ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 63

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IMO, of what we can observe now, BK is a pretty regular guy. He was a PhD student, TA, well groomed, evidently raised no suspicions among colleagues, students, neighbors, receptionists, medical providers, even his father in the days after a horrible crime. He is reportedly a cooperative prisoner. I think there is a tendency to dig for some reason why this seemingly normal person who committed an awful crime is not normal so we can spot the next criminal, but I don't know if we really can. The last case I followed closely was Mollie Tibbetts, and her killer was also evidently a normal guy - hard worker, decent father, etc. Nobody suspected anything. IMO, this is what is scariest.
You are absolutely correct.
Why is a preliminary hearing being done vs a grand jury? Is it the defendant’s choice in Idaho?
I teach middle school and I can confirm, all kids can be mean. I frequently tear up after school thinking about some of the things I heard kids say about each other, even the "good ones"
I have two kids still in high school. One is a little chubby. I can guarantee you, kids are mean. Kids you wouldn't expect to be mean, are mean. It breaks my heart. I've told my kids if I ever find out they're treating their peers like that, they're in for it.
He is in a cell alone and away from the general population

Im almost positive E's red Jeep was there the entire time, I could be wrong but as I remember it was there.

Could be. If the jeep was there regularly, there was also a young woman who drove the jeep (it's one of the cars that Ethan's mother referred to this week). IMO.

But what I've seen and read makes me think it came over the next morning. IMO. It was not exclusively E's jeep, IMO.

It's there by the time the police show up, that seems clear. Whether it was there in the wee hours of the morning is not absolutely clear from the pictures or the parking order of the vehicles. We'll find out some day, maybe.

He is in the Latah County Jail, in the basement of the courthouse. He has his own cell, but there is no "general population." Every inmate is in the same set of corridors, at least according to various posted tours of the jail.

There are some 40 cells, so it's possible he's off in some area by himself, but all of the inmates are likely receiving the same 1 hour a day of yard time (as mentioned in that article) and we don't know if he is alone during that time. IMO.

He can definitely hear and interact with others, as it seems all the cells are in one big basement.
Yes, if someone tells you something about another person's health condition, you can talk about it...legally. HIPAA is in place to prevent providers from sharing your protected health information (PHI). Granted, what the receptionist did was illegal, but the knowledge is out and the defense team is under no obligation under HIPAA to keep that information private since they are not a provider's office. I hope that makes sense.

yes, it does thank you for an explanation.
“The upcoming preliminary hearing, when both sides will have the chance to provide evidence and call witnesses to the stand, will last about five days and decide whether there is reasonable cause to believe that the Kohberger committed a crime.”

Don't know if this has been mentioned or discussed previously, but there's 1 count of burglary, do we know what has been taken ?
We have no way of knowing any of that. You can dig around in just about anyone's past and find details you can spin into some 'we all knew that was coming'. It is primarily people molding past events to justify future events using hindsight because it is always 20/20.

Look at these boards, full of people talking about 'he has evil eyes' and such. If they met BK on the street last September in person he would've just been another guy. People let emotion influence their opinion, they want to make those who do evil a monster.
I agree. I don’t think it was necessarily obvious by looking at the guy or bumping into him at the grocery store. By all means, he looks relatively normal. Lots of kids were bullied or awkward in high school. I don’t think these are glaring red flags as some are describing from the surface. MOO
I think he will end up pleading guilty, though I don't believe "he thinks he committed the perfect crime." I think he will plead guilty because he'll come to realize - after seeing all the evidence - that he's likely to be convicted and face the death penalty. He'll also realize that the evidence and testimony is likely to be extremely embarrassing to himself personally, and I think that's something he couldn't stand. So, he'll plead guilty to avoid the death penalty and spare himself major personal embarrassment, knowing that he can spend the rest of his life in prison reading and writing about criminology, giving out interviews to journalists of his choosing, etc.
Agree, this too. If he sees evidence against him he may still think in his twisted mind he committed the perfect crime for him anyway. IMHO, I still think he wants more than anything to be known. He is tired of his life. He may have even made the mistakes he did to test LE.. like lets see if you guys can figure this out. Like he is grading them. He alone can say, yeah that's right or no, you're way off. In the end it is about control. He still believes he is in control because only he knows the what and why.
Unless it's behind the police car I'm not seeing the jeep. This is from an article posted 11/16. It seems like it took LE awhile to tow the cars away. It seems like I remember seeing it towed. Not sure anymore. JMO
4 Idaho college students killed in 'targeted attack,' no suspects in custody
It was there the night of the murders:

The vehicles—a Land Rover, Range Rover, Chevy, Jeep Wrangler and Ford Explorer—have been parked outside the house since the night of the killings, according to Court TV reporter Chanley Painter.

"All five of these vehicles have been sitting in these exact locations since we've been in town," Painter said in a report on Tuesday.

In this pic you can see the jeep is parked off to the side.

Don't know if this has been mentioned or discussed previously, but there's 1 count of burglary, do we know what has been taken ?
At a press conference following Kohberger's arrest, Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson said the burglary charge involved "entering the residence with the intent to commit the crime of murder."

The relevant Idaho statute (Idaho Code 18-1401) states that "every person who enters any house, room, apartment, tenement, store, shop, warehouse, mill, barn, stable, outhouse, or a building, tent, vessel, vehicle, trailer, airplane, or railroad car with intent to commit any theft or any felony is guilty of burglary.

