ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #5

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What does this mean and when has it happened?
It means they take a casual and very personal approach dealing with certain people. Like being "good buddies" instead of so authoritarian. It has happened in many cases, but I am not going to go through each one.
It means they take a casual and very personal approach dealing with certain people. Like being "good buddies" instead of so authoritarian. It has happened in many cases, but I am not going to go through each one.
Aren't sheriffs elected rather than appointed? if so.. wouldn't it be politically advantageous to try and keep everyone happy until you have all the hard facts? Strategic, imo.
Anyone familiar with SAR training and protocol willing to answer a few questions for me?

For the initial SAR operations, do you send in your best SAR team or is it more about numbers?

A brief Google search about SAR training leads me to several courses that are 1-3 days long. Is this all it takes to get certified? I assume there are more extensive courses available, but do they only send out those with the more extensive training? Does one have to be re-certified within a certain time period? Is one required to meet so many hours of coursework in a given period?

This is my first post and I hope I am doing this correctly. I don't see where your questions were answered so I wanted to be helpful if I can. I am a SAR K9 Handler in Walla Walla County WA State. I was not at this search and if I had been I would not be allowed to discuss what I did. I can however address questions in general on how my SAR Team is deployed and what our training and qualifications are. We are professional volunteers for the Sheriff Department in our county and are deployed only as requested and under the direction of law enforcement. It is not about numbers it is about who is trained to do the job. For example in a situation such as this, our team might have been requested to send field certified ground teams. These are teams that are highly trained in area such as search planning, lost person behavior, land navigation, communications and mapping and the major aspects of the Incident Command System. If requested we could also provide K9 Teams, Horse teams, 4 wheelers, first aid, evac/stokes, transportation and a variety of support teams based on need and what law enforcement in charge of the search requests.

Our training is much more extensive then 1-3 days. We are required to attend several weeks of SAR Training Academy in order to be allowed to deploy in the field. We have ongoing monthly meetings with 2-3 hours training and then each team that provides specialized support also trains individually. We have an annual overnight training for the full team that includes mock searches, shelter in place, communication/mapping/navigation etc. We train for specific situations in the wilderness, water, and snow. Specialty teams such as K9 require a whole other training and certification process in order to be deployed. In WA State we are registered emergency workers and come under the umbrella of the department of the military.

There are many extensive SAR courses available. I travel and train thousands of miles a year to go to outside resources to train my K9s and help others on my team train theirs. We have requirements in order to maintain field certification status and train in what I believe you are calling "course work". K9's must be tested for recertification every 1-2 years. Its important to note as volunteers we pay for all our own expenses. We are not supplemented by any entity and we also have to raise funds within our communities for all team expenses/equipment so every team and every county has different resources in place. We also travel to small communities with minimal resources that need our help.

While there are no national set standards for Search and Rescue I believe for the most part, other teams are managed and organized much like ours. In WA we are developing what we call Core Competencies which will standardize SAR in our state. We are required and tested on measurable or observable knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors critical to successful job performance. I hope this helps and is not redundant. I tried to search all the posts to see if it had already been addressed.

I am praying for this little boy to be found. Its one of those situations that clutches at the heart.
It means they take a casual and very personal approach dealing with certain people. Like being "good buddies" instead of so authoritarian. It has happened in many cases, but I am not going to go through each one.

Got it. Thanks.

I associate the phrase more with people who are in on something together, or why some people get promotions and sweet assignments while others are overlooked.
This is my first post and I hope I am doing this correctly. I don't see where your questions were answered so I wanted to be helpful if I can. I am a SAR K9 Handler in Walla Walla County WA State. I was not at this search and if I had been I would not be allowed to discuss what I did. I can however address questions in general on how my SAR Team is deployed and what our training and qualifications are. We are professional volunteers for the Sheriff Department in our county and are deployed only as requested and under the direction of law enforcement. It is not about numbers it is about who is trained to do the job. For example in a situation such as this, our team might have been requested to send field certified ground teams. These are teams that are highly trained in area such as search planning, lost person behavior, land navigation, communications and mapping and the major aspects of the Incident Command System. If requested we could also provide K9 Teams, Horse teams, 4 wheelers, first aid, evac/stokes, transportation and a variety of support teams based on need and what law enforcement in charge of the search requests.

