ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow #3

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Cash and valuables? Since nothing was stolen, the killer(s) didn't come to burgle the place but to kill. That's how I'd interpret it.

I would probably agree, except what the Chief actually said was:

"Based on details at the scene, we believe this was an isolated, targeted attack on our victims."

Obviously, as nothing appeared to be missing it's a good indication that they were there to harm/kill someone that night.

That doesn't explain why LE thought this was an isolated attack. What were the details at the scene that made them come to that conclusion?

For all they know this could have been someone on a killing spree.

So, I'm curious to know what he meant by that comment also.
Your last point about stranger to stranger crime is valid but a lot of students have been heading home early since this horrific event occurred and that is a negative aspect for LE because perhaps the killer is a college student and they left to go home.

Very valid point! That’s a VERY negative aspect for law enforcement! I agree 100%. You can also bet law enforcement is calling and even visiting some students that fled home. That small police department, In Moscow, has probably already blown through their budget for this year and part of next.

I am glad I don’t have a child in school there. I would have been there helping them pack, as soon as I could. Come on home, Junior! Your days in Moscow are over, for the time being. That’s just me. Being retired law enforcement, I’m guilty of being overly protective, 99% of the time.

"At 2:26 a.m., Kaylee starts to call J," Alivea Goncalvez told "Inside Edition," which described J as a young man. "Kaylee calls J six times between 2:26 a.m. and 2:44 a.m. From 2:44 to 2:52 Maddie calls Jack three times, then Kaylee makes a final call to him at 2:52 a.m."
Just drunk calls before the random killer comes? Before when i thought it was only Kaylee calling I thought maybe someone came back with them and she stepped away and called him.
Very respectful to all. The college kids I personally know, may not have special skills with a knife. Then again, I also don’t live in Idaho. Geographically, skills are vastly different within this age group. I will say, this reminds me of a young man who was brutally stabbed from Lynchburg, VA. Turned out it was MS-13.

Also, why was one of the girls going to move away? I missed that. Transfer schools or simply graduation?
I think one of the victims was graduating in December and had a job lined up.
Okay. just a theory (delete if not allowed). What if they wronged a dealer of sorts. I know family is saying it has nothing to do with drugs or anything but when I was in college, I did things my mom STILL doesn't know about. I'm also not saying their frequent drug users or anything either, but college is a crazy time.
Just a theory. It would make sense why the two other roommates weren't harmed as well as the dog. And why the police initially stated there was no threat to the public.
Am I remiss to think that your average college student wouldn’t even know how to use a knife. Most kids I know in this age bracket barely know how to cook, let alone, how to maneuver a massive knife. Unless they had hunting skills. I’m not putting down people in this age bracket. To me, it simply seems a crime committed by someone out of their age bracket.
Hunting skills are not really relevant here IMO. Or any kind of skills.

Knives are used in a very different manner by hunters.
That makes more sense. Was wondering about that. So it sounds like two of the victims were attacked in bed and the others heard the commotion and got up to see what was going on?
I think so too In the night pictures of the house you can see bedding and pillows in the upstairs bedroom. They don't appear blood splattered (especially the white pillows).
My gut tells me this is a stranger on stranger crime. The longer this drags on, the stronger I will feel that way. It’s my opinion that an arrest would have already been made, if the victims knew the perpetrator.

I too am feeling this was stranger on stranger. I’m curious if you think it was totally random, as in some nutjob just came out of the woods and picked the first house with an unlocked door? Or do you think he had an idea of who would be inside (young females opposed to a bunch of frat guys)? Do you think he spent time watching from the wooded area? It seems to be motive was purely murder, perhaps he just picked a college area figuring he wouldn’t encounter armed homeowners?
Also I think we're missing the physicality of stabbing to kill four adults, including a grown man. It takes considerable strength.

People have brought up cases of one woman in a rage or during a breakdown killing one other person. But to make that choice 4 times moving through multiple rooms takes time.

I think this is either someone very strong or very determined. It's not a spur of the moment thing because it's a series of events.
i once was told to kill a coyote that we shot on our property. i wouldn't be surprised if the knife i used was also a ka-bar but i couldn't do it. it takes a lot of strength to stab something and it felt so wrong because it was so vicious and personal.
Post in thread 'ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Died in Apparent Homicide, Moscow, 13 Nov 2022'
ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Died in Apparent Homicide, Moscow, 13 Nov 2022

Last Wednesday, Post #645

MOO: I believe Kaylee had a stalker, and she talked about that, and there are not the protections in America to hold back a stalker who hasn’t yet criminally offended. As frightening and nauseating as that is.

I believe there is well-intentioned definitional confusion here between crime of passion and thrill kill. In some sense I understand where the words originally used were crime of passion, in that I suspect Kaylee was overkilled (which meets the criteria for crime of passion) but it was planned (not spontaneous), it was methodical (not crime of passion in that sense, not some guy who lost it at the scene in the throes of romantic disappointment or whatever). This was a guy who went in looking to correct what he felt were wrongs inflicted upon him, and he may have enjoyed it. That’s not a crime of passion, that’s a thrill kill, but they’re Venn Diagrammed. Can see where LE used the language of one when it’s probably more accurately the language of another. No blame there.

I pray she told someone(s) who she thought it was. If she didn’t, I hope Insta and Tiktok serve up the data on repeat IP visitors who lingered on specific photos and videos.

Opinion: I suspect he is going to fit a Payton Gendron-type profile, vanilla-appearing, an internet researcher of tactical gear and equipment, came in in camo and gear he bought from a sporting goods store in a more populated place, and with some kind of written manifesto. Living with parents who could not deal with (and thus denied) a problem. Incel wishing he were Rambo. I think there is a possibility parents might report a suspect here, eventually.

I don’t think the roommates were involved.

I do think this case will be solved. Science is our friend.

ETA: fixed a spelling mistake in an uncommonly-spelled name.
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I would probably agree, except what the Chief actually said was:

"Based on details at the scene, we believe this was an isolated, targeted attack on our victims."

Obviously, as nothing appeared to be missing it's a good indication that they were there to harm/kill someone that night.

That doesn't explain why LE thought this was an isolated attack. What were the details at the scene that made them come to that conclusion?

For all they know this could have been someone on a killing spree.

So, I'm curious to know what he meant by that comment also.
I have a feeling the initial comment about this being "an isolated, targeted attack" will be walked back SOON. JMO
Very valid point! That’s a VERY negative aspect for law enforcement! I agree 100%. You can also bet law enforcement is calling and even visiting some students that fled home. That small police department, In Moscow, has probably already blown through their budget for this year and part of next.

I am glad I don’t have a child in school there. I would have been there helping them pack, as soon as I could. Come on home, Junior! Your days in Moscow are over, for the time being. That’s just me. Being retired law enforcement, I’m guilty of being overly protective, 99% of the time.
I also thought this widened their search efforts tremendously because all students they want to talk too, which probably is a lot, have spread out to their family homes. I wonder if other LE's will help with the process of interviewing ppl in their jurisdiction. Do you think they will hold a DNA swab event to get some forensics? Poor timing b4 a holiday for this to occur but I have thought maybe it was planned for this reason only by the sp(s). JMO
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