ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 31

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If not allowed please delete! Did anyone watch yesterday's Nancy Grace on Fox Nation??? They have a possible witness statement via social media - and I can't find mention of it anywhere but her program last night. I don't know what to think except it opened up a whole slew of thoughts I don't know if I can share or not ..... help....
Bringing over from end of last thread....about M & K calling J at 2:30 am. Many feel they would have absolutely called 911 if scared. Other thoughts:

Just 2 thoughts.....
#1-WE might always call 911...but who did the surviving roommates call FIRST? When you're that age and freaked out...chances are you're calling mom/dad....or if at 2:00 am....probably a friend first And MOO is that it's very possible M had already crashed K made a few calls from M's number to see if she'd get a response

#2 - I'd" say there are 2 main categories of "911-dialers".....some people feel fairly comfortable doing it and have in several instances over their lifetime. Lots of people are NERVOUS about it (like: I don't want to bother's probably just my imagination....some feel they may potentially make a situation worse by involving the police (ie. getting a friend or family member in trouble....and they want advice/guidance/reassurance on what to do. This DOES track with they way K's sister A described that K would often call just to ask....what should I eat today?

Side note: I'm a daughter of a 30yr police SGT in Chicago. I was home alone in my first house...and someone came to the door selling something (some product, whatever) and it was pitch dark outside. Was trying to be polite, like, Yeah, I'll check with my husband....guy says: Oh I can wait, why don't you go ask him.....No, he's asleep right now (didn't want to admit I was alone)....Then I get him to leave....and realize there's no car in my driveway or in front of the did he get here? Got a very creepy vibe and was SCARED as he walked across my lawn to....who knows where? But instead of 911 (cause I thought I'd sound like a silly 25 year old) - I called my dad. He was not too happy...."Hang up with me and call 911 - it's not silly, it's THEIR JOB!!" Never happened again, but I needed a push to do it.
I think you could be onto something and like you I’ve thought about the calls to J from M&K many times and thought of all types of reasons to make those calls make sense.

MOO/IMO - I think they did possibly get spooked by something… maybe they arrived home and heard something or possibly even saw a dark figure outside the house….

Based off of the way K’s family describes she a J’s relationship, they were still very close although being broken up. It’s possible it wasn’t uncommon J would show up at the house after a night out without needing to call. Family says they were together 4 or 5 years. They shared a dog together… good terms…

Maybe she and M heard or saw something assumed it was him… K calls once to
Would it be possible that the girls went to different bedrooms at first. K started drunk dialing Ex but he did not answer after several tries she goes over to M room to see if they could call from Ms phone. They start talking and pass out together. The dog is still in Ks room and the girls are in Ms room.

The phone calls to J from M and K still puzzle me so much as well.

IMO- K’s family says they dated I think 4 plus years. They were on very good terms, very close, shared a dog together. I feel the same way you do about it likely just being her calling him after getting home from the bar because it was normal for her to do that after a night of drinking and maybe when he didn’t answer , M called him because let’s be honest…. When you are a young woman drinking all night and you call your longterm ex bf and he doesn’t answer… you could very easily ask your bestie to call and see if he’s just avoiding you or if he’s actually asleep. (Female perspective here… )

MOO- I believe it’s also possible after arriving home from the bar, K and M go inside and do the obvious thing any pet owner would do after being gone all night at a bar… they let the dog out to use the bathroom. I mean it makes sense.

It is believed the house was watched and targeted. That perp most likely entered via back door and or window… murders take place between 3:00-4:00. Girls are known to be home and awake from 2:00-2:52 am.. Id bet he was already there watching either from woods or in car from side street.

Could this explain those calls? I think so.

Again MOO - I think it’s possible while letting the dog out , either the dog or the girls got spooked by something. Possibly they thought they saw something move in the woods behind the house. Maybe something just felt off… Police do say house was targeted..

Did they get momentarily spooked, but didn’t overthink it because they had been drinking? And that’s why they called J.. their close friend and bf? Would help explain those calls.. no answer and intoxicated, don’t overthink it and go to bed together either out of slight fear or because it was normal for them… moo- that’s also pretty common for girl best friends in college after a night of drinking. IMO

Or.. again Moo.

Did they get home, let the dog out, put the dog in K’s room because it’s the obvious place he’d sleep and feel most comfortable and crawled into bed together as close girlfriends do after drinking.

Once settled is it possible they thought they heard someone attempting to get into the door downstairs? Assumed it might be J stopping by after going out… wouldn’t be that unusual based off of how family describes their relationship. K calls first and no answer then M and no answer. They brush it off and pass out. Not uncommon to hear things in a house with that many people.

We all know decision making is impaired, fear is decreased while intoxicated.
So it’s possible.

MOO… it makes sense that the calls could have simply been from an eerie feeling or something they heard. Obvious person to call is J. I do not believe they thought they were in danger though.

I believe they’d have texted or called more than one person if so.

Which is why I believe the only logical reasons to call J that many times is:

- drunk dialing
- heard or saw something and assumed it could be him, or ask what to do… after no answer brushed it off and passed out.
- do not believe girls felt like they were in any actual danger.
- do believe the calls are relevant in some way to the investigation.

For the record…. I do not believe K’s ex boyfriend J had anything to do with this.

Male, 30’s, shot and killed by SWAT. Two roommates evacuated and safe. Hours long negotiation failed.

