ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 37

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So I left 5 pages and a thread ago - did I eat that much or is this thread just going really fast?

This cat is a depraved, sadistic ghost, IMO, and BAU being on-scene within hours should tell all of us that. He ain't no friend. He ain't no aggrieved ex. He ain't no frat boy. He's almost certainly someone who stalked them online, picked up where they lived from location sharing (or stalked at work and followed home), and then picked this night because his urge to kill was becoming too much for him to control.

My opinion.


I'm lining up with you @hopewell and @rahod1 on this. For FBI to be called in right away, IGI, but 2 BAUs? IMO JMO They're not there for the coffee and snacks. For them to be called so early could IMO indicate that there was potentially something about the scene that prompted LE's concern jmo imo.

I know from reading here that some of us think LE knows who did this. IDK, of course, nor do any of us (that I know of) but IF LE has a suspect, why would FBI BAU still be on scene if LE knows who the killer is and/or thinks they know and are just waiting for DNA etc. What would BAU's role be? I'm asking because idk. As of today, they're still listed: King Road Homicides | Moscow, ID

all of this is JMO and me asking for information. none of this is fact or speculation.

There has to be a preceding reason for this. The murder of four people sleeping in their beds didn't happen in a vacuum.


all of this is JMO and me asking for information. none of this is fact or speculation.

Agreed imo. There has to be a reason, IMO, but depending on the type of perpetrator, the reason could be obvious or at least identifiable through the normal investigative process (along the lines of usual suspects, usual motives) or the motive could be h-e-double-toothpick-and-gone from anything we could ever come up with if the killer is random/unrelated. IMO My guess is LE has gone through the usual suspects and motives, and here we are 6 weeks later... and now we wait to see what they've got.

all of this is JMO and me asking for information.

Even if the killer wasn't close to the victims, he (or she or they) could have become familiar with the house in a number of ways -- by attending parties there, by having been in there before the current batch of roommates, or by doing some sort of work on the house.

IMO maybe he could also have done B&Es while they were in class or out at night or when they were home and asleep, and wouldn't that be creepy.

All of this is JMO - none of this is based on fact and should not be construed a such.
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IMO planned. Vehicle (Elantra) has not been found, which to me indicates the person is not a student or local. He could be from anywhere and now gone anywhere. Doesn't seem he stalked or had words with anyone. Would not surprise me if he waited in the house when no one was there. Leaning toward random mass murder, which means be cautious, aware, vigilant with every person you encounter no matter how wonderful they seem.
I too have wondered if he laid in wait, entering while the house was empty that night. I even think he might have unlocked a couple of windows and left before the surviving roommates got home at 1:00, proceeding to sit in the backyard and watch for when the lights went out. Whoever he is, wherever he is, there's a cold-blooded killer out there and if they don't catch him I fear we will see more of his handiwork. :(
I too have wondered if he laid in wait, entering while the house was empty that night. I even think he might have unlocked a couple of windows and left before the surviving roommates got home at 1:00, proceeding to sit in the backyard and watch for when the lights went out. Whoever he is, wherever he is, there's a cold-blooded killer out there and if they don't catch him I fear we will see more of his handiwork. :(

If he did lie in wait, first degree murder without doubt. IMO he nailed willful, deliberate and premeditated killing, too.

8-4003. DEGREES OF MURDER. (a) All murder which is perpetrated by means of poison, or lying in wait, or torture, when torture is inflicted with the intent to cause suffering, to execute vengeance, to extort something from the victim, or to satisfy some sadistic inclination, or which is perpetrated by any kind of willful, deliberate and premeditated killing is murder of the first degree.

