ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 66

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He might have stalked them on SM. Young people reveal an appalling amount of information with no thought of "what if." My Dad taught me very early to ask myself "what's the worst thing that could happen if I do this?". That question kept me from doing a lot of stupid/risky things throughout my life. Thanks Dad! :)
That people reveal too much on social media is undeniably true. That your father was right--also undeniably true.
Just tossing something out that just occurred to me (since I recently posted I thought Kaylee might have been the only intended victim). Maybe the 'overkill' was simply because she was first, and his arm got tired after repetitive motion which couldn't have been the easiest thing to do. All MOO.
I think it was because she was awake and moving around which created tears rather than straight up and down stabs. MOO
The People magazine story re: Kohberger DMing one of the girls on Insta and being persistent but getting no reply really rings true for me. If you don't follow someone and they send you a DM, it goes to a "message requests folder", you don't get an alert or anything and only see it if you actively go into the folder and look. Many times i've forgotten about it then remembered and checked, approx every couple of months and there are lots of messages from random men. I just delete and block but I remember this one guy i never interacted with AT ALL, sent me more than 100 messages over a couple of months, starting innocent and friendly and ended up the most abusive threatening vile filth you've ever seen. It was so crazy.

Imagine if Kohberger has slaughtered 4 people, devastated and ruined many lives including that of his own family just because a girl didn't reply to a few DM's, she probably didn't even see, it doesn't bare thinking about. He is clearly and obsessive person and maybe the years of rejection pushed him to the edge but there is no doubt it's a scary world especially with the rise of the incels.
I was recently looking for a word or term when someone thinks something is about them when it is not. Got a lot of responses, and they were all good, but the one that resonated with me the most is this:

An Idea of Reference—sometimes called a delusion of reference—is the false belief that irrelevant occurrences or details in the world relate directly to oneself.

So, in your example (DM's that weren't returned)... sounds like it could be the Idea Of Reference. The recipient didn't actually see them, yet the sender assumed they did and was ignored/disregarded/passed over/unconsidered, etc., and things festered to the point of murder in this case. Thankfully not in your case. :)
I am familiar with copyright laws, but I think there is some type of stipulation if the photo is on your own device. Example, you had your phone to someone and ask them to take a photo of you and your friends. It's on your device and therefore, you own it.

Except in this situation, that was not the case. KG posted the photo on her social media account and it was not an image that was stolen from her phone for her private use. There's a reason you read don't upload or post anything on the internet you don't want to share with the world for perpetuity! JMO
That people reveal too much on social media is undeniably true. That your father was right--also undeniably true.

My father was the same, but I would never have gone into my profession if I had not tossed his fatherly advice aside. Sometimes I feel badly for him, but he himself didn't follow his own advice.

I'm a lot like him. Not about revealing things, but other things that can be unsafe. Merely talking to strangers is, I suppose, unsafe. Which is what we're doing here.
Remember his downstairs neighbor saying that he was up at all hours. She said she always knew when he came home because he parked his car in front of her apartment and the lights would shine into her apt.

I am familiar with copyright laws, but I think there is some type of stipulation if the photo is on your own device. Example, you had your phone to someone and ask them to take a photo of you and your friends. It's on your device and therefore, you own it.

Until you upload it to FB or Instagram or ??
The People magazine story re: Kohberger DMing one of the girls on Insta and being persistent but getting no reply really rings true for me. If you don't follow someone and they send you a DM, it goes to a "message requests folder", you don't get an alert or anything and only see it if you actively go into the folder and look. Many times i've forgotten about it then remembered and checked, approx every couple of months and there are lots of messages from random men. I just delete and block but I remember this one guy i never interacted with AT ALL, sent me more than 100 messages over a couple of months, starting innocent and friendly and ended up the most abusive threatening vile filth you've ever seen. It was so crazy.

Imagine if Kohberger has slaughtered 4 people, devastated and ruined many lives including that of his own family just because a girl didn't reply to a few DM's, she probably didn't even see, it doesn't bare thinking about. He is clearly and obsessive person and maybe the years of rejection pushed him to the edge but there is no doubt it's a scary world especially with the rise of the incels.

One of kohberger's PA professors called him "brilliant".

You'd think that such a 'brilliant' guy would've realized that.

Guess the evil coward just wasn't 'brilliant' enough, eh...
All the following is MOO.

