ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 61

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Nicely done. My only differing opinion is to your #2 because I would not characterize their encounter as face to face. She said he walked toward her. Footprint found shows he did walk past her door. She saw him we don’t know if he saw her.
True, it says he walked towards her. I assumed he saw her, but maybe not. In any event he did not continue killing for some reason.
Will there be new info on Friday?
(Preliminary Status Hearing)

The last I heard, it was scheduled for Thursday the 12th, at 8:00 am.

A status hearing mainly deals with scheduling, checking that discovery is proceeding the way it should, etc.

So, I think that the only likely info will be if the preliminary hearing is scheduled. That would be big news! I believe that he has a right to have the preliminary hearing start on the 19, but I’d guess that it could be postponed if his defense wanted more time.

(A preliminary is like a miniature trial, before a judge. The judge will decide whether there’s enough evidence to justify a real trial—traditionally, the defense doesn’t present a case, and the judge gives the benefit of the doubt to the prosecution.)

MOO I am not a lawyer.
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The last I heard, it was schedule for Thursday the 12th, at 8:00 am.

A status hearing mainly deals with scheduling, checking that discovery is proceeding the way it should, etc.

So, I think that the only likely info will be if the preliminary hearing is scheduled. That would be big news! I believe that he has a right to have the preliminary hearing start on the 19, but I’d guess that it could be postponed if his defense wanted more time.

(A preliminary is like a miniature trial, before a judge. The judge will decide whether there’s enough evidence to justify a real trial—traditionally, the defense doesn’t present a case, and the judge gives the benefit of the doubt to the prosecution.)

MOO I am not a lawyer.
That's what I meant.
Enough evidence! :)
More on my theory that BK may have used the quarry pond 3 miles south of Moscow to hide his clothes and shoes.
He must have been covered in blood after exiting the crime scene. Either he needed to strip down and bag the clothes outside the house or he needed to have the car prepped with plastic.
In either case, he must have had the evidence in the car when he departed CS at 4:20. My guess is that the car was prepped before hand and might be a reason he didn’t just go home when his initial timing was thwarted my all the late night activity in the house. No amount of cleaning would have been sufficient if he didn’t do one or the other.
If the location (Blaine) is correct for when he turned his phone on (4:48), that only leaves a 6 mile stretch to pick a hiding spot and about 15-20 minutes to accomplish the task.
When you eliminate the areas near Moscow that are more densely populated and you deduct some time from evidence dump to feeling it was safe to turn the cell back on the probable location narrows considerably.
Not withstanding the aforementioned, he undoubtably knows water would regrade the evidence most rapidly as opposed to burying it.
There is also a mini storage facility just north of the quarry pond however the website says it is equipped with video and on site manager.
True, it says he walked towards her. I assumed he saw her, but maybe not. In any event he did not continue killing for some reason.

I agree that we don’t know if they were face to face. Eyebrows could have been noticed from a somewhat sideways point of view. Also, if he was heading for the sliding glass door in the kitchen—I believe that there’s a step down into the kitchen, so he may have been watching his footing.

My theory is that, unless he’d stashed his knife somehow, he may have been holding it by his side of by his leg. Since he’s right-handed, (we saw that from the pictures of his signing paperwork in the courtroom,) chances are that he’d hold the knife in his right hand—the side away from the surviving roommate, as he walked away from Xana’s bedroom.

all MOO
I find that vague and maybe on purpose. No personal connection, no digital (social media following) connection and no stalking connection?

Either way, will be interesting to find out. Even if no connection found, it's not the first time random people were killed. I feel so bad for SG.
I feel like the reference to "connection" is super tenuous. What kind of "connection" are we talking about? For a criminal, the connection could be something as simple as he saw a female waitress at a restaurant he dined at and became fixated on her. There's a connection for him. There's no connection for her.
I’m not from the US, will his case ever go to a grand jury? Or is the preliminary hearing instead of the grand jury…. As in the judge will decide if there’s enough evidence to proceed as opposed to a grand jury deciding.

When is a grand jury used then typically?
I realize that Johnson, ID (or the road) sounds like a typo (it probably is after thinking about it some), but the point in the PCA timeline where his cell is reported to ping there is at 5:30ish in the afternoon, roughly 4 1/2 hours after the leaves the Albertsons in Clarkston.

