ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 8

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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I really do believe that leaving the dog unharmed despite the risk of it alerting and awaking the other roommates… is an interesting choice to say the least. Even with the family 100% defending the ex boyfriend, sometimes the “ nice guys “ are the same ones who don’t handle a breakup well.
Isn’t the dog a labradoodle? Or some kind of doodle mix? Anyone here have one in their lives? My experience with them (not my own) is that they’re very agreeable/social and quiet dogs. (Like literally no barking whatsoever.) That could easily be just the few I’ve had the pleasure of meeting though.
Longtime lurker…this case has me officially joining the WS ranks. I have so much to say but I’m going to try and put together a comprehensive post eventually. Until then:

It may have been mentioned and I didn’t see it but what about a maintenance man? He would know the layout of the home, which rooms belong to whom, where furniture is. He would potentially know you can’t hear things upstairs when downstairs where the survivors were. Maybe he would know patterns of occupants. He could feel slighted by the tenants; he’s always working so they can party type thing, hence “targeted”. He knows the area, how to escape, where cameras are…. and aren’t. Seems he would be easy to rule out but the house was leased by a company….maybe they have a few maintenance people on payroll.

I‘m not sure this is the theory I would go with but it is a thought. My opinion and pure speculation of course.
There have been speculations about a possible maintenance, handyman repair types.
I agree it’s plausible. It could be a self employed person, not easily tracked daily routine.
i dont hear at any part that ethans brother was who the friends invited over to check on him? thats what was claimed in these posts, correct?
I don’t recall this from any family interview — I think it was just someone’s guess. If we knew for sure Ethan was the one found initially, calling his siblings would make sense, but I don’t think we know that.
It's either some sort of piquerism or he had to bounce before he had a chance to do his thing. IMO he uses the knife as his sexual instrument. That spells sexual sadist. Not saying there's nothing sexual about these murders but I bet the sexual part of these murders is nowhere near normal.
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Who has a good theory on who the perpetrator is? Charicteristically speaking, no specific person.

Theory #1: I think younger male (under 35), loner/possibly antisocial, military or police wannabe type. I think possibly they even tried out for military or police and didn't get in or got kicked out. They're into tactical gear and maybe used it. Maybe this guy is even a security guard on campus or somewhere. Maybe couldn't get a gun to do a typical mass murder, so choose knife and victims he knew would get national media attention. I think he wants notoriety and is relishing the attention.

Theory #2: An ex of some sort where it was simply crime of passion with collateral damage victims not all expected to be there
excellent points. Agree on all counts. Ks room on 3rd floor would likely mean dog on third floor,
or at least second floor (common living areas, if dog was crated), so,
for the dog to not signal and not be harmed.. unlikely / hard to otherwise explain.
I think Kaylee’s puppy was most likely locked in the bathroom sleeping on the 3rd floor for the night, I did originally wonder about the laundry, but that is on the first floor….. (also a possibility)

<modsnip: What you "read somewhere" is not an approved source>
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I agree. And that is going to make it almost impossible to find this guy. I am interested in the DNA. Maybe LEO can get some sort of description if they sort out the DNA of the killer. Gender, skin color...whatever else.
Agreed. And I imagine if they socialized like typical college students and had friends over often, there will be a ton of DNA in the house to sort through and figure out who is in the clear and who is suspicious.
MOO, but my working theory is that the perpetrator is a burgeoning serial killer. This may have been his first attack — or at least first time killing multiple people. If he is fixated on (and enraged by) blond sorority-girl types, he could have decided to target the residents in that house after observing the girls coming and going over a period of days.

One thought strikes me, which is that 4 of the 5 housemates look extraordinarily similar to each other. Honestly, observing from a distance (and with visitors coming and going), the perpetrator might not have even realized there were more than 3 girls living at the residence.
LE has interviewed and ruled out the guy who threatened someone with a knife back in September. That point was made back in thread #1 for this Idaho forum.
My recollection is that the school guy (maybe President?) said at an early press conference that September Knife Guy is not a student, is unknown to him, and turned himself in to speak to LE soon after that incident was reported in September. And I think LE said only that nobody had been ruled out yet and they were following all leads. I did not get the impression he had been ruled out at that point, though LE never mentioned him as a person of interest either. It was reporters raising questions about a potential connection.

