ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 31

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If the car was seen heading toward the house shortly before the estimated time of the murders and seen again heading toward the house right around the end of the estimated time of the murders, perhaps someone in the car was dropped off to commit the crime and then later picked up afterward?
Why is there no surveillance of Ethan and Xana entering the house, only the girls? Maybe Ethan and Xana were killed earlier than when the girls got home
and were in bed dead behind a locked bedroom door. Even if the murders were all committed in the same timeframe, why is there no mention of seeing them enter the home? One of the keys to this situation is WHERE was the couple all evening. Did they have a bad situation earlier in the evening and were just bummed abd went home?
Yes. IMO he had two scenarios going into the night. He was either going to be successful at hooking up or or get shot down. K was only in town for the weekend, then moving out of state. This was the make or break night. Everything was prepared for getting shot down, and once K and M left the food truck without acknowledging him or asking him if he would like to come along the plan was in place. Works perfectly for the timeline of the vehicle. All speculation based on timelines and videos.
But K wasn't immediately moving out of state. She was graduating on Dec 10, and not going on holidays to Europe til Jan, and then moving to Texas in Feb. Even living with her parents is only 90 mins away. Doesn't seem make or break IMO.
If the car was seen heading toward the house shortly before the estimated time of the murders and seen again heading toward the house right around the end of the estimated time of the murders, perhaps someone in the car was dropped off to commit the crime and then later picked up afterward?
I’ve thought about that as well. A “hey, drop me off here, I need to run in and grab something or I need to talk with so and so about something. I’ll text you when I’m done.”
I have seen a few conjectures that the Hyundai Elantra could have been burned after the crime. There are many places to hide a vehicle, but in a populated area, I think it would be very risky and very unlikely that a car could be torched without drawing attention. A fire capable of basically destroying a vehicle is not a small blaze. It is a fully-involved, black-smoke fire that would be noticed for quite some distance, and would very likely be seen and reported by someone. JMO
the killer would burn it at night but where...? you cannot start a grass or structure fire and Moscow is small so "in town" is not a good option. Industrial area of Boise? I don't know, but it would take some planning IMO and then you require an accomplice (or an Uber) because you are burning up your car. also, IMO, I do not see the killer as independently wealthy; to most people a car has a lot of value. Would have to be some one with multiple cars- maybe one untitled some how- if they are destroying this one.
Don’t you think he would have been questioned 100 times by now and something wouldn’t add up? It seems like it should be that simple, but I don’t think it is
No. A suspect can't be questioned a 100 times if they get a lawyer, and refuse to talk. LE can't arrest until they have the evidence.
I get a weird vibe from this interview… not sure if it’s just this guy trying to get his 15 minutes or what. Seems strange that the girls would bring a stalker issue up to this essential stranger and odd that he brings up the Corner Club where it’s widely known they were that night. Anyone else?
It is weird, he said he asked them about why they come in in a group and if it was for safety? That is strange. It's very common for college girls to shop in groups together.
Just thinking about a comment I read on here a few days ago saying that there was drone footage taken after the murders showing a white Elantra with a person in it sitting in the back parking lot.
Wondering if the perp drove back to watch the police investigation of his crime spree?
It seems unlikely since he was shrewd enough not to leave obvious DNA at the scene but maybe he didn’t count on his car being identified???

I also thought that maybe he drove back by the house the same night after his spree to check to see if there was any movement around the house. Just because that type of car traveling west toward the crime spot but not during crime hours could indicate another pass by on his part.

I think it’s worth asking for camera footage AFTER the published timeline too to see if he was watching the investigation at the house.
The killer could have lived in the neighborhood IMO, so parking in the car park or on the street would be justified.
Why is there no surveillance of Ethan and Xana entering the house, only the girls?
I really want to know this as well. Did they come home alone? X's father said they were in contact around midnight, but I don't think LE has publicly confirmed the contact or the time. I'm also curious if the Ring video showed anyone with K&M when they got home.
Maybe Ethan and Xana were killed earlier than when the girls got home
and were in bed dead behind a locked bedroom door.
If that were true, who was the victim visible from the first floor, who wasn't seen till noon the next day? K&M had to go past the second floor to get to the third floor. Unless (thinking as I type) no one was in the rooms where we're all thinking they were found?
Even if the murders were all committed in the same timeframe, why is there no mention of seeing them enter the home? One of the keys to this situation is WHERE was the couple all evening. Did they have a bad situation earlier in the evening and were just bummed abd went home?
The X&M time frame is, to me, the biggest missing piece of info; the fact that very little has been clarified by LE since the start makes me feel they're on their way to filling out the time line.
The killer could have lived in the neighborhood IMO, so parking in the car park or on the street would be justified.
I posted about this before- the street parking near the house looks kind of like chaos to me but I think if he lived nearby, some other nearby people would see the car daily. if you park on a street, in a lot or in a garage "all the time" you get used to parking in a favorite spot and you see neighbors' cars, IMO
The fact she posted a photo of her and all her roommates the night before her murder makes me think it was a seized opportunity before she left the state. Of course, this is all personal observations.
K would probably come back to Moscow for her December graduation. Does that tell us anything about the timing on November 13?
The surveillance footage placed on top of his six-unit rental building on Linda Lane showed a white car speeding west on Taylor Road between 2.14am and 3.15am on Sunday.

Why such a wide time frame if security video is available? Isn't the time a little too early for the perp to be leaving the scene? Weren't K and M texting JD almost until 3am?
Maybe that camera got the vehicle coming and going? In at 2:14, out at 3:15? The perp does X and E at 2:30. K &M hear it and frantically call J. Perp moves upstairs, calls stop. Perp speeds out.
Did Xana's dad actually talk to Xana or was it a text?
I always just say "communicated" because I haven't found a clear answer to this. Here's a link:

and the quote from him is ""I heard from her I think before we went out," Kernodle told 3 TV/ CBS 5. "I think midnight was the last time we heard from her and she was fine."
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