ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 34

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For real??

MOSCOW, Idaho (KLEW) — Authorities in Idaho announced on Tuesday that the registered owner of a white Hyundai Elantra that was spotted near the scene of a quadruple murder in Idaho has been found in Eugene, Oregon.

Detectives said they are investigating to see if there is any connection to the murder case.

The Moscow Police Department previously said the car was seen near a rental house where the bodies of four University of Idaho students, including Ethan Chapman, Xana Kernodle, Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves were found stabbed to death on November 13.

This feels like extremely sloppy and careless journalism to me. The way that first sentence is phrased, it sounds like 1) they found the owner of the Elantra that was in Moscow, Idaho; 2) the owner of the Elantra in Moscow was found in Eugene, Oregon? and/or 3) the Elantra itself was found in Eugene, Oregon?

As far as I can tell, authorities have not said anything about the Hyundai in Oregon being the same one that was in Moscow, therefore there is no way to know whether owner of the Hyundai in Eugene is also the owner of the Hyundai in Moscow. It's so frustrating when reporters are this sloppy and their stories only serve to stir up more rumors and spread misinformation. This "news" story should be taken down and corrected, IMO.

If I have missed some breaking news about the Elantra in Oregon being confirmed as the same one that was in Idaho, please correct me and my apologies.
8 hours is a pretty good distance away. I'm leaning towards this being just a colossally weird coincidence.
It's a good distance away, but the perp had an 8 to 10 hour head start. I'd imagine they may have driven as far away as possible before having to sleep, after the horrid actions. I doubt they would want to stay in town.
As far as how "Adam" is pronounced in the video, it is fairly standard, not a strange accent at all.
Wow, that video clearly demonstrates how two people can come to two very different conclusions.

Like many forum members, I am US born and raised. I use the "6:00 news accent" and am accustomed to hearing a variety of southern, Texas (east and west) and south Louisiana / New Orleans accents.

That aside....

To me, the pronunciation of "Adam" by both girls sounds either foreign. Or, as both speakers are US born, a sound distortion. I guess it could be a regional US accent that I have never heard before as well.

But.... one thing the pronunciation of "Adam" does not sound to me at all is being a standard US accent (as in a widely used).
I don’t know…are you sure you would really want to see the inside? After the forensic folks take care of their business, can the owner of the house have it cleaned?
I kinda would want to see. Just because of my imagination verses real life… but I also have a weak stomach ….. lol so there’s that.
Same story, different source:

MOSCOW, Idaho (KLEW) — Authorities in Idaho announced on Tuesday that the registered owner of a white Hyundai Elantra that was spotted near the scene of a quadruple murder in Idaho has been found in Eugene, Oregon.

Detectives said they are investigating to see if there is any connection to the murder case.
Looks like they added an update:

Update: Moscow Police PIO Aaron Snell tells KLEW News that the registered owner of the white Elantra found in Eugene, Oregon is in Colorado. Detectives are investigating to see if there is any connection to the murder case.
This feels like extremely sloppy and careless journalism to me. The way that first sentence is phrased, it sounds like 1) they found the owner of the Elantra that was in Moscow, Idaho; 2) the owner of the Elantra in Moscow was found in Eugene, Oregon? and/or 3) the Elantra itself was found in Eugene, Oregon?

As far as I can tell, authorities have not said anything about the Hyundai in Oregon being the same one that was in Moscow, therefore there is no way to know whether owner of the Hyundai in Eugene is also the owner of the Hyundai in Moscow. It's so frustrating when reporters are this sloppy and their stories only serve to stir up more rumors and spread misinformation. This "news" story should be taken down and corrected, IMO.

If I have missed some breaking news about the Elantra in Oregon being confirmed as the same one that was in Idaho, please correct me and my apologies.
Confusing indeed!
Possibility he went to a Community College for his first two years?

I don't think so based on his obituary. Also students who have attended community colleges for the first two years (or have attended another 4-yr school) when they transfer they bring their credits with them. It's possible a student might lose a few credits in the process, but not enough to drop from expected junior standing to freshman standing. On a semester system a typical requirement to move from freshman to sophomore standing is to have passed 30 hours or about 10 courses. Another 10 courses moves someone to junior standing.
So, if this is the car potentially involved in the murder, 1) Wouldn't it be swarmed with forensic specialists, towed and/or LE preventing the public from touching it, etc., and 2) The homeless person sleeping inside would have contaminated at least some evidence. IMO.
This feels like extremely sloppy and careless journalism to me. The way that first sentence is phrased, it sounds like 1) they found the owner of the Elantra that was in Moscow, Idaho; 2) the owner of the Elantra in Moscow was found in Eugene, Oregon? and/or 3) the Elantra itself was found in Eugene, Oregon?

As far as I can tell, authorities have not said anything about the Hyundai in Oregon being the same one that was in Moscow, therefore there is no way to know whether owner of the Hyundai in Eugene is also the owner of the Hyundai in Moscow. It's so frustrating when reporters are this sloppy and their stories only serve to stir up more rumors and spread misinformation. This "news" story should be taken down and corrected, IMO.

