ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 37

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I disagree with the idea that the killer had some specialized anatomical knowledge. I think most people understand that the "important parts" are in the chest area and that you should aim there if you are intending to kill. Maybe if the victims had one wound only that would indicate the killer knew specifically where to aim, but I believe the coroner reported that they had multiple wounds. MOO
Good to see you here! I agree with what you said. The ring camera should have caught EX exact time getting home, and if someone was with them, and who. Did they walk or caught a ride? Hopefully, the Elantra was seen on the ring bell, too. I hope there's an arrest sooner than later. Waiting for the Wagner case took forever, but there were many faithful people who stood strong for their families.
Thank you. You too. So many theories in the R murders at first, from Mexican drug cartel to thrill kill to revenge kill ect. Seeing the same here.

But I said then about the R murders and I say now about the ID4 someone in that house is connected to the evil that was there that night. As with the R case, when it was finally solved it was HR's ex boyfriend and his family.

With this one I am leaning more toward a drunken fight with E where the perp may have been taking some type drug like meth in addition to drinking and got an azz whooping from E then left and after stewing about it returned with a knife to even the score. Maybe X tried to help E and since K&M saw what happened earlier they had to go. That's why the downstairs girls survived, they did not know who was present when the other 4 returned home.

But I definitely believe it came from that frat party. Too many variables for a stalker, e.g. K's last minute decision (per her mom) to go to Moscow and E staying the night with X. Ditto for random serial killer and HG who had no way of knowing how many people were in the house and still awake.

I have seen several threads about why wouldn't he have used a gun with a silencer. Well first maybe he didn't have a pistol and especially not a silencer. A silencer does not completely muffle the sound of the muzzle blast, in fact you may be surprised how loud it is especially in a completely quite small room like they were in. Also a silencer gets louder with every shot as it gets excessively hotter with each round.

True, also one shot is loud enough but hard to tell what or where the sound is coming from but any follow up shots make it easier to know what and where it’s coming from. 4 shots would probably have been heard.

Thank you!! So many lazy journalists these days and one word really can make a significant difference to an article. I was wondering how we all managed to miss LE ruling the Hyundai insignificant. Hopefully no one with useful information regarding the Hyundai LE are searching for sees this article!
I agree. Just thought I would call attention to some of what is being reported that is obviously erroneous. That is why I read everything.

Wait… is the bold you’ve highlighted a typo within the article that should read “A car was eventually located…” and not “THE” ?? Because otherwise when the hell did they rule out the White Hyundai?? I know they ruled out one in Oregon however I thought they ruled out that specific car bring the one they were looking for rather than ruling out that the white Hyundai was significant to the case.

I’m confused.
That is why I bolded it. I had never read anywhere that the white Hyundai had ever been found or cleared. Was hoping for more information and at the same time pointing out obvious errors in reporting from MSM.

Sorry for the confusion.

Agreed. There is no such reasoning as the perfect crime, imo.
What about the many cases where the perp is known, but there's not enough evidence left behind to charge and convict? When they are getting away with it, it's a perfect crime. Sometimes additional evidence is found a lot later, but there's no guarantee.
A tip that helped identify the serial killer, The Trailside Killer, back in the early 1980's.

David Joseph Carpenter – on parole after a second long prison term for crimes against women – wasn’t on California’s sex-offender registry or the state’s list of recently released prisoners given to Marin County investigators, due to a maddening series of bureaucratic snafus.

It took a woman who had an unsettling encounter with Carpenter on a cruise 26 years earlier to first point him out to authorities.


The first tip to single out Carpenter as a match from the police composite came from a 69-year-old woman in Ben Lomond who recognized him from a cruise she took with her daughter 26 years earlier. She remembered being disturbed as Carpenter put his hands on her 14-year-old daughter’s shoulders.

“I just didn’t like that guy,” Roberta Patterson told the Chronicle.

Several years earlier, Patterson had reported Carpenter as the potential Zodiac Killer based on a composite, but he was ruled out because he was in prison.
More about her encounter with Carpenter and what spooked her.

Mrs. Patterson, 69, of Ben Lomond, said Tuesday she remembered Carpenter when he had been a purser on a freighter on which she sailed with her daughter to Japan in 1955. She said she complained to the ship's captain because Carpenter, who was then 25, gave candy to her daughter and was being "playful." There were no further incidents at the time. But she said, "He stood out," adding, "I've had a weird feeling about him for years and years."
Strange, it isn't in mine.


Then may I suggest reading mine? Last paragraph in the article, after you click on continue reading and scroll past photos.

For future reference for those who do not know me, I never randomly insert sentences in news articles. If I quote it and highlight it, it is in the article.