This is almost certainly true, IMO. If this killer was an amateur and anywhere in their circle (inner or outer tangents) he would be behind bars. Likewise, LE wouldn't be asking the public's help identifying what is essentially a ghost car at this point. Indeed, if anyone they knew, or anyone they knew knew someone who knew someone who drove that car, he would be behind bars by now.
This cat is a depraved, sadistic ghost, IMO, and BAU being on-scene within hours should tell all of us that. He ain't no friend. He ain't noer aggrieved ex. He ain't no frat boy. He'shh almost certainly someone who stalked them online, picked up where they lived from location sharing (or stalked at work and followed home), and then picked this night becauseh his urge to kill was becoming too much for him to control.

My opinion.
I agree with what your putting out there!
If they've never been in the girls rooms, there would be no reason for their DNA inside them. I'm still torn on someone not liking their lifestyle, <modsnip>
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Right now, I see no reason to disagree with LE's assessment that these murders were committed by someone in the victim's circle of acquaintances
Can you please provide a source for Law Enforcement assessing that this perp was in the circle of acquaintances?

I‘m confused because I think Law Enforcement repeatedly has said they don’t know who this is or where this perp is.

Who in the victim’s circle drives a white Elantra?

I don’t think imho they know who they are dealing with but I think they are working hard to try to locate him.
I too have wondered if he laid in wait, entering while the house was empty that night. I even think he might have unlocked a couple of windows and left before the surviving roommates got home at 1:00, proceeding to sit in the backyard and watch for when the lights went out. Whoever he is, wherever he is, there's a cold-blooded killer out there and if they don't catch him I fear we will see more of his handiwork. :(
You are correct there is a cold blooded killer out there. I would suspect that LE is already doing second interviews to try to get more information that may have been overlooked and to check out stories for consistency. There is so much we don't know so the speculation can be endless. I vacillate back and forth between the various theories and opinions.
I concur with most of this. My gut tells me this is a very proficient killer... victims in their beds notwithstanding. You simply don't dispatch of four humans using only a KNIFE (one being a 6ft?? 20 yr old male) without creating a chaotic *ruckus*......yet this is exactly what occurred. I don't subscribe to the notion that this was a personal vendetta with one or more of the victims...the odds of these students coming into contact with a killer this proficient seem very remote to me. More likely they were *targeted* to fulfill the killer's urge. I'm certain the FBI is taking a very close look at the previous incidents in Oregon and Washington over the last 2 years. MOO.
This sentence in your post jumped out at me - "You simply don't dispatch of four humans using only a KNIFE (one being a 6 ft?? 20 yr old male) "without creating a chaotic "ruckus".....yet this is exactly what occurred", and I strongly agree with your comment that "the odds of these students coming into contact with a killer this proficient seem very remote". Whoever did this didn't just have blind luck on his side - this guy knew exactly what he was doing - what really strikes me is that, in order to even consider committing this crime, and then following through, there must have been an underlying enormous confidence that he could do so. That confidence IMHO was not related to psychopathy or simiar. IMO it was based on previous kill successes - not as a run of the mill murderer - I suspect he has a strong military background - knows he's damned good with the physical skill required, but also, he's a highly skilled strategist, able to competently handle any unforeseen circumstances/collateral damage. IMO this was a professional hit. Someone was prepared to pay a "professional" to eliminate at least one of the victims. I have no idea why. I'm wondering if there is something far more serious than a personal vendetta. going on. Maybe one or more of the victims was trying to "fight the good fight",and someone else was prepared to pay money to sort this issue out. JMO thwe vnei n thissomething ti"e served previous
There has to be a preceding reason for this. The murder of four people sleeping in their beds didn't happen in a vacuum.


I think we could separate the different kind of killers. First the passion or someone in their circle got jealous or angry. To me so far this line of speculation has been missing any real motive. I think for that to be the case there would have to be some other deviant side and deviant behavior that FBI would discover. I think it would involve something illegal on the internet like illegal images.

That brings us to someone who has compulsive desire to kill. This could be a neighbor or someone who spotted them out and had been stalking them. It might not take long, just a week, to do this. Killers with this kind of compulsion have very little restraint and extremely brazen. It would be nothing for them to enter a house and kill someone.

