ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 10

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the picture comes from the basis that they haven't been able to pinpoint a suspect. i also am mainly referring to the entry and exit of the scene. if it was sloppy and had massive amount of forensic evidence, wouldn't something be on the perp that would track outside?
And also the fact that four people were murdered without each other hearing the other murders. Because if they had heard each other being murdered, they wouldn’t have been presumed to be stabbed in their sleep. They would have been awakened and trying to flee.

The other roommates heard nothing significant either. Like screaming. Otherwise I think they would’ve called 911 much earlier.

That also suggests, to me, a much more controlled scene.

And if prints or blood of the perp were found that matched anyone in the inner circle of the deceased, I think that would be known by now. Which makes me feel like it was a more controlled scene- like that of someone who killed for fun or who planned it- rather than someone who had a sudden fit of rage and was uncontrolled.

I don’t know. Maybe we will learn more at the presser. Hopefully.
Except the coroner indicated they were all sleeping when attacked
Wasn’t Ethan found in the hallway?
yesterdays court tv stated they cant tell if a person is asleep by autopsy, only assume so based on No defensive wounds and being positioned in bed etc….some opinions running around not claiming facts. But sleeping in a hallway doesn’t sound right….
The LE said the murdere was sloppy and there is a massive amount of forensic evidence to gather and test. I am not quite sure where this picture of a methodical, leaving no trace murderer stems from.
I believe the scene is sloppy. 4 people were stabbed to death. I believe there is alot of evidence. A toaster with a blood drop is evidence. All blood and clothing is evidence. There has obviously been nothing left to even point them in the direction of a POI. If the killer was in fact so sloppy they would be further along in this investigation. Thats what leads me to think it was methodical. And the clocks ticking. Even if the killer left DNA he would have to be in the system or family DNA would work. That takes time. This sloppy killer has done pretty smoothly so far.
I noticed something interesting in the police logs from yesterday.

Now, the area in which this happened is exactly where Mad Greek, a restaurant where two of the victims worked, is located. Could it be the perp is an unhinged person hanging in the area of the South Main Street?
And I think it's safe to assume that the perp is an unhinged person, regardless of who it turns out to be.
Activity on the police log is continuing to increase. Here's an interesting one from yesterday.

22-M10204 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address: E 2ND ST & S MAIN ST
Disposition: ACT
Time Reported: 14:10
Cad Comments:
A male is walking around taking down the posters with the tip line information.
Officer responded. No report.

MPD Press Log 11/22/2022
While there is "no report " I hope the MPD uniform officers fill out something that takes the individuals information for calls and turn them over to their CID and the FBI to decide who may need to be followed up with .
This afternoon's Press Conference details:

City of Moscow Police Department Facebook:

There will be a News Conference to update the public on the investigation.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
1:00 p.m.
University of Idaho
Alumni Lounge of the ICCU Arena
900 Stadium Drive, Moscow, Idaho
*Live streaming link pending*
CNN reporter on scene just said the Presser will probably cover the ongoing process.
What is everyone’s best current theory as of now?

1) Angry rage-filled ex that turned into a stalker that was rejected/humiliated.
2) Stalker
3) Thrill Kill, a budding Serial Killer in the making. Studied Ted Bundy, Danny Rollings, and Richard Speck. Wants to be infamous and infamy, and for others to fear/worship him/her. Close friends are aware of his unhealthy obsession with serial killers/murders etc...

I need a lot more info about the deceased roommates ex's, Kaylee's stalker, and also want to know who has been skinning local animals alive recently and now reports of a threatening male in a hoodie with a knife. I think they are related and must be thoroughly investigated. I do not think the LE can easily write it off right now. More will be revealed.
In the meantime, if I lived in Idaho, Eastern Washington I'd be extra cautious, buy cameras, travel in packs, be extra cautious.
one thing that stuck with me is that the police said that the murderer would be definitely covered in a lot of blood. no one saw anything? i know it was late at night, but it being in the night of a saturday to sunday, i thought that at least someone would see something.
Methodically planned - would not have used a knife as the weapon. A gun with a silencer would have been methodically planned. The time it took to kill 4 people with a knife tells me the person did not think it through. I would image it takes more than one stab to kill someone, so imagine with me how much effort it would take to kill 4 people with a knife, the same knife as reported.
IMO the method of death or weapon choice has no bearing on whether the crime was methodical.
For example, If a person studied subway maps, entrances and exits, train times, when the non busy times of use are. Purchased a specific knife. Took measures to hide their identity.
Memorized where cameras are. Took measures too have face turned from cameras. Then went to the subway at what they believe is the best time, and stabs someone and takes the pre planned escape.
Its not methodical because they used a knife?
That’s fabulous!
Have LE said they were? I was thinking it was the coroner who'd said that and she looked like she wasn't sure in the interview I saw what she should and shouldn't share, or how much detail. I thought maybe she stopped herself from elaborating on specifics and E was in the hallway but the rest were in their beds, but I think the only source of E in the hallway has come from his parents, from what I can tell, and really early on, so I'm really not sure if it's accurate.
The Coroner on CBS news made a statement to the effect that media reports that all 4 died in their beds was inaccurate. This was about 4 days ago.
one thing that stuck with me is that the police said that the murderer would be definitely covered in a lot of blood. no one saw anything? i know it was late at night, but it being in the night of a saturday to sunday, i thought that at least someone would see something.
Not a lot of prying eyes at 4am in a college town. Likely by plan...
one thing that stuck with me is that the police said that the murderer would be definitely covered in a lot of blood. no one saw anything? i know it was late at night, but it being in the night of a saturday to sunday, i thought that at least someone would see something.

