ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow #4

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I wonder if this J character has been spoken to. If the girls were reaching out to him for help he must feel terrible to have let their calls go unanswered. Alternatively, I can’t help but wonder and theorize if the calls were purposely placed to alert other roommates of J’s whereabouts within the house or to clue authorities in on a potential POI at the start of their inevitable investigation. This isn’t necessarily to cast J as a suspect. It would just be an interesting turn of events if the girls ended up making those calls to leave a digital clue of sorts behind.

How about just call 911 and hopefully not get murdered?

I think the possibilities on those calls are:
1. Totally unrelated (most likely). Drunk dialing or whatever
2. Dog gone missing
3. Somebody J knows is being weird (wouldn’t that be helpful!)
4. J is there (also helpful!)
5. Killer has them calling J, or does it himself (latter especially unlikely)
We do know based on the interview with the ME that they were stabbed multiple times each with one stab being the most lethal. She was asked if their necks were cut, and answered No.

A lethal stab to upper body would be directly into the heart or aorta, that is through the sternum/ ribs/ spine in back and takes a huge amount of force.

If it was a ka bar type rambo knife it seems long enough, is a combat knife so won’t break, and maybe has a guard to prevent slip- or with training someone wore gloves?
Some reports are saying they were asleep, others are saying there were defense wounds, hard to imagine.
Four people in three separate rooms, this murderer was in there for a while

Sickening to think about
I agree with most of what you said. Ted Bundy and Danny Rolling used knives. For years, we didn't know that Danny Rolling had been a peeping Tom and had raped each of the women. The police keep a lot of info back and with good reason. But I do agree with you that the knife adds another level of depravity. ...
you have to ask what person not only wants to kill four people, but is perfectly OK with literally having blood all over them. do any people still kill farm animals "by hand?" (I know commercial operations use an electric probe.) Beyond being a depraved murderer, this person chooses the maximum blood.
So the msnbc news anchor just throws out that "nvestigators are just learning that there was a physical altercation before the murders" - she gives absolutely no further context and then she throws it to the guy on the scene and he does not mention it at all - hopefully we get more clarification on this.
Could have been someone was in the house or came into the house and was asked to leave and did not?
They're talking about the physical struggle one or more of the 4 had with the killer. Physical altercation aka defensive wounds. The way they do this shhh is disgusting IMO

Changing up their verbiage for a little clickbait
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They often say in air crash investigations ‘you focus on the improbable, only when the probable is impossible’

That’s how I see this case.

Yes in theory we know from cases like Bundy and others it’s possible that a total stranger can commit a crime if this nature. But you can probably count on your hands the number of times it’s occurred in the last few decades.

Conversely the stats are all screaming out to suggest this is an individual known to at least one of those killed based on past grievances or conflict. Or secondary to that an opportunist killing of a female albeit with the Unique circumstances of multiple victims (which as discussed could be a result of the perpetrator encountering unexpected individuals).

That’s why I’m still not convinced on the random serial killer/thrill killer or multiple perpetrator view. Or the idea some stalker had been watching the house. It’s possible but history suggests that something closer to home has led to this and that’s why I think the answer is in the relationships of those killed and/or their actions that evening
This is what the prosecutor said yesterday about the 911 call.

(2:05 in the video)

Presenter: The 911 call didn’t come until midday the next day. Does that raise any red flags for you? How do you explain that?

Prosecutor: I think the investigators are trying to ascertain why there was a delay and what actually occurred, what was heard. That’s a question that’s still out there. And I know they’re working on that.
We’re trying to assist them as much as possible, with obtaining search warrants for data and cell records and social media … and anything that might help.

Presenter: Do you know who called 911? Can you reveal who reported this?

Prosecutor: I can’t reveal who made the 911 call. The police do know who made the 911 call though.

Does anyone have a theory on why they cannot say who called 911?
If this person went to the house that night with the sole purpose of killing one or all of the victims, it's entirely possible they put some planning into it to minimize the obvious mess. Bringing along a change of clothes, for instance, in a backpack, shoes, undies, and all. Strip down quickly, stick the bloodied clothes in a carrier bag in the backpack. Easy to stash the knife there, as well. Completely unremarkable to see a college student with a backpack at any time around a campus.

Could someone have come home with either the girls or the couple for an afterparty and was left to sleep on a couch somewhere and this person had bad intentions?

Does anyone have a theory on why they cannot say who called 911?
My theory is that it is someone very close to a victim, or victims, who is already traumatized, possibly has knowledge of important facts in the case and LE doesn’t want the person getting hounded by the press/internet sleuths.
Not sure what you want, they are quoting A Goncalves, the older sister.
Did she send the log to the reporter? This isn't proper journalism; "trust me; I'm telling the truth" shouldn't fly in a major newspaper. This should be "according to documents provided to the NYT." Single sourcing is a huge no-no.
Does anyone have a theory on why they cannot say who called 911?
that person while likely 100% innocent is also a suspect

at this point, that person would be so hounded by the press,
s/he would have to be locked in a sound proof room in another
undisclosed country to have a moment's peace, IMO

that person, if the first "on the scene," might have seen or found
something unique at the scene
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