There are also teenage killers so can't rule out anyone. I think FBI would need to sort through not only the people who they may have mingled with in past few days, but the reality is that a stalker could have originated from any of the victims social media or from the victims family social media. That's the reality we live in.

I think if and when they ID a suspect and make charges it won't fit the most popular narrative, and for that reason most people will dislike this line of reasoning. There will be some clue and some insight into a more deviant side. The compulsive killer, which seems likely, will have criminal history, but can't rule out anything at this point, as even teens are capable of brazen murders.
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I'm not sure. While you may well be right, I think it's possible that the killer is in fact in their circle, though possibly in the outer parts of it. Familiarity with the house would have helped a lot with the murders.

Even if the killer wasn't close to the victims, he (or she or they) could have become familiar with the house in a number of ways -- by attending parties there, by having been in there before the current batch of roommates, or by doing some sort of work on the house.


Don't agree that he might be anywhere in their circle simply because someone would know someone who knows someone who owns/drives that car. I'm also fairly confident this isn't some young partygoer with a chip/grudge (or similar). I do, however, agree that this could be a prior tenant or contractor, but as time goes on even that is becoming more and more unlikely. Again, the car is a ghost car, evidently. If it was from a local or surrounding area, I feel it would be in custody along with the suspect by now.

My opinion.
Don't agree that he might be anywhere in their circle simply because someone would know someone who knows someone who owns/drives that car. I'm also fairly confident this isn't some young partygoer with a chip/grudge (or similar). I do, however, agree that this could be a prior tenant or contractor, but as time goes on even that is becoming more and more unlikely. Again, the car is a ghost car, evidently. If it was from a local or surrounding area, I feel it would be in custody along with the suspect by now.

My opinion.
Homever this person is, he was pretty brazen, or crazy, to enter a home with so many occupance at home an d a dog. He was risking his one life, if something went south, dog attack, roommates turning on him, roommate could have had a gun or weapon of some time. Yet he still took that chance.
The white Hyundai could be on the bottom of a lake, or sitting in some remote barn, at this point.

But given enough time, detectives should be able to assemble a list of owners of those vehicles from Idaho and surrounding states who may have some connection (or reason to pass thru) to Moscow.
IMO planned. Vehicle (Elantra) has not been found, which to me indicates the person is not a student or local. He could be from anywhere and now gone anywhere. Doesn't seem he stalked or had words with anyone. Would not surprise me if he waited in the house when no one was there. Leaning toward random mass murder, which means be cautious, aware, vigilant with every person you encounter no matter how wonderful they seem.
If the killer was in the Elantra then they weren't waiting in the house that night, because the Elantra arrived at around 3am.

ETA: The particular sighting and timing have not been confirmed by LE, only by the camera owner in MSM.
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The white Hyundai could be on the bottom of a lake, or sitting in some remote barn, at this point.

But given enough time, detectives should be able to assemble a list of owners of those vehicles from Idaho and surrounding states who may have some connection (or reason to pass thru) to Moscow.
If this was all planned ahead of time, it's very possible that there is no white Hyundai.

If the killers car was -for example- black, all he would need to do is sometime before the murders, spray the car with white peel paint. After the murders, peel the paint, and now he has a black car nobody is looking for. All he needs is a barn/shed/garage where he can work on the car without being seen.
Where did you hear that?
It was in the news a week ago:

The car, which Francetich described as both "white" and "light colored," traveled west on Taylor Road sometime between 2:45 a.m. and 3:15 a.m., he said. Only a side view of the car is visible in the footage.

ETA: IIRC, a similar vehicle can be seen on the police bodycam footage (incident involving students) on Taylor Road at 2:58.
It was in the news a week ago:

The car, which Francetich described as both "white" and "light colored," traveled west on Taylor Road sometime between 2:45 a.m. and 3:15 a.m., he said. Only a side view of the car is visible in the footage.

As far as I know, that's the car that was seen in the video footage passing a gas station in Moscow ID. It's not 100% certain that the car is the white Elantra that LE is searching for.

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