ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 36

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I think the thought would cross his mind to take off his shoes so as not to wake up the residents but he’d likely end up nixing it due to needing the traction and agility that shoes would give vs. stocking or bare feet. I’d think in the long run that would weigh more than the noise factor. Also, these folks all seem to wear tennis shoes most of the time, so he maybe figured he was safe there if he made an effort to walk quietly.
Yes, but tennis shoes leave imprints - especially in blood.

He certainly wouldn’t have entered barefoot - he’d have put on plain rubber slip-ons. They’re perfect - they’re quiet, grip really well, and leave no imprints.
Good - some of these extremists need to be taught a lesson. You can't just go accusing people of crimes and then doxxing and/or harassing them. The social media sleuth in question who I'm not naming because trash like she posts doesn't deserve to be publicized, does not appear to understand there are consequences for actions. I hope this professor absolutely sticks it to her.

Not to mention every time one of these sleuths does something irresponsible like this, it likely makes people stereotype all sleuths and makes us all look bad. JMO.
not a very racially diverse college town. Frats and sororities too.

The racial makeup of the city was 90.9% White, 1.1% African American, 0.6% Native American, 3.1% Asian, 0.2% Pacific Islander, 1.4% from other races, and 2.7% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 4.6% of the population.

UofI similar
The enrolled student population at University of Idaho is 74.4% White, 9.59% Hispanic or Latino, 3.9% Two or More Races, 1.83% Asian, 1.13% Black or African American, 1.05% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.436% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders.
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Options for K and JD were limited, take a break, maintain a long distance relationship, or have him transfer to UTAustin To be with her.
I don’t buy that they were ‘taking a break’ but were committed to marriage and having children together. Those two are mutually exclusive.
The words used may have been ‘taking a break’ but the reality is they were likely done. IMO
At the risk of beating a dead horse, this is what was said in the Lawrence Jones interview:

LJ: We keep hearing this name Jack and phone calls going back and forth. Can you tell us anything about that?

KG: We love Jack. Absolutely love Jack. We stand behind Jack one thousand percent. Jack was Kaylee's boyfriend for many years. They just recently broke up, there was no animosity at all. It was a breakup on Kaylee's point. It was not... they still talked every single day. Kaylee just thought she needed a little break. They were on the mend of getting back together. Kaylee talked to Jack the whole time she was here for that week and a half.

SG: One of her messages, one of her last messages, she reached out to Jack and said Jack, get back to me. You can't... she goes we share a dog together, which they did. She's like, you need to reach out to me.

KG: Please come over. She was wanting Jack to come over. Jack is not... they're wasting their time with Jack. And Jack is just as distraught as we are. Jack is our family. Jack is one hundred percent, two thousand percent our family. And Jack is with us, and we stand behind him, one hundred percent we are supporting him and we know in our hearts and our minds and our souls, to the depths of our souls, Jack is hurting. Kaylee and Jack would have eventually been married. They would have eventually been married and they would have had children together. So to say ex-boyfriend... it was Kaylee just being a brat, you know being like I just need a break. But Jack was in her heart and they were close to getting back together. And that was just Kaylee being Kaylee. So absolutely Jack is...

SG: We don't think he's a suspect.

KG: At all.
We also do not have a clue how he might be connected to an Elantra.
Technically, we don't even know the killer is connected to an Elantra. They said multiple times they were looking for witnesses.

Naturally they were there at the right place at the right time to potentially see some sort of activity. Like a lot of our tips are made sometimes people don't know if what they are providing is critical information, but we still want that information because as we piece everything together we have specific things we are looking for.

Not to mention every time one of these sleuths does something irresponsible like this, it likely makes people stereotype all sleuths and makes us all look bad. JMO.
Also, I enjoy this format here, of not being able to sleuth certain people or use certain sources. It forces you to look for different paths on the way to figuring out what might have happened.
No, he’d have covered them in either non-slip forensic type slip one or even rubber slip ons which some people wear for walking through terrain or rocky beaches. He may have even worn a wetsuit. There was a famous case in the UK where the murderer wore a wetsuit, rubber mask and hat etc - and although he left no DNA on the victims he was still found guilty.

He obviously went fully prepared and would have known they’d encounter a struggle. Last thing he’d want is his skin underneath the victims fingernails so he was bound to have protected his whole body.
To my thinking this was a sudden rage, and not preplanned, which is why LE said it was sloppy, with a lot of mistakes.
I think that taking off shoes would leave lots of evidence.
Fibres of socks with skin dead cells/sweat (DNA) and also so called "touch DNA" .

If you are planning to violently stab multiple people while sleeping the idea of someone going into a home with 6 people where at any moment they may need to run outside to escape in the frigid temperatures, with no time to put shoes back on…. Does not logically make sense to me. Not to mention, the goal was clearly to attack them while sleeping but he had to have wanted to be prepared enough to fight back against anyone who may fight back…. So you can assume he’d want shoes with a grip on them to keep his balance during any possible struggle. Without shoes on, even socks with grips or protective shoe covers with grips are still risks for slipping and don’t provide the level of stabilization and grip proper shoes would have. The risks of being at disadvantage during the attacks with the no shoes or protective shoe covers theory to prevent indoor footprints does not add up to me. Just too risky to wear something that gives you a much higher chance of slipping…. In what the killer had to have assumed would end up being a bloody slippery crime scene.