Our training is much more extensive then 1-3 days. We are required to attend several weeks of SAR Training Academy in order to be allowed to deploy in the field. We have ongoing monthly meetings with 2-3 hours training and then each team that provides specialized support also trains individually. We have an annual overnight training for the full team that includes mock searches, shelter in place, communication/mapping/navigation etc. We train for specific situations in the wilderness, water, and snow. Specialty teams such as K9 require a whole other training and certification process in order to be deployed. In WA State we are registered emergency workers and come under the umbrella of the department of the military.

There are many extensive SAR courses available. I travel and train thousands of miles a year to go to outside resources to train my K9s and help others on my team train theirs. We have requirements in order to maintain field certification status and train in what I believe you are calling "course work". K9's must be tested for recertification every 1-2 years. Its important to note as volunteers we pay for all our own expenses. We are not supplemented by any entity and we also have to raise funds within our communities for all team expenses/equipment so every team and every county has different resources in place. We also travel to small communities with minimal resources that need our help.

While there are no national set standards for Search and Rescue I believe for the most part, other teams are managed and organized much like ours. In WA we are developing what we call Core Competencies which will standardize SAR in our state. We are required and tested on measurable or observable knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors critical to successful job performance. I hope this helps and is not redundant. I tried to search all the posts to see if it had already been addressed.

I am praying for this little boy to be found. Its one of those situations that clutches at the heart.


And...,Bless You and your K-9's for volunteering so many hours and miles to help people in need!

:heartbeat: :wolf: :heartbeat:
Most of that is very true. Except I have never, ever seen LE in one single case where a person is later arrested for a crime refer to that person as "solid" or state "I'm good with them." Those are every unique terms.

Look, there were four people at that campsite. One, the great grandpa, is apparently ailing. One we don;t know much about accept he has a past criminal record and is the friend of great-grandpa. The other two are the parents. Is anyone really suggesting that this disparate group of people conspired together in the most diabolical and horrific manner to either create an elaborate story about a kid getting lost at a campsite, in order to cover up foul play that occurred elsewhere? Really? They're all in on it? It makes no sense.

Otherwise, is anyone really suggesting that all four of these people are colluding to hide some foul play that occurred at the campsite? Then where's his body? They all four did something and/or covered up something and no one is talking? To save themselves? They are all in on it?

Because otherwise, it is almost impossible that only one or two could harm the child, hide his body from everyone else and have the time and privacy do it all without the others seeing or hearing something.

It just makes no sense.

Have you followed Noah Thomas' case? Perfect example of how LE played up to two people and sold the media on their innocence right up until after the arrest. I will go pull some of the things they actually said about them.

We cannot discuss the alternatives to wild cat, runaway, drowning, and stranger abduction so I can't get into specifics on my pet theories. I do think my theories are logical, but since when do we expect nefarious acts and cover ups to make perfect sense?

Noah Thomas' Case:

On 4th day before body was found:

Police say Noah's family members, who have not made any public comments, are distraught but cooperating with the investigation.

On 5th day after body was found in their septic tank:

Authorities say the family is fully cooperating with the investigation.


The sheriff says while there is no hard evidence Noah was home Sunday, he is trusting the mother's statement that she last saw her son watching cartoons in the living room that morning. He asks the public not to judge the parents, saying "they are living a nightmare."

A week later:

The parents of the Pulaski County boy who was found dead last week in a septic tank have been arrested.


Davis said two investigations began as soon as Noah went missing: an investigation into his disappearance and the potential for foul play or an abduction.

