ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - # 25

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There is no way that GGPA and/or IR together or independently disappeared DeOrr in a 20 minute (or 4 minute or 10 minute or whatever minute) time span and pulled off this massive cover up to make LE, the FBI, and two private investigators all suspect the parents. There is so much we don't know. Spring can't come soon enough. MOO.

It is hard to believe anything happened within that 20 minute time frame, but I'm not sure it can be verified it was only 20 minutes. It could have been 2 hours for all we know, nothing close to the truth seems to have been revealed by any of the adults present that day. jmo
What a strange interview, when asked if there was an accident "not that I know of" ... and "we left him in the care of a trusted adult". I don't even know what to make of that.

ETA: This makes it sound like they're blaming GGP, right?

VK's words right after this sent red flags up for me - "when "I" come back "MY"son was gone". BIG red flags.

Hypothetically speaking, if DeOrr had snuck out of the tent or Suburban in the middle of the night and drowned in the creek, what would you say their punishment should be? I'm talking if he was sleeping where they were but somehow managed to sneak out undetected until they woke up and found his body in the water? No alcohol or other substances involved.

that would be a horrible accident and if the parents acted like humans and freaked, called 911 and tried to save the boy, or kept him till help arrived i'd probably not want them charged, they would be devastated enough.

if they found his body in the creek that morning and went and hid his body ... well that makes no sense does it? i wouldn't believe the story at all actually. there would be no reason to hide an honest accident with no alcohol/drugs involved. if they were sleeping innocently.

I am still analyzing from every perspective

GGF remains the silent elephant in the room ... maybe the boy was in his care longer than we have been told .... and maybe "something" happened during that time .... maybe the parents came back and indeed the child was missing (parents not involved)

The parents may very well suspect something hinky (GGF) .... but rather than JM throw her dad under the bus they are "covering for him" without really knowing what happened

It may mean DeOrr was left with GGF during the store trip and had time to "remove the body" from the immediate campsite , and presumably IR was off fishing somewhere and did not see much.

The parents could very well be telling the truth about some things , and hiding the truth about other things ... that would explain their behavior.

I think we could all understand why they are reluctant to throw the silent elephant under the bus .... and now they are in so deep they have to stick to the story

I also give credit to several posters here who keep pointing out that GGF was able to drive and haul a trailer just fine but now has medical issues that prevent him being a witness and unable to polygraph properly

How convenient !!!!

And we should note that VDK did say .... "we left our son in the care of a responsible adult and he went missing" .

I think VDK summarized the whole case in that one comment

Well a couple of take away's from me. I know why VDK usually wears a hat, getting a little thin up there, he might want to augment the forward comb with a little Popeil spray on hair. He talked less but still managed to leak 3 death/burial references about his son into the short amount of time he talked. He also was self editing again albeit in a less frenzied way, still noticeable.

JM looked healthy not a big fan of the piercing though. I like how she tried to muddy the water with the changed appearance comment. Basically she sounded like she was talking about a missing beach towel or half pack of cigarettes she thought she left on a picnic table. Not a lot of fire there for her missing baby.

If GGP doesn't come out and speak now I don't know if he ever will. Serious shots fired by VDK, not a bad strategy when in doubt blame the person who can't fight back.

Lastly what is the missing kids name again, I could swear I never heard the parents call him anything but "him", so much for heartfelt pleas just in case you know he's watching.

An odd development. Hope GGP's health is OK
VK's words right after this sent red flags up for me - "when "I" come back "MY"son was gone". BIG red flags.


Good point .... combine that with my recent post and it could imply a JM/GGF coverup.
I agree the GGP is the so called elephant in the room. I would of thought seeing as he is a relative & that he was on the camping trip that Deorr went missing from that he would be more than willing to come out and tell his side of the story of where he fit into this picture, if nothing else than to verify if JM & VDK are being truthful and to put any vicious rumors to rest. It's JM's GGP isn't it? Why would he want to see her go through such pain if he could clear things up by giving an interview?
I think it's past time GGP came out with a few words, even if it's from a hospital bed.