Socks with grip would also potentially attach/soak up too much of the victims blood…other forensic evidence attaching him even more to the crime vs what a shoe print would be able to provide if the shoes were immediately destroyed after the attacks.

Also given the level of planning it appears went into not getting caught for the murders/attacks… in my opinion the more logical option if he was worried about shoe prints linking him to the crime… he could have melted off, burned off any identifying shoe print impressions on the bottom of his shoes with anything that could melt rubber… it’s the identifying markers on the bottom of shoes that give investigators info On exact type of shoes. Eliminating these before the attacks could eliminate the risk of that being used as evidence you committed the crime.

If they did this they could make it extremely difficult for investigators to have clues on the type of shoes they were wearing . Simply putting a lighter to the bottom and melting off the shoe brand or divots / impressions on the bottom.

Or …. Another option… they could have brought a backpack. Had fresh shoes in it. Left on back porch to change before leaving to not have to walk through back of house hill area with the blood on shoes. Yes the blood scent would follow but actual bloody footprints would be eliminated. Toss the bloody boots in backpack and be ready to destroy forensic evidence.

Again all my opinion only.
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Obviously, the Elantra is not in the Moscow area. If it was, LE or someone would have located it. It's probably not a student vehicle or would have been recognized. What this means is the owner is not local. Or, to go deeper, the killer is not local.

Or that the killer went home for break or that the killer fled the area.

<modsnip: quoted post removed: not MSM>
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Can you provide a link for that image? Thanks.
One of many.

Investigators search a home in Moscow, Idaho on Monday, November 14, 2022, where four University of Idaho students were killed over the weekend in an apparent quadruple homicide. (Derek Shook for Fox News Digital)
How academic is the University of Idaho? I know that some universities are
more sports oriented than others. In other words is UI a academic oriented
university or more oriented towards sports? This would be important in discernment of the temperature of competitiveness.
One of many.

Investigators search a home in Moscow, Idaho on Monday, November 14, 2022, where four University of Idaho students were killed over the weekend in an apparent quadruple homicide. (Derek Shook for Fox News Digital)
Thanks very much! <modsnip>
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Yes. That bothers me too. Was it a person or persons they were after, the whole group of people or the house and residents as a whole?..IMO, I am thinking about that sixth unnamed person on the lease and where they went and what happened? I am assuming that person was a female as it was a sorority house, but could there have been a male who was living there that got the boot and retaliated? Therefore, this has all been a rental dispute at core? IOW, a “revenge is best served cold” motive?These are my current thoughts IMO.

1122 King Road is NOT a sorority house. And it apparently had roommates of both (er, all) genders from time to time. Even the girls who lived there at the time of the murder did not belong to the same sorority.
It is a private residence.
not a very racially diverse college town. Frats and sororities too.

The racial makeup of the city was 90.9% White, 1.1% African American, 0.6% Native American, 3.1% Asian, 0.2% Pacific Islander, 1.4% from other races, and 2.7% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 4.6% of the population.

UofI similar
The enrolled student population at University of Idaho is 74.4% White, 9.59% Hispanic or Latino, 3.9% Two or More Races, 1.83% Asian, 1.13% Black or African American, 1.05% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.436% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders.
Not really sure what that has to do with the murders, but considering that the state of Idaho is 88% white, I would say that the university is doing well in making strides in diversifying its student population.
But these are recent? Not found at murder scene…..

Or that the killer went home for break or that the killer fled the area.

Hmm. Apparently not the same footprints as mentioned above. These footprints are in the snow. Now, much has been said about the fact that there was little snow on the ground that night (I don't know one way or the other) and that it snowed the next day or night. There were discussions here about it. There's not much snow in the pic posted above of the dog search and there's not much snow in the drone footage.

However, the person to whom I'm responding says there was a footprint somewhere else - not in the snow.

Further, the person reporting the footprints reports them on a school day (Wednesday) and says they were not there when she left for class. So now we have a report of some footprints - in the snow, not on the person's terrace - AFTER the murderer had already left the murder scene early on Sunday morning.

Could even have been a report on Tuesday, as we can see in the very same article that the crime scene and its immediate yard area has no snow. By Wednesday, there was snow for sure.

Newsweek seems to have taken that from the police blotter - there have now been so many anxious call-ins of possible tips that it's hard to keep track of all of them.

I just don't see how footprints in the snow made after 1 pm on Wednesday, Nov 16, can be said to be footprints on a terrace of a nearby neighbor. Also, this is on the north side of campus, in an area with lots of student foot traffic. The closest part of Sweet Avenue to 1122 is a bit more than half a mile away and the entire area has residences and university buildings.
I linked to the only confirmed story of footprints remotely 'related' to the case. However I have since gone back through the thread and realised the single print being referred to was likely rumour based. My bad.
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