"The first ended tragically with the discovery of Noah during the aggressive search efforts. The investigation and cause of his death and circumstances surrounding it are our priority at this time," Davis said.
This is my first post and I hope I am doing this correctly. I don't see where your questions were answered so I wanted to be helpful if I can. I am a SAR K9 Handler in Walla Walla County WA State. I was not at this search and if I had been.....

Snipped for brevity. Wow! That's very confidence inspiring in both this situation, many others and should I or a loved one ever get lost. Thanks for posting.
Got it. Thanks.

I associate the phrase more with people who are in on something together, or why some people get promotions and sweet assignments while others are overlooked.
Yes. I guess it does have that connotation and I should have used a better phrase to describe my thoughts. ;) In my head it has more than one meaning besides political cronyism.
This is my first post and I hope I am doing this correctly. I don't see where your questions were answered so I wanted to be helpful if I can. I am a SAR K9 Handler in Walla Walla County WA State. I was not at this search and if I had been I would not be allowed to discuss what I did. I can however address questions in general on how my SAR Team is deployed and what our training and qualifications are. We are professional volunteers for the Sheriff Department in our county and are deployed only as requested and under the direction of law enforcement. It is not about numbers it is about who is trained to do the job. For example in a situation such as this, our team might have been requested to send field certified ground teams. These are teams that are highly trained in area such as search planning, lost person behavior, land navigation, communications and mapping and the major aspects of the Incident Command System. If requested we could also provide K9 Teams, Horse teams, 4 wheelers, first aid, evac/stokes, transportation and a variety of support teams based on need and what law enforcement in charge of the search requests.

Our training is much more extensive then 1-3 days. We are required to attend several weeks of SAR Training Academy in order to be allowed to deploy in the field. We have ongoing monthly meetings with 2-3 hours training and then each team that provides specialized support also trains individually. We have an annual overnight training for the full team that includes mock searches, shelter in place, communication/mapping/navigation etc. We train for specific situations in the wilderness, water, and snow. Specialty teams such as K9 require a whole other training and certification process in order to be deployed. In WA State we are registered emergency workers and come under the umbrella of the department of the military.

There are many extensive SAR courses available. I travel and train thousands of miles a year to go to outside resources to train my K9s and help others on my team train theirs. We have requirements in order to maintain field certification status and train in what I believe you are calling "course work". K9's must be tested for recertification every 1-2 years. Its important to note as volunteers we pay for all our own expenses. We are not supplemented by any entity and we also have to raise funds within our communities for all team expenses/equipment so every team and every county has different resources in place. We also travel to small communities with minimal resources that need our help.

While there are no national set standards for Search and Rescue I believe for the most part, other teams are managed and organized much like ours. In WA we are developing what we call Core Competencies which will standardize SAR in our state. We are required and tested on measurable or observable knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors critical to successful job performance. I hope this helps and is not redundant. I tried to search all the posts to see if it had already been addressed.

I am praying for this little boy to be found. Its one of those situations that clutches at the heart.
Welcome to WS! Great first post and extremely informative for us. Well done!
Have I mentioned yet how much I appreciate your correct usage of the term factoid?

I agree completely. That's exactly what's happening on WS with some stating the group arrived on "Thursday" enough times that they believe ( or want others to believe) it's actually part of the timeline.
This is my first post and I hope I am doing this correctly. I don't see where your questions were answered so I wanted to be helpful if I can. I am a SAR K9 Handler in Walla Walla County WA State. (I shortened this).

~~Thank you so much for all you do. I am completely blown away.

Dog question: If your dogs were out doing a search and they smelled a Mountain Lion, what would their reaction be? I just know that sometimes when walking my own dogs (we live in a very rural location), they slow down and come to a complete halt and will not go any further. The body language I see on them is "worried." Thanks!!!
I absolutely agree with gitana1. There IS no probable cause. What probable cause do YOU "see" regarding the parents (I presume)?

I would say there would be automatic probable cause for a search warrant of the home if a child mysteriously disappears from their home, though. But that's not the case here.

