ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 64

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There were at least two footprints.
I‘ve seen an image of LE taking a picture of a footprint outside the home.
The PCA describes a latent footprint inside the home on the floor outside DM’s room.

My question is, Why one latent footprint And not two?
Did that shoe hit the mud outside and track it into the house?
Did that shoe step in blood?

IMO, someone took their shoes off possibly?
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IMO, I just feel that we are only hearing half of the story. I feel like there is a big part of the puzzle that is missing.
I agree with you 100%. IMO we don't even have the puzzle edges completed let alone any of the middle and probably won't for a long, long time. Right now too many pieces haven't been turned over so we can see where they fit.
Yes - if they were thrown across the room, perhaps by a forceful kick. We discussed this a few threads back and most people were not fond of one of my hypotheses (that Xana could have been thrown or shoved) because a woman that size does not, in most people's view, create a "loud thud" when thrown. I've been thrown a few times, the only time there was any sound was when I hit the wall of a mobile home, a form of student housing. It wasn't a "thud."

When people pass out and fall over, there's no "loud thud."

But if a person is thrown hard against a wall - maybe?

A heavy object thrown or dropped from enough height is a thud. A larger piece of furniture pushed over.

But on audio files, dense audio objects can sound like thuds, when they wouldn't, to a human ear.
I think either Xana or Ethan's bodies falling to the floor would have resulted in a loud thud. Even a hundred pounds of weight hitting the floor would be loud, imo.

There were voices or a whimper heard just before the thud so it's possible one of the victims cried out just before they were stabbed and their body fell to the floor.
It's quite possible there was so much noise and confusion on the call that the operator couldn't make sense of what was being said, so maybe they have a policy in place where they log it as an unconscious person.
SG said one roommate passed out and the one trying to talk to 911 was hyperventilating so communication was impeded. I can't imagine. JMO
There were at least two footprints.
I‘ve seen an image of LE taking a picture of a footprint outside the home.
The PCA describes a latent footprint inside the home on the floor outside DM’s room.

My question is, Why one latent footprint And not two?
Did that shoe hit the mud outside and track it into the house?
Did that shoe step in blood?

I was thinking that the killer had shoe covers on and one of the covers was soaked enough and thin enough to leave a partial bottom shoe print.
My theory on the motive: I don’t think he was infatuated with any of them. In that case, it seems more likely that it would have been an abduction/sexual assault/murder. I think he came to a party at their house, was creeping people out, and Kaylee told him to leave. Maddy probably backed her up on that so he was also angry with her, but not as severe. This is in line with the way he acted at the bar that reported he had a history of creeping women out and got angry when they rejected him. It would explain why he knew the lay out of the house. Maybe DM was nice to him at the party and that’s why he didn’t kill her. X and E were just killed because they got in his way.
IMO, I learned from watching the Dateline episode that there was a party at the house on the Friday night previous to the murders with 150 people in attendance. BK could have attended the party and said something awkward to one of the girls and gotten thrown out or specifically BK could have something inappropriate to X and Ethan got involved. There could have been a triggering event at the party.
I just put the same link up. I'm not seeing a "50 %" waiver on that link at all. In other words, I'm agreeing with you.

Here's the link once again:

So, what that leads me to believe is that the criminology program has achieved some degree of outside funding. Whenever a program departs from minimum financial assistance to grad students, it's because they have self-sought additional funding.

Which brings me around to another point. By doing what he did, BK has also damaged the reputation of the grad program in general, and whoever his specific prof was, in particular. But the reputational damage to WSU Criminology program is significant.

IMO. They have the funds (apparently) to give full rides to their chosen few. Or not (there are many "special admissions exceptions" to grad school). Was BK one of the chosen few? Do we know?

Or was he admitted under the general rules? That's my question. He would have been really worried when his TA-ship went south if he was "chosen few" and blew his first year prof's expectations.

Financial aid, due to federal requirements, is always year to year. I've never seen an offer that wasn't. Well, certain chairs for professors are for life. Rare.
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I was kind of surprised that sounds could be picked up on a security camera at a neighbor's house. I prefer to think of the thud being a door or object, but I'm afraid it might have been a person. MOO

I’ve posted this before, but I have cams and have never heard sounds from inside the neighbors’ houses. I’ve heard extremely loud yelling (DV) from inside a neighbor‘s house (with their doors & windows closed) while I was outside, but never while inside, and definitely not via cams.

And again, I thought cams were motion activated. So if a sound was heard emanating from inside 1122, wouldn’t there need to be corresponding/simultaneous motion outside to trigger the recording?

I’m so skeptical that a thud was heard from inside 1122. I could believe that Murphy barking at the window as BK was running away is a possibility, though. Kaylee’s window would be aligned close to the neighbor’s cam, I think. As for the voices/whimper….idk.

Has anyone ever had sound captured on their cam from inside a neighbor home 50’ away (without motion)?