I am noticing numerous mistakes in I try to read multiple sources on the same story. I think they are writing these stories so quickly that fact checking gets lost. To us, one word can change the meaning of a whole line of thought...makes it difficult to work on a theory. MOO
Some threads back, another poster phrased it perfectly regarding today's media. I can't remember his/her exact quote, and I am being lazy for not scrolling through all the threads to find it, but I also share this person's opinion in that unfortunately, it is more important to today's media to get it out there quickly and to be first to report it than it is to be accurate.
I totally agree. It seems like about 99% of the information we 'know' about this case was released by people who were willing to speak to the media. This info may or may not be true - we have no idea at this point. For example, so many people (not necessarily here) seem to assume that the various white cars reported in the media are the car LE is looking for, but LE has not confirmed any of them.
And I'm always a bit suspicious of folks who run to the press right away. If you've got relevant or possibly relevant issues, take them to LE, not the NYP or DM.
And I'm always a bit suspicious of folks who run to the press right away. If you've got relevant or possibly relevant issues, take them to LE, not the NYP or DM.

I do think those mags have a way of getting to folks though, and IIRC DM pays for photos (I may be mistaken if so apologies to DM...).
I don't buy that. This would require the killer to have basically stumbled upon the house by chance. If he was going from the back and into the parking lot and didn't even bother going up the front, high chances are that he had observed or been in this house numerous times already. The alternative is him basically just walking past the trees, skipping numerous houses and then looking at this particular huge one and saying "wow, voila, a house I can attack'. Regardless of whether the knows the victims personally or not, imo he most definitely knew the house.

Definitely not intoxicated. Drugs are possible but I seriously doubt it. The killer came in very prepared, patient and from what we know so far he left little evidence. Obviously the police might have something, buts since they still haven't caught him or have any big clue as to who the killer is, i'd argue he didn't leave all that much.
since they still haven't caught him or have any big clue as to who the killer is, i'd argue he didn't leave all that much.

That is assuming that LE does not know who the killer is and just does not have enough evidence to arrest yet hence the call for more info. We can never assume what the police know and what they don't.

The scream the neighbor may have heard was also on the bodycam of one of the police officers who ticketed the boys for underage drinking. If you listen you can clearly hear a woman say "Stop it. Stop". The LE who's cam picked up the scream was standing fairly near the apartment building the neighbor lives in. The audio seemed to come from over his left shoulder behind him, which would have put it very close to the neighbor around the time the neighbor claimed to have heard it. It did not seem to interest the policeman wearing the bodycam as he did not even turn to look in that direction and may have dismissed it as a party going on in one of the apartments. The murder house was behind and to his left.

The woman can be heard at the 23:43 mark, right after one of the boys says he is 19.

Based on the tone and inflection, the voice sounds more irritated than being attacked. I would expect more urgency and fear. This just sounds like someone dealing with an unruly child or pet, maybe a boyfriend acting immature.
Some threads back, another poster phrased it perfectly regarding today's media. I can't remember his/her exact quote, and I am being lazy for not scrolling through all the threads to find it, but I also share this person's opinion in that unfortunately, it is more important to today's media to get it out there quickly and to be first to report it than it is to be accurate.
That might have been me; I said it although I can't guarantee someone else hasn't said it here as well. I edited a news website for some time and the attitude was break it on the site so it goes live first, and we'll jump in and fix it later. Very unnerving to be told to do that as an editor, but it's why you'll see so many misspellings and grammar errors (and just plain sloppiness) on websites these days.
My interpretation is that K and M were at least somewhat friendly with HG and that what looked/sounded like an “F.. you mister” at the food truck was directed toward the other guy there, not hoody guy. (I came to that conclusion after watching the slow, frame-by-frame playing of the video.)

Now, if they were, indeed, friendly with HG, and he was just sort of tagging along with them to see that they were safe as has been suggested by some, perhaps their leaving without saying goodbye was simply the being tipsy, tired, pre-occupied, etc.

Also, HG has been identified in various places as someone likely known to K and M and I am confident that that is who is in the video. If they do know him, it wouldn’t be likely, in my book, that they’d address him as “mister”. They’d likely just say “F-off”. The man who I think that is directed toward looks to be older -not in their crowd.

Don’t know. Just thinking.
My interpretation is that K and M were at least somewhat friendly with HG

IMO that doesn't preclude M being angry at him for the proceeding conversation caught on surveillance earlier. We don't have the ensuing conversation between the three of them from the surveillance earlier and the Grub Hub to give more context to that "FU Mister" and them taking off on him.

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