ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 8

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If it's true that the door was locked and that's the reason for the "unconscious" 911 call, then who locked the door? The killer on his way out? Was this element premeditated to delay the other roommates from discovering their friends? That part doesn't make sense to me.

In the midst of this violent attack, he/they thinks to lock the door on the way out. Points to precise and evil, not passionate and personal. MOO of course.
If it's true that the door was locked and that's the reason for the "unconscious" 911 call, then who locked the door? The killer on his way out? Was this element premeditated to delay the other roommates from discovering their friends? That part doesn't make sense to me.

In the midst of this violent attack, he/they thinks to lock the door on the way out. Points to precise and evil, not passionate and personal. MOO of course.
I'm only guessing, but I think the killer locked the door(s).
Has LE made a statement regarding the stains on the outside of the foundation of the house? It seems very unlikely, to me anyway, that blood would seep out in that manner, and seep to the outside of the house like that.
Wouldn't that much blood have
Like metal. Specifically iron.

Source: me being around puppies with parvo (bloody stool). Definitely a very distinctive smell. Only way to describe it is the entire environment/room smells like 'bloody metal.' It's because of iron in the blood.

Survivors being located on bottom level while outside is cold leads to say - just like heat rises that smell probably rose with the heat getting sucked out by the cold air. Probably not as noticeable due to those factors, maybe?
But, I'd venture to guess if one of the tenants were in any kind of medical field (human or animal) they'd catch at least a whiff, recognize it, and make that connection. It's likely the tenants did pick up some noticeable scent around, but didn't recognize it or know what to immediately attribute it to.
No the dog's death was by a human but they said it was unrelated to this.
Detectives are also aware of the report of a skinned dog in Latah County. Moscow Police say this was determined to be wildlife activity and is unrelated to the murders.
If they heard their phone ringing endlessly, if their alarm was going off again and again... If surviving roommates banged on the door for an hour, then ya they could assume someone was unconscious. They could have every right to be worried. All of this is my own opinion.
They would’ve tried the other roommates as well, they’re doors must’ve been locked too?
Interviews with Kaylee's sister. They were broken into soundbites posted on different days, so, these are the interviews (ones that I could find) combined.

Inside Edition. Posted 5 days ago.

Reporter - I spoke with OG (Kaylee's sister), who described the last night of the students lives.

Sister - My sister's did everything right. They went out in the buddy system, they went out together. They ubered out. They stopped and got food. They ubered home. They let their dog out to go potty and then they locked their house up. They did everything right and this still happened.

Reporter - The family of Kaylee Gonsalves pleaded with students in a statement:

"We urge you to refrain from spreading harmful rumors that aren't based in actuality. Misinformation is unfair to everyone involved."

Sister - We're mad, we're really mad. We know that there is someone who is responsible for this. We know that there's someone who saw something and no ones talking. We're not getting any answers and we're not gonna settle for that.

Inside Edition. Posted 3 days ago.

Reporter - OG isn't waiting for police. She's tracking down her own leads to find her sister, Kaylee's, killer.

Sister - We're not getting any answers, and we're not gonna settle for that.

Reporter - It was OG who found the potentially crucial video of her sister and Madison Mogen at a food truck, just hours before they were murdered. She also tracked down their Uber driver.

Sister - I found neighbour's ring and camera footage, so that I can verify that the Uber driver took her home.

Reporter - She's also raising questions about why her sister called a young man named J multiple times the night she was slain.

Sister - At 2:26 am., Kaylee starts to call J. Kaylee calls J six times, between 2:26-2:44 am.

Inside Edition. Posted 3 days ago.

(Discussing the food truck video).

Sister - Kaylee was aware of her surroundings, maybe a little over aware, which is also why all of this is so confusing to us because Kaylee's not stupid. She's a smart girl, she's a strong girl. She's a mean girl, she's a fighter.

4 News Now. Posted 4 days ago.

Reporter - Kaylee and Madison Mogen were more than friends. They were like family. Young lives cut way too short. Families are still searching for so many unanswered questions to this horrific tragedy.

Sister - Met, you know, in the 5th, 6th grade and that was it. Like, there was just no going back. They always had each other and K, Maddy's mom, has said, you know, she's always said 'you just need one good friend in life', and they were each others, one good friend, for better or for worse, because they had plenty of their fights. Honestly, most of the time, Kaylee's fault.

