ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 61

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Is there a reason for the speculation / discussion about BK "practicing" or studying anatomy with a dummy or animal carcass? IMO, this seems like a big reach and borderline insensitive unless there is something suggesting otherwise at this time.

While BK was probably not a vegan because of concerns over animal rights (it sounds like it was more about compulsion and control, and / or weight loss), if he didn't eat food cooked out of vessels that previously had meat in them, I have a hard time imagining him working with animal bodies / corpses of any kind. Just IMO. He also left Murphy unharmed for some reason and the mutilated dog in Moscow is currently said to be unrelated to the crime per LE.

And while Kaylee's dad mentioned the precise location of Kaylee's stab wounds (in the service of perhaps differentiating them from other victims'), I doubt that he spent much time deliberating on where to make blows. I don't know if we can really speculate on whether or not the manner of death was executed with any manner of precision, or if that's at all relevant at this point. All IMO, but this seems like a strange line of speculation at this point.
While reading this article from people discussing how chatty he was, I can't help but wonder if he was trying super har to blend in and appear normal (too much, maybe) so that neighbors wouldn't grow suspicious of him. JMOO

Totally agree. I think he organized his whole life at WSU around the main event he was planning and spent a lot of time acting/roleplaying when in the presence of others.
Let's go with this -- all of us who talk to ourselves are, in fact, geniuses! Cannot wait to tell my adult children!!
Not trying to pop anyone's bubble but did you read the blurb about the actual study and the author of the articles credentials who made the giant leap? Let's just say that 'lifehack' might be more clickbait than scientific journal. (not to say you're not all geniuses)

And not to belabor the other comments about gaslighting, but much like incel, once loaded terms from pop culture start being used by academics and laypersons alike they become somewhat trite and lose precision.
I think the same thing. There is a picture of blood on the kitchen cupboards. Is that a real photo?

It's an error in perspective, or at least, that's what pages of past analysis here seemed to determine - plus it's been looked at in other forums.

It looks like a stain in the grain of the wood. At any rate, LE has said nothing about there being blood leaking down from upstairs into that kitchen cabinet.
I'm probably a bit OCD about the attorney thing. But the attorney never said "oh new corrected info". He just puts out his own group spokesperson statement. The reality is, a completely different person made an earlier conflicting statement. JMHO
To my mind, SG's attorney represents SG, so to my mind the attorney's staement is made with SG's concurrence.
I'm a few years older than the victims and my phone times out after 30 seconds. TikTok doesn't keep running any differently than any other app - the sound/video will loop but it does not hold your phone open. I don't know anyone in my age group who has their phone auto-lock set to less than a minute - you'd drain your battery a lot. IMO if they put it in the PCA they knew she was actively using it.

Either way I agree that DoorDash and whether it was eaten is a good data point. Also, the car parking at 4:04 and leaving at 4:20 is a pretty tight timeframe just by itself
I’m a mid 50s tech dinosaur and do not use Tik Tok. But I can tell you from personal experience my wife will fall asleep next to me while watching her Tik Tok, fall asleep, and the same video will be playing in a loop over and over. I’d like to know what the default setting for time out is on most phones. Most of us OGs never change the default settings. LOL.
Is there a reason for the speculation / discussion about BK "practicing" or studying anatomy with a dummy or animal carcass? IMO, this seems like a big reach and borderline insensitive unless there is something suggesting otherwise at this time.

While BK was probably not a vegan because of concerns over animal rights (it sounds like it was more about compulsion and control, and / or weight loss), if he didn't eat food cooked out of vessels that previously had meat in them, I have a hard time imagining him working with animal bodies / corpses of any kind. Just IMO. He also left Murphy unharmed for some reason and the mutilated dog in Moscow is currently said to be unrelated to the crime per LE.

And while Kaylee's dad mentioned the precise location of Kaylee's stab wounds (in the service of perhaps differentiating them from other victims'), I doubt that he spent much time deliberating on where to make blows. I don't know if we can really speculate on whether or not the manner of death was executed with any manner of precision, or if that's at all relevant at this point. All IMO, but this seems like a strange line of speculation at this point.
I was thinking the same thing. If he was as OCD as was reported about being vegan I can not imagine he would have any dealings with animal carcasses
Kaylee’s family said that Murphy wasn’t much of a barker.

