ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 44

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Depends on the state. I think most states require fingerprinting for K-12 teachers and other employees. Some states require fingerprinting for college and university faculty and other employees as well. California, for example, required fingerprinting for university faculty and other employees when I worked there earlier in my career. In the state I live in now, the state does not require fingerprinting at universities. Unless doing research that involves minors.
And I think it also depends if it is a public school vs a private school. Different regulations. Which is probably different from state to state

I sense that BK may be an injustice collector and potentially an incel. His online activities are going to be illuminating I am sure.

If he is an incel, that house represents everything that he would despise. Beautiful, popular young women. Well known on campus, easy to follow on social media and stalk online and in person. Everything he may want but can’t have.

I’m truly interested to find out if there was a perceived injustice perpetrated by one of the girls. It may not have but he saw it that way.

I also think ALL the girls in that HOUSE were targeted. I think Ethan was a surprise. I think he panicked when he had to deal with an unanticipated male and ran.

The roommates on the first floor are extremely lucky. This could have been worse than it already is.

Again, MOO
I think you (and others) may be correct on the incel angle. Incels also hate "chads" which are the guys that get the girls so EC could fit into that category.
It is fun talking shop with thinking people, we are all learning from each other.

I still have questions about missing time since High School, I wonder if he followed the trade route before earning his bachelors?

Also, why did he keep the car. Why did he not think through driving to the scene of the crime and that someone may see his car?
If I’m planning a murder…
I don’t drive a white car
I don’t drive that white car at night
I locate Ring doorbell cameras and cctv


replied to you earlier on the same point
Monroe Tech
( HVAC engineering course)
"BK is being forced to wear an anti-suicide vest, also known as a turtle suit, in jail while he awaits extradition to Moscow, Idaho, where he will be charged with the murders of four University of Idaho students."

He got out of that as soon as he got a lawyer.
This information is going to be helpful to the defense - random folks gaining easy access to the interior of the house during a party. Praying the DNA connected to BK is someplace a random visitor to the house would not be.
Yep. And hopefully when the chef was interviewed he told them exactly which room/s he was in. Which probably what was asked of anyone interviewed as well as comparing all backgrounds of pictures and videos etc
Clearly she hasn't seen the high profile criminologists scoffing at the questions, it wasn't just the public. IMO it was poor judgement for her to do this interview.

I agree (then again, there are those 15 min.).

I'm not trying to be funny, but I was scrolling down the article and his face pops up. He's smiling but it's all teeth. I call that a wolf grin. The smile doesn't reflect in the eyes. He would definitely throw up some warning signals to me. Even if I only thought he was extremely strung out. The picture is a bit startling. He's innocent until proven otherwise, but I'm feeling confident in their arrest of this guy. I think the FBI sped up the DNA process too. I've never seen DNA come back so quickly and in such a new area of matching.
I thought that until this guy was picked up. Now I'm not so sure. I'm picking up "smartest guy in the room" vibes from this dude and I don't think he'd like to share the spotlight for his "achievement."
Maybe! But I still wonder if he had an accomplice sitting in the white Hyundai acting as a lookout for him in order to let the BK know if LE was coming, or a bunch of people etc.
No doubt this has been discussed numerous times, at least early on…

I know LE came out and said the stabbing of Travis and Jamilyn Juetten in Oregon in 2021 was unrelated, but I still can’t shake the possibility that it was BK. Whoever did it broke in on the 13th and stabbed a couple as they slept leaving 1 person in the house untouched all at 3am.

When applying hindsight to the period between the students murder in Moscow to the arrest of BK, it seems like LE carefully constructed the publics image of the case as to not tip off BK that he was suspected… the incorrect year Elantra (if that was indeed intentional), the comment it was targeted (I think LE were following Bk so closely that they had no fear he could re-offend under their watch), saying repeatedly they had no suspects, specifically stating they had “22,000 2013-14 Elantras to look it” (wrong year plus that’s a LOT, possibly to make BK think they have all those to go through and he’s not even going to be in that batch), the mysteriously leaked CCTV from the CC only days prior to the arrest (was BK becoming restless?) and then finally LE’s comments regarding the Oregon murders being unrelated.