Possibilities: dark clothes where blood doesn’t show


Wore one outfit to do the stabbings—then stripped it off, bundled it into a bag, and wore another outfit home

Other possibilities?

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Possibilities: dark clothes where blood doesn’t show


Wore one outfit to do the stabbings—then stripped it off, bundled it into a bag, snd wore another outfit home
It would be interesting to see what law enforcement found behind the house that prompted the crime tape area to be expanded
I myself am thinking all the calls to J are because the dog was missing when they got home. I personally believe the killer was already there and let the dog out so that it did not cause a disturbance during his crimes (neighbors reported to local and national news they heard no noise at all coming from this house that night, and they were used to regularly hearing whatever was going on over there) and that's why Kaylee and Maddie called J a lot of times, over and over again, until 2:53am. This explains as well why Maddie joined in on calling J. Also explains why she'd say something along the lines of, "This dog is both of ours together", the text that her parents told the news about. The police made a mention of locating the dog, and "gave him to a responsible party", now this poor, sweet puppy is back with J.

I see a big thing on Websleuths is stating when something is your opinion, and I'd like to say, this is my personal opinion. I think it makes sense and fits all of the blank spaces within the set of facts.

IMHO This makes the most sense to me also.
If drunk college kids are returning home around 1 am it's super easy to let out the dog by accident and forget he's gone or the killer broke in, walked in, and let the dog out so as not to make noise.
Someone might have found the dog wandering later and let him inside and he stayed downstairs...or a neighbor took him in and called Animal Control. Are they open in the middle of the night? My guess is no.
You'd think the dog would either be acting strange, trying to run upstairs or barking like crazy, or cowering or trying to hide.
Highly hypothetical: what if one of the residents of the house is, or was pregnant? It's an unfortunately common cause of violence against women. A completely theoretical abstract, and one I certainly hope isn't true, as it would only compound the tragedy. But it could drive an emotional response from a male, particularly if what a female was considering was in opposition. There have been cases of married or otherwise attached men having a fling and wanting another partner to end a pregnancy. Conversely, it's conceivable some men might want a pregnancy not to be ended, perhaps to save a faltering relationship or due to religious beliefs.

Just another possibility, and could open up the field of potential suspects. Moo (and again hope it isn't this).
Since one girl was killed with her BF she likely would be out as target in that scenario. And the other 2 girls were out drinking so also not a likely scenario there. JMO.
I'm not sure about that we haven't heard anything, zilch, zero, nothing where the two surviving housemates where that night or where Xana and Ethan were from 10pm onwards or the party Maddie and Kaylee went to on the Friday night to narrow it down. From the interview with Kaylee's mum this is one of the reasons she drove back, also to show off her car and go to the pi pi party on the Friday night. Too many unknowns.
It has been previously posted and linked several times that the two unharmed roommates had been out of town and both returned home around 1 am. Sunday morning. :)

Edited to add link that has been previously posted.
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What is everyone’s best current theory as of now?
I think there is one killer. My amateur profile:

- man, late 20s/early 30s, white

- blue collar; uses hand tools at work

- lives alone or with parents

- physically capable and strong

- does not stand out in town appearance-wise but definitely has a history of creeping women out

- hunter

- longtime obsession with knives that is well known to people close to him

- not a current student

- not a coworker

- murder was the goal; possesses a longstanding homicidal ideation

- sexually & revenge motivated

- likely interacted with victims but not a friend or acquaintance

- KG and/or MM were the primary targets but I won’t be surprised if he didn’t even know their names

- lives/lived in the general area and is comfortable in this neighborhood specifically

- hates sorority/attractive/successful college girls and U of I students in general

- did not drive to scene; approached on foot
Can someone please tell me what thread the diagram of the house is on?
What time is presser? I am in AZ, I think 2 my time not sure though. Could someone tell me if it is in a half hour from now or a hour and a half. Thanks you guys!
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