ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow #4

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MOO is the blue car belonged to Xana as it has an Arizona plate per all the videos on scene.

Or possibly wide-wheel base as seen in performance vehicles with sport suspension - i.e., Mustang, Charger, Camaro, etc. IMO --- possibly related and possibly just wild speculations I am drawing between things as when I isolated the taillights reflected in the shop windows from the food truck video I noticed seperate vertical bars in the tailights which reminded me of the newer Mustang tailights a lot...JMO of course

You don't unless you are being vigilant to match your driver's photo from the app to the person picking you some cases could be hard to know for sure.
Any bmw’s fit what you see?
Any of those are definite possibilities, with another option being the murderer knew they were there but had no interest in killing them. That might have been the case if he only went there to kill one or two, had to kill the 3rd and 4th because he was confronted by them, and then left.
Makes me believe this is the sp's first rodeo. Bundy swept an entire house for victims. If the killer killed the other roommates to protect their identity then he would he or she would have searched more but I'm thinking he or she wanted to leave quickly and the front door was too risky to flee from so that worked in favor for the spared roommates
I suspect he's killed before. We don't know exactly how/where he stabbed each person, but he knew what he was doing.
I would say that years of playing COD could give a person a good idea of how military style knives can be used to kill people in a variety of situations. If a person enjoyed that type of activity, thrilled to it even, imagine taking it to the next level and actually stabbing a real person. For some types, euphoria. Or at least, satisfaction that all that game training paid off. MOO
The E&X time gap:

Things that happen at frat events, depending on how big the event is, just my experience.
  • someone gets too drunk, sick, combative etc, and if you're their close friend you might walk them home and put them to bed or babysit for a while
  • the party runs out of something like ice and someone goes off to the store to get more
  • some small groups break off to go to a smaller event at a private residence, jme, usually seniors who've done the official events a million times and were just putting in an appearance, so unlikely here based on E's year, unless they went to an event at one of X's friends
  • some people leave for more substantial food after a while
  • some people have plans to meet up with a different group or go to a bar later
Not sure what point I’m trying to make with this but those tire tracks don’t look like they are from someone leaving the drive.

Having looked at the still and the MSNBC video multiple times they look too straight. They are essentially straight at the point they are inline at the start with the yellow bag (Rubbish) on the left hand side. And that’s almost inline with the drive.

What can we deduce from this?

Possibly that the car, if it’s relevant to the crime, was pulling away from the car park behind the house or the kerb.

Relevant? Who knows but would a well known aquaintance park on the evident space there is on the drive or pull into the side of the road if giving the girls a lift home.

Likewise would a taxi service pull into the drive or turn around and park on the road.

I don’t know but it looks like there is plenty of space on the drive (Based on where LE cars are parked in photos).

I may be reading too much into it but to me, if the tire tracks are relevant and based on the scrutiny it seems they might be, they are from a car that has parked up potentially after either a friend or the original taxi service has gone.

That’s working on the assumption that either of those would have pulled onto the drive (Which might be somewhat validated by someone apparently trying to get out the road earlier but not being able to get past. Would someone park on the road for a long time if they knew they were blocking An entry)
Way back, someone was discussing the term LE used that the roommates “declined” to call 911. I am now coming to the opinion that one or both of them heard some sort of disturbance upstairs but didn’t want to get involved, and didn’t see fit to call 911. Possibly a physical altercation (ala MSNBC)? Of course, they probably didn’t think it would rise to the level of a quadruple murder..
just my theorizing, no facts in this post.

eta: sheriff said no such thing, bad use of word in a headline.. but I still believe that this is possible with all the bits and pieces of oddity in the way they have talked about the roommates
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Do you think they would book and lodge the sp in another holding facility or would it be that area jail first ?
Unless he's arrested in another jurisdiction, I assume Moscow would take him into custody, and he'd ultimately appear on the Latah County jail roster.

