ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 14

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She may have been tagged in pictures she wasn't in simply because she was present at the event. It happens all the time on my social media.

It also seems like X and E spent enough time together that they were both very firmly engrained in each other's social circles. It wouldn't surprise me if his friends considered her a friend as well in the same way he seems to have been accepted and welcomed by her roommate group. MOO

I think a lot of the facets of this case that people keep commenting on as puzzling or suspicious (X talking to her dad at midnight, the bodies not being discovered until noon, etc.) are really common among people this age and don't necessarily mean anything sinister. I'm about 10 years older than them and was never a partier, but I kept similar hours when I was in college and am still a night owl.
How bizarre that the two ground floor roommates a) didn’t hear anything and b) were still without a clue at noon the next day. The blood must have been contained to the bedrooms, but I’d think there would be a smell 7 hours after four bloody deaths.
Me too. My bf who is now my husband was already a cop and he was 9 years older- carefully guarded secret, I was 21 and were practically living together. But girls / roommates always cover for me when parents visits. :) I don’t think parents always know what college kids are up to.
That last so true. It makes me wonder what the parents didn't know....that could be part of the mystery here.
Where were x and e that night
Where were d and b?
Are the timelines correct ?
We don't know where X & E were for 4 hours!
Her dad said she was at home at midnight (yes, this is off the cuff commenting from father. It is not verified by LE. We all know). Police state they didn't arrive home until 130. Lot of unknown there.

D/B is unknown and probably not relevant, at least to us here on this site, as we shouldn't (and it's against rules to) speculate on what "currently cleared as suspects" people/friends/victims may have been doing.
Her sister has a timeline, they went to a party, stopped by the food truck, caught a ride home. I believe she has it near 2am. She's the one who found the food truck video. Someone said it looks like one of the girls was filming with her phone there.
Do we know where the boyfriend and girlfriend had been to that night?
You are talking about K and M.
The OP was asking about D + B. Those are the other roomates. In my reply to the post I stated we should not, and cannot, speculate their movements as they are also victims of this crime in many ways.
Since it seems from that interview that Kaylee‘s dad was inferring that maybe someone‘s alibi gave a detail that actually wasn’t there, it made me think that it was even smarter, not just because you catch your victims by surprise, for the killer to do it that time of night. You would say that everyone is asleep at that time so if you’re trying to make an alibi, how do you prove that you were in your bed asleep? I mean if you wake up and can’t sleep, you can go online and then there will be some digital footprint, but otherwise, if you really are sleeping, how do you prove it? And that also to me then made me think how do you prove with your phone where you were. I don’t know if it’s because it’s such a small town that maybe the cell phone towers or the networks out there aren’t as prevalent so it’s harder? I don’t know. And maybe the killer was really smart as hell and left his phone at home anyway.

That then makes me also think that if the killer lived across the street in the apartment complex, maybe it would leave the same digital footprint since it’s literally a few yards away. My point is I’m not sure how they can use the digital footprints in this particular situation. I hope they really help.
YOU don't have to prove anything. The burden of proof lies with the government. THEY have prove that you weren't where you said you were, doing what you said you were doing, at the time you said you were doing it.
I was questioning whether I heard correctly when LE said the driveway was gravel, but it is gravel. Makes it hard to get tire tracks, or foot/shoe prints.
How bizarre that the two ground floor roommates a) didn’t hear anything and b) were still without a clue at noon the next day. The blood must have been contained to the bedrooms, but I’d think there would be a smell 7 hours after four bloody deaths.
Personally I find them hearing nothing less remarkable than not smelling the blood.

Depending on the acoustics of the house and their own state (deep sleepers, hung over, etc.) and the actual logistics of the murders (no screaming or violent struggle), they may very well have slept through it.

I'd think the smell of blood would have been quite noticeable, but I can also see them being disoriented and in a state of shock and not really registering things. MOO Maybe they did smell it and it helped register the whole thing as somehow off without them processing that they woke up to a horrific crime scene.
My husband has a thin knit cap, fits tightly on his head so it can't be shaken off, and it has 2 "built in" battery-operated lights on the front of it. He wears it while walking our dog in the dark, the idea being that he can see in the dark but still have both hands free for the leash and the poop bag. The killer could have had something similar
You can also get infrared night goggles that can be affixed to the head. Some have recording capabilities, which would be just the thing for a psycopathic killer to help him relive the experience.
I am curious about this as well. In the update, these three things stand out:

*Detectives are also seeking additional tips and surveillance video of any unusual behavior on the night of November 12th into the early hours of November 13th while Kaylee and Madison were in downtown Moscow and while Ethan and Xana were at the Sigma Chi house.

