ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 63

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Do you have a link for the fact that Ethan was sleeping over often? How do you know it was a regular thing? I must have missed that.
I too, would be greatly interested in a basis for this information. Perhaps…if he was, and it was frequent - it could be meaningful. Perhaps on one of BK’s prior outings and cold runs, he too was aware of this situation. Every facet of every fact is critical in understanding such a crime.

SPECULATION is a good way of finding answers, IMO.
Your opinion is dead right (IMO)! Speculation remains one of the best methods for getting to the facts. Without hypothesizing all the evidence, possibilities, and seemingly infinite unknowns - we would seldom reach the truth and conclusion. JMOO
He looks like he is enjoying looking calm & collected. Also playing the part of not being reactive to what’s being said or what’s going on around him.

He can’t plead insanity based on his demeanour.
He may look calm, but if you watch his jaw, he is clinching it over and over. You will see that round "ball" in his jaw pop every time. Interesting, in the first hearing, he was clenching his jaw over and over and over in the first part of the hearing, but when it came to the list of charges, he did not clinch his jaw at all. Yesterday, he was clinching his jaw at the first part of the hearing, but not the last part. He may have a poker face, but his jaw clenching is giving him away.
Yes. In fact most persons pulled over by LE should try to keep their “hands” visible and in plain view at all times unless instructed by law enforcement to do otherwise. If they need your license and it’s in your pocket or purse, let them know where it is and that you are going to reach into your **** and obtain it. No sudden movements. That’s a tough job they perform day in and out. I do whatever is necessary to mitigate their burden if I’m ever pulled over. JMOO
I roll all my windows down (the back ones are tinted very dark), place both hands on the steering wheel and instruct any passengers to place their hands on their laps. That allows the officer to see clearly and immediately how many occupants are in the car and where their hands are. I also tell the officer I need to reach up to the visor to get my registration and so forth. I've taught my children to do the same. Not only does it make the officer feel more comfortable I believe these courtesies are why I usually am given just a warning and not a ticket. Though being a senior citizen probably helps in that regard. lol.
Please MOVE ON from (in other words DO NOT RESPOND to):

- posts about HIPAA regarding the info disclosed in MSM from a medical professional.

- posts about child-bearing hips/hips to waist ratio/how wide ANYONE’s hips are (especially mine).

THANK YOU for your attention to this 95% serious note.
*(especially mine)…Lol.
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Yes but that is not the random sample of murder or femicides though. that is the sample of those in the news, including some of the above examples being disproven incorrect stories about killings in the news.
snipped because the examples I gave were not intended to be random samples or examples of femicide. The opposite.

The whole point of my post was - here's a rough sequential list - of some examples of media narratives on the perp & speculations on their motives over the last 9 weeks. ( These were mainly driven by profilers & scraps of information)

Yes they mostly came to naught, I was hoping that this implicit - most of the narratives on suspected perps/motives were found to be off-base by Dec 30th ( Arrest & ID of actual suspect)

My post was a reply to somebody else who thought there was an over-emphasis on femicide in the media narratives. It's accessible via the arrow button.
Does that make sense now?
Yes but that is not the random sample of murder or femicides though. that is the sample of those in the news, including some of the above examples being disproven incorrect stories about killings in the news.

"In the news," by its nature, is man bites dog. It means the above sample is, must be, to be noteworthy -- unrepresentative. In this case, unrepresentative of the actual modes, types, circumstances of the vast majority of murder and murderers.

This is a media driven phenomena and it is false. It is unrepresentative, and in fact a good amount of it has proven false (Idaho killer skinned animals, etc) or unsupported, such as claim idaho killer was hunter (directly tied to the slander of one of the ex boyfriends) .

there is some interesting work in social science that shows that not only are there differentials in how much violent crime there is across countries, there large differences in amount of misperception of how likely it is that you are going to be a victim of violent crime. The US has one of the highest incorrect over estimates of risk of being a crime victim in the developed western democracies. And it is directly tied to amount of news one watches, so being "informed", if by media, is actually being disinformed.