His curiosity got the better of him. "How did I get caught? What did I overlook?" After he sees the paperwork Oh wow. I'm in deep #%^&! JMO

And surely, by now, he's able to build the same list of "evidence yet to come." Specifically, the GPS data from his phone and the Google searches he may have done. He probably can think of even more things still to come. Quite sobering and precisely the reason his attorney didn't want to invoke his right to a rapid preliminary.

It'll be a long time before we know what he probably already knows. According to the Latah County Jail website, he gets access to a library (but not a computer). People can also send him things (books, other approved things).

The endless hours for rumination are going to take their toll on BK, IMO.
I was just looking for video of the Coroner. I saw her first one done prior to autopsy. Then I saw what I consider a snipped one with Banfield on the 18 of November. I do recall her speaking that none of them had throat wounds and they had chest and ABd wounds. Also, I recall her being asked about the dripping blood and her stating that it could be possible. This is all MOO. I do find it odd that this is now nowhere to be found.

I couldn't help but notice the absence in the Probable Cause Affidavit of any mention of "blood" being seen on the exterior foundation of the house by the responding LE officers. It would be a relief at this point to know one way or another what that dripping liquid was. The image is disturbing and sparks my imagination every time I see it, even though quantifying the horror of these murders is hardly necessary or productive, IMO.
His curiosity got the better of him. "How did I get caught? What did I overlook?" After he sees the paperwork Oh wow. I'm in deep #%^&! JMO

And surely, by now, he's able to build the same list of "evidence yet to come." Specifically, the GPS data from his phone and the Google searches he may have done. He probably can think of even more things still to come. Quite sobering and precisely the reason his attorney didn't want to invoke his right to a rapid preliminary.

It'll be a long time before we know what he probably already knows. According to the Latah County Jail website, he gets access to a library (but not a computer). People can also send him things (books, other approved things).

The endless hours for rumination are going to take their toll on BK, IMO.
Don't know if this has been mentioned or discussed previously, but there's 1 count of burglary, do we know what has been taken ?

Hi! That’s not what ‘burglary’ means in Idaho. It’s the act of entering a place with the intent of taking something OR the intent of committing a felony. So, if they can prove that he intended to steal something, or rape someone, or murder... any felony at all.

And it doesn’t matter if he found the door standing wide open.


A prominent piece of evidence was the knife sheath found next to one of the victims, featuring Kohberger’s DNA on the button snap. LaBar shrugged this off as “touch DNA” or “transfer DNA.”

“Which would mean that it could remain on that sheath for an indefinite period of time, if undisturbed,” he explained. “That’s one way of attacking that type of evidence that doesn’t put him at the scene of the crime the night out, just that he merely touched that sheath at some point in time.”

LaBar said there is no other direct evidence linking Kohberger to the fatal stabbings of college students Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin. Even the suspected white Hyundai Elantra, which was allegedly seen at the victims’ off-campus house before and during the supposed time of the murders, appears circumstantial. For one, the police went off cellphone pings rather than GPS coordinates.

“If it was GPS location coordinates, you’re talking down to a meter as to where Bryan Kohberger was at the time of these crimes, whereas a cellphone tower ping is that you’re within a radius of that tower up to 20 miles,” LaBar explained. “And obviously, Mr. Kohberger lived within ten miles of the University of Idaho where these crimes were committed. So certainly he could ping at any moment in time near the actual crime.”

A little long but I didn't want to break LaBar's quotes. More at link.
I have a question related to getting inside his head as to why did this happen / what was he thinking.

Was he not worried at all that someone in the house might have a gun for self defense?
Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight, etc.

The knife is such a strange element of choice - very personal and also very risky in so many ways.


The close contact required with stabbings could mean more rage, experts say.

Knife vs. Gun: What a Weapon Reveals

But why a knife?

"Anytime somebody commits a murder or assault, either by choking, stabbing or making bodily contact, it always speaks to a level of rage and perhaps a personal connection to the victim that shooting with a gun does not," said Naftali Berrill, a forensic psychologist in New York City.

"When you are stabbing someone, it's close and in your face. The experience is more visceral and more graphic, more provocative. It speaks emotionality, whether rage or paranoia."

Other considerations;
My firearms are purchased through a firearm dealer, with a background check, and they have a s/n on them.

When a round is fired, indentions are made, on the brass. These indentions are much like fingerprints and can be traced back to a firearm, or a type of firearm. If BK was found to have ever had the same firearm he could be connected via the firearm's "fingerprints". There's that pesky problem of finding expelled brass in the dark too, b/c it will have a signature as well (unless he uses a revolver, then reloading may be a problem).

There's also sound in such a tight, close quarter, neighborhood. I'd guess shots heard, in a small college town, are not very common (Unlike here, I hear them frequently, and don't think twice). He'd probably have thoughts about a silencer. If so, he'd have to order a silencer which would leave a paper trail, through the government. A wait for the approval and pick it up at an approved firearms dealer. He could build one himself, so as not to leave a paper trail, but somehow I don't see him as a builder. Thus, the knife. It's possible he's had it for quite a while since he once had dreams of becoming an Army Ranger.

Pure speculation.
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