ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 39

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I really think it would be harmful to dispose of the vehicle in pretty much every scenario at this point.

This is a flagged across the US vehicle. On the front page of all social media and news networks.

Disposing the vehicle would render multiple ways to get caught…. Unless the car was purchased in secret and kept in secret garage from family and friends.

Which is highly doubtful and connects killer to car in both scenarios.

If the car was dumped into a lake or river… he’d have to get a ride home from someone. As in adding a witness… witness friend would likely ask… where is your car?

Witness could tell LE… this person had that type of car but not since they picked him up from river or lake.


Killer could burn car. Potentially literally sending a smoke signal to LE to discover the burned car.

Killer could abandon car… but good spots are high traffic and again you risk being seen… which connects you to the crime.

He could report it stollen… which again… would put police focus on him, / lead police to him.

Just so many scenarios of why borrowing it and returning the car without anyone noticing it’s gone makes the most logical sense as to why they haven’t been able to find the vehicle.
Good points. I thought about the used car place on Troy Rd. lot of white cars that could be borrowed, and if he didn't plan to be photographed, it might have seemed like a good idea.

If I were the killer, I'd have put a bike in the trunk, ditched the car (as in destroyed, not left for DNA testing), and ridden back on the Latah Trail, very doable. While I'm thinking of it, have a bike 'accident' in front of witnesses on the trail, show how you got your hand/arm/knee/face all banged up.
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Good points. I thought about the used car place on Troy Rd. lot of white cars that could be borrowed, and if he didn't plan to be photographed, it might have seemed like a good idea.

If I were the killer, I'd have put a bike in the trunk, ditched the car (as in destroyed, not left for DN testing), and ridden back on the Latah Trail, very doable. While I'm thinking of it, have a bike 'accident' in front of witnesses on the trail, show how you got your hand/arm/knee/face all banged up.

Again… MOO

I won’t lie this was an initial theory of mine. Bike in car or bike left in woods along the trail for after ditching the car.

I’ve followed the trail and it definitely goes straight to Troy.

But I’ve never thought about the bike ride being used as alibi for injuries.

You are absolutely onto something with that.

But whether the car was borrowed from grandma or a friend who didn’t know it was taken and used that night…..

I believe firmly the car was borrowed if indeed the driver was the person to do this and not the witness.

I’ve thought lots of peoples ideas about protective suit worn during the crime itself were unlikely….

But laying plastic down on drivers seat and floor mats and wearing gloves… makes for a quick cleanup when secretly returning the key evidence to someone who didn’t know it was even gone to begin with.
IMO even if the person were from Moscow, circuitous route might have been a wise choice to get home imo. After a quadruple murder, driving back to the old homestead via the most direct route to lower your green footprint probably isn't the priority imo so you made a good call with Sand Road, and it's still a possibility imo.

Just spitballing here, but if I were the killer, I'd be looking for a way to put distance between me and the crime scene, and I'd want to lose the car, if I drove, because it isn't mine and I want to disappear back into anonymity. I'd be looking for a way to get home without getting caught. IF the killer took Taylor/Styner, that was a stupid choice jmo but even so, if they took Styner to 8, went to Troy/kendrick, dumped the white car (or returned it to the used car lot where they could have 'borrowed' it for the night- unlikely, but possible imo), and gotten on a bike, they could have had a nice Sunday morning ride into town on the Latah trail, right back to Styner, picked up their own car, headed out to Palouse/Sand, and one on to WA. Still works. I mean we are just spitballing but IMO JMO it's possible.
The white car was seen between 2:45-3:15 AM at Linda Lane heading towards the murders. At 3:45 AM, the car was seen speeding West past the gas station at 802 Troy Road, just before it turns into Styner. The white car turned onto Hwy 95. If the car left the area at 3:45 AM and returned to "pick up their own car" later, there must be a second driver.

Spitballing except the car. Police are looking for a white car that was in the area of the murders at the time of the murders, and no one has come forward to clear up the car question.

That house is prime property but some sort of major renovation needs to take place. Change the layout, add privacy, security, etc.

And the sliding glass doors! I would be removing those on practically every house in that area after this or providing alternate ways to secure them. I'm in a safe area and I'm almost questioning my own now. I try to be safe but my belief is that if someone wants to get to you, they can. My house could be Fort Knox but there's still time when my garage door is closing or when I'm letting my dog out, etc. I could remove my sliding glass doors, but what about the other 20 windows? It helps to be guarded to prevent random attacks but if someone wants to attack me specifically, they would find a way. JMO.

Hi there,

There are several ways to approach this situation. The way I would recommend regarding the sliding door is to use both a traditional lock as well as a wooden block at the bottom. Other physical blocks can be installed.

From there, you’ll want to alarm the sliding glass door as well as your windows. You can get a traditional open and close alarm, or you can add in a glass breaker alarm and a motion sensor. There should also be cameras in vulnerable areas.

All of the above will give you a fair 3-5 second minimum or more warning to respond as you might deem fit.

