ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #15

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What I am saying is if I see the actual comment with my own eyes then I just might consider it to be coming from that actual person. A screen shot means nothing to me any more now with new apps that let you fake post while posing as someone els.
Other wise the rest is just my own personal ideas and not basing that off anything I've read on fb. Its all a possibility. And to date I haven't heard anything about where IR was that first hour while searching anymore then I've heard anything on the the

Regardless of whether I can post the info from LE, my main point is that whether or not it was the real person posting or not, the information that has been extrapolated and shared from those FB screenshots is incorrect.

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Exactly. Thats kind of my reasoning why I beleive it can still go either way.

The thing is the sheriff said in interview with Tricia that the parents where off at a fishing spot with IR when DeOrr went missing. So its purely speculation either way. Cant beleive nothing on fb...even pictures lie.
Thanks so much Dee10. It seems to me that Mr. Klein thinks he's very smart. Ask yourself, why would he offer no comment when asked if they found any physical evidence yet OFFERED (as to be up front and honest) that there IS forensic evidence? He said that because he wants us to believe they have blood, DNA, fingerprints or something similar. The fact is, ALL of those things, including phone records, emails, etc. are physical evidence. Same with the shovel, dirt, overalls, and everything else. The ONLY thing I can think of that is NOT physical evidence is what someone has said. So to ME, what he "has" is whatever this "witness" has said and nothing more. He just wants everyone to "think" he has more. IMO

The question was if he has found any physical evidence of DEORR'S DEATH. Klein said he could not comment on THAT right now. He then states there is forensic evidence. I took that to mean he can't comment on physical evidence of death, but that there is forensic evidence in the case.

Thanks! I just posted Klein's comments about the Rubicon and he does not say that JM reported seeing it. Sadly SM has used this reporter's words to blast JM and accuse her of misleading the investigation. She only said that someone at the store had seen a black truck AFAIK.

The black jeep was first brought up by the last PI. He stated he had contact with a woman who said there was a man staring at her children in an "expensive" black Rubicon. Then he reported that JM (I believe) stated she remembered seeing an "expensive" black Rubicon. I believe the black Rubicon was a red herring produced by the first PI.
I have this recollection (regarding the Black Rubicon) that it was an article when Vilt was the P.I....talking about the creepy guy and in the article I could swear it was DK saying it was a Black Rubicon (this was of course right after the other family reported the creepy guy in the Black Rubicon)...Does anybody else remember this article?...(I'm at work and supposed to be working, so cannot go digging now). I remember reading this and an internal red flag was waving....
I have this recollection (regarding the Black Rubicon) that it was an article when Vilt was the P.I....talking about the creepy guy and in the article I could swear it was DK saying it was a Black Rubicon (this was of course right after the other family reported the creepy guy in the Black Rubicon)...Does anybody else remember this article?...(I'm at work and supposed to be working, so cannot go digging now). I remember reading this and an internal red flag was waving....

I remember that article, and as far as I remember, it was a black truck, nothing else, a black truck.
I have this recollection (regarding the Black Rubicon) that it was an article when Vilt was the P.I....talking about the creepy guy and in the article I could swear it was DK saying it was a Black Rubicon (this was of course right after the other family reported the creepy guy in the Black Rubicon)...Does anybody else remember this article?...(I'm at work and supposed to be working, so cannot go digging now). I remember reading this and an internal red flag was waving....

Yes, IIRC, it was DK that bolsterd the story of "the newer black Rubicon". The creep in a jeep?
Please see my post above. This is the reporter saying JM reported the black jeep. People have taken this article and assumed that JM was trying to cloud the investigation. If there isn't a direct quote that JM reported the jeep, I think that's an unfair assumption to make. I'm not saying that you are doing that, but I think it's important to be accurate about what is reported. JMO

To the bolded. Have had enough of this happening. Email sent to reporter!
I have this recollection (regarding the Black Rubicon) that it was an article when Vilt was the P.I....talking about the creepy guy and in the article I could swear it was DK saying it was a Black Rubicon (this was of course right after the other family reported the creepy guy in the Black Rubicon)...Does anybody else remember this article?...(I'm at work and supposed to be working, so cannot go digging now). I remember reading this and an internal red flag was waving....