If he has since been definitively ruled out, I missed it somehow.
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I again state this perp is a "thrill killer".
Abused childhood. Bad relationship with mother.
Reasonably intelligent.
Plans his moves.
May have served prison time where he has learned some criminal skills. Not a definite prior criminal.
With hundreds of local, state and federal police on the case has avoided discovery.
Is enjoying watching this investigation and the feeling of power it's giving him.
Likely has killed before but not on this scale. While learning his "craft".
If not caught soon, will strike within six months, because he'll need the thrill of killing again. But the next locale will not be in Moscow.

<Admin Note: Members must make clear when it is their opinion rather than stating something as fact>
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Re: #1,009 (Google Earth coordinates)

Thank you to the posters who commented and the poster who bumped my post for visibility. I haven't been on WS since the new user interface and I'm having a hard time navigating the posts and replying to comments - apologies!

Today 11.21.22 there was media footage of LE extending the crime scene to the parking area behind the house.
- so this area seems key in terms of exit.

For a better visualization of coordinates given in the earlier post, here's a diagram. View attachment 381761
Thank you so much!
The case has been interesting to me since I went to school in that area (WSU). It's interesting that they say the dog being skinned a few weeks is unrelated to the murder. It definitely makes it seem like the investigators know a lot more if they can rule out that connection.

The other thing that struck out to me was the time of the murder. These colleges are known for parties (especially WSU). How did the killer know when to strike? That was a Saturday night, college kids can be known to party to the wee hours of the morn. Even 3am seems early for partying college kids on a Saturday night. It makes me think that A. Either the killer was watching his target from afar, or B. waited until a bit later (4-6am) when they were for sure asleep. So creepy to think about.
The case has been interesting to me since I went to school in that area (WSU). It's interesting that they say the dog being skinned a few weeks is unrelated to the murder. It definitely makes it seem like the investigators know a lot more if they can rule out that connection.

The other thing that struck out to me was the time of the murder. These colleges are known for parties (especially WSU). How did the killer know when to strike? That was a Saturday night, college kids can be known to party to the wee hours of the morn. Even 3am seems early for partying college kids on a Saturday night. It makes me think that A. Either the killer was watching his target from afar, or B. waited until a bit later (4-6am) when they were for sure asleep. So creepy to think about.
Animal mutilations are usually done by pre-pubescent or young teenagers. They start with animals and work up to people.
An example-Jeffrey Dahmer started this way.
Has anyone brought up the possibility that K’s calls to J around the time LE originally thought the murders happened was because she noticed his car parked nearby or maybe thought he was watching her arrive home.. just a theory but..
Interesting thought indeed! Could be a reason the timeline LE gives doesn't supposedly match what family says (I might be wrong if that was clarified, hard to keep up with this thread).

Maybe LE "adjusted" timeline released to public to ease a perp? Making perp think LE isn't too smart, gives perp a chance to relax a bit and mess up?
It's either some sort of piquerism or he had to bounce before he had a chance to do his thing. IMO he uses the knife as his sexual instrument. That spells sexual sadist. Not saying there's nothing sexual about these murders but I bet the sexual part of these murders is nowhere near normal.

Good point, I can see this as well. To make up for their failures and short comings in life and aroused by violence.
Are the theocrats dangerous in your opinion? Some of these types have gotten quite emboldened of late, just wondering if you think their followers attract the type of person who would use violence to make a statement?
Sorry I missed this!

It’s difficult to answer, but many of them have … issues. The males of all ages, not just the normal “young man” ages — I wouldn’t want them around a girl/woman of any age. They think they are above the law & often are. They are big on creating culture wars, firearms, military (esp Navy), hunting, “manly man” stuff. Female modesty, no sex outside marriage, pro-morality police. They hate the UI, public ed, etc., etc., etc.

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