I think it's past time GGP came out with a few words, even if it's from a hospital bed.


I agree, these people are GGP's family, and i'm sure if it was my family and i knew they were telling the truth i would step up to the plate for them to do right by them and especially little Deorr.
The more I watch this the more I feel like DK acts like he doesn't trust JM. I know many think he was throwing Grandpa under the bus but VDK's comment "If there was, it wasn't to my knowledge" seems to me like it was directed towards JM. He even turns to look/glare at her when he says it. Then she immediatly reciprocates after his comment with a "right back at you" type of response.

Yes ... GGF is the one person who could come forward and clear the air ... got to be a reason he has not
The more I watch this the more I feel like DK acts like he doesn't trust JM. I know many think he was throwing Grandpa under the bus but VDK's comment "If there was, it wasn't to my knowledge" seems to me like it was directed towards JM. He even turns to look/glare at her when he says it. Then she immediatly reciprocates after his comment with a "right back at you" type of response.

I noticed that as well but see it as him just covering his own butt.
They need separate attorneys.
It was a simple yes or no question...was there an accident?.

A good answer might be -No there was not. Absolutely accident occurred.

"Not to my knowledge" a witness stand answer and implies that an accident could have occurred without him knowing it. So per that statement by VDK in a twenty minute time frame an accident could have occurred and the remains hidden without the use of a vehicle and no one not even trained search teams have been able to locate them and all of this could have happened right under VDK's nose?

They need to go ahead and cuff his a$$ for providing false information to LE and just get started with the prosecution.
Hypothetically speaking, if DeOrr had snuck out of the tent or Suburban in the middle of the night and drowned in the creek, what would you say their punishment should be? I'm talking if he was sleeping where they were but somehow managed to sneak out undetected until they woke up and found his body in the water? No alcohol or other substances involved.

I'm not sure what the punishment would be from law enforcement but if I had a child that had an accident (just writing that makes me sick to my stomach) I wouldn't care. I would be so distraught and incomplete that thinking about any consequence to myself from that tragedy wouldn't even register in my mind. I would hold them and console them until someone physically took them out of my arms.

If a legitimate accident happened to DeOrr Jay (I'm saying his name since they seem to have forgot what it is) I would have been completely heartbroken for them had it been reported that way to begin with. At this point I am beyond disgusted with all the lies and selfishness.
I agree the GGP is the so called elephant in the room. I would of thought seeing as he is a relative & that he was on the camping trip that Deorr went missing from that he would be more than willing to come out and tell his side of the story of where he fit into this picture, if nothing else than to verify if JM & VDK are being truthful and to put any vicious rumors to rest. It's JM's GGP isn't it? Why would he want to see her go through such pain if he could clear things up by giving an interview?

I have always had a problem with GGP because he basically admits being horribly neglectful. He said that he saw the baby toddle over to the embankment, then he looked away, and then when he looked back, the baby was gone. So he neglectfully assumed that the child somehow found his parents in the woods.

Who watches their 2 yr old grandchild walk down a hill towards a rushing creek and ignores it? Wouldn't that be child endangerment/neglect?
I agree with everyone.

I definitely feel like GGP is either a responsible adult or a frail old man living out his last days. One or the other, not both. You don't get to pick and choose to further your agenda. I'm curious who exactly is protecting GGP? I got the feeling back in the beginning LE was, but I'm afraid they may have punked.

I definitely think it's possible JM and DK aren't together anymore. If I look past the lack of emotions regarding their missing child, they don't look like two parents trying to get through a disaster through mutual love and support. I know the loss of a child can split up parents, but what about parents who murder/cover up the death of their child? Does the stress force them apart or does the fear keep them together? Are their any cases where the parents gave interviews and later we both found guilty of murdering or at least covering up the death of their child(ren)? Every case off the top of my head was 1 parent involvement, except for baby Chance. I haven't followed very many cases involving kids. My heart can only take so much.
I have always had a problem with GGP because he basically admits being horribly neglectful. He said that he saw the baby toddle over to the embankment, then he looked away, and then when he looked back, the baby was gone. So he neglectfully assumed that the child somehow found his parents in the woods.

