ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 28

DNA Solves
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Going through Pullman Police activity logs and my heart skipped a couple beats...
Good find. One would think a killer would have immediately left the complete area rather than go to a small town (Pullman - 30,000), but maybe he lives there. If LE has the vehicle, suspect should be identified quickly. If he flew from the airport, should be easy to locate him.
January 1 is when we need a reward. LE needs to show us what they have by then and if we don't know who did it then let's offer a $250,000 reward. Killing 4 people with a knife is nuts we need to find out who did this. Money will bring out that tip we need to realize who we are dealing with here.
Good find. One would think a killer would have immediately left the complete area rather than go to a small town (Pullman - 30,000), but maybe he lives there. If LE has the vehicle, suspect should be identified quickly. If he flew from the airport, should be easy to locate him.
IMO. He works in Pullman and the white Elantra is parked in long term parking
even in a criminal investigation?

The original night-stalker case in CA was sold with help from a genealogy website.
Geneology companies had agreements with customers.

Criminal database and family with criminal record gets em.

Is the address, 1122, November 2022 coincidence? Did the killer choose month year to carry out fantasy? How clean was that $9000 Elantra?

Has this happened elsewhere?
I suspect the car is somewhere not easily accessible IMO
Geneology companies had agreements with customers.

Criminal database and family with criminal record gets em.

Is the address, 1122, November 2022 coincidence? Did the killer choose month year to carry out fantasy?

Has this happened elsewhere?
Can you elaborate?
You make good points. I wonder how K was able to take 1 1/2 weeks weeks of school (or maybe she did online while visiting parents) and then return to UI as a surprise/show off new car, then planned to leave again to celebrate her Mom's birthday I think Tues 11/15 then return to complete semester and attend commencement/graduation ceremony which just happened. Unfortunate timing or target? I also wonder what the co-parent dog arrangement was with the ex?
I wonder the exact same thing about the dog. Initially I thought the dogs whereabouts were important but may not help the investigation much. IMO - the location of the dog before they left to go out ….where he usually slept… Could now provide significant clues to piece together the investigation and help determine whether or not the attacks were targeted and what level of planning / watching the house and victims the perp had to do.

MOO - this is important info the LE will continue to withhold because it is very important to the investigation.
Here's a theory that I have been tossing around. So let's assume that Kaylee was the target. She arrives back in Moscow to show off her car to her friends. The person or persons that have an issue with her see that she is back and decide that this may be their last opportunity to get to her. So they follow her when she and Maddie go out. Once the girls get home they watch the house and wait until it's quiet and go into the house through the sliding door on the 2nd floor. They go up to the 3rd floor and find that K and M are asleep in the same room. At this point they feel they have reached the point of no return and murder both K and M. Meanwhile on the 2nd floor either Ethan or Xana or both are awoken by the noise upstairs, or maybe the dog heard something and started barking. As the the Killer or Killers came down the stairs to leave the house they run into E or X who are up investigating the noise. Maybe E and X can identify them so the murder them. They leave the house the same way they came in.

Again just a theory and this assumes that Kaylee was the target and the that Killer or Killer's knew the layout and where the victims slept.
I think the 4 of them as a group were targeted ! It was probably an act of vengeance. I believe that the killer was aware of the other tenants but since he/they had nothing against them, they were not touched. I think the police should be looking into their past as a group, the people they didn't get along with, maybe bullying was involved or something else !
Has the killer planned an elaborate fantasy around the address to carry out their plans in 1122, November 2022 aka 11/22

Has this happened elsewhere in another murder case of similar nature?
Not sure?

Can you elaborate on your genealogy dna comment
I read somewhere in the past few days that a neighbor says they heard screaming that night but thought nothing of it since it was a party house. I hope that neighbor glanced at the clock and told this to the police when this all happened? Maybe that is why we have heard the murders occurred between 3-4 am?