Reporter - The two were more like sisters, inseparable. Maddie was a bonus child to the Gonsalves family.

Sister - They did everything together and so it's unfortunate that they had to experience this tragedy together. But we are, we are taking a bit of consolation in knowing that they weren't alone, you know. We can't imagine what they went through, but it feels a little bit easier to swallow knowing that they had each other.

Reporter - Families coming to grips with so much loss as unanswered questions loom. Maddie and Kaylee went out to a bar downtown that night, not knowing it would be their last time.

Sister - And to the individual who did this - Your days are numbered. It's not a matter of if, it is a matter of when, and I would put everything in me on that. We have a lot of support from local authorities, from state authorities, from the FBI as well as four families. I'm just one piece of that.

Reporter - We know there are two surviving roommates. OG has tried to contact the two but has not heard from them. OG says she's frustrated with the limited information from police. She feels like there should have been more emphasis on the help from public in the first 48 hours of the investigation. She's asking you to call in anything you may have seen that night.

ABC article.

Kaylee's sister.

"I do truly believe that these girls probably feel so poorly. An absolute. Really traumatized," OG said. "I don't want them to feel that guilt, because I don't think that anything that they would have done could have changed this for the better."

ABC. Posted 10 hrs. ago.

Sister - So, I was able to get a pretty good timeline on Kaylee and Maddie that night of, from about 10:15 until shortly before 3:00 am.

Reporter - OG said she discovered at least 6 calls from her sister, Kaylee's, phone between 2:26-2:52 made to a boyfriend in the early morning of November 13th. Detectives now saying these phone calls are part of their investigation. Kaylee's family is firmly standing behind that boyfriend.

Sister - I know for an absolute fact that he is not a suspect, he's not suspicious. He is 100% innocent in this.

Kaylee's Mom.

NBC News. Posted 1 day ago.

Reporter - Police also looking into 7 phone calls made by victim, Kaylee Gonsalves, to her boyfriend around 2.26-2.52 am. But, Kaylee's sister says those calls were not out of the norm.

Mom - We do not believe she was calling him for help. We believe that she was just calling him to come over. If Kaylee was in eminent danger, her or Maddie, they would have called 911. They would not have been calling this person.
MOO a lot of people are focused on the 911 call, understandable, but there are so many reasons why not much detail has been reviled, remember these are 20/21 year olds in a scene that experience LE are stating is one of the worst they have seen.

It is possible one of the roommates went up stairs, didn’t see the full scene, ran down to other roommate, scared, possibly thinking someone in the house, so many scenarios, called, as I read somewhere Ethan’s brother, who rushed other with friends to check his bother and the girls, the LE said multiple people on the phone spoke, one may have been his brother, the emotions would be extremely traumatic to detail and hear publicly especially on those so close to situation, I know one of the roommates has deactivated social media.

The call itself maybe reveal information only someone involved would know, so not wanting public knowledge as yet.

Really need to think of two young ladies seeing something, no one should see, terrified, traumatised, first instinct might be to call someone they feel safe with, or if it was Ethan’s brother, wanting him to come asap.

Everyone’s fight, flight and freeze reflex is different and unless we have been in this situation we don’t know what we have done without our logical mind, at the end of the day they were in a house where something horrific happened, saw who know what and have lost 4 friends.
Hey guys I’m new to Webslueths! I usually just follow but decided to make an account! I saw someone referencing E’s Venmo account but didn’t see what was discovered, can someone link that?


Check in the Media thread—or on Thread #1. I vaguely remember it being posted there. (Thread #1. There’ll be a link to it on the first page of this thread.)
Or knew and loved this particular animal.. MOO
Exactly my thoughts. from what I’ve read, it sounds like the dog was a dog that K and J owned together. K calls J from her phone and Ms phone a number of times early in the morning hrs but it is not clear where the dog is
during all
of this.
K came into town to show M her new car on the same day - did she bring the dog with her from home and the dog was at the house the whole time? Or did J not bring over the dog and Ks calls relate to the dog, such that the dog somehow arrives after the murders? or is the killer sympath to the animal throughout the ordeal for personal reasons and/or a connection to k? OR in the instance of a serial killer type of situation) was the suspect aware that the coincidence of skinning a dog three weeks ago and harming the dog at the house would make the choice to NOT kill the dog one that deters from connection bw the incidents? my instincts tell me, perhaps (IMO) and that type of planning would be psychologically aligned with serial killers attempts to cover their tracks in a myriad of idiosyncrasie.

