in the residence. In hindsight, the dog’s barking played a role in DM being awakened. Based on the times listed in the affidavit, it doesn’t seem BK scoped out the place right before he entered. He probably had to gas himself up and had to act on that feeling right away. No time to observe.
  • I believe he arrived right after DD left, maybe even passed the driver. I don’t think he saw the food being delivered. He was too busy driving around in circles. I find it hard to believe he would have entered at the time he did if he knew XK was awake. She ate her JIB and did some late night scrolling. She probably knew KG and MM were sleeping. Their phone records probably support that as we know they stopped calling JD just before 3AM. When XR heard the noise upstairs, she probably was the one to announce someone was there. XK probably got up to check out what she heard. Per the affidavit, DM was first awakened by a person saying there was someone there. It is more likely she heard XK say that than KG as she was on a different floor.
  • I take the man’s voice to be EC saying he would help XK after she was attacked. After that is when DM opened her door and saw the killer leaving. Therefore, it seems EC was the last. I also believe the order in which the victims were listed on the criminal complaint is the order in which LE believe they were killed.
  • The evidence presented so far seems to lock in BK as the perp. Sure, the defense will try to explain away his odd behavior and reasons for being in the area. I can only hope they can recover more evidence from his apt and vehicle. Plus, we don’t know what else they have at the moment.

After reading the Affidavit I feel they do have the right person for these murders. Remember, there is so much more they probably have which has not been revealed and there will be so much more as the investigation to bring this case to trial proceeds. There is no way to defend finding the knife sheath with his DNA on the snap.
Interesting, KA-BAR company says the sheath was for a 7” utility knife “traditionally used as a tool”
When i read reviews for KA-BAR knives, lots of people said things like great knife, my grandfather passed one down to me. I can’t wait to pass this one down to my son etc. so maybe it was gifted to him? Maybe it was vintage?
A lot is being made about the girl who didn't (allegedly) call the police until something like 8 hours later...but it got me to thinking about another case I seen years ago. Maybe someone else will know what I'm talking about and remember the names...

Anyways...some guy working a 2nd or 3rd shift job came home late one night to find his wife had been murdered. And instead of calling the police, he set down and just watched tv for a few hours and called them later that morning.

Police get there and are obviously skeptical of his story. But to make a long story short...he was actually telling the truth. Someone had broken in and killed the woman. Husband went into shock upon finding her and just couldnt face the reality until a few hours later.

It could be something similar.
Yes, this is very believable. I think anyone who hasn't been in one of these situations has no right to an opinion over how they would respond. Flight/fight/freeze. All very valid and legitimate responses.
I have been wondering when BK arrived in Washington/Idaho. We know from the affidavit that he was first picked up by police in the area on 21 August 2022 which is the day before term started so he very likely arrived before then. I did a quick search of the WSU residence pages (as I understand BK was living at the WSU Steptoe residence) and it seems like in 2022, WSU ran accommodation for the “summer” for the period 1 July - 31 July 2022 and the “academic year 2022 - 2023” for the period 1 August 2022 - 30 June 2023. It seems possible from the contracts uploaded to the WSU site that a later arrival would be possible and that any rental amount would be pro-rated for that period.

Based on this information - I would estimate an arrival of between 1 August (earliest)- 14 August (latest) to allow him time to complete a cross country move, set up in his accommodation and settle into the new area (including being able to start stalking 1122 King Road) before 21 August. To caveat - I think he could possibly also have paid extra to rent the apartment in the “summer” period as well. However IMO the simplest option would probably be to arrive from 1 August onwards.

[Edited to add: I think there was some confusion about BK’s phone being active in June 2022 - I believe this just came from the fact the affidavit refers to the account being opened on 23 June 2022. My interpretation was that didn’t necessarily mean he was in the area on this date. According to affidavit, plan was linked to address in PA so seems likely BK was still there at this stage. MOO]

Contracts and Policies | at WSU
Family/Graduate Apartment | at WSU
Idaho suspect Bryan Kohberger kept low profile living at WSU housing complex: report
Academic Calendar | Office of the Registrar
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Does any one know where the other surviving victim's room was? Im just curious because we never hear about the 6 th person in the house.

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It is, but he didn’t exactly make it hard for them. He may aswell left his business card at the scene. Multiple videos of suspect vehicle 1 was caught in the area…. He made this very very easy for them imo.
Actually Not too sure why it took 7 weeks!

Maybe he was not throwing out his trash in WA so they could not get a DNA sample.
I am waiting to learn more about all the tips the police received from the public. The affidavit is pretty clean about this, meaning that the information in the affidavit is clearly tied to police activity and witnesses and nothing really about calls the public may have made.

Some of the questions I am looking for would be related to neighbors, classmates and professors having called in their suspicions. We have seen media reports about some of this including he cleaned his car, wore gloves, didn't shave, graded differently, etc. I am curious as to how many of these people who talked to the media after the fact actually called police before. I suspect most. With the thousands and thousands of tips they said they had received, how much did BK rise to the top on these tips? And what else is out there?
Have had some time to digest and read back through the PCA;

  • Again - want to give kudos to Chief Fry and all those involved. As we were doubting during the investigation, they were putting together quite a comprehensive picture of the events that occurred. While we thought they weren't capable, they were outdoing the efforts of most large departments in the US.
  • I thought the scale of FBI was odd, initially, but it now makes WAY more sense since we had multiple states in the picture from almost the beginning. MPD (and probably ISP) starting framing together the picture of the Hyuandi very quickly.
  • Kudos to the WSU PD Officer that spotted AND ran the information pertaining to the car. Getting that image attached to the driver owning the registration was the catalyst for this entire thing. The picture matching DM's description was THE start of the end for BK.
  • I believe SG was told by LE that they had more info after his emotional media appearances. I can't imagine how tough the line of withholding information but having to tell the parents to trust you was. I believe they showed him something to prove they were on it and not falling into a cold case scenario.
  • This is just MOO, but I am having a hard time picturing the XR/EC sequence of events. IF MM was the target and her and KG were killed first, I would think the crying from XR (assumed) would wake Ethan up. If Ethan was first, I would assume XR would make some sort of audible noise to alert the others? I'm just very confused by her being awake.
  • I think BK may have been confused and not counted KG as a possibility in the home? If he watched the home enough and counted XR, MM, EC (as a routine guest), DM, and the other - he would imagine encountering 5 individuals. In his mind, he may have assumed KG was one of the other roommates? If he did see DM, he would have "accounted" for everyone in the home.
All just my thoughts and opinions.
I came across this last night, I hadn't seen it before. It is a walk thru video map of the layout of thehouse. It was done a month ago before the probable cause afffidavit was released (so there is some guessing about who was in what bedroom.) But I thought it might be helpful for some who are just joining to get another visual take on the layout of the house and how the rooms were arranged.
I HOPE HOPE HOPE I didn't do this wrong!!!

View attachment 393138

This was very helpful to n how house I’d laid out for noise
I don't think BK "knew" any of the victims. I feel like he just wanted to murder. I believe he was "hunting" for target since he got there in August. He could have followed and stalked a few potential targets before, after watching, decided on them. I think this was no more then a thrill kill. I commend LE for their quick work in locating him because I have no doubt he would have done it again. MOO
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