ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 59

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Based on human instinct, I am hoping the brave DM opened her voice memo or video to record what might be going on. Her description of the suspect is spot on and I have high hope for her to attribute more in solving this case and catching and convicting the criminal.
I am wondering is there any real evidence of him using heroin in the past? Many people here are discussing it almost as a fact or is it just an online rumour from one or two people claiming that for breaking info about him for money as i dont think he seems like an addict or former addict and i know many drug users but i might be wrong JMOO.
One of his old friends stated that he was. It has also been stated that he was in rehab.
Eyewitness account by two friends. Both of them have gone on video record with news media to detail their days of doing heroin with BK. One of them is now working in drug rehab and has been clean for 6 years and speaks very knowledgeably about the process, saying he thins Bryan got clean before he did. He hasn't seen Bryan since those days.

I'm not sure what other evidence there will ever be. He seems very much like a possible former addict to me. For one thing, former heroin users often experience anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure/happiness) for quite some time, sometimes impaired for life in that department according to brain studies,

I am not sure who "seems like an addict" (I prefer the word "user" even though we know heroin is highly addicting, it grabs some people more than others). I too know lots of addicts - there are many among my students. There's no way I could possibly know by just seeing and talking to them that they are former addicts. One thing I've seen in some heroin users, though, is rapid and sometimes extreme weight loss, but the world is full of thin people who have never used heroin, so I don't know how that would clue anyone in.

It was when he returned to school that he had changed, lost weight and more aggressive? Maybe he was using that.

Around here, LE will cite you for no seatbelt only if they pull you over for something else. But, they don't pull you over for not having a seatbelt on. I think it's because it's so difficult to see through some of the dark tinted windows these days.
In Idaho can I be stopped for not wearing my seatbelt if I do not commit any other violation?

No. In Idaho, seat belt violations are classified as secondary offenses. An Officer must have a primary offense such as speeding to pull you over. We would ask that you comply with Idaho State Statutes and always wear your seat belts.
It seems as though he MUST have visited the house before (whether when it was "open and easily accessible" for a party or at an earlier time when he may have entered uninvited at night when residents were sleeping).

That 2nd floor is odd in that the flooring is not all at one level on it; there is a step up to the living room from the hall, which is located at the foot of the 2nd-to-3rd set of stairs between the kitchen and DM's bedroom.

One would think an intruder likely to trip or stumble at that point, both when he was moving from the base of the 2nd-to-3rd set of stairs to the living room (to advance to XK's room) as well as when he made his way back out to depart the residence. And particularly so when moving around in semi-darkness as minimal light would have been provided by the "Get Vibes" light (there was one on the wall shared between the living room and bathroom on 2nd floor as well as one on the 3rd floor) and the "fairy lights" on the outside patio.

Even if he familiarized himself with the layout of the residence from online rental or real estate listings, that detail would have been very easy to miss.
I neither stated nor implied that BK had ever been abusive to a female. I did opine as to his STATE OF MIND and wonder if he had indulged in FANTASIES about inflicting pain or harm on another person. Imo, he did not wake up November 12, 2022, with a sudden onset of fully-formed murderous intent. Maybe I’m all wrong and maybe his state of mind was all rosy and magnanimous until he left his apartment in the middle of the night, dressed in black, carrying a facemask and a totally innocuous combat knife.
I agree, it's possible that BK had harbored homicidal ideation for a long time, and many things coalesced/came together during the fall semester while living in Pullman and studying at WSU - or something precipitated the act at that time.
Two high school friends of Bryan Kohberger's, Casey Arntz and a young woman named Bree, who asked to have her last name kept private, agreed to talk with "48 Hours." The women say Kohberger was overweight and was bullied a lot in high school, until his senior year, when he lost about 100 pounds.

Sheesh. This is downright frightening. BF's room was right below X's, so no doubt she heard movement up there. The phone activity could have been her texting X asking her to jokingly keep it down. JMO.
First, you are not an idiot. I'm truly sorry if I made you feel that way. :(

Second (here I go again) Do we know for certain which downstairs bedroom was occupied by BF? I believe, in the bodycam noise complaint video, LE was peering in the window below X's room and appeared to say that it was unoccupied? I could be mistaken.
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around those 5 minutes (4:12-4:17). Heck, even those 8 minutes (4:12-4:20). If BK's car was seen driving around @ 4:04 in a sloppy fashion (as it appears he usually does from multiple traffic stops)... then it took him at least a few minutes to finally park and walk to the house. You'd think he wouldn't just barge right in without at least stopping to listen & observe for any movement inside the house before entering. At least I'd take a moment to pause for that, if not to simply will my heart to stop beating so hard before I went in to do what he did.