but Yes - So many questions about the dog, still. I think those details could paint a much clearer picture of the scene of the crime and the likelihood of certain circumstances coinciding with the murders.

the dog was ks that she shared with J, and ec and x were on second floor read in another post quoting an interview w ecs mom) that would mean m and k were the 3rd floor victims. That would make ec and x second floor victims. I also read ec and X were in the same room (per same interview w ec mom).

Bc the dog belonged to k - the dog would likely then - if at the crime scene - have also been on the 3rd floor (or theoretically, could be in the first floor bedrooms - but that seems very unlikely). a dog running around or somehow in sight on the third floor (where I suspect the murders started - IMO****) would be very unlikely to make it out alive unless unkennelled and fled to basement. so many hypothetical situations must be considered, all equally puzzling in regards to the dog.

it seems that, the super bloody and violent aftermath that has been markedly distinguished by le from the scrne on the 2nd floor, in combination w X having defense wounds to suggest the killings started on the third floor,
then proceeded down to the second floor with the killer getting tiresome upon the latter murders, resulting in increased capacity to defend.

BUT all of that still begs the question - where <modsnip> was the dog during all of this? If on the third floor - impossible for the dog to remain unseen considering the third floor primarily containEd k and ms bedrooms and it was ks dog. also read on another article the sliding Door was left open at the time le arrived? ! the dog is a key piece I need to understand. Along with the dog skinning incident, and Js history w K etc.
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At this point, one week later, I think it is safe to say all options are on the table. My bet is on a random psycho, who might have spotted Kaylee at the bar or anywhere.
One of her exes was in Boise, so he should probably be excluded.
I don't know how many exes she had.
But definitely, IMHO, Kaylee is at the center of this mystery.
I'm not sure I'd agree with that.
Kaylee's family has certainly been the most vocal about details surrounding the murders, but I don't think that necessarily means KG was the target.
As an aside, I suspect the murderer has a history of violent outbursts. IMO, not the first time the murder(s) has acted out inappropriately.

Longtime lurker…this case has me officially joining the WS ranks. I have so much to say but I’m going to try and put together a comprehensive post eventually. Until then:

It may have been mentioned and I didn’t see it but what about a maintenance man? He would know the layout of the home, which rooms belong to whom, where furniture is. He would potentially know you can’t hear things upstairs when downstairs where the survivors were. Maybe he would know patterns of occupants. He could feel slighted by the tenants; he’s always working so they can party type thing, hence “targeted”. He knows the area, how to escape, where cameras are…. and aren’t. Seems he would be easy to rule out but the house was leased by a company….maybe they have a few maintenance people on payroll.

I‘m not sure this is the theory I would go with but it is a thought. My opinion and pure speculation of course.
They are STILL expanding the crime scene? My god, what are these cops even doing? This should have been done in the first day of the investigation. By now this crime scene is beyond contaminated. What even is the point?
I agree, this should have already been done, along with requesting all cctv, that was only done 5 days ago!! (I don’t know how many true crime shows I’ve watched but at the conclusion of an awful lot of them, it’s the police incompetence that has botched the investigation!)
MOO, but a couple of points I’m make.

First, “unconscious” is the word commonly entered in the MPD Daily Activity Logs.

Second, I’ve been reading them for years & we get a lot of weird service calls. This is a college town.

What I can confidently state is that calls ~dramatically increased~ following the first presser. After many students & residents fled town.

MOO - I’ll always wonder what tips might have come in had the presser happened earlier. I don’t know why calls didn’t dramatically increase on the days before the presser.
Hi and welcome-
About the calls- do you suppose the later increase had to do with the announcement from Chief Fry at the presser of a need to be vigilant at least, etc., that shook people up? Until then there may have been an assumption that this was definitely an isolated incident. A crime of passion, as the Chief said. :)
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