Although ISP and the Feds are assisting (likely doing most of the work actually), I think it's still Moscow's ball.
I almost took it that way as well… just from the way he said it, it almost made it seem like the physical struggle or fight was part of the murders, as if the murderer struggled with a victim or two first and then began stabbing, vs. a fistfight or altercatioN which happened much earlier in the night.
Sadly I believe it was meant to be interpreted many ways. I think it was alluding to the defensive wounds also though.
Way back, someone was discussing the term LE used that the roommates “declined” to call 911. I am now coming to the opinion that oOne or both of them heard some sort of disturbance upstairs but didn’t want to get involved, and didn’t see fit to call 911. Possibly a physical alteration (ala MSNBC)? Of course, they probably didn’t think it would rise to the level of a quadruple murder..
just my theorizing, no facts in this post.
"Declined' was the headline writer's word in that story -- in its text, the word appeared once and referred to the sheriff declining to answer a question.
Prosecutors can visit crime scenes for multiple reasons, but it’s almost always a while after the crime has been committed and not when it’s fresh (as is the case here).

The prosecutor’s presence COULD mean charges are forthcoming, but not necessarily. The prosecutor most often visits a crime scene in preparation for eventual charges and a trial in order to get an up close and personal feeling and memory of the crime scene itself (as opposed to just relying on photos). Also, sometimes when investigators find something useful or perhaps incriminating at a crime scene, the prosecutor will visit to help determine just how useful or convincing that piece of evidence would be to convict someone. Maybe it’s the width of a door, or the scratch marks down a wall, or something of that nature that points towards the size of a possible suspect or just the proof of their presence at the scene. Kind of “we found this… can you use it and will it hold up in court?” kind of thing.

It may or may not be the development we’re all hoping for, but it’s definitely not a bad thing.
This isn’t his first time to the crime scene. You can catch an image if him here from the 14th.

I haven’t posted in so long I’m a new member again! I have been lurking on this board hoping for developments in a case that is haunting a lot of us. Like many of you, It weighs heavy in my heart for the young lives cut short and for the families of these kids.

The last case like this that I became particularly obsessed with was the Rhoden family murders - 8 family members murdered the same night in 4 separate homes, but leaving the children unharmed. Rumors flew in every direction and it was ages until the Wagners were charged. Could anyone have really initially believed the brutal and methodical bloodbath was all for custody of one of the children?

In this case…I don’t think it’s necessarily odd 2 roommates lived - multiple interviews indicate that it was the 4 killed who were super close and more well-known, I think the other 2 young ladies just did more of their own thing. I do believe this was done by someone known to one or all of the 4 victims. I believe LE has A LOT of information we are not privy to at this time, nor should we be as their job is to nail the murderer and make sure the case is solid. Sadly, I believe there is likely one of the victims that might have been more brutally harmed than the others and others may have been collateral damage. I would be shocked if the murderer isn’t a male - (also, in an earlier a post here a nurse had posted about how statistically women slash and men stab.)

I know the mixed messages from the media haven’t helped anything- but I am hopeful this is a case that will be solved.
"Declined' was the headline writer's word in that story -- in its text, the word appeared once and referred to the sheriff declinig to answer a question.
Thank you! Still keeping my theory, but what a bad headline. I should have known better, I watched that presser live!
This is what the prosecutor said yesterday about the 911 call.

(2:05 in the video)

Presenter: The 911 call didn’t come until midday the next day. Does that raise any red flags for you? How do you explain that?

Prosecutor: I think the investigators are trying to ascertain why there was a delay and what actually occurred, what was heard. That’s a question that’s still out there. And I know they’re working on that.
We’re trying to assist them as much as possible, with obtaining search warrants for data and cell records and social media … and anything that might help.

Presenter: Do you know who called 911? Can you reveal who reported this?

Prosecutor: I can’t reveal who made the 911 call. The police do know who made the 911 call though.

I wonder how long it will take to decipher the various DNA samples. LE can have someone in mind but waiting for DNA.

Hopefully this case will be solved quickly. Been a while since a case hooked me...
I'm thinking that since the FBI is involved, they will get DNA results quickly using their own lab instead of outsourcing and having to wait weeks for results.
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