So if it took him another 2 min to finally park (4:06), and another 2 minutes to at least pick up his knife (since it apparently wasn't on his belt), then walk to the house (4:08), then that leaves 4 minutes that either Xana was apparently unaware something was going down, realized it had started ("There's someone here"), or about to go down as she was on TikTok at 4:12 and might still be eating her DD. Keep in mind his car lays rubber 8 minutes later (4:20) so that is not a whole lot of time to kill 4 people!

So, either Maddie and Kaylee were first and already killed by 4:12 ("There's someone here"), or Xana and Ethan were first. I'd think that if M & K were first the dog would have barked before 4:17. To me, the dog started barking either because he heard M & K being murdered, or because it heard X & E being murdered. It just feels to me like the dog barking is when things started. Although it could have been growling or barking too low for it to be captured on the audio next door.

If X & E were first that leaves BK ~5 minutes to kill all 4 of them (she's on TikTok @ 4:12 & the dog starts barking at 4:17, which makes me think that's possibly when BK went to the 3rd floor.). 4:17-4:20 gives him exactly 3 minutes to then kill M & K, and then run like heck to his car so he can peel out.

Here's that part of the timeline I posted in a previous thread. I've posted a link to the entire timeline at the bottom of this post in the event there's some who may have missed it and have an interest in it.

4:04am - Suspect Vehicle 1 can be seen entering the area a fourth time at approximately 4:04 a.m. It can be seen driving eastbound on King Road, stopping and turning around in front of 500 Queen Road #52 and then driving back westbound on King Road. When Suspect Vehicle 1 is in front of the King Road residence, it appeared to unsuccessfully attempt to park or tum around in the road. The vehicle then continued to the intersection of Queen Road and King Road where it can be seen completing a three-point tum and then driving eastbound again down Queen Road.

4:12am - Kernodle's phone showed this could also have been Kernodle as her cellular phone indicated she was likely awake and using the TikTok app at approximately 4:12 a.m.

4:17am - a security camera picked up distorted audio of what sounded like voices or a whimper followed by a loud thud. A dog can also be heard barking numerous times starting at 4:17 a.m.

4:20am - Suspect Vehicle 1 is next seen departing the area of the King Road Residence at approximately 4:20 a.m. at a high rate of speed.

Full timeline: ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 54

In my view, after struggling to position his car in the road, it would take him only about 30 seconds to pass from camera view to park, and then a 30 second sprint to the back deck. 1 minute, not "minutes." But then I believe he mentally and physically trained and practiced. Why would it take "a few minutes" to drive 30 yards and park? It looks from where police were studying track marks that he parked at the very edge of their parking lot.

Why does it take 2 minutes to pick up his knife? Why isn't it already in his jacket pocket or on the seat of the car? He ought to have left the sheath in the car, obviously, but didn't even do that. Just grabbed it and ran into the house, pumping himself up on adrenalin and activating his muscles.

Why does he walk to the house? This is a man who is said to go on frequent 6-7 mile runs. His whole goal is doing this quickly.

In Marine Corps training, I'm told by marines here and in real life that 15 seconds is the goal they work for, in learning how to use that knife as an offensive killing device. 15 seconds to kill each person (in terms of the actual use of the knife).

I think it's hard for all of us to realize that this maniac psyched himself up into this killing state, which he had anticipated and fantasized about for months or years. He had certain goals and inward "personal best" records to satisfy. His mind was sharp and focused at the time. He believed himself to be in fine rational form and even better physical fitness.

That's why he thought he'd get away from it. But, as the maxim in criminology goes, he left something there (the sheath) and picked something up (blood on his shoes) He probably also left touch DNA here and there, and there was likely more blood than just blood on one shoe (on his person).

Since he left so quickly, I think he just jumped in the car and peeled out, so I'm hopeful there will be victim DNA in the car.
DM doesn't mention a thud, does she? I thought it was the neighbor's camera that picked up the

I agree the thud was likely X falling to the floor after being attacked, but just to clarify, the PCA never once says D heard a thud. That was captured on the footage from a camera 50 feet away. The fact the PCA attributes it to the footage and not to D suggests to me she didn't hear/register that. MOO
You're both correct, I shouldn't have used thud. I meant the thudding around noises thought to be dog play could be the "thud" picked up by neighbors camera, IMO. Sorry for the misrepresentation, in my haste to be brief.

I was just pondering something similar kitty, but actual fabrication as opposed to transference. IF the young poster was in fact BK, BK went on to study forensic psychology. Thinking of the research project he did in relation to his interest in criminology, did he, at a young age, fabricate medical conditions online as part of research related to an early interest in forensic psychology? IOW, did he actually experience those symptoms or were they fabricated to attract people to his research.