(My personal theory, with nothing in particular to back it up, was that they’d probably tried to train him not to bark, since he was living in a ‘no dogs allowed’ place.)
They weren’t supposed to have him there? Wth! When my girls go to college I want them armed with weapons if all sorts and a large protective dog.
Something is fishy here.. and the lawyer that represents one of the family’s is now talking for them all? And honest question… how can a parent of one girl go view the other bodies? How does SG know how brutal or less brutal others were ? Is that even allowed? My head is staring to spin.

Well, back in the early days, SG may have revealed that he paid for the cremation and burial expenses of both girls. He talks about bringing "them" back. Mr and Mrs G are very good friends with Ms M (Maddie's mom). Maddie's dad gave an emotional speech where he talked about how he had not been in her life as much as he wished. So SG may have acted as the Dad to both of them (and he spoke of Christmas as not being the same with "two empty chairs at our table." For a long time, Maddie had been hanging out at the G household.

So, did he make the funeral arrangements and if so, wouldn't he have been able to ask the funeral director to view the bodies before cremation? Or, maybe Maddie's parents were both there too and they went through that horrible process together, as friends, supporting each other.

That was the thinking back when he stated publicly that he had seen the two bodies. Again, I support taking the victims' views as containing kernels of truth. Is it allowed by a particular funeral parlor in Coeur D'Alene Idaho? I have no idea. At one point, SG said he had two urns of ashes in his home. So it's not like he just alluded to it one time.
Could the tiktok possibly be playing repeatedly if her phone was left on with the app open?
yes. I have TT? And if I leave my phone upright with it playing… it will go from video to video. But if I leave my phone unattended my screen times out and goes black. Like it turned off. Not sure if it runs in background like “cookies”
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There are allot of common traits on mass murderers and shooters but I can’t find any on knife killers. Would they be lumped together? Like no empathy? Grandiose? Ackward socially or very personal? Bed wetting etc
I think there is a functional aspect. It seems to be if not an optimal way, a effective way of killing a number of people if you do it at night. As you can do it in near total silence.
So while we are naturally focused on visceral aspect, which shocks and disgusts us, the killer may well have chosen method for practical effectiveness.
IMO, he's cubing. Excellent read about it here on BTK.

I get really uncomfortable when we borrow personality theories from a serial killer.

The term isn't Dr. Ramsland's - she learned it from BTK. Does he speak for all serial killers? No clue, but I bet he is happy to be remember for inventing a term that Dr R is now trying to introduce as a kind of general concept.

It's exceptionally similar to the concept of "compartmentalizing." We could also call it "acting."
So the camera that caught the thud and dog barking was less than 50 feet from X's bedroom wall, per the PCA. That would be at the apartment building, correct? 500 Queen St? I've seen it posted about one of the nearby houses, but no houses were less than 50 feet from X's bedroom wall. Not that it matters, but basically all that is between that apartment building and X's wall is the narrow road into the apartment complex. I think the thud at 4:17 was almost certainly X or E, due to the proximity and timing. The dog barking could be any dog from nearby that heard the thud. So from that wall we have voices/whimpering, a thud, possible blood dripping down the outside wall (I know, I know, it could be heating oil, but even the coroner said she thought it was blood), SG saying the coroner described a real battle going on in that room, two bodies in or about that room, X by the door and no mention of where E's body was, with BK allegedly pulling out at 4:20.

I just don't think there was enough time for him to then go upstairs and kill two more people, come back down, go back towards X's room for some reason, then head back out in time for DM to see him walking towards her and out the sliding door. Not to mention that the sheath stayed in his pocket during the downstairs battle but fell out on M's bed?

IMO, the 3rd floor had to be first.
Jumping off your post because it keeps reminding me of a nagging thought (and I am admittedly a few threads behind) but does anyone else think there may have been an Alexa or dot within the home or maybe one on each floor? Would obviously record barking etc. IMO
My thoughts exactly. The bag was left on the counter… but arrived at 4:00am goes upstairs eats (guessing) jumps on TT and boom gets murdered all in 12 minutes.. How did the bag get on the counter? She ate it where? Standing up in the kitchen ? In her room?

What if she got the delivery and went to grab a plate or napkins or something and heard something upstairs, so she left it on the counter to check out the noise?

I’m a mid 50s tech dinosaur and do not use Tik Tok. But I can tell you from personal experience my wife will fall asleep next to me while watching her Tik Tok, fall asleep, and the same video will be playing in a loop over and over. I’d like to know what the default setting for time out is on most phones. Most of us OGs never change the default settings. LOL.
The default is 30 seconds. I actually just tried and it seems it doesn't time out immediately with TikTok, at least with a long video. Wonder if it's a change with the new 3 minute videos on there. So maybe the phone could have kept looping!
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