ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 48

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When I look at these photos up close, and (another photo on his way in to court), it looks to me like he has on a bullet-proof vest underneath his red shirt. Do you think so too? I'm not surprised if he does... just impressed that the police officers thought of it.
It’s a high profile case. Think it’s typical.
Also wonder if his broken noses occurred during boxing. IMO, it's pretty obvious he broke his nose a couple times.
Along those lines…regarding boxing
IIRC he started boxing about the same time he lost the weight so if he continued to box up until this arrest he has been doing it for about ten years.
I wonder if he has suffered many head blows/ concussions etc and if any have been documented. <modsnip> JMO
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Quoting a post from the last thread: ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 47

This was bodycam of Indiana State Police that pulled over Bryan Kohberger and his father. Couple of things came to mind... He must have about pooped his pants when he saw the lights and heard the sirens. And he has that same intense look to his eyes (below. I scribbled out his dads face). Also, that was one of THE dirtiest cars I've ever seen. I'd have thought it would have been much cleaner. Like... recently detailed trying to get rid of blood. Perhaps it was dirtied during their drive.

~1:48 - Where are you all headed to? "That's a long haul. Haven't you guys heard of airplanes?".

Interesting that the LEO questioned why they didn't just fly. My take is because BK didn't want to leave his car behind and risk it being seen, inspected, and/or hauled off. He wanted it

~1:15 - (can't hear what BK or father was saying) "Today? Then I'm not going to give you guys another ticket or warning if you just got stopped. Just give yourself plenty of room, ok?".

I wonder if that LE will get into trouble for not ticketing him since he was already stopped once before that day. I wouldn't think that you'd get excused from a ticket just because you already had one that day. I'd think you should get one for sure to really show they are serious about you not driving illegally! I'm sure he never expected that bodycam vid of his convo with BK would go viral since LE didn't realize he had just pulled over a murderer.


Picture taken from this link to the bodycam vid:
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After watching the body cam video of the Indiana state police pulling over BK in his vehicle, I felt bad for his father who had the police body camera right in his face. I had thought that perhaps they might have hid/obscured his father's face when they decided to release the video, since the father was not driving, and at this time not charged with anything. Seeing as this is such a high-profile case all over the world right now, why not obscure his father's close-up shot in the video, especially with all the care taken to be respectful of the other parents.
I totally agree. Why show the father’s face…was it necessary? Until we are told differently, the father is a victim as well.
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So been thinking over the past few days. I believe BK targeted the house. The whole house. I think he spent the semester pre planning this attack. I think he met one of the young victims at the Mad Greek restaurant. I believe this establishment had plentiful ”vegan” food so was likely a spot he frequented and everything snowballed from there. Maybe he had an interaction and possibly learned one (or both) of their names and began stalking social media.

I think the timing is critical bc it was a Saturday night so he didn’t have to attend classes the next day and it’s possible he didn’t have to have many interactions with staff or students heading into Thanksgiving break. (Gives himself time to heal in case there’s an injury to himself).

i believe his plan was to wipeout the entire house. From Top to the Bottom and in that order. I think he committed the acts to M and K, and moved to X’s room not knowing E was in there. I believe the struggle happened here which ultimately ended his plan by injury or panic. And he bailed. Quickly (explains the speeding from the scene). Most likely he was injured. Which explains the “sloppiness” and DNA as well.

I think jealousy is a main factor. All pretty girls. All had boyfriends. All had LOTS of friends. Something he allegedly has struggled with for 28 years. Also, he couldve been just as jealous of all these “boyfriends” and/or “frat guys” and wanted to inflict pain to them as well. JMO
Yep. That picture. I wish I was on my better monitor at work, but don't see how the incised line along his wrist is shadow. It could be something other than a wound, but it sure is interesting. On my monitor at home (which is not a terrible monitor - it's a brand new Apple with alleged color correction built it) he has a yellowish area on the back of his hand that appears to have a slightly darker bruise-like part to it, but I'm sure the forensic photographer got way better pictures of every inch of his body than this one. This picture does make me optimistic that there might be one more strand of evidence.

If I were the traffic officer, I'd have been worried by that face - dude looks angry in that still, but I am guessing traffic cops have seen it all before.

Odd that there's so much dirt on the outside of the car.

I could be totally wrong about the mark on the edge of his wrist. But it's suss enough that I'm sure they used forensic camera techniques to get better pictures of whether this is a healing bruise/scrape.
Yes, his wrist has a dried blood look to me


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His DNA (blood) might come from here (two visible wounds on right hand)

I'm viewing it the same way. It's not a pattern of hair growth. It looks like some kind of striation, as if he scraped his hand along something wooden or with corrugated or patterned metal. It's weird.

At any rate, if they use those special cameras, they'll know a lot more about the age and nature of those injuries, if they are in fact injuries.

But if he did injure himself in that manner, at 1122 King Road, for sure he left good old blood cells behind, with a full complement of his DNA in every cell.
I'm going to get roasted for this but I don't think he looks weird or crazy at all. He looks like half the lawyers walking the halls of corporate law firms.

I think that makes this whole thing even scarier. With Manson, Adam Lanza, Brian Mitchell (Elizabeth Smart), the Colorado shooter, they all looked bonkers. This guy looks like a mildly attractive accountant.
BK seems to react with "shock" about how his behavior is interpreted, IMO, such as:
  1. He was described as shocked and saying he was totally confused when the manager of the brewery in PA approached him after he allegedly harassed women there before and said they were expecting BK to behave himself this time -- you would think he would be embarrassed instead
  2. He looks shocked in the bodycam video for being pulled over when following too closely when he had just been pulled over minutes before for speeding on his way home to PA & given a warning -- you would think he would look sheepish instead for driving so poorly that he was pulled over for 2 traffic violations within a few minutes of each other & would have heeded the first warning
  3. His lawyer in PA said he seemed to be in a bit of a shocked state that he had been arrested & was in custody -- you would think he would be upset instead
Just some thoughts about his apparent "shock" when he is called to account for his behavior, reminds me a bit of a "black out drunk" who claims they don't remember what they did and have no control over their behavior when under the influence.

What could he have taken that would result in a burglary charge? How does LE know what was taken?
The Idaho statute which refers to burglary reads: “Every person who enters any house, room, apartment, tenement, store, shop, warehouse, mill, barn, stable, outhouse, or a building, tent, vessel, vehicle, trailer, airplane, or railroad car with intent to commit any theft or any felony is guilty of burglary.” He didn’t have to take anything.
Exactly. He entered with the intent to commit murder. This was previously released.
Just breaking and entering into a home is considered burglary. You do not have to take something.

Yep. And opening a door and going in without permission with intent to do a crime is burglary in ID as well, even if no doors or windows are broken. And in this case, there is the reasonable claim by LE that the subject entered the house with the intent to commit a major crime. That's a burglary charge if they want to pursue it.
To follow up on this great post, what must his father be thinking about the cross country trip he just had with his son. I wonder if he noticed any thing different with him but didn't ask. What conversations did they have?
Extradition attorney Lebar, when interviewed Monday, said the father had described the son as behaving as he normally does - no change
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