On that note, this could be way off, I just saw a description of a TV show called The Devil's Hour. Something about events that happen at 3:33 am. Never watched this show but could this person be obsessed with this show and acted upon their thoughts?
1. You cant war drive the back of the house up Queen Road around the back. The is a glitch in Streetview datasets

2. You can park cars behind the house and look down through the bedroom windows?

3. Had someone been parked around the back at the above dorms looking in the window?

4. Was there security cams on thos neighbouring buildings?

500 Queen Rd
I posted the same thing a week or so ago. It is much more likely this is where the perp waited and watched. MOO- Could have viewed into the girls rooms from street to the left of the house (parking for apartments directly nextdoor) or behind as you show in the link.

Something I keep coming back to… If only 1 person (or 1 of the ‘pairs’) was targeted then I would think the killer would leave after committing the crime and not go out of his (assuming male) way to track the other 2 down unless the disturbance in one of the bedrooms brought the others out to investigate and he murdered them also as they were witnesses. However, if that were the case I would assume at least one of the attacks would’ve taken place outside the bedroom ie in a common area and therefore likely in plain view of the surviving housemates the following morning. Or, you could argue they ran back to their bedroom but that in itself would surely create enough of a commotion to be heard by the surviving roommates or even possibly neighbours.
If the surviving roommates did indeed witness a crime scene, I highly doubt they would be hanging in the house calling their friends over which makes me think both crime scenes were behind closed, locked doors. IF that’s the case, it leads me back to believing that for whatever reason the killer went out of his way to enter both bedrooms while sparing the surviving victims. This makes me think it was a stranger/random psychopath/SK something along those lines rather than someone known to them. I just can’t for the life of me make the actions (that we know of) of the surviving roommates that morning make sense unless the victims were behind locked doors. I can’t comprehend in what situation you would see a massacre of your close friends and hang in the house to call your other friends over for support and advice. There were 2 surviving roommates, even if they were hysterical, there was nothing stopping one of them calling 911 immediately and the other calling friends if they wanted the support unless they didn’t realise the seriousness of what was unfolding.

All my opinion and I mean no disrespect to the survivors and their actions, I simple mean to say that I don’t believe they saw the victims until LE arrived and opened the door.
Something I keep coming back to… If only 1 person (or 1 of the ‘pairs’) was targeted then I would think the killer would leave after committing the crime and not go out of his (assuming male) way to track the other 2 down unless the disturbance in one of the bedrooms brought the others out to investigate and he murdered them also as they were witnesses. However, if that were the case I would assume at least one of the attacks would’ve taken place outside the bedroom ie in a common area and therefore likely in plain view of the surviving housemates the following morning. Or, you could argue they ran back to their bedroom but that in itself would surely create enough of a commotion to be heard by the surviving roommates or even possibly neighbours.
If the surviving roommates did indeed witness a crime scene, I highly doubt they would be hanging in the house calling their friends over which makes me think both crime scenes were behind closed, locked doors. IF that’s the case, it leads me back to believing that for whatever reason the killer went out of his way to enter both bedrooms while sparing the surviving victims. This makes me think it was a stranger/random psychopath/SK something along those lines rather than someone known to them. I just can’t for the life of me make the actions (that we know of) of the surviving roommates that morning make sense unless the victims were behind locked doors. I can’t comprehend in what situation you would see a massacre of your close friends and hang in the house to call your other friends over for support and advice. There were 2 surviving roommates, even if they were hysterical, there was nothing stopping one of them calling 911 immediately and the other calling friends if they wanted the support unless they didn’t realise the seriousness of what was unfolding.

All my opinion and I mean no disrespect to the survivors and their actions, I simple mean to say that I don’t believe they saw the victims until LE arrived and opened the door.

I should also add, it’s my belief that the 4 were victims because their doors were unlocked (IMO) as they had returned late and figured given the other roommates were already in bed there wouldn’t be people coming and going. I think the 2 surviving roommates had gone to bed before the others came home and locked their doors given it was a party house and they weren’t sure if people would be coming over. The victims all felt safe and comfortable enough with each other to not lock their doors that night and I believe that could possibly be why they became victims and the other 2 did not. IMO the killer tried to enter the lower level bedrooms and upon realising they were locked, continued on. This theory gives me complete goosebumps, I can’t even begin to imagine what the surviving roommates are feeling.
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