Who watches their 2 yr old grandchild walk down a hill towards a rushing creek and ignores it? Wouldn't that be child endangerment/neglect?

Exactly. Something is awfully wrong in this picture. And i have read about GGP being pretty good for his age and then not so much, so what is it or was it at the time he was on the camping trip?
We got told GGP was on oxygen and then IR's statement about not seeing him all winter and now GGP is on oxygen, WTF!? Can any of these people get there stories straight when it comes to a helpless toddler that is only god knows where. It's infuriating.

In the beginning when JM was talking about the things Deorr would do...she never smiled until VK says something about car noises. That bothers me.

VK stressing LE was with him the entire time sounded exactly like what an attorney would coach someone to say

JM saying her job didn't matter kinda makes it hard to say she got fired for Klein's statements.

Way too many pauses and wandering eyes for my comfort and several past tense statements about Deorr.

JM says she doesn't care about what people think they did or what they think about her...that's not the impression I get at all.

It's not politics. It's a missing child and two lying parents. It's not only SM saying negative things. It's LE, FBI, it's two PIs.

Pushing the abduction angle just doesn't do it for me either. Maybe I'm too set in my opinion, but nothing they say seems that genuine.
I don't place too much into how people come across as grieving while being interviewed on national t.v. For starters it's the knowledge of the task at hand that you would be in the spotlight and probably nervous about that and how you come across as well. Most people aren't seasoned actors & actresses and aren't used to having their lives exposed on camera, so there is that.
I would be more interested in family & friends take on how they are coping, the people that interact with them all the time. If JM & DVK don't really know what happened to Deorr then i imagine that would be a very different type of grief to actually knowing 100% certainly that your child is actually deceased. You would never really be sure and not give up hope that they are out there alive somewhere, until all hope is gone.
I don't know if these people are guilty so have to see how this case unfolds, but a solid case has to be put together against them if there is evidence that incriminates them, so time will tell.

I am still analyzing from every perspective

GGF remains the silent elephant in the room ... maybe the boy was in his care longer than we have been told .... and maybe "something" happened during that time .... maybe the parents came back and indeed the child was missing (parents not involved)

The parents may very well suspect something hinky (GGF) .... but rather than JM throw her dad under the bus they are "covering for him" without really knowing what happened

It may mean DeOrr was left with GGF during the store trip and had time to "remove the body" from the immediate campsite , and presumably IR was off fishing somewhere and did not see much.

The parents could very well be telling the truth about some things , and hiding the truth about other things ... that would explain their behavior.

I think we could all understand why they are reluctant to throw the silent elephant under the bus .... and now they are in so deep they have to stick to the story

I also give credit to several posters here who keep pointing out that GGF was able to drive and haul a trailer just fine but now has medical issues that prevent him being a witness and unable to polygraph properly

How convenient !!!!

And we should note that VDK did say .... "we left our son in the care of a responsible adult and he went missing" .

I think VDK summarized the whole case in that one comment


RSBM - for once I totally agree with you Arnie ;)

I think that GGF, still a POI and the "elephant in the room" is key. I think that he is being protected by JM & VDK (and the rest of the family).

To me, he is key to this whole case and the fact that we haven't heard directly from him is massive. I think that the whole family are one of those families who will do anything to protect one of their own. To me this explains the failed poly's, the weird behaviour of little DeOrr's parents, the wonky timeline, the lack of public pleading for DeOrr to be returned by his "kidnapper", the lack of active searching by the parents and family, JM "knowing where her son is" (GGF is on her family's side, not VDK's).

To me, in this interview, they seem to be not holding back exactly but being held back. I got that feeling in their only other interviews too. They're resigned to something / some "force" and I believe that force is the "power and influence of family".

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