ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #16

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I'll never apologize for my very strong reaction to feeling Klein is a sham. I still feel that way and think that Sheriff Bowerman and the FBI found the information allowing Sheriff Bowerman to name the parents as suspects.

I have to disagree, respectfully of course. Klein and staff came in and ran a pretty thorough investigation from his account. They re-interviewed and interviewed people then things began to take a new direction. I honestly believe it was Klein's work which gave LE the much needed break they were waiting for in this case. We will learn more later, but for now...I do think this is what happened.

The date says 15th but Klein has admitted he meant 25th. Whatever his sleuthing prowess I do think he'd benefit from a spellchecker.


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I have to disagree, respectfully of course. Klein and staff came in and ran a pretty thorough investigation from his account. They re-interviewed and interviewed people then things began to take a new direction. I honestly believe it was Klein's work which gave LE the much needed break they were waiting for in this case. We will learn more later, but for now...I do think this is what happened.

I do think that sometimes people who are unwilling to talk to LE are more willing to talk to a PI. It's entirely possible that he was able to get some info that LE was unable to get.

The press release just makes me sad. I'm afraid to keep reading for fear of what I may read. His little brown eyes are going to haunt me for a long, long time.
After what just happened over in Tennessee this last week with Noah Chamberlin, I'm not too convinced Deorr isn't still out there in the forest, just a lot further away from the campsite than people believe he could've walked.

This bit about blame-shifting over to the parents seems more like an investigative tactic rather than a legitimate charge. I don't see how the parents could be involved in his disappearance unless both the weird neighbor and the grandfather are covering up and lying about the details that day, right along with mom and pop. I don't get the impression that grandad could be prodded and coached into outright lying to seasoned investigators without detection, and why would he do that anyway ?

It's very possible that the parents are being untruthful even though Deorr wandered off and died accidentally. If they wanted to hide how long he was unsupervised for, for instance, or if they were drunk or doing drugs at the time. They could be lying about the timeline but still have nothing directly to do with his disappearance.
Must say kudos to SB, he is one smart cookie. He knew from the very start that the story he was being told was bogus, he knew the stories changed and did not match and he knew the polygraphs were problematic but kept telling the media that all options were still on the table, that the parents were cooperative, solid, truthful. This made it easier to continue to talk to the parents without them lawyering up. This sly fox knew he was going to reel these 2 in but was a patient fisherman indeed. A true pro. He held his cards close to his vest and waited for the apparently corroborative FBI findings which were just recently released to him before speaking his true opinion. Great guy. Lemhi County is well served.

Respectfully SBM - Excellent post TeaTime!

I do feel he kept the public informed as best he could. He gave many clues like when he "named' the 4 POIs (he didn't have to give them that distinction), called the FBI in, mentioned about poly potential problems "analysis don't always agree", re-interviewing, sending behavior analysis away and physical evidence away for testing. He played it very cool, but he did keep the public abreast of the investigation. He stated he didn't believe it was an abduction, mountain lion and believed he would have been found if he had drowned or gotten lost. He told us about the dogs & not find scent. It was up to the public to put the clues or pieces of the puzzle together. He did a great job in balancing the suspects and keeping the public informed IMO. I totally agree a great guy & Lemhi County is well served.
Sorry if this was already posted but someone asked: (Thread is moving fast)

'We decided we were gonna do a little exploring,' Kunz Sr. told East Idaho News.

'It's such a small area – that's what a lot of people don't understand. They just assume, 'How could you let your kid out of your sight.' Well, this area is pretty well blocked in and there's no way you couldn't see him.'

'Who would harm us this way?' Mitchell said. 'Especially knowing how much he means to us. He's everything to us.'

TxJan1971, Thank you for keeping such good records of all this information.
The floodgates have opened and everything everyone has been forced to hold in for six months is coming out all at once.

Whatever happened her grief during the second interview was genuine.

You're spot on re the floodgates. I'm sure when we've all calmed down we'll be able to think more logically (myself included!) but in the meantime it's something we've been itching to discuss for many months so there is bound to be mucho speculation.