In this particular case, alarms and cameras could have served either as a disincentive to approach for the perpetrator/s or perhaps changed the situation in another more favorable way for those harmed.

Unfortunately this household did not have a strong security mindset and most don’t and some don’t want to live that way.

But I think it is worth considering how passive mechanisms like alarms and other security features could help others who might be at risk in the future.

Warnings provided by this type of feature can prevent being surprised and enable more positive outcomes. I expect that people with bad intentions often avoid targeting households that present barriers to their plan.

Obviously, the borderline transient nature of college housing and the environment of a college town is favorable to people seeking to harm others. Campuses should really think about security communications for their students who are away from home for the first time and live in a way that increases vulnerability to human predators like the one that is going to be caught and brought to justice for their actions in Moscow.
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Again… MOO

I won’t lie this was an initial theory of mine. Bike in car or bike left in woods along the trail for after ditching the car.

I’ve followed the trail and it definitely goes straight to Troy.

But I’ve never thought about the bike ride being used as alibi for injuries.

You are absolutely onto something with that.

But whether the car was borrowed from grandma or a friend who didn’t know it was taken and used that night…..

I believe firmly the car was borrowed if indeed the driver was the person to do this and not the witness.

I’ve thought lots of peoples ideas about protective suit worn during the crime itself were unlikely….

But laying plastic down on drivers seat and floor mats and wearing gloves… makes for a quick cleanup when secretly returning the key evidence to someone who didn’t know it was even gone to begin with.

I did some research on protective suits & JMO it could be done. but layers of vaseline and thick clothes might do the trick. definitely shoe covers though. And the bike-ride injury just popped into my head. I guess I'm more devious than I knew lol (I also had a bad bike accident once, so that might have been why it popped into my head). And plastic, gloves, that could work. I definitely wouldn't get into the car without changing clothes first. and I'd fully incinerate anything. And you're right about the waste site on the way. Big garbage trucks, too. Someone could work at a place like that, pick up the garbage on Monday from the same pretty women every week, and then dispose of everything from the comfort of his own job. jmo imo spitballing here.
At 3:45 AM, the car was seen speeding West past the gas station at 802 Troy Road, just before it turns into Styner. The white car turned onto Hwy 95.
I thought that part had changed (re headed west) or maybe I thought that because I read about troy and kendrick and changed it in my head. It's just so odd that the car would be headed west jmo.
I wish that one of the Law Enforcement agencies would contact this fascinating young man Anthony Schmidt about the exact make, model and year of the vehicle being sought.

First the video from Linda Lane surveillance on top of the rental building, then the vehicle from the gas station surveillance. I am sure he would know if they are in fact the same vehicle or if they are 2 different ones. Either way, he would be able to help.

Anthony is truly amazing my opinion and my opinion only, the car thing has been long and drawn out, many do not think that the vehicle is even an Elantra.
So I say hand over copies of the videos and allow my hero Anthony to perform his special gift of identifying every make and model vehicle known to man. He will do it in lightning speed and at least that way Law Enforcement will know exactly what they are looking for.

My guess is that the video from Linda Lane is the one that they are looking for if the gas station one turns out to be a different vehicle.

From the link in the first sentence there is this;

"But perhaps the most impressive thing about Schmidt’s car trivia is that he was able to help New York detectives solve a criminal investigation!

Apparently, after a crime was committed, footage of the getaway car was captured. The only problem was that the image was too grainy for them to properly identify the make, model, or year. But when they approached Schmidt about the image, he was easily able to tell them all the facts about the car. This ended up resulting in the suspect’s arrest. Well done!"
Why not just go to his IG and ask him? can that happen?
I thought that part had changed (re headed west) or maybe I thought that because I read about troy and kendrick and changed it in my head. It's just so odd that the car would be headed west jmo.
The timeline of the white car is unusual, and unexpected. I haven't seen any updates that change the CCTV sightings of the white car.

The first sighting of the white car is 2:45-3:15 AM at Linda Lane heading West towards the murders. The vehicle remained in the area during the murders that are thought to have occurred between 3-4 AM. The same car is seen at 3:45 AM heading West and turning onto Hwy 95 or a side street near the intersection of Hwy 95 and Troy Road.

What that tells me is that police found CCTV of the vehicle driving to the mass murder address, but not leaving the address. The last contact with the victims is shortly before 3 AM. The white cars is seen after the murders heading in what seems to be the wrong direction at 3:45 AM.

Why is the car heading towards hwy 95 from East after the murders unless the murderer had a reason to be East of Hwy 95 immediately after the murders and turning onto Hwy 95 going where?


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The white car turned onto Hwy 95.

Why is the car heading towards hwy 95 from East after the murders unless the murderer had a reason to be East of Hwy 95 immediately after the murders and turning onto Hwy 95 going where?