I remember it, too. JM reported the creepy staring man (and in an early interview mentioned the story of the clerk, the crying baby and the man in a black truck). Then Vilt said he got the report about a creep in a black Rubicon and asked DK about it, who agreed that it was a guy in a black Rubicon.
I remember that article, and as far as I remember, it was a black truck, nothing else, a black truck.

1) Black truck at store with filthy bawling baby
2) Black Rubicon after creepy guy stared

2 different Black vehicles stories reported...
1) Black truck at store with filthy bawling baby
2) Black Rubicon after creepy guy stared

2 different Black vehicles stories reported...

Number one was said to have happened at 18:00? on the Friday according to a store clerk, though. What is stated in the Kid590 interview I just linked to talks about a black Jeep encounter that happened at the 11:30-12:00 Friday store visit by DK.

Confused much!?
1) Black truck at store with filthy bawling baby
2) Black Rubicon after creepy guy stared

2 different Black vehicles stories reported...

Number 1 is what I remember, black truck with filthy bawling baby, then along came the Rubicon and I wondered what I had missed.
YES, JM does mention a black truck. It is in the first interview. Again, here is the direct quote:

"I just, somebody at the store, um at Leador, said, it was one of the ladies that had worked at the store, said that they saw, um, a gentleman and a younger blonde boy matching our description of our son, really filthy, buying candy for him, and he was just bawling, in a black truck. That is the only other..."

Link to interview in media thread. It would be interesting to know if anyone ever mentioned this to Jessica or if she was the one who initially brought it to the public's attention.
YES, JM does mention a black truck. It is in the first interview. Again, here is the direct quote:

"I just, somebody at the store, um at Leador, said, it was one of the ladies that had worked at the store, said that they saw, um, a gentleman and a younger blonde boy matching our description of our son, really filthy, buying candy for him, and he was just bawling, in a black truck. That is the only other..."

Link to interview in media thread

Yep, buying candy. Sorry I left that out. Seems to me the story took off from there, got more precise/or not.
This "forensic evidence" that Klein says shows little DeOrr is dead... LE haven't mentioned anything like that, and I really can't imagine them giving Klein inside information like that if they weren't ready to announce it publicly.
He doesn't need their inside information if he developed the same information in his own investigation. Would he announce it to the family and public? It is his judgment call. He obviously decided, after he gave the family his take on everything, it would not hurt anything to tell the public the info leads to DeOrr being deceased. It is a logical conclusion and I think most of us believe it to be the case anyway. I understand why the family refuses to believe it because they are holding onto any shred of hope they can muster until the bitter end when he is found.
The question was if he has found any physical evidence of DEORR'S DEATH. Klein said he could not comment on THAT right now. He then states there is forensic evidence. I took that to mean he can't comment on physical evidence of death, but that there is forensic evidence in the case.


I believe this may be where the drone comes in - remember that? It's use was stated to be in case there was a trial. AFAIR.
This "forensic evidence" that Klein says shows little DeOrr is dead... LE haven't mentioned anything like that, and I really can't imagine them giving Klein inside information like that if they weren't ready to announce it publicly.

I agree. The "new lead/s" Deputy Penner spoke of is probably what came from Klein's "witness", who IMO is GGP.
Number 1 is what I remember, black truck with filthy bawling baby, then along came the Rubicon and I wondered what I had missed.

Another element in the farce. I mean, why on earth, if you just kidnapped a kid, would you TAKE HIM OUT IN PUBLIC to BUY CANDY, especially when he was crying? I mean, is this the most inept and amateur kidnapper ever? (Of course, he's a figment of the imagination, so . . . )
I have this recollection (regarding the Black Rubicon) that it was an article when Vilt was the P.I....talking about the creepy guy and in the article I could swear it was DK saying it was a Black Rubicon (this was of course right after the other family reported the creepy guy in the Black Rubicon)...Does anybody else remember this article?...(I'm at work and supposed to be working, so cannot go digging now). I remember reading this and an internal red flag was waving....