I feel like Kaylee was the sole target. BK entered through the patio into the kitchen and immediately went upstairs. I don't think he expected Maddie to be in the same bed. Unfortunately he felt he had to kill her too.

I think he was going to leave after that but then ran into Xana eating her DD. She might have gotten up from where she was hanging out in the living room to see who was walking around late at night. Or she might have been eating in bed with Ethan either sleeping next to her, or he could have been awake too ("Someone's here"). If she was in her bedroom (and didn't run there if she had been in the LR) perhaps she opened her door like DM did to see who was out there. I do not feel either Ethan or Xana would have been killed if they had been sleeping behind a closed door, or awake but didn't open the door to look out. To me, BK was focused on Kaylee and then getting out of the house ASAP. Unfortunately his plan went awry when he found Maddie in bed with Kaylee.

However it was that he ran across Xana (either in the LR or opening her door to look out) that was when it was decided she had to go too. Then Ethan. Basically, he was getting rid of all of the witnesses.

Then why did he not kill DM? Great question. Perhaps his mind was on overload at that point since killing 1 turned into killing 4, and he was focused on getting the heck out of there with the quickness. Maybe he didn't see her as he could have been blinded by his thoughts of what the heck just went down in the last few minutes. Especially if he had only planned on killing 1/Kaylee. He had to be pumped up on adrenaline too. It might have seemed like his fast beating heart was deafening (I actually once heard my heart beating so loud I thought everyone close could hear it. Not sure what that was about, but due to that experience I know it's possible to have your ears filled with the sound of your heartbeat. It's a tad disorienting and all my focus was on it. Maybe the same for BK.).

Lastly, one of the other reasons I feel like he only planned to kill 1 was because he peeled out of there laying rubber at ~4:20am. Stupid thing to do if you're trying to sneak off after murdering someone! You for darn sure don't want to bring attention to it or yourself until you're far away.

I feel like had Kaylee been alone in her bed, it would have been just her he murdered, then quickly leave the house, and then drive off in a more controlled manner (quick, but not crazy fast). It just feels like he freaked out because his plan ended up killing X4, and quite frankly, I feel like he spooked himself and got the heck out of dodge. FAST. Also, maybe he did see DM but wanted out of that house ASAP and knew it was only a few more yards to 'safety'. Seeing her could also be the reason he peeled out so fast. I think she got really lucky that awful night.

All MOO.

But how does he know K is now driving the range rover that she bought the day before? If he's been stalking her for awhile, he connects her to her old car not the range rover.

I think he was after Maddie. Ran into her at her job and became fixated on her. Saw her name on the receipt or name tag. Didn't know her last name.

I wonder what a google search of "Maddie,Moscow Idaho " before the murders pulled up. Would that have pulled up Maddie's instagram or facebook? Maddie isn't a common name and neither is Xana or Kaylee. That's the problem I have with all these unique names. So easy to find somebody without their last names.

It seems like you can blend in more with a traditional name like Kim, Lisa, Laura, Mary. If you have a traditional name, somebody needs to take that extra step of finding your last name in order to stalk you.
Question for those who have experience with Phd level academic schedules: WSU's academic calendar shows the first day of instruction was August 22nd. Would that also be true for the Phd calendar? And is there anything for a student to do, or anyone to supervise them prior to that first day of instruction? I keep seeing that he started his studies in July, and I'm just confused about how he could have begun his studies a month before the first day or instruction. Thanks!
I was wondering if he took a Summer 2022 class. I dont even know if that's possible. JMO
I was recently looking for a word or term when someone thinks something is about them when it is not. Got a lot of responses, and they were all good, but the one that resonated with me the most is this:

An Idea of Reference—sometimes called a delusion of reference—is the false belief that irrelevant occurrences or details in the world relate directly to oneself.

So, in your example (DM's that weren't returned)... sounds like it could be the Idea Of Reference. The recipient didn't actually see them, yet the sender assumed they did and was ignored/disregarded/passed over/unconsidered, etc., and things festered to the point of murder in this case. Thankfully not in your case. :)

IMO, I think we need to be careful about using mental health terms here. They're a lot more nuanced than they may appear. I wouldn't call that an idea of reference, for example.
I think he was driving back and forth by the house from 3:30 - 4 am because Xana was up and lights were on as she waited for Door Dash. I order Door Dash A LOT and it takes on average 45 minutes from the time you order until you receive your food. So, she was waiting on her food between probably 3:15 and 4 am. Since she was up, she likely went from her room to the kitchen to the bathroom and back and he would have seen lights going on and off as she entered rooms. By 4 am, everything was quite and lights were off. MOO
So as soon as he saw the lights off he went to the house? I mean if he did see lights before 4 I would assume he will wait at least half an hour to ensure everyone fall asleep. He is indeed very bold. Can’t image someone like him killed people in this fashion is a rookie.
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Thanks for the read. Very strange question to ask someone IMHO, who does that?

