ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 16

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"On November 13th, the surviving roommates summoned friends to the residence because they believed one of the second-floor victims had passed out and was not waking up."

I'm not sure the caller even saw the victim. If she knew the victim was in her room but didn't answer through repeated calling and knocking.
I’m not sure the surviving housemates saw one or more victims, either, but I strongly suspect something horrific was seen, not heard, no ringing phones, alarms, or whatever. JMHO.
Could you please provide a sources that shows they were cleared? To my knowledge, LE only "do not believe" the roommates and summoned friends were not involved. As far as I know, noone has been officially cleared to date.
Per Moscow police spokesperson Snell “All individuals who were in the home when police arrived have been cleared”.
From the interview per link below.

Idaho Student murders update: Police say why key details are being withheld from the public

maybe it was Brian's interpretation but if it wasn't and that is what the PA said, it could have other impacts. It can't be reassuring to wider Idaho student community or their parents. you can already see that reaction in the twitter replies, above .

which house will be targeted next? ( implies that the identity of these murdered students was irrelevant to the perp, that he had no particular interest in these four, could be any student house in the future. As if random choice for a psycho )
If you were an Idaho University parent - that would have to be alarming

( plus LE experts were already commenting that many students leaving campus for holidays and from fear, many studying remotely isn't good for a speedy investigation)

Might be better if just one person handled media inquiries. Calmer, fewer contradictions? One voice
Agree wholeheartedly. If this is true, then they really jumped the gun early on by making it seem like this crime was an isolated incident or a crime of passion..blah..blah.. and there was no reason to worry. My first impression was that they meant someone in the house was linked to the killer, but now this reporter reveals the prosecutor told him that no evidence has been developed that any of the victims were specifically targeted. Thank goodness the FBI was asked to step
Could you please provide a sources that shows they were cleared? To my knowledge, LE only "do not believe" the roommates and summoned friends were not involved. As far as I know, noone has been officially cleared to date.
It was posted two posts above yours and the term used was "cleared". I suspect your post and that one passed in the ethersphere so you may not have seen it.
One thing that doesn’t make sense to me is, if the unresponsive person was X or E on the 2nd floor, wouldn’t the roommates/friends have also tried to reach those on the 3rd floor, including going up to their rooms? Was there really no blood evidence outside of the rooms? And also, why wasn’t the 911 call for multiple unresponsive people, since they wouldn’t have been able to reach any of the four? I know it’s nothing I need to know, I just am curious how it played out, and how well the media reports mesh with reality.
I agree with this. You would think they'd want to check on their other roommates. Although, its hard to know what kind of fear, panic or shock they were in if that's the way it went down. However, this is part of what makes me think that the unresponsive person was not a victim. Just trying to make all the pieces fit, and it's soooo difficult.
Is it just me thinking that the authorities would have taken the cars in the first day or two after the killings? Waiting two weeks to take possession of them seems like a long time.
Could be because they don't think they are relevant in anyway? LE may have had a quick look in them, and saw there was nothing connected to the crime.

I did feel very sad the cars were taken though. It's the students personal property and should be handed over to their families, not kept by LE.
What if the unresponsive female was one of the downstairs roommates. Roommate 1 calls “X” like she does in the mornings to catch up on how the party went etc. no answer. She calls again. Texts. No answer. Thinks “ I’ll go wake her up”. Heads upstairs to second floor towards x and e room and sees blood. Sign of a struggle. A body. Roommate 1 faints from shock and fear. Roommate 2 downstairs hears friend hit the floor or scream. Runs up the stairs to find roommate 1 passed out. She panics. Calls friends arrive to help. Then 911 is called.
What if the unresponsive female was one of the downstairs roommates. Roommate 1 calls “X” like she does in the mornings to catch up on how the party went etc. no answer. She calls again. Texts. No answer. Thinks “ I’ll go wake her up”. Heads upstairs to second floor towards x and e room and sees blood. Sign of a struggle. A body. Roommate 1 faints from shock and fear. Roommate 2 downstairs hears friend hit the floor or scream. Runs up the stairs to find roommate 1 passed out. She panics. Calls friends arrive to help. Then 911 is called.
I wish they'd come out and release a transcript of the 911 call.
As all housemates have been cleared I can't see why they won't.
They don't have to release the audio, just a script.
No persons of interest, no one seen coming or going. No screams heard or cars coming or going to look for. Sounds like a professional hit or someone with military training. I mean even two people on the bottom floor heard nothing with four people being stabbed to death probably not far away. If it were targeted like the police are saying then someone was spying on the residents and surely someone or some camera has them on there in the days or weeks leading up to the murders.
Been a while since I’ve posted but this case has totally consumed me. Please delete if not allowed. But is it possible this was a professional hit? The police say it was sloppy and made a big mess. IMO this is to irritate the killer(s). I think this is a professional hit on one or more of the 4 victims. I don’t know what led to the hit but a few things that come to mind are drug rings/gambling debt? Cartel/drug rings/gambling bookies etc. are ruthless and they aren’t afraid to take you or your family member out. IMO with the level of LE/FBI/etc. in Idaho working to solve this, 2 weeks later, I sadly feel this won’t be solved because it was a hired hit. I HOPE IM WRONG. IMO The killer(s) are long gone and not on campus, maybe not in ID. IMO No way the boyfriend or a college kid could pull this off. To kill 4 people with a knife in less than an hour and get away without a trace AND not be caught after 2 weeks requires military/professional training - again MOO.