Deorr Sr stating he saw a 'expensive black Rubicon' (word for word the same as the Palisades witness according to Vilt) comes from the following article/radio interview that PI Vilt gave. Part 1 from ~4:40.

To say I'm confused about whether DK or JM have reported a black Jeep is an understatement!

You are right Mickshawn, according to Vilt, it was DK that said there was a Black Rubicon at the store that day. It was in the 590KID interview that Vilt did on Sept 18, which TheTruthWillOut linked above. I have a transcript of that interview. Here is the quote from the interview:

Reporter: Ok, let’s shift over to this other story, witnesses have apparently have come forward and said that they saw a I guess a suspicious looking man in both the Leadore area and also in uh Swan Valley, of all places. So give us the rundown on that particular part of this story.
Vilt: Sure. I established a national hotline, a tip line, because the Sheriff in Lemhi County didn’t put out an Amber Alert, so I felt it best to get the public involved with their eyes and ears to help us solve this case and so a lady called me from Swan Valley, or she had been in Swan Valley, she lives in the Idaho Falls area. And she said that she has 4 little blonde boys and they were hiking in the Palisades campground area and her husband kinda lagged behind with one of their boys, and their children all boys 2, 4, 6 and 9, and she got back to the van earlier than her husband and she saw this man who was in mid 50s with graying white hair staring obsessively at her boys and made her feel very uncomfortable. And so when her husband finally got back she felt maybe I know this guy so she kinda waved at him and her husband said “honey don’t, that guy looks kinda kooky, stay away from him, let’s get out of here”. And then the man followed them to an ice cream store. He was driving this very expensive looking black Rubicon, Jeep Rubicon. And so she called in the tip line and she said that this is what happened to me and I was concerned about this black Rubicon this guy was just staring at my kids. So I called Deorr, the boy’s father, I said have you seen any vehicles outside the store in Leadore before you went back to the campground and prior when your son was missing. And he said yeah I saw a brand new, almost brand new very expensive looking black Rubicon Jeep.

Edit to add this bit from the same interview:
VILT: And we also have to remember, when they were inside the store around the campground, this man inside, he was mid-50s, white\grey hair. He was starring accessibly at the little boy DeOrr, DeOrr jr. It made the mother and father feel very uncomfortable, that this guy was just looking at them, so I kind of put two and two together. I understand today that, DeOrr and his girlfriend, or wife, Jessica meet up with Lemhi sketch artist. He was sketched from the person who saw him at the store. Hopefully we can put that together, with the lady and her husband who saw this man in the Palisade area. That’s how that came to me.
The other day Bessie pointed out that the reporter was making it "sound" as though JM had reported the Rubicon yet she had not. Someone posted JM's comments and she clearly didn't mention a black truck/jeep or Rubicon.

YES, JM does mention a black truck. It is in the first interview. Again, here is the direct quote:

"I just, somebody at the store, um at Leador, said, it was one of the ladies that had worked at the store, said that they saw, um, a gentleman and a younger blonde boy matching our description of our son, really filthy, buying candy for him, and he was just bawling, in a black truck. That is the only other..."

Link to interview in media thread. It would be interesting to know if anyone ever mentioned this to Jessica or if she was the one who initially brought it to the public's attention.
I guess Bessie was mistaken on this point. However, it is true JM didn't originally say she saw it but attributed it to the clerk at the store. Now...did the clerk at the store really say it? The Sheriff didn't mention anything about it and said the clerk saw a child with that description either. What he did say about the store was the clerk was probably too busy, IIRC. This indicates to me the story didn't come from the clerk in the first place.

This could also account for the classification of the story being a "farce" as Klein put it: There was no black truck...Rubicon or otherwise. (Except for DeOrr Sr's black truck)
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