His phone doesn't ping anywhere again until 3 hours later at 8:30pm but I don't recall seeing where that occurred. For the sake of argument, let's say that was at his home in Pullman. (Please correct me if you know where the 8:30 ping was)

If they really meant Johnson, WA, and the 8:30 ping was in Pullman, then where did he go for all that time? He had 4.5 hours between Clarkston, WA and Johnson (either one), and 3 hours between Johnson and Pullman.

I am inclined to believe they did mean Johnson, WA because of the proximity to Pullman and Moscow, and the fact that he was such a recent transplant to the area that he probably wouldn't have knowledge of Johnson, ID. I doubt there are enough cell towers out there to triangulate that precisely anyway. Plus he'd have to drive a long way and take some pretty random turns to get there without navigation.
More on my theory that BK may have used the quarry pond 3 miles south of Moscow to hide his clothes and shoes.
He must have been covered in blood after exiting the crime scene. Either he needed to strip down and bag the clothes outside the house or he needed to have the car prepped with plastic.
In either case, he must have had the evidence in the car when he departed CS at 4:20. My guess is that the car was prepped before hand and might be a reason he didn’t just go home when his initial timing was thwarted my all the late night activity in the house. No amount of cleaning would have been sufficient if he didn’t do one or the other.
If the location (Blaine) is correct for when he turned his phone on (4:48), that only leaves a 6 mile stretch to pick a hiding spot and about 15-20 minutes to accomplish the task.
When you eliminate the areas near Moscow that are more densely populated and you deduct some time from evidence dump to feeling it was safe to turn the cell back on the probable location narrows considerably.
Not withstanding the aforementioned, he undoubtably knows water would regrade the evidence most rapidly as opposed to burying it.
There is also a mini storage facility just north of the quarry pond however the website says it is equipped with video and on site manager.

I keep thinking that he sped away so quickly that he could not have taken time to strip down right outside the house (I think he thought the police might be coming).

I also wonder if he prepped his car with plastic (even so, he had to have blood on his gloves, and in taking them off, he would have gotten some on his hands - hard to get it all cleaned off in those circumstances).

I agree that no amount of cleaning could get all that evidence out of his car.
Well, I've never seen anyone learn very much about organ systems, arteries and where things are located inside a carcass just by buying one, but I suppose it's possible.

Knife training classes usually recommend using something different than a dead carcass, partly due to the aroma that would subsequently pervade the entire area where this was done.

I would figure he was trying to learn how to hit the organs recommended by his study of how to kill people with knives.

It's possible, but surely someone would have noticed?

But now I'm curious. People do buy whole pigs and goats, where I live, to roast. They are found at specialty butcher shops - but they come prepared without the internal organs. Do people do this a lot in PA, I wonder? Maybe a local will weigh in. I suppose one could ask a butcher for one with the internal organs still there.
We have allot of deer hit by vehicles in 1 piece along our roads here in PA
I’m not from the US, will his case ever go to a grand jury? Or is the preliminary hearing instead of the grand jury…. As in the judge will decide if there’s enough evidence to proceed as opposed to a grand jury deciding.

When is a grand jury used then typically?
I'm not sure what Idaho uses, but in my state, the state can opt for either a grand jury to determine probable cause and hand down indictments or the prosecutor can file charges and the matter then proceeds to a preliminary hearing for the judge to determine if there is probable cause for the charges to proceed. It's one or the other in my state and mostly dependent upon the district/county attorney (prosecutor's) preference. Other states require all probable cause findings to be made by a grand jury. I'm not sure about the specific Idaho law, though.
I hope some smarter people can help me out. Not relevant in the murder itself, but might be in regards to stalking.
I too wonder, I only get wifi at my house, not when I go to town, but seems my husbands phone usually has it, or a strong enough cell signal to google or maps etc. Another member here said her phone connects automatically to available wifi and that made a ton of sense to me.
edit typo
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Ok here goes. First impressions from the arrest affidavit:
1. Killings only took place in two bedrooms: 3rd floor bedroom, two roommates were in the same bed; 2nd floor bedroom had roommate and boyfriend. Maybe only planned to kill 2 people?

