ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 10

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I think there is one killer. My amateur profile:

- man, late 20s/early 30s, white

- blue collar; uses hand tools at work

- lives alone or with parents

- physically capable and strong

- does not stand out in town appearance-wise but definitely has a history of creeping women out

- hunter

- longtime obsession with knives that is well known to people close to him

- not a current student

- not a coworker

- murder was the goal; possesses a longstanding homicidal ideation

- sexually & revenge motivated

- likely interacted with victims but not a friend or acquaintance

- KG and/or MM were the primary targets but I won’t be surprised if he didn’t even know their names

- lives/lived in the general area and is comfortable in this neighborhood specifically

- hates sorority/attractive/successful college girls and U of I students in general

- did not drive to scene; approached on foot
I agree with most of this and would like to add, I think it's someone who fits this description but met them at a house party they had at their house at some point. I think the guy would have fit in but seemed off to some people. he probably wanted to fit in and hit on the girls. I think he lives nearby. It's a bit of a stretch but I looked up registered sex offenders within a 3 mile radius of the house. There is about 3-4 men fitting your description in regards to age and race. One of them had an address listed on king rd...the apartments RIGHT across the street from the house. Could be something, could be nothing.
To me, this is giving off that "Gainesville Ripper - Danny Rolling" vibe. If so, it may take a while to make an arrest.

Rolling committed his first Gainesville murder on August 24, 1990. But it would be November that same year before detectives began to consider him.

and only because someone who knew him in Shreveport, Louisiana called in a tip!
If this killer is indeed a stranger with no DNA, or fingerprints in the system it could take awhile or until he strikes again ( I hope not).
male, late 20s - 30s
dexterous, maybe butcher or hunter.
can't decide if revenge or passion
wanted it to be personal, hence the knife instead of gun, so an added layer of ickyness
knows at least one of the victims because he knew that he wasn't at risk of being shot/there were no weapons

I don't think this is either revenge or passion. I think this is a killer driven by his fixations. I doubt he knew any of the victims well, if at all.
Look at the floorplans posted on here and the pics on Zillow. Each girl had her own bedroom door, presumably lockable. No lock at top or bottom of the 1st floor up to 2nd floor staircase.
Which floorplan?

College plans has pre renovation plans.

has photo number 3 top of the stairs but cannot see the bottom. Photo number 11 shows the back of the staircase.

Is there another layout posted?
I see people speculating that E might have heard something and got up to investigate and killer stabbed him. I thought LE stated all 4 were killed in their beds? Did I get that wrong?
Also in my opinion,going with a loner type that watched this house. Lived near by, had some interaction with these students and something tipped the scales that made him act that night.
I may have missed the discussion re the recent expansion of the search area by LE behind the house, and into the parking lot... is it being speculated that the suspect may have been watching from this area? Or, that the suspect discarded of potential evidence there?
Moscow PD has a webpage dedicated to the murders. It provides the most up to date information and facts: King Street Homicide | Moscow, ID
I have reported your post to the Mods to see if we can have it posted on the opening posts of all the threads. That way we can easily find the link to direct others to when they are new or confused. Thank you!
For some reason, I thought the two survivors were out on the town not out of town.

Anyone have a link?
The police said the two surviving housemates had each been out of town, separately, on Saturday and had returned to the house by about 1 a.m.

I can't help but think that if someone is breaking into a house, they take a look at the house, noting it's entrances and exits. Normally, houses have a front door, and the closest thing I see to a front door is downstairs -- where the parking is. Is there another door somewhere that looks like a front door? There are also windows there. I don't know if the curtains were closed, but maybe the killer could look into the curtains and see what's downstairs. IDK.

I'm asking because I don't understand why the killer wouldn't know about the downstairs area, what was in it, and how to access it. From looking at the house, it's quite clear to me that it's three stories.

The house reminds me of the one Amanda knox lived in -- except the downstairs area was totally cut off. In this house in ID, it seems like there is an open staircase going down to the first floor. IDK why the killer would ignore it and not even look down there -- unless when you get to the bottom, it is a locked door.

A link to an initial on scene report from an official has been posted repeatedly, I’ll try to bring it over again.
Paraphrasing he said the scene was “particularly” bloody on the two upper floors.
That led me to believe that he did make it downstairs to the first floor.
How and why the survivors were spared may be simple. Locked doors?
Or he may have been sending them a message or warning..
Since the Police spokesperson stated on 11/22/2022 that the victims were UNDOUBTEDLY targeted….

