ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 31

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“Goncalves also criticized Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt..
She said Mabbutt asked her daughter: "Are you sure you want to know this? And my daughter, thinking that she did for whatever reason, said yes."
“[she] gave details to the families about the investigation and about the crime scene and things like that" he said.
Such details shouldn't have been given to the teenager, he said, adding that they probably shouldn't have been given to her parents, either.”

This family is clearly devastated & lashing out in their pain. Nothing the coroner could have done in this situation would be acceptable for them.
I'm still unclear why LE said in one of his statements that they had people (LE) in West VA. Just picking out general states to give the idea of numerous states or is there a reason? Pretty far away, and if it's cause FBI that's in VA, Quantico. Any ideas? General state listing or specific reason?
Criminal Justice Information Services is located in W Va
Just taking Mr G’s comment about gouging, if that’s in fact true- would that alone be enough for that BAU to get involved in your view?
I'm not an expert, and this is just spitballing and my imagination and reading too much, but since you asked, IMO which is worth exactly the O part, no, simply because brutal knife murders happen. This is beyond brutal knife murder IMO. This is a quadruple one, and it seems to be fairly well accomplished IMO. I expect that it might be something more like a signature or pattern IMO. But that is JMO and what I've read. Four weeks away, and no POI of any sort that we know of, no red flag raised on a potential player, may not bode well. JMO JMO JMO though.
I get you. My own suspicions are related to my pet theory about the type of person I think the student killer is. It jibes with the kind of person who might react, when cornered, like the barricade guy. Just personal speculation. And you’re right. If there’s a link, we’ll certainly find out very soon! MOO.
Mmmhmmm... the dastardly type of person who would prefer to "go out in a blaze of glory" rather than be captured and have to be culpable & pay for their crimes. MOO
Not sure if 100 pc fact, but the light on the side of the apartment building right next to the house was apparently found to not have been working around the time of the incident , which rendered the side lane between the apartment and the house that leads to the car park at the back and the trees lining the back of the house was apparently in pitch dark that night, very useful to wait right next to if thats what happened. Lucky coincidence re the light ?

Since the back of the house is just a cul de sac , looks like the only approach to the house is from the front side though even if circling over to the sides or back for eventual entry , if that makes sense ? walking up the stairs that lead to the house from taylor avenue (parking in a dark spot somewhere nearby )seem the likeliest chosen route then as a car pulling up to the cul de sac zone would be too risky ? Do my conclusions seem right ?
If this is true were there any repairs being done on the house? I just can't think this was a random attack, it had to be someone who knew the layout of the house because it was confusing.
This is a needless travesty. No one can deny the fact. As far as LE, they are always in a no win situation. The public is always demanding answers, almost immediately. If they don't provide nuggets then the public (media) are ready to criticize. Sometimes the immediate rela3se of information may not be correct. It happens. It doesn't mean Barney is conducting the investigation.

If LE waits until they have corroborated information then the public (media) criticize because they are too slow or don't know what they are doing.

Take a deep breath. We don't know what they know. We don't know much at all compared to the investigators. LE are some of the most skilled and underappreciated people in our society. JMO
When exactly? I promise you won't find 'many things' that were recanted, pulled back, or reworded by MPD. People do like to say MPD has done those things - seems to me that they are mistaking what other people say as having come from MPD.

I can think of only one instance where MPD contradicted themselves - the badly written 'clarification' statements in response to the prosecutor's interview. I don't know what went wrong there. Maybe they felt the need to put a statement out quickly and the person who usually writes the statements was off that day? I think MPD deserves a pass - those statements were only necessary because the prosecutor gave an interview outside approved communication channels.
I think it could be argued that these statements from the MPD have at least been pulled back on:

"...investigators believe this was an isolated, targeted attack and there is no imminent threat to the community at large."

"We determined early in the investigation that we do not believe there is an ongoing threat for community members. Evidence indicates that this was a targeted attack."
The roommates who fled the house probably left the door open
A neighbor also told Fox News they noticed the front door wide open much earlier that morning (sometime around 8:30-9:00am) but I don’t know if that has been corroborated and obviously can’t vouch for the accuracy myself.