Are cams sound only activated?
It's quite possible there was so much noise and confusion on the call that the operator couldn't make sense of what was being said, so maybe they have a policy in place where they log it as an unconscious person.
I saw an interview today that perhaps he closed the doors to the bedrooms after he killed them. The other roommates tried to wake them up by knocking on their doors. That’s when they became worried and called other friends over to help. Once they got in a bedroom and saw, they ran outside and one of them fainted. Someone else called nine one one for an unconscious person at that time from her phone.

Or , like you said, they were simply so frantic during the call that all the dispatcher could confirm was that someone was dead. But if that’s all they heard, I think it would go in as unconscious until death is confirmed by medics.
Just an opinion based on my personal experience but, when people fall to the ground, there is barely any sound at all. Certainly not a thud that could be heard fifty feet away and around a corner.
IMO OK Thanks
Just an opinion based on my personal experience but, when people fall to the ground, there is barely any sound at all. Certainly not a thud that could be heard fifty feet away and around a corner.
Maybe not outside on the ground, but inside a house it can be loud.
I believe the worst injuries were to E and X and I don’t think it’s going to be close. I think K and M were asleep. K may have woken up but it was too late. Maybe fought after being injured. I think downstairs in X’s room was horrid. They were awake in my opinion and one of them saw the killer which led him to their room. 20/20 mentioned there would be more “bombshells” to drop. I fully believe that too. I believe there was a MASSIVE struggle on the 2nd floor which prompted BK to leave. DM saw him in a panic/ flight out of that house. He was not expecting this kind of struggle. Not to mention a dog barking hysterically. BK knew he was done And had to bail ASAP. Explains speeding from the scene.
If there was a massive struggle, I would think it would have alerted DM and BF to something greater going on in the house. Especially with a loud thud that can be heard 50 feet away. Perhaps that is what made DM open the door a third time? Lots of dots still need to be connected! JMO
The location of the security camera and the victims house, its completely pointing away from 1122.

I had wrote many pages ago that I thought the thud could not have been picked up from the cam/mic coming from inside the victims home. I speculated then that it was a trunk slam, possibly the killer rushing to get away and slamming his truck lid after putting his murder gear in the trunk
I thought that too, but why would he wait three minutes to then be seen leaving fast at 4:20? JMO
Thanks -- I get that funding / tuition situations for PhD programs have been in flux, but at least for the past 10 years, tuition waivers have been a standard for PhD programs from start to finish regardless of candidacy or in-state status in the first year.

I think the conversation began because of BK's potential need to seek additional work due to low TA stipend. This is probably still true, as I had to work additional jobs during my PhD, but I still received a stipend for my work at the institution (which was around 25k) and a tuition waiver for my entire program (6 years). I also moved to that state from elsewhere, and received a tuition waiver my first year as long as I attained in-state residency in my first year (same as WSU's policy).

Then WSU surely needs to update its grad program page (as do many other institutions). I am *very* surprised to hear that as second tier public institution (like the one where I work) would make this kind of promise.

Go down to jobs part. Where I work, the huge majority of doctoral candidates receive *no* aid (it's public tax money).
Hmm. Well, according to a news article about the locating of the Elantra, it was two WSU campus police who, after receiving word early on (Day 2 or 3, just after the early video was looked at by Moscow PD) located all the Elantras at WSU (one of which was from PA and would not have had a front license plate and belonged to...a criminology student, which must have caught their eye).

And the article continues:

At that point, they did have BK's own Elantra on their radar. I think as the video continued to come in, they were more and more sure it was BK's ELantra, registered to his name at WSU.

Of course they needed the genetic genealogy as well (whatever sort they used), but I now understand the twinkle in Chief Fry's eye when their suspect grad student appeared as a match.

The fact that this criminology grad student (yesterday's article by the criminology prof explains why) had just changed plates must have made him suspicious. At any rate I believe they had him under surveillance since about Nov 29.

These are events that were unfolding in real time, isolating BK as a promising POI, so they already had him on their radar before he left town.
That is exactly how I remembered it too. Agree .
I was thinking that the killer had shoe covers on and one of the covers was soaked enough and thin enough to leave a partial bottom shoe print.
IMO, not forensic booties, but more like Galoshes correct?
IMO, not forensic booties, but more like Galoshes correct?
I was thinking forensic, surgical, crime scene cleanup shoe covers..something that would allow a pattern to come through when sufficiently wet. IDK what a galosh is made of. Is that like a rubber type rain boot?
IMO, I learned from watching the Dateline episode that there was a party at the house on the Friday night previous to the murders with 150 people in attendance. BK could have attended the party and said something awkward to one of the girls and gotten thrown out or specifically BK could have something inappropriate to X and Ethan got involved. There could have been a triggering event at the party.
If BK went to the party Friday night, wouldn‘t his cell phone records show that? I would think that detail would’ve been included in the PCA. JMO
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