2. DM’s bedroom was on 2nd floor, and she encountered the killer face to face. She’s very lucky to be alive.

3. BF’s bedroom was on 1st floor and she perhaps slept through the attacks.

4. When DM heard Gonclaves playing with her dog at 4:00, it was probably while Gonclaves and Mogen were being attacked. They were likely killed while they slept, as no screams or cries were heard.

5. kernodle received a door dash at 4:00 and was on TikTok until 4:12 - the killer might have already started the attacks on Goncalves and Mogen when Kernoble picked up her door dash meal. Creepy! Kernoble was certainly awake when she was attacked; her boyfriend could have been awake or asleep. Alternatively, the attacks could have started just after door dash, and DM’s timing of events was a few minutes off.

6. When DM heard roommate say “someone is here” - my guess is it was Kernodle, who was trying to alert her boyfriend. Killer had already killed Goncalves and Mogen and had just entered Kernodle’s bedroom. First time DM opened her door.

7. When DM heard cries from Kernodle’s room, she opened door for 2nd time. Attack of Kernodle and Chaplin was in progress.

8. After hearing Kernodle crying and male voice saying “I’m going to help you” she opened door a third time and saw killer - he was apparently just coming out of Kernoble’s room, having just killed Kernoble and Chaplin. Maybe he was too exhausted to continue killing remaining roommates?

9. Police did a fantastic job tracking down the suspect vehicle and the suspect and matching his DNA. Nothing really to add.

10. Killer cased the house several times in the weeks before the murders and visited the crime scene the next morning. I do not believe killer had any connection to victims other than he selected them as targets.

11. IMO. The only motive here is thrill kill and to try to get away with a mass murder. I think these were his first murders, but he’s likely been fantasizing about it for years.

12. I think he’ll be convicted pretty easily and given the death penalty.

I’ll write more if I think of anything else. Just my thoughts on the affidavit.
he parks at 404am after the Doordash leaves so he cant be inside already
I’m not from the US, will his case ever go to a grand jury? Or is the preliminary hearing instead of the grand jury…. As in the judge will decide if there’s enough evidence to proceed as opposed to a grand jury deciding.

When is a grand jury used then typically?

In nearly every jurisdiction, Grand Juries are reserved for very special cases. In Idaho, they do use them to indict someone when they truly want to keep the evidence secret. It also provides them a rapid process and the defense doesn't get to participate at all. The witnesses often have their identity protected. I don't know whether an indictment by a grand jury is followed by an open court Prelim in Idaho or not. It's rarely used.

In many places, Grand Juries are for cases being brought in the public interest against public officlals. So, where I live, the Grand Jury has indicted elected public officials or management in public agencies for embezzlement, malfeasance of various kinds. A judge was indicted, etc. It keeps the details secret, just in case the Jury decides not to indict.

We don't ever use a Grand Jury for a murder case where I live (whether by a public employee or not). We use it to go after people who may be powerful enough that ordinary investigations are thwarted, etc. This is common.

I believe Idaho used a Grand Jury in the Vallow case but don't know why.
Well, I've never seen anyone learn very much about organ systems, arteries and where things are located inside a carcass just by buying one, but I suppose it's possible.

Knife training classes usually recommend using something different than a dead carcass, partly due to the aroma that would subsequently pervade the entire area where this was done.

I would figure he was trying to learn how to hit the organs recommended by his study of how to kill people with knives.

It's possible, but surely someone would have noticed?

But now I'm curious. People do buy whole pigs and goats, where I live, to roast. They are found at specialty butcher shops - but they come prepared without the internal organs. Do people do this a lot in PA, I wonder? Maybe a local will weigh in. I suppose one could ask a butcher for one with the internal organs still there.
I'm confused by so much attention focused on the best way to stab someone to death. Wouldn't slitting their throats (particularly if asleep?) be the optimal route to go? Now if the person was awake or there was combat taking place, I can see how some knowledge of placement would be advantageous, but not really, as precision really wouldn't be something one could expect when engaging in combat. My guess is he simply meant to slit at least one person in the throat while sleeping (likely was able to accomplish this upstairs with both girls still hopefully asleep through it all) and wasn't expecting the whole situation with X & E and it took more sheer luck and adrenaline that he was able to kill them both.

Also - quick question - has it ever been determine what X ordered from DD? Just wondering if it was a meal for one or two, which would help indicate whether or not E was up the whole time or not.
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