That's what doesn't make sense, and I remember the conversation about it, but I thought it got turned around. Oy. Which way did they turn on 95? It seems like there were questions about how the gas station attendant could know the direction. Clearly, I'm going to need to take an extended leave of absence from work until this case is solved so that I can keep up ;)

In theory, I guess it could be a killer not from Moscow (which is my theory) and without a phone he got turned around and headed out the wrong direction. And then what was the car doing in troy or kendrick? There are potentially reasons why the driver wouldn't have contacted LE. That's not surprising, but it doesn't necessarily mean homicidal maniac imo.
Why not just go to his IG and ask him? can that happen?
Hi Sister Golden Hair!

I had sent Anthony a message on his Facebook page, I have been on his Facebook for a long while.
He gets so many messages daily, that it could take a while for him to even see my message.
That is why it would be a lot faster if a Law Enforcement agency on the case to contact him.
Hi Sister Golden Hair!

I had sent Anthony a message on his Facebook page, I have been on his Facebook for a long while.
He gets so many messages daily, that it could take a while for him to even see my message.
That is why it would be a lot faster if a Law Enforcement agency on the case to contact him.
good for you for trying. he's AMAZING! maybe LE reads here and they'll see the tip?
<modsnip - quoted post was removed>

Kaylee was in Moscow for the weekend to show off her new vehicle. Anyone watching her social media could have known that she was in Moscow that weekend and then moving out of reach - to Florida. Moving to Florida could have been the catalyst, especially if there was an imagined romantic interest.

Knowing the house was as easy as sitting on the back hill to see where people slept, perhaps even breaking the patio lock prior to the break-in murders. I've always thought that an intruder with murder on the mind would clear the escape route after breaking-in - in this case that means clearing the second floor of the house before going upstairs to the targeted victims.
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With a high-profile case like this, they're going to have a really hard time selling or renting it out again, especially given that the house itself is a prominent "character" in this event. Not saying it can't be done, but it would likely take a long time and deep price cuts to get it accomplished. That place is going to become an unintentional tourist attraction, and anyone living there will have to deal with that, even if living in a house where such horrors occurred doesn't bother them.
The current building could be demolished, and a new building built.

The new building would have greater occupancy, quality, and safety to increase the economic return, still with a focus on the student market. The new building could be a model of 21st century security features.
I understand what you're saying but it just doesn't add up for me. I haven't seen an explanation for her moving away from Moscow before the end of the semester. Have you? I wonder where the dog was going to stay while she traveled Europe in January?

The others murdered didn't have this "glitch" in their circumstances. I also wonder why she was not honored with a posthumous degree.

Again, JMO

Regarding the dog: I’d think it very likely that the dog might stay with its co-owner while she was traveling. If not, then maybe with her parents?

Posthumous degree—maybe no one thought of it? A lot going on—maybe the higher ups who could authorize it had bigger concerns, and the computer program that knows who filed the paperwork just ran as usual? Maybe her friends were all graduating at the end of the year and said they’d like her to graduate with them. Why do you think?

All my speculations
Betsy Aardsma 1969. Stabbed to death in the Penn State LIBRARY. Murdered on school property. No arrests ever.
Betsy's case has possible links to Zodiac (due to desktop poem being discovered that described the dress she wore that day). Said poem was found by a janitor when Police investigated murder of Cheri Jo Bates who was also stabbed to death very near the high school library (she was actually on her way home from there). Difference vs this case is that e.g. Betsy was killed with a single blow to the heart, almost surgical. Also neither of the girls was attacked in her home during sleep. If I was to look for similar unsolved cases I'd go with Jeuttens'. No need to go as far back as 1969.
I wish that one of the Law Enforcement agencies would contact this fascinating young man Anthony Schmidt about the exact make, model and year of the vehicle being sought.

First the video from Linda Lane surveillance on top of the rental building, then the vehicle from the gas station surveillance. I am sure he would know if they are in fact the same vehicle or if they are 2 different ones. Either way, he would be able to help.

Anthony is truly amazing my opinion and my opinion only, the car thing has been long and drawn out, many do not think that the vehicle is even an Elantra.
So I say hand over copies of the videos and allow my hero Anthony to perform his special gift of identifying every make and model vehicle known to man. He will do it in lightning speed and at least that way Law Enforcement will know exactly what they are looking for.

My guess is that the video from Linda Lane is the one that they are looking for if the gas station one turns out to be a different vehicle.

From the link in the first sentence there is this;

"But perhaps the most impressive thing about Schmidt’s car trivia is that he was able to help New York detectives solve a criminal investigation!

Apparently, after a crime was committed, footage of the getaway car was captured. The only problem was that the image was too grainy for them to properly identify the make, model, or year. But when they approached Schmidt about the image, he was easily able to tell them all the facts about the car. This ended up resulting in the suspect’s arrest. Well done!"
The police have clearly more footage of the car. They seem to have zero doubt about the model and know it was in the immediate area of the King Street.

"As previously reported, detectives are interested in speaking with the occupant(s) of a white 2011-2013 Hyundai Elantra, with an unknown license plate. Tips and leads have led investigators to look for additional information about a vehicle being in the immediate area of the King Street residence during the early morning hours of November 13th."
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