Everybody's end goal is finding DeOrr and getting justice, if applicable. It's been a slow burner but emotional nonetheless and we can only hope this latest development leads somewhere.
Good post, TeaTime! Snipped and bolded for focus. Just want to comment on a few things. Didn't Bowerman say that the parents were solid and cooperative, while he said that IR was truthful? I remember us having a discussion about it many, many threads ago. In one interview he was very specific about using the word truthful. In fact, I don't know if he ever actually said that he felt the parents were being truthful.

Also, that part where IR asked the reporter "what did GGP say?" Has always stood out in my mind too. I think they used GGP and IR as scapegoats. I hope they didn't actually play with GGP's mind to make him believe that he was responsible. We don't know GGP's mental state.

Addressed I believe previous post #463. Reposting here.

LEADORE, Idaho -- Lemhi County Chief Deputy Steve Penner asked people not to speculate about the parents of a 2-year-old boy who went missing during a fishing trip six days ago.

"We've interviewed the family, and the information they've provided us - my office, myself - we're good with that," he said. "And I know there's a lot of innuendo out on social media and a lot of stuff going out there and it would be nice if it would stop and let them have a little peace. They're solid."


“We interviewed the family,” Penner said. “I’m good with them and they’re good with me.”

AND Bowerman statement back on 8-15-15

Nate Eaton:
“What can you say about Mr. Renwand?”

Sheriff Bowerman:
“Uh, at this point he’s still cooperating. Uh, um… You know I’m not getting any uh, any feeling that he’s not being truthful. I, I think he’s been very truthful and I appreciate his help. He’s come up to the area on a 2nd occasion with me, and uh…Until we find a piece of evidence or locate anything that tells me otherwise, I think he’s being very truthful.”

Nate Eaton
“Uh, how about the parents and the grandfather?”

Sheriff Bowerman:
“You know, I think all three…Those three have been very cooperative, uh…they’ve given us everything that we’ve asked for and…so I’m… I feel real good about…uh, the parents and…and, and the grandfather also.”
Respectfully SBM - Excellent post TeaTime!

I do feel he kept the public informed as best he could. He gave many clues like when he "named' the 4 POIs (he didn't have to give them that distinction), called the FBI in, mentioned about poly potential problems "analysis don't always agree", re-interviewing, sending behavior analysis away and physical evidence away for testing. He played it very cool, but he did keep the public abreast of the investigation. He stated he didn't believe it was an abduction, mountain lion and believed he would have been found if he had drowned or gotten lost. He told us about the dogs & not find scent. It was up to the public to put the clues or pieces of the puzzle together. He did a great job in balancing the suspects and keeping the public informed IMO. I totally agree a great guy & Lemhi County is well served.

Agreed. It is very telling that the patience of a very fair Sheriff seems to have run out.
I'm glad that Sheriff Bowerman was able to get his Hawaii vacation in before this story broke!

I am, too, although I'm not sure if you're being facetious or serious. This case has probably weighed heavily on him for months -- just as it has for all of us. I'm glad he was able to get away for some time out with his wife. I'm betting that Texas man is also happy SB got the time to go to HI.
After what just happened over in Tennessee this last week with Noah Chamberlin, I'm not too convinced Deorr isn't still out there in the forest, just a lot further away from the campsite than people believe he could've walked.

This bit about blame-shifting over to the parents seems more like an investigative tactic rather than a legitimate charge. I don't see how the parents could be involved in his disappearance unless both the weird neighbor and the grandfather are covering up and lying about the details that day, right along with mom and pop. I don't get the impression that grandad could be prodded and coached into outright lying to seasoned investigators without detection, and why would he do that anyway ?
I believe they probably have some evidence to back up their suspicions. LE didn't just name them as suspects to shake the tree. They have a basis for the change.