In fact the degree of misperception of risk of being a victim is now used in tables and studies on general well being of a society. Interestingly in the US the gap between actual crime rate and perception of crime rate as been increasing for 30 or more years. On 50 and 25 year trends, murder, including femicide is not going up, our incorrect perception of its real long term rate is increasing
Very interesting stats on misperception of risk. And I agree with you regarding the stories in MSM that have proven to be false or unsupported (headlines and/or opinion and speculation presented as fact or probable fact). MOO
I roll all my windows down (the back ones are tinted very dark), place both hands on the steering wheel and instruct any passengers to place their hands on their laps. That allows the officer to see clearly and immediately how many occupants are in the car and where their hands are. I also tell the officer I need to reach up to the visor to get my registration and so forth. I've taught my children to do the same. Not only does it make the officer feel more comfortable I believe these courtesies are why I usually am given just a warning and not a ticket. Though being a senior citizen probably helps in that regard. lol.
You are doing all the right things and paying it forward to all family members. Genuine love in that teaching. Leading by true example. Mutual respect and courtesy go a long, long way in this world. Your process is flawless, and should be published as a tool for teaching the masses. Thank you for your conscientious decency and for understanding of the demands synonymous with that profession.
No one here knows whether or not BK felt "justified" in allegedly killing the victims or felt any remorse afterward.


We do know that he waived extradition so that he could "exonerate" himself (according to his lawyer in PA). I believe there was some mention by the lawyer of him wanting to quickly exonerate himself.

No attempt whatsoever has been made, so far, to exonerate or speed things up.

Yesterday's court appearance had many in the media saying he looked "afraid" or "nervous," more than in the past. So it appears that it's sinking into his mind that he has truly been caught, booked and is now on a long, slow road to trial (not a quick exoneration). He now feels something (fear or similar, maybe just anxiety). He's capable of feeling something on his own behalf, is my point.

Absolutely nothing points to this being remorse, I agree.

We do know that he waived extradition so that he could "exonerate" himself (according to his lawyer in PA). I believe there was some mention by the lawyer of him wanting to quickly exonerate himself.

No attempt whatsoever has been made, so far, to exonerate or speed things up.

Yesterday's court appearance had many in the media saying he looked "afraid" or "nervous," more than in the past. So it appears that it's sinking into his mind that he has truly been caught, booked and is now on a long, slow road to trial (not a quick exoneration). He now feels something (fear or similar, maybe just anxiety). He's capable of feeling something on his own behalf, is my point.

Absolutely nothing points to this being remorse, I agree.
His curiosity got the better of him. "How did I get caught? What did I overlook?" After he sees the paperwork Oh wow. I'm in deep #%^&! JMO
Yes, if someone tells you something about another person's health condition, you can talk about it...legally. HIPAA is in place to prevent providers from sharing your protected health information (PHI). Granted, what the receptionist did was illegal, but the knowledge is out and the defense team is under no obligation under HIPAA to keep that information private since they are not a provider's office. I hope that makes sense.

yes, it does thank you for an explanation.
IMO, of what we can observe now, BK is a pretty regular guy. He was a PhD student, TA, well groomed, evidently raised no suspicions among colleagues, students, neighbors, receptionists, medical providers, even his father in the days after a horrible crime. He is reportedly a cooperative prisoner. I think there is a tendency to dig for some reason why this seemingly normal person who committed an awful crime is not normal so we can spot the next criminal, but I don't know if we really can. The last case I followed closely was Mollie Tibbetts, and her killer was also evidently a normal guy - hard worker, decent father, etc. Nobody suspected anything. IMO, this is what is scariest.
Normal? Didn't raise suspicions? If Kaylee had ever met him in person, she would have likely detected right away something was "off". Intuition is a powerful thing.

I don't agree at all that nobody suspected anything. We are waiting on the rest of the evidence.

Online presence unverified (Tapatalk, etc.).

Why did he really move to Pullman? Goes against his lifelong MO.

NOPE. He has a history of serious issues which stand out from the average person IMO.

<modsnip: quoted post removed>

We do know that he waived extradition so that he could "exonerate" himself (according to his lawyer in PA). I believe there was some mention by the lawyer of him wanting to quickly exonerate himself.