IMHO this is definitely plausible, and probably more plausible than some of the other theories out there. I've always thought something like this was a possibility from the beginning of this case, but then I watch a lot of crime drama TV shows/movies - so that may be affecting my view here.

The fact that the perp. came when everyone was asleep, committed the crimes, and left the house without alerting the 2 survivors (and, no - I don't think they had anything to do with this) seems more like a professional, methodical hit - than that it was done by a crazed/spurned lunatic/stalker who couldn't contain their intense rage.

That being said, if it was a hit I somehow don't see all 4 victims being targets. Maybe 1 (or 2) were targets, but the non-targets were killed because they were either in the way and/or because the killer didn't want witnesses?!

If this was the case, maybe the reason the two survivors on the bottom floor were spared was because the perp. didn't have any reason to kill them - given that they asleep; weren't alerted to the crimes; and didn't see the perp. But, it's also possible the perp. didn't know they were in the house.

However, this is obviously sheer speculation & I could be very wrong.
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Not quite. What we have is a reporter relaying information from a DA who is not directly involved in the day-to-day investigation. So third hand knowledge at best. As can be seen on every page of this thread, communicating clearly is difficult.

To me this means investigators believe the the people living in the house were targeted as a group, not the physical structure.

That is not true. The DA is on scene and talking to case investigators everyday. There are many videos of him walking in and out of the police station and/or the crime scene essentially everyday. One was on Thanksgiving Day if I recall. He is in charge of reviewing evidence, chain of custody, and is a primary actor in what information can and cannot be disclosed to the public. He has to be in order to facilitate an eventual prosecution. That he clarified that it wasn't an individual targeted but rather the house in general was no accident, slip, or miscommunication, and is a profound change in terms of what the public now knows and sadly, what it suggests.

My opinion.
... If it were targeted like the police are saying then someone was spying on the residents and surely someone or some camera has them on there in the days or weeks leading up to the murders.
Not necessarily, there weren't any cameras in the immediate vicinity. A neighbor is the most likely scenario here if it ISN'T a professional hit/serial killer/etc. MOO.
It seems to me (MOO) that we are receiving numerous conflicting facts from Websleuth's sanctioned sources on the details of this atrocity. It makes me question if it's caused by misspeaking, a purposeful vagueness, corrections of poor communication, compilation of rumors, or a craftily controlled release of facts (true and false) to trap the killer.
So that makes me step back and look at LE's chain of command. IE, if historically, an investigation is botched - who steps up and takes control of the publicity? Is it left to the lowest level? Or does state LE step up? Or does the FBI come forward and try to use their prowess to reassure the public? I don't know as I haven't really followed that many cases this closely. But if we knew a past pattern for who steps up as official spokesperson at what point, then maybe we could better understand how to sift the facts they are releasing?
At this point I am gobsmacked and have almost given up on trying to follow the details.
I wish they'd come out and release a transcript of the 911 call.
As all housemates have been cleared I can't see why they won't.
They don't have to release the audio, just a script.
it could include a lot of chaos. it was stated that multiple people spoke to the dispatcher. it could also include details that would harm the investigation.
I have fainted. I was not completely out of it.

Syncope, commonly known as fainting, or passing out, is a loss of consciousness and muscle strength characterized by a fast onset, short duration, and spontaneous recovery Syncope (medicine) - Wikipedia

Why on earth would the Communications Director for the Idaho State Police discuss a fairly benign medical condition of a roommate???
Wouldn't that be a violation of the roommate's privacy??? Wouldn't that be a violation of the HIPAA Act?? Sure, he doesn't give the roommate's name, but there were only two of them and this investigation has been protecting the roommates.
Whether one of them fainted or not is not a legal issue or is it part of the murder investigation.
Fainting is under the umbrella of the term 'Unresponsive.'

Does unresponsive mean unconscious?

Unconsciousness is an unresponsive state. A person who is unconscious may seem like they are sleeping but may not respond to things like loud noises, being touched, or being shaken. Fainting is a type of unconsciousness that happens suddenly and may only last a few seconds.

First aid for unconsciousness: What to do and when to seek help

it could include a lot of chaos. it was stated that multiple people spoke to the dispatcher. it could also include details that would harm the investigation.
A simplified redacted version would be fine. Just give us what they can.
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