When I was growing up we had a serial rapist who managed to find and rape 30 women in a 2 year span. There were over 8,000 tips. it was on the news nightly. Everyone was in absolute terror, hyper vigilant but this one guy could drive around, also in a Hyundai, and find new victims every several weeks or so. He would drive around park in parking lots, watch apartment complexes or homes, and figure out how to break in, always in early morning, 4am or so, often would climb up on balconies to break in through an upper level door or window. while victim was sleeping, and rape them. Then look at other notorious killers. I'm not sure if rules here allow them to be named, but most of the ones I can think of targeted strangers in their homes. So all this guesswork that killer would have been familiar with the house, would have had a key code, isn't what usually happens. A killer who does it for compulsion, very brazen and the high risk is part of why they do it. Take the guy who murdered a journalist on borad his homemade submarine. She was doing an interview for a newspaper and he thought he could get away with it. So most of the guesswork about this case seems to attribute traits of rational normal people, and motives that don't rise to this level of horrendous crime. Especially if LE is looking for a white Hyundai and hasn't been located it suggest this is someone not close to the victims and could have first seen them either on social media or cursing the area. But remembering the serial rapist he only lived here a short while so was familiar with the area, but had never been inside any of the houses or apartments, and could find new ones every several weeks and undetected for 2 years. This was before most security cameras but still for the Moscow murders its only one crime so far and random stalker could have found and targeted the house in less than a week, got in his car and drove off out of state.