No attempt whatsoever has been made, so far, to exonerate or speed things up.

Yesterday's court appearance had many in the media saying he looked "afraid" or "nervous," more than in the past. So it appears that it's sinking into his mind that he has truly been caught, booked and is now on a long, slow road to trial (not a quick exoneration). He now feels something (fear or similar, maybe just anxiety). He's capable of feeling something on his own behalf, is my point.

Absolutely nothing points to this being remorse, I agree.
Agreed. His quick exoneration pursuit and perception seems to only scream “entitlement” on every front. That, and the blatantly obvious absence of serious consequence and repercussion reflect a sense of privilege (and prerogative characteristics and traits). JMOO
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Please MOVE ON from (in other words DO NOT RESPOND to):

- posts about HIPAA regarding the info disclosed in MSM from a medical professional.

- posts about child-bearing hips/hips to waist ratio/how wide ANYONE’s hips are (especially mine).

THANK YOU for your attention to this 95% serious note.

Bringing forward.

Thank you
IMHO I accept that in our USA you are innocent until proven guilty. I understand due process and the right to be fully defended for an alleged crime. HOWEVER, I feel for the families with the unknown, the waiting, the grieving, and the horrific knowledge that they will have to relive what has happened for a long process.
Unfortunately, it is likely that when the court hears from the defense and BK gives his plea, it will be "not guilty". And that is BK's right as painful as it may be for the families. It makes me sad for them.
does he have to interact with other inmates and have cell mates or is he in solitary.

Wouldnt wish any brutality being inflicted even on convicted inmates. The cuts are ... unsettling.
He is in a cell alone and away from the general population
I also do not think the red Jeep was there that night, MOO. It arrived the next day, IMO. But it's possible. I don't think we know that for sure, either, but in studying photos, my tentative conclusion is that it is driven over the next morning and I do believe that's in MSM somewhere (from when they were towing the cars), but I can't find the link, so MOO.
Im almost positive E's red Jeep was there the entire time, I could be wrong but as I remember it was there.
Normal? Didn't raise suspicions? If Kaylee had ever met him in person, she would have likely detected right away something was "off". Intuition is a powerful thing.

I don't agree at all that nobody suspected anything. We are waiting on the rest of the evidence.

Online presence unverified (Tapatalk, etc.).

Why did he really move to Pullman? Goes against his lifelong MO.

NOPE. He has a history of serious issues which stand out from the average person IMO.

We have no way of knowing any of that. You can dig around in just about anyone's past and find details you can spin into some 'we all knew that was coming'. It is primarily people molding past events to justify future events using hindsight because it is always 20/20.

Look at these boards, full of people talking about 'he has evil eyes' and such. If they met BK on the street last September in person he would've just been another ordinary guy. People let emotion influence their opinion, they want to make those who do evil a monster.
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Apologies in advance for this long post.

I mentioned I'd been bullied a bit in school, just enough to where I began to dread class and would ditch school. In my youth, I didn't understand them. Wished they'd like me. In adulthood, I now have pity for them and am glad they didn't like me. Their lives turned out as ones I'd not want for my own. A few died young from over-indulgence in drugs, unprotected relations (STD), or violence (by their own hand, or by others).
While I do not see it as a reason to excuse BK's taking the lives of others, AT ALL, it could be "his" reason to do so. Could it also be the reason BK came back after school break, as his friend described; as different, more of a bully himself? He did ultimately become a sort of bully, after school break that year. He'd made a change. He was slimmed down and was taking boxing lessons. He lost that same friend because he made moves on his friend's current girlfriend. High school stuff maybe, but had he already begun to depersonalize others' feelings? The bullied becomes the bully.

Either way, he's now a grown man, and he knows that there is counseling, and psychiatric care available to him, most certainly, if only because he has a family with ties to that community. He made a choice not to seek out help to deter his desire to commit violence, be it in-born nature, and/or learned behaviours.
Interesting reads (especially if you have a child who is being bullied, or you see bullying characteristics appearing in your child).