I am thinking more and more that this could be connected, moo.
This does surprise me as I would have thought LE would have asked all the families directly if they knew of anyone that had a similar type of car, especially since LE feels the crime was targeted. I know, house or car we don’t know, but either way, it’s possible that this person could have been in the victims’ orbit for awhile before the murders.
This does surprise me as I would have thought LE would have asked all the families directly if they knew of anyone that had a similar type of car, especially since LE feels the crime was targeted. I know, house or car we don’t know, but either way, it’s possible that this person could have been in the victims’ orbit for awhile before the murders.
I agree. It sounds like her family thought this would be the answer, which makes me sad for them. I hope it is the break we think it could be and we’re getting closer
In some sense this MSN article is better than most - they do use quite a few direct quotes from MPD. Still, in a minute of skimming I spotted at 3 supposed facts that are false and numerous other minor errors.

I get the opinion that this happens in nearly every news article, whether related to this case or not. Unlike many topics, it is critical to get details correct when reporting on unsolved crimes. Many people accept news reports as 100% factual, and try to parse every phrase as if it's carefully worded inside information. It is not. Which is why MPD states they "encourage referencing official releases for accurate information and updated progress."

Unfortunately, relaying another person's words with anything other than direct quotes leads to miscommunication every time. Keep that in mind when reading / watching news media.

Male, 30’s, shot and killed by SWAT. Two roommates evacuated and safe. Hours long negotiation failed.

I am thinking more and more that this could be connected, moo.
I wouldn’t be surprised either if there’s a connection to this and other things. Seems like a can of worms. I think law enforcement has one big job cut out for themselves. I didn’t realize there was a drug route that goes up into Idaho which is unfortunately the same as other states having drug routes. Sometimes I wonder if that white car is in Mexico or maybe it’s not even the right car, my opinion.
In some sense this MSN article is better than most - they do use quite a few direct quotes from MPD. Still, in a minute of skimming I spotted at 3 supposed facts that are false and numerous other minor errors.

I get the opinion that this happens in nearly every news article, whether related to this case or not. Unlike many topics, it is critical to get details correct when reporting on unsolved crimes. Many people accept news reports as 100% factual, and try to parse every phrase as if it's carefully worded inside information. It is not. Which is why MPD states they "encourage referencing official releases for accurate information and updated progress."

Unfortunately, relaying another person's words with anything other than direct quotes leads to miscommunication every time. Keep that in mind when reading / watching news media.
The only problem with this is that Moscow PD has recanted, pulled back, reworded far to many things to be a reliable source.
In the Rhoden massacre, redacted autopsies were released, I think it was due to media taking them to court.
It's my understanding that whether autopsies can / must be released to the public varies according to state law.

ETA: I have no idea what Idaho law is, nor any interest in finding out. The ID statutes are online if anyone feels differently.
From your link:

The mother of one of four Idaho college students killed last month said Tuesday that authorities didn’t notify her before they asked the public for information about a white sedan, a car police have described as a potentially critical clue.
A lawyer for Goncalves, Shanon Gray, faulted Moscow police..
The families "should be prepared to be able to answer any questions about those things,” Gray said.

A police spokesman forwarded an email including the release that was sent to Gray at 2:24 p.m. Dec. 7. The spokesman, Robbie Johnson, said the email was an example of a message aimed at keeping the Goncalves family informed.

Goncalves also criticized Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt..
She said Mabbutt asked her daughter: "Are you sure you want to know this? And my daughter, thinking that she did for whatever reason, said yes."
“[she] gave details to the families about the investigation and about the crime scene and things like that" he said.
Such details shouldn't have been given to the teenager, he said, adding that they probably shouldn't have been given to her parents, either.
I understand that the family is grieving, but it seems they complain of not enough information and then too much information. I suspect the real issue is that they are angry and don't have a name or face for the subject of their anger (the actual murderer) and blame LE as a result.

I can understand why LE is hesitant to provide information to the family as it will almost immediately be released by them to the media.

I also don't think the family attorney is handling this well. She seems to be adding to the media circus and not keeping communication lines open

Male, 30’s, shot and killed by SWAT. Two roommates evacuated and safe. Hours long negotiation failed.

I am thinking more and more that this could be connected, moo.
Perhaps it is because I live in a more urban area, with universities, and more violent crime, but I see no reason to automatically assume that this situation may be connected to the murders. Unless this guy drives a white Hyundai, or a K-Bar knife or bloody clothes were found in his apartment, I see nothing to suggest this was anything more than just an unfortunate coincidence. If, by chance, he is the killer of the students, we will learn that pretty quickly. JMO
Frat bro?
Interesting thought! If it is indeed a fraternity brother there is no doubt that they have already identified possible suspects and are closing in on them. It's just so hard in this case to make a solid theory because there are so many moving parts.
I will say, if it turns out to be a young (college aged) first time killer, there is no doubt in my mind that he/she/their behaviors will only become more violent and brazen. But how much more violent and brazen could they get? Now that's a terrifying thought! MOO
Perhaps it is because I live in a more urban area, with universities, and more violent crime, but I see no reason to automatically assume that this situation may be connected to the murders. Unless this guy drives a white Hyundai, and a K-Bar knife was found in his apartment, I see nothing to suggest this was anything more than just an unfortunate coincidence. If, by chance, he is the killer of the students, we will learn that pretty quickly. JMO
I get you. My own suspicions are related to my pet theory about the type of person I think the student killer is. It jibes with the kind of person who might react, when cornered, like the barricade guy. Just personal speculation. And you’re right. If there’s a link, we’ll certainly find out very soon! MOO.
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