If I have missed some breaking news about the Elantra in Oregon being confirmed as the same one that was in Idaho, please correct me and my apologies.
You're right. Here is what I see on the City of Moscow website.

12-20-22 Updated Information (4:30 p.m.)​

Investigators are aware of a Hyundai Elantra located in Eugene, Oregon and have spoken with the owner. The vehicle was involved in a collision and subsequently impounded. The vehicle is registered out of Colorado and the female owner is not believed to have any relation to any property in Moscow, Idaho or the ongoing murder investigations. The public is asked to stop contacting the owner.

How do they know its the same Elantra? I thought there was no license plate # identified.
I don't think they know whether it's the same one. This is a case of sloppy journalism and an extremely confusingly worded article. Likely done on purpose to garner clicks/web traffic. JMO

**Update - someone else just posted this but I thought it was useful so I'm adding it to this post. New statement from Moscow Police:

12-20-22 Updated Information (4:30 p.m.)​

Investigators are aware of a Hyundai Elantra located in Eugene, Oregon and have spoken with the owner. The vehicle was involved in a collision and subsequently impounded. The vehicle is registered out of Colorado and the female owner is not believed to have any relation to any property in Moscow, Idaho or the ongoing murder investigations. The public is asked to stop contacting the owner.

King Road Homicides | Moscow, ID
The right front tire is flat; the crumple zones on the hood are folded almost to the limit; the bumper cover is almost completely off but in the photos lies clear of the front crossmember. The radiator seems to be intact and there is no obvious fluid stain of either coolant or lubricant. Damage is slightly biased, as in the RF fender is near intact whereas the LF is displaced and crumpled....SO
I believe the car hit something like a truck while moving forward; which probably happened very near the intersection where it lies. I think the last movement it made before coming to a halt was in reverse: thus the bumper cover was not under the front end but lying free away from the underside of the front. It may have run into the rear of a stationary truck; hooked the bumper cover; reversed away from the truck and was subsequently backed into the location where it was found.
All MOO from observation of the 4-photos only
I am not versed in auto collision diagnosis or repair and have no expertise in investigating auto insurance claims. When I saw the photos, the damages meant nothing in particular to me. I saw the front end damage and my brain told me the car ran into the pole in front of the car or something.

But your detailed analysis absolutely, positively makes more sense. It's based on details that I didn't notice because I'm not experienced at any level on diagnosing such things. Of course the bumper would be folded under the front of the car if it's last motion was going forward - I see it now!

I believe LE and FBI were able to walk into the scene of this horrific tragedy with that same level of expertise and determine all sorts of things that we in the general public would not "see" with a layman's eye. The positioning of the bodies, the patterns of blood, the direction a blanket was draped, etc.., not to mention all the digital "footprints". There is no doubt in my mind a significant degree of what transpired is known to the investigators. Enough that I believe they have a trail to follow anyway.

All MOO.
Looks like they added an update:

Update: Moscow Police PIO Aaron Snell tells KLEW News that the registered owner of the white Elantra found in Eugene, Oregon is in Colorado. Detectives are investigating to see if there is any connection to the murder case.
Thank you - That makes way more sense.
Looks like they added an update:

Update: Moscow Police PIO Aaron Snell tells KLEW News that the registered owner of the white Elantra found in Eugene, Oregon is in Colorado. Detectives are investigating to see if there is any connection to the

How do they know its the same Elantra? I thought there was no license plate # identified.
VIN number
Insurance Company Deciding Fate of 1122 King???
I’m guessing that once the MPD determines they have taken all the samples they need from inside and they release the house back to the owner, the owner could then do what they wish as far as allowing someone exclusive access to photograph it, clean it, gut it, tear it down…. Maybe it will be up to their insurance company what happens to it once released.
@accordn2me Sorry, I'm not sure I'm following ^.
Depending on ins.coverage in policy, Ins. Co. may or may not pay for special haz-mat type cleaning. But aside from that, or possibly w a specific coverage for loss-of-use-for-business/rental-prop, how does ins. co. fit in to the pic?
Anyone? Thx in adv.

[ETA. Agreeing that the owner decides. It's private prop, so (unless there's an issue btwn owner & mtg. lender, if any) owner decides.]

Sorry if already covered since orig. post. Also sorry if I'm dense re this.
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I agree. However, if Kaylee was the target, it could have been preplanned AND spur of the moment. The killer may have developed his plan before she left school, but thought he missed his opportunity. Then he saw her at the Vandals football game, Corner Club, Grub Truckers stream (or anywhere else she visited while in town) and decided to carry out his previously formulated plan.
I’ve wondered if investigators have looked over things that may have happened in the past before she left school.
Didn’t they post that group photo the news has used nonstop the day/night of? A few didn’t have private accounts. Anyone could have known she was back in town.
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