A worried parent reached out to me, the school counselor, about her 14-year-old son, Adam. “After years of getting bullied, this year has been a gift,” Shauna said. “He’s made a bunch of new friends and turned everything around.” But then, Shauna told me, another mother called her. Adam had been mistreating her son, Nathan. In PE, Adam would make fun of the way Nathan ran. In social studies, Adam would roll his eyes whenever Nathan proposed an idea. He’d post altered photos of Nathan on social media, replacing his nose with images of penises and nipples. Then he’d tag him to ensure he saw all the mean comments.

Michele Borba, author of UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World, agrees that we can’t afford to overlook a child who resorts to bullying. “It’s learned behavior and can be unlearned,” she explains. “A big mistake is thinking it’s a phase. It’s not, and each time it’s repeated, it starts to wreak havoc with a child’s moral compass—he depersonalizes the other child and his empathy levels go down.”

They also won’t become hardened to the consequences of their actions. As Faris notes, kids who bully “learn techniques to rationalize pathological behavior, and that will not serve them well in the adult world.” But the greatest reason aggressors should stop, he points out, is the damage they’re doing to others.

In response to their pain and anger, the victims often retaliate with similar bullying tactics, either against the original bully or against a weaker target. As the abuse worsens, they may become desensitised to how serious it really is and the effect it can have on others.

I did not become a bully, but I learned to stand my ground. This typically confuses the daylights out of them. ;)
<modsnip: personalizing> I think teachers’ and parents’ proactive stance means a lot, because how would the kids even know that it is wrong, or that they should complain?
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Apologies in advance for this long post.

I mentioned I'd been bullied a bit in school, just enough to where I began to dread class and would ditch school. In my youth, I didn't understand them. Wished they'd like me. In adulthood, I now have pity for them and am glad they didn't like me. Their lives turned out as ones I'd not want for my own. A few died young from over-indulgence in drugs, unprotected relations (STD), or violence (by their own hand, or by others).
While I do not see it as a reason to excuse BK's taking the lives of others, AT ALL, it could be "his" reason to do so. Could it also be the reason BK came back after school break, as his friend described; as different, more of a bully himself? He did ultimately become a sort of bully, after school break that year. He'd made a change. He was slimmed down and was taking boxing lessons. He lost that same friend because he made moves on his friend's current girlfriend. High school stuff maybe, but had he already begun to depersonalize others' feelings? The bullied becomes the bully.

Either way, he's now a grown man, and he knows that there is counseling, and psychiatric care available to him, most certainly, if only because he has a family with ties to that community. He made a choice not to seek out help to deter his desire to commit violence, be it in-born nature, and/or learned behaviours.
Interesting reads (especially if you have a child who is being bullied, or you see bullying characteristics appearing in your child).

A worried parent reached out to me, the school counselor, about her 14-year-old son, Adam. “After years of getting bullied, this year has been a gift,” Shauna said. “He’s made a bunch of new friends and turned everything around.” But then, Shauna told me, another mother called her. Adam had been mistreating her son, Nathan. In PE, Adam would make fun of the way Nathan ran. In social studies, Adam would roll his eyes whenever Nathan proposed an idea. He’d post altered photos of Nathan on social media, replacing his nose with images of penises and nipples. Then he’d tag him to ensure he saw all the mean comments.

Michele Borba, author of UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World, agrees that we can’t afford to overlook a child who resorts to bullying. “It’s learned behavior and can be unlearned,” she explains. “A big mistake is thinking it’s a phase. It’s not, and each time it’s repeated, it starts to wreak havoc with a child’s moral compass—he depersonalizes the other child and his empathy levels go down.”

They also won’t become hardened to the consequences of their actions. As Faris notes, kids who bully “learn techniques to rationalize pathological behavior, and that will not serve them well in the adult world.” But the greatest reason aggressors should stop, he points out, is the damage they’re doing to others.

In response to their pain and anger, the victims often retaliate with similar bullying tactics, either against the original bully or against a weaker target. As the abuse worsens, they may become desensitised to how serious it really is and the effect it can have on others.

I did not become a bully, but I learned to stand my ground. This typically confuses the daylights out of them. ;)
Outstanding post!
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