The grandfather and IR could have been involved in the cover up and decided to come clean because they could see the writing on the wall. Maybe they were truly duped in some way, too. GGPA probably loves his granddaughter and may have let her drag him into this willingly. Some people will do anything for family (not saying it is what happened here though). IR could have been coerced for money or other gain. Who knows? It will all finally fall into place now, imo. It should come together like a puzzle and the last piece will bring DeOrr Jr back home, imo.

What LE does know is that DeOrr Kunz Jr. did not wander off into the woods that day. They are being very clear about it. This is not a case where the search didn't simply go far enough so they jumped to conclusions. It did not happen and they have something to back it up, imo.

Parents don't continue to change their stories if there is nothing to hide. They don't flunk lie detector tests (plural).
During Nate interview Monday, July 13, 2015

DK Sr: that we don't know is...I come to find, I didn't know the area, and I didn't know, I ..there, it's very open but you can't see much ... there's a road that goes up and along the top - we're camped underneath the reservoir, basically right below it, and you can go up above the reservoir, and I didn't even know the road was, did that, I didn't know the road was up there, and as I travelled up there myself, I could've found out [?] I could see everything that was going on at the campsite, but you can't see out - you can't see up, you can't see round and if anyone comes to the bottom of your campground you can't even see they are...

When did this occur? Before or after LE arrived ? (Dogs/cadaver dogs did hit on the reservoir...)

At first I thought he meant when he was was searching before LE arrived, but I'm not sure now.
And I've asked before but never received an answer, which road is the one he's referring to? The one that is east or the reservoir that continues on for at least a mile, or the one that is west of the reservoir, that stops when you get close to the "finger" part of the reservoir?
I have to wonder why JM didn't have custody of her other children.

I think that they had to live with grandpa because JM had to have supervised access. I think that JM was neglectful and something terrible happened to lil Deorr, that's why DK looks so pissed in that first video. He makes the comment about only leaving Deorr for a moment and the person that Deorr was left with couldn't even keep him safe for a short time

JM was just to calm on the 911 call. I think that the reason we didn't hear DK's 911 call is because there is something on there that DK said that tipped off the sheriff from the beginning.

Poor sweet little Deorr those that were supposed to keep you safe failed miserably, in my opinion

If there's enough evidence for this to go to trial-- rest assured the jury WILL hear it. :(
I'd like for his body to be recovered, if this baby is no longer of this earth ; he at least deserves that much dignity -- instead of laying out there in the elements !!! :maddening: :furious:

Bowerman makes it sound like there's enough evidence already to try the parents, but they'd rather wait until the body is found. Either he's bluffing or they have a lot more evidence than we know about - failed polygraphs can't even be used as evidence in court, after all. Moo.
I found this interesting. Just trying to put facts together.

Walton's and Reinwand’s polygraph tests came back inconclusive. But Bowerman said authorities were expecting that because Walton and Reinwand had undisclosed health problems known to affect polygraph results. However, Bowerman said the polygraph tests indicated that the boy’s parents were not being upfront with some of the authorities’ questions.

"We re-interviewed them, but they weren’t willing to tell us the truth,” Bowerman said.
The last interview with the parents was conducted this past weekend.

Out of the four suspects interviewed, Bowerman said Reinwand’s story has been the most consistent. However, all four are still considered persons of interest in the case, the sheriff said.
No but they are suspects now and some of the things we couldn't say or talk about before can now be discussed, especially things that didn't make sense if they weren't some how involved. Its not us to be the judge and jury, we just discuss as that is what we do here... others will get to do that if they are charged with something and if they have to go to trial.
I really don't take issue with discussion. However the discussion seems to have escalated to a point that I find disturbing.

Full disclosure--I'm very distantly related to this family, and admit to giving them more of the benefit of doubt than I likely would otherwise. Not proud to admit it but it's true.

I'm also the mother of a child killed in violence and know how unfair and ridiculous speculation can be and it is hurtful to the innocent family members.
Funny how I haven't heard a thing from the mountain lion community in a while. The only people still bringing it up are the ones who didn't beleive in it. Funny how that works.
I still am holding out Mountain Lion hope. Call me crazy because I just might be.
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