IIRC, LE wasn’t really volunteering detailed info about the doors, just answering questions that were specifically asked at a press conference.
No threat to the community is really what they walked backed. They never should have said that to begin with, but it has become almost standard police speak now days.
In my opinion-
when MPD said it was an "targeted' attack, what was in this particular house/individuals that would make them a target- was it drugs? was it blackmail- did one of the victims have some information which threatened someone- was it a jealous ex? was it revenge?
However its what happened after which makes this statement by the MPD even more interesting- they walked back on parts of the statement- In my opinion again, their initial statement must have been too close to the truth and it had riled up someone and so they (may have been even asked)walked back on it.
I'm starting to think "serial killer" too. I had a disturbing thought last night: what if these murders are connected to the killings of Kathy and Samantha Netherland in Bardstown? What if there is a serial killer, traveling around the country, killing multiple women/couples in their own homes, remaining uncaught because he has no apparent connection to his victims? We know that some killers do this....Ted Bundy, and Israel Keyes, just to name two.

This story might eventually become much bigger than it already is.

Just read up on that one. lovely thought. yowza. Great reference. So many parallels IMO.
In my opinion-
when MPD said it was an "targeted' attack, what was in this particular house/individuals that would make them a target- was it drugs? was it blackmail- did one of the victims have some information which threatened someone- was it a jealous ex? was it revenge?
However its what happened after which makes this statement by the MPD even more interesting- they walked back on parts of the statement- In my opinion again, their initial statement must have been too close to the truth and it had riled up someone and so they (may have been even asked)walked back on it.
We don't really know. LE has indicated that there was something at the scene that led them to believe this was targeted. We have no idea what that is. But there clearly is something. It has become common for LE nationwide to say there is no threat to the community if they believe the attack was directed. Meaning the perp isn't randomly picking victims. While I understand that concept, I think it is a mistake and misleading. Anyone capable of murder is a threat. If they are corned or believe another person suspects them, they are capable of violence.
What throws it off for me is that if he has a gun, why wasn’t it used in the murders?
Again stealth. Stealth seems to be a primary component in this killer's toolkit. There is a reason no one heard anything, no one saw anything, and 911 wasn't called until some 8 hours after the killings.

Go to an indoor shooting range sometime. They won't even let you in without ear protection. And even with ear protection, the blast from a handgun is jarringly loud.

And for all we know a gun was used in the murders, just not to kill the victims.
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Why do you think that has been so detrimental? It was a mistake to say that, but I don't see how it has affected the investigation.
The last thing a university community shaken to its core needs at the outset of a crime of this magnitude is uncertainty as to whether the perpetrator might be coming for them next. Fairly or not, this type of error leads to a significant loss of faith in LE and may cause a certain reticence to become involved in the investigation. One understands further why so many students fled -- and that factor alone may have shackled the investigation early on, set it back weeks.
Walking back the 'no threat to the community' claim was huge, and has colored perception re: investgative handling of this case ever since. A huge unforced error early on.
K's dad is upset about clearing "guy at food truck" a week into the investigation at a press conference, and then not telling him his alibi. Since the events are related to a major university, many believe LE was pressured by University and high powered people in the community to clear HG. I see no reason to publicly clear people and say they are not related.
Here we are- getting to nearly 1 month post murders with very little idea of who did it, how they did it and why.
I recently watched ' The Vatican Girl" on netflix and its makes me wonder, after following true crime for a while- who has the most to loose if they find the killer?
I think- and this is only my opinion, the people who loose the most from catching the perp is the University of Idaho.
Its a well known fact that is small towns, the LE are obliged to the big businesses/institutions in the town- as these organizations are their benefactors. This crime when unraveled may put the U of I in a bad light and as a result we may never find the perp if the Uni has been implicated in some way.
The fact that LE were trying to establish the timeline of E and X makes me wonder again about the frat party they attended and the fact that we have nobody talking about anything- usually I would have expected someone to come forward and say " hey I ran into E & X at the party and they were so happy etc.." but we have complete silence. This is something we cannot overlook. In this present day, the fact that no one has seen anything makes me feel that its not that no one saw anything, but no one wants to talk.
The fact that K's family were the only ones speaking out for more information from LE, makes me wonder-why the families of the other 3 children have not been as vocal.

Could it be that the intended victim was not K but one of the other 3.

Do the families of the other 3 victims understand the reasoning behind the crime and probably even know who may have done it and that is why they are patiently waiting for LE to gather the evidence for an arrest.

Perhaps sadly K was just collateral damage.

Was there some unmentionable activities going on amongst the students- something that the U of I were aware of and did nothing about?

Whoever did this had a lot of anger towards one or more of the victims and this is not something that has happened overtime. It will be good to check and see which one of their friends have deleted their social media accounts recently. It would be good to look at the fraternity FB page as well.
Agree! IMO K was not a target, wrong place wrong time unfortunately. I really think X, E and M were. IMO this was somewhat planned and whatever happened at the frat party that night was “the final straw”, there may be only one killer but that person had to have help from one or more people-either as a lookout or to keep someone from leaving, all MOO
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