JMO but does that mean :

1) some kind of message was left in the bedroom(s).

2) Was a threatening text message received by one of the victims?

3) Were there verbal threats to any of the victims recently?

4) Threatening message left on/in one of their vehicles?

5) Threatening message left at place of employment?

Hoping to hear more information/insight on these horrific murders at today’s press conference.

When I consider "why" the four victims but not the two spared roommates (and thank goodness their lives WERE spared), I come up with a few possibilities:

If this was a stranger (or relative stranger) who had been peeping and watching the females in the home from the tree-hidden area at the back of the property (and on the edge of the parking lot to the nearby Queen Apartments), he may have been unaware of the bedrooms at the first level (because there are no windows to those bedrooms at the back side of the house). If he saw the front stairs while inside, he may have simply assumed the front stairs went to utility spaces entered from the door from the parking area.

If this was a person known to the females and was a vengeance or rage killing due to a broken relationship, then the fact that the three females who were murdered were also longtime friends who had grown up together around the CdA area might be relevant. Perhaps the friends of the primary target had encouraged her in the breakup, urging her to spread her wings untethered as she launched into her adult working life. Alternatively, maybe they didn't do that, but the perpetrator believed they had. Either way, the perpetrator may have considered the friends at fault for the primary target's rejection of him. In this scenario, EC was killed because he was spending the night and was in the way.

ETA: JMO, in speculating about possibilities. Also, IMO the perpetrator in the second scenario wouldn't necessarily be the rejected boyfriend himself. It could be a close friend who witnessed how troubled the rejected boyfriend was by the breakup. And that could be a close friend at college, or one back home.
I see windows on the front of that house. I find it hard to believe someone breaking it commit murder -- not even sexual assault, will not look downstairs. To me, it makes no sense he went on two floors and not the first floor -- unless he was there to kill specific people and to spare specific people.
I may have missed the discussion re the recent expansion of the search area by LE behind the house, and into the parking lot... is it being speculated that the suspect may have been watching from this area? Or, that the suspect discarded of potential evidence there?
Here is a video from Fox News' YouTube yesterday, I don't think media has been told why the search area was expanded, but I may be wrong.
My theory? A coworker/customer/fellow student that one of the girls was nice too. This person had became infatuated overtime, had watched the house, knew the victims movements etc. Possibly the night of ran into one of the girls and they possibly blew this person off/not as friendly. This angered the suspect. That night he watched the house, waited for the lights to go off. Entered through the unlocked slider or window. Made his way to the 3rd floor and killed both Maddie and Kaylee. I have a feeling these 2 may have been in the same room that night while the dog was in another? As the suspect made his way back down to the second floor, was confronted by either Ethan or Xana. Based on social media pictures and layout of the house posted, Xana's room was right below the other 2. Quite possible they did hear something (such as dog barking, scuffle) and woke up. I think the killer then locked the bedroom doors.

Based on the layout, I do not think the ground floor roommates heard anything. When they woke up probably heard the dog barking and couldn't get in the rooms, called friends over to help. Maybe they vaguely saw something in the 2nd floor window to think someone was unconscious and that's when police were called.

What I don't know is if the killer cleaned up any blood on his way out, if there was blood at all in the hallways, how he exited the home or quite frankly anything. Just my theory and could be completely wrong.

Sorry I know it's a long post, but this case has me consumed. Especially with a daughter about to go off to college. Very upsetting and my heart absolutely breaks for the family and friends.
Hi Mack.
With all the blood produced by bleeding out, I don't think the perp(s) cared about cleaning any blood if there was any, in the hallway.
A link to an initial on scene report from an official has been posted repeatedly, I’ll try to bring it over again.
Paraphrasing he said the scene was “particularly” bloody on the two upper floors.
That led me to believe that he did make it downstairs to the first floor.
How and why the survivors were spared may be simple. Locked doors?
Or he may have been sending them a message or warning..
A message or warning, I hadn't thought of until now.

Someone owes money to someone else. If you kill them can they pay you? Nope. But if you kill someone close to them to show they can be gotten to and what may happen to them it may "inspire" them to pay their debt.
FFS, I guess we don't know where the surviving roommates were.

"Police said Saturday that the two surviving roommates were out separately in Moscow in the late night hours of Nov. 12, and both had returned home by 1 a.m. on Nov. 13."

"The police said the two surviving housemates had each been out of town, separately, on Saturday and had returned to the house by about 1 a.m."

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