Could the statement from LE that the murders are unrelated have been a purposely crafted ruse to make BK think they were way off the mark? If he knew that LE had linked the 2 he would surely have known the game was up.

All of the above is MOO and pure speculation.
But BK was in PA in 2021.

I was thinking that BK may copycat the idea of Oregon case in Moscow, ID.
New article and new info!
BK allegedly stalked the girls for weeks before the murders.

IMO, of course he wore gloves, it was wintertime-Cold out. Of course his cell phone is going to ping in the area, he only lived ten miles away
Every background check I've ever had required fingerprinting. I wonder how a criminal background check can be complete without

They live in eastern Pennsyvlania. Their son was in school in the state of Washington. The murders were in Iowa. I don’t know about you, but until last week when BK was arrested, I I had no idea this guy’s university and apartment were so close to the crime scene. And as I’ve said several times, it’s not on local media in Pennsylvania and many people don’t follow true crime or watch cable news. And if they knew, why would they suspect their son, with his brand new master’s degree and an assistanceship in a Ph.D. program?
Murders were in Idaho.
Some research. Much of the research is adamant that ASD has nothing to do with it. We do not know that that he is on the spectrum, unless I've missed something. Linking his crime to that is sketchy at best. What Do We Really Know About Autism and Crime?
If you'll re-read my post, you'll see that the point I made was that social awkwardness could lead to the sort of frustration and anger described regardless of whether autism is present. I did not suggest that this particular offender has autism spectrum disorder.
I'm thinking that if he flew home that would mean he wouldn't have a car available over the winter break so that could mean his parents would have to drive him around. I don't get the feeling he has a lot of friends back home he could get rides from and renting a car these days is super expensive. Maybe that's the reason the dad agreed to drive the car home with him. BUT...was the dad also going to drive the car back to school with him in January and then fly home again? I don't think they have a lot of money (if the bankruptcies are true) so that doesn't make financial sense. In my mind, the possible reasons (PURE SPECULATION AHEAD):

- BK knew he wasn't gonna be going back to school and/or expected to be arrested along the drive?
- BK was using drugs and Dad was worried about him driving?
- BK told him something is wrong with the car and it might not be safe to drive it that far?

What I wonder is whether this is the usual way he gets back and forth from school with his car? If it is not the norm than I would say it's one of the above. MOO

Earlier on in this case, I shared that I had listened to a podcast recently. Once the researcher had the DNA collected from the crime scene, it took her 2 days to build the family tree and identify the perpetrator. The turn-around time is becoming less and less. There's got to be a lot of criminals out there not getting much sleep at night, let's hope anyway.

BBM. But what are you basing that on? I haven't seen anything that suggests that so it just seems like a very random assumption about something that is most likely very innocent.

We are all just expressing our opinions and theories on this case, as far as terms of use allow. Some are more reasonable and probable than others. We only have to quote experts when we are presenting things as fact, other than that everything here is IMO, IMHO, JMO etc. We shouldn't, IMO (lol) have to ask someone to justify their opinion IMO! LOL
2500 miles is a long drive. Dad may have flown to BK so that they could share the drive. Was this the norm in other years? Was it a ruse to get the car out of the area?

This is the most sensible explanation. I think the heat was turned up and he needed a reason that appeared legit to get that vehicle out of dodge. I would love to know what the plan was when it was time to return home. Drive back? Trade the vehicle in? Get it detailed there? Do a thorough cleaning there so that it wasn't suspicious?

If my thinking is correct, he would NOT return with that Elantra… As smart as he thinks he is, I don’t see any way of avoiding the scrutiny- I think he was planning on getting a new car in PA. At the very least he could get his family to help sell it, then buy a replacement later. The vehicle description was the beginning of the end, IMO.
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