"Kohberger asked his neighbor, who is not from the U.S., whether he could identify Kohberger’s ancestral background, the man said. The neighbor said he guessed Italy before Kohberger stated that he was of German descent. “He talked about his ancestors,” the 30-year-old neighbor said. “He had some sort of DNA test. I don’t know how he got to that point. … It was just interesting to him.”

People do it ALL the time. My life is full of people asking me my ancestry, almost the instant they are introduced.

It's interesting that the person guessed Italian (BK is part Italian IMO - rather a goodly part) but he decided to instead identify with his paternal line.

It looks like BK was interested in his paternal line.

I know lots of people who are constantly asked "What ARE you?" or, better, "What's your ancestry?" or "I just had my ancestry done, what's yours?"

There is no reason people need to be "at a point" when they get their DNA tested, but those of us with "suspicious" DNA might do so. Did BK want to be only German? Or something?

DNA tests reveal way way more than just ancestry.
I am familiar with copyright laws, but I think there is some type of stipulation if the photo is on your own device. Example, you had your phone to someone and ask them to take a photo of you and your friends. It's on your device and therefore, you own it.
You don’t have ownership rights to a photo by virtue of it coming from your device.

Many (most?) sites have terms of use that say you agree that you are granting perpetual license to display a photo when you upload it and that you also have the right to upload it.

If you don’t and the actual copyright holder sees it, they can contact the site where you uploaded it and ask that it be removed persuant to the digital millenium copyright act (DMCA) which then dictates the steps the site must take with the content, including removal and notice to the person who uploaded it so that they have the opportunity to dispute your claim.

I have dealt with this for years, professionally. Here’s a explainer. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act | U.S. Copyright Office

ETA: Generally speaking the person who takes the photo owns the photo.
He might have participate in a lab at WSU over summer, without a scholarship. He might audit classes there or paid his own tuitions to take a couple of classes during summer semester. He can take someone else’s sublease for housing. He has a car. Staring the school in the summer before school starts is not that hard to do or not that odd to me.

Waste of money, IMO, except for the socialization. If it isn't part of the doctoral program, it's a lot of money to pay just for unneeded units.


Maybe he thought he needed extra lab time? (That seems to me to be what you are implying). Mostly, students don't want to pay for units they don't have to have. There's no evidence he got a sublease.

It's not hard to do, it's just expensive and unneeded. I don't see him or his family as frivolous. I do see him moving into student housing as soon as there was an opening, but I will be very surprised if he paid tuition or took units last summer.
I believe the Instagram accts were bogus accounts created after he was arrested. JMO

Odd how the dates on some comments were recorded in error (apparently by Instagram itself, which uses an atomic clock).

Can you explain how the one account posted 3 weeks before the murders? Is there an app that can defeat Instagram's own timestamps?

There were a bunch of bogus accounts (name changes, new accounts) after the arrest. We are talking about posting that occurred, according to Insta, before the arrest. I myself am very puzzled how that could happen.

But we discussed (and I dismissed) post-murder accounts claiming anything. That's not what this is.
I'm going to say I'm not sure because I'm not positive which account you're referencing. And WS rules.

I'm not sure what accounts you are referencing, either. You say you saw bogus accounts *after* the murders.

I will try and find the name of the account (upthread) that posted BEFORE the murders (because it is in MSM, but really, it's that account - the one that is in MSM and I'm not sure I want to say its name, just read the articles posted upthread about this issue - if it's a big issue, more will be in MSM over the next few days).

I would just be careful saying that you're sure that you read these messages, if you don't know which messages they are.
So as soon as he saw the lights off he went to the house? I mean if he did see lights before 4 I would assume he will wait at least half an hour to ensure everyone fall asleep. He is indeed very bold. Can’t image someone like him killed people in this fashion is a rookie.
It was unbelievably bold. Ninja like. moo.
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