*TIPS: Detectives are looking for context to the events and people involved in these murders.

*Detectives are seeking all outside surveillance video taken from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Sunday, November 13th, from businesses and residences within the geographical area listed below.

I feel like LE is looking for circumstances that occurred earlier in the evening that possibly led to the murders. IMO, that suggests to me that LE does not think somebody chose the house at random, or had planned this well in advance and was lurking at the house waiting for them. It's just my take on the overall requests from LE, but it comes across to me like they suspect an event happened in the hours just prior to the murders to possibly set the wheels in motion. JMO.
Yeah I agree.
It is a big part of now I arrived at my previously posted theory. I believe X was target and their was a "triggering" event that occurred sometime between 8pm and their arrival home. SO much focus has been on K/M....but E & specifically X have much more unknowns in their timeline and intriguing yet subtle word choices from family/friend & LEOs.
The city of Moscow, Idaho, has a population of 25,850 according to

The University of Idaho has 10,791 students, according to Wikipedia.

If the suspect resides in Moscow, which I believe they do, there's a 41.7% chance that a student committed this crime.

I had an epiphany after reading this article on Fox, specifically this exchange between Fox host Lawrence Jones and Idaho State Police Officer Aaron Snell.

Lawrence Jones: "Obviously, you've got somebody that's on the loose right now. There's a lot of fear with the public based on what you guys have been able to collect. And you have profilers on the team, BAU unit is here, why not go ahead and release that profile?"

Aaron Snell: "It will potentially put more fear, more suspicion on a wide variety of people versus if we use that to really refine where we're at in our investigation. I think that will be more pertinent."

I believe the suspect is a student or students; it's isolated and targeted. If they release the profile, it will cast "suspicion on a wide variety of people," which is 41.7% of the population of Moscow.
Except for the Navajo Nation which does recognize DST.
Right. But, I *think* (although frankly the thread has gotten away from me!) that we’re discussing because X’s father is in Avondale, which is just outside of Phoenix. We might not actually know if he meant he talked to X at midnight her time or his.

ETA: ok maybe I’m assuming he’s in Avondale because there are conflicting reports of where X is from?! May have to do further digging.

Edited again: mentions X’s father speaking to local Arizona channel, which jives with my understanding of the Arizona connection. Slain University of Idaho Student Fought to Defend Herself, Dad Says: 'She's a Tough Kid'
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Thanks, yes, I did watch that. I was searching for a correct still image showing the two staircases-I really hate video and prefer to read and wanted to have something open in a tab to study. I was forced into Gray Hughes’ 3d model which shows both.

Unless X or E came out of the bedroom, it was a strange floor plan to navigate to find them if the killer did not know the layout. And whichever floor came first, it was a circuitous path through the house to get to his victims. There had to be evidence left along the way. That will tell the tale, including order.
The idea of LE calling this a targeted attack bothers me. It almost makes no sense. If it was a targeted attack why were the others murdered? If you go by whats been reported that the victims were murdered in their beds then why wouldn't the killer kill the intended victim and and then leave. Why risk going after the others if they had gotten the one they were after? Is it possible that they murdered the wrong person first and continued three more times before finally getting the target? That seems pretty far fetched. Is it possible that after the first murder the others woke up? But if that were the case they wouldn't have been found in their beds? Unless the killer put them back in their beds? I guess it is possible that the killer snapped after the first one. The only other thing is that is if all four victims knew something and if the killer had only murdered the target, they others would have known who the killer was? So is it possible it was a targeted attack. Yes, it is possible, but it just seems odd at this point with what we know.
Can’t dogs track where he went?

If the trail ends, it seems he got into a car
I've wondered about using a tracking dog. Someone with more experience in their use might know if they would have been of much use in that environment. In the Delphi murder case, Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby told HLN in Feb 2020 one of his regrets was canceling the tracking dog team that was on its way to Delphi when the victims were found deceased. The thought was that maybe the dogs could have at least given LE the path the killer took from the crime scene and maybe where he parked if he drove.

In this case if the killer walked from a nearby house maybe then they could at least narrow it down to a particular apartment complex. If the trail ends because he got in a car at least LE would have a spot to concentrate on for camera footage.
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