When my son started experiencing visual snow over 2 years ago, I spent hours searching the Internet for any bit of information or support. I used to keyword and categorize graphic art for a search engines, so believe me--I am darned good at finding stuff on the Internet by using search terms. Two years ago, the resources online about visual snow were pretty slim. There is more information now, but if it was so scarce in 2019 for me, imagine how much more so it would have been in 2009 (when the user on TAT started posting). This is not something he would have just stumbled upon in a textbook or in casual Internet browsing. To me, that greatly reduces the likelihood he fabricated having this condition back in 2009.
Thank you for sharing this on here.

I'm not sure if we're allowed to attach images & I don't want my entire post removed, but there is a post on there dated March 12th 2011 & it is worth reading. I can see extreme anxiety and fixation, the depression and confusion that goes along with those & possibly a form of mental illness such as schizophrenia (early stages). We can throw in sociopathy if we want an easy out, but what is unique here, is that he seems open to documenting the changes he is experiencing and seeking out ways to reign them in. He was 15 when writing these posts? He seems to have been highly intelligent. Nature/Nurture comes into play where we can't say for sure how much of each contributed to the outcome we have today.
I have OCD which has manifested in disordered eating before - good vs bad food. I see my (unmedicated) self in a lot of his posts. Searching for an answer (toxins, bad diets). With OCD and disordered eating, you feel so out of control of your thoughts and your life, controlling your environment and actions can be a way of "dealing" with it. I wonder if he's vegan not because he cares about animals, but because he's concerned about eating "bad" foods that can harm him like the visual snow did. Plus, he may want to stay vegan to try maintain his slimmer figure, thinking it will stop people from bullying him.

I don't know what visual snow is like but I had a vestibular disorder for a while where I constantly felt like I was on a boat, and I felt so disconnected from the world and others because my reality was distorted, so I can understand those posts too.

But... those of us who have experienced distorting realities, irrational beliefs and bullying don't end up murdering 4 people. I wonder if he ended up finding more.. damaging.. forums? Instead of people who tell him his beliefs are irrational, he found somewhere that "confirmed" his beliefs? I can't speak on the incel thought process but I wonder if it's similar. They (and Bryan) star off by internalizing their self-worth. "I hate myself I'm a bad person/I'm ugly". Finding some sort of belief system so they feel more in control. Externalizing that. "The world is shallow, so I will always be seen as lower" to "Women are shallow" to "women deserve to be punished. They are the reason I am unhappy". Externalizing and rationalising. In the same way he might follow veganism as a belief system to stop him being unwell/bad/overweight.

Re: the thud and dogs barking
I know the time stamp is “approx 4:17”, but I was curious about a trunk slamming shut - suspect strips off anything that he may not want in the main part of the car, but perhaps in a trash bag in trunk, then slams door shut. Dogs barking, knowing something is going on outside. I know the PCA lays it out in a timeline type order, but could there be an error there and a time stamp off just a smidge? Idk, just thoughts that popped in and sharing!
I am thinking the thud could be a door slamming. Don't know which one, just thinking that X may have encountered him in the kitchen and initially run to a room.

I don't think the idea of a body falling (sorry morbid) would have generated a sound that was audible by a security cam next door. A door slamming might have. The truck or even car door are possibilities, just might not line up with time line.
Your take, not withstanding, isn't the point. It's what STRUCK the witness as beyond the *norm* in their OWN experience of what eyebrows *look like* to them. My take was that his eyebrows were a very prominent feature, albeit not an overwhelming feature. Will this observation by this witness be relevant in a conviction? Probably not, because it's not very definitive on its own merit. MOO
I agree 100%.

When I first saw him, his eyebrows didn't jump out at me in any way. However, when I read the affidavit and went back to a pic of him, I could see where someone else might say that.

Of course his eyebrows jumped out at her when almost every other identifying facial feature was hidden.
Thank you for responding.
I remember seeing that a Van’s shoe print was found but not that it was bloody or in blood.
Was that really specified?
During the processing of the crime scene, investigators found a latent shoe print. This
was located during the second processing of the crime scene by the ISP Forensic Team by first

using a presumptive blood test and then Amino Black, a protein stain that detects the presence of cellular material. The detected shoe print showed a diamond-shaped pattern (similar to the
pattern of a Vans type shoe sole) just outside the door of D.M. 's bedroom (located on second
Thank you for responding.
I remember seeing that a Van’s shoe print was found but not that it was bloody or in blood.
Was that really specified?
The way I read the PCA it is not specified as bloody. A presumptive test for blood was run, but there are no results noted. I'm led to believe that it wouldn't have been necessary to run the Amino Black test if blood had been present. But that's just a guess. At this point it's open to interpretation.

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