From what I've read David Paulides "believes" Sasquatch took these victims, but he does address many cases of the missing in various forest, camping, park, woods, etc locations.

Yes, I read a bit about the Dennis Martin case, Garrett Bardsley, Jarrd Negrete, JD Phillips. There's SO many I doubt I will ever read them all. Mountain lions are considered to be the most powerful animal in North America. Their power, stealth, leaping and jumping abilities, and how they stalk and close in on their selected prey, their ability to instantly kill much of their prey, not to mention their premolars, makes them a truly silent abductor/killer!

Thanks so much for your research on these victims.

Also, mountain lions attack from behind, grabbing the head/neck area and choking. Prey taken by them typically cannot scream or cry out.

Since it appears there were other cases involving mountain lions I'm guessing this is what happened with Deorr but it still gives me no confidence in sar..three cases I've read about the children were all found later within a mile and one was 500 yards from missing point. .no confidence at all from me.

Aww. I won't criticize SAR. Finding an itty bitty kid in the middle of the vast wilderness is like finding a needle in a haystack. I think they do a great job.

Just an observation..if a family member is going to give pretty detailed answers to questions on SM it seems that it would be more productive to give a real media interview instead.

I wonder if there is some disagreement between family members regarding the way information is being decimated and this was a way of setting some of the record straight by the grandmother.

I just found it a little unusual to use that format for answering some of the more pertinent questions that have been asked here and everywhere else rather than using MSM or even have the actual POIs address the issues themselves though a reporter or other regular media source. Perhaps they have been told to remain silent but if so, it would still strike me as a bit unusual for GM to suddenly start answering questions from random people on FB. Just curious about the motive and how that went over with the rest of the family.

I don't see the media spreading all those rumors though. Or really even reporting on them. So it makes sense they would address the rumors in the forum in which they're made.

If you want to try to mold it into a mistake, that's up to you. Just don't know why you'd want to though. :(

I think if there was an inconsistency though about the arrival time, LE would've discussed that immediately.

Based on only having heard LE call someone a POI when they thought that person had something to do with/had some inside knowledge of a crime, not because they were present when a child was thought to have wandered off (not thought to have been abducted per the Sheriff himself). POI doesn't have a legal meaning, but it is a term LE uses when they are suspicious of someone, but don't have enough evidence to declare him/her a suspect. Once designated a suspect, LE must mirandize the person before interviewing them.

It is true that typically the term is used nowadays to veer away from 'suspect" so that a person may not get totally defensive and shut down. But if a person is a POI, LE had better Mirandize them before getting a statement. I have seen problems with that before.

So DK's dad could have given consent for a search, since it's his house. Owners of the vehicles would need to agree to those searches to avoid questions later, correct?


Or if it's too painful for the parents, appoint a family spokesperson to answer questions and keep DeOrr's face and name in MSM. If he's been kidnapped by a stranger, shutting down communication with MSM because you're afraid people might twist your words, will not help bring DeOrr home. JMO

Who said they aren't in front of MSM every day because they are afraid people might twist their words? I missed that. In missing kid cases where the parents are found to be not at all involved, some parents are constantly before the media. MOST however, in my experience following these cases, are not. They may give one or two interviews, and then that's about it.

I think a lot of these parents are just suffering too hard at a certain point to do all of that. In fact, that is specifically why families often have family spokespersons to make statements and handle media.

I know everyone likes to say exactly what they would do if their loved one went missing. But you just really don't know until you're there, I think.

Things we are not allowed to discuss here:

Diaper disposal
Arrival time
Location of people

Specific disabilities &/or medical devices of anyone
EMT bag specifics
Advice given to family about media

I am certain there are more things said on FB we cannot discuss, but a list is more helpful since people obviously don't know where those things stemmed from and may think we can discuss them.

(Bessie...hope this is okay. If not, please delete.)

The things bolded by me have been mentioned in MSM. So we can discuss them. Just not what is being said in relation to those issues in social media.

Just catching up. Do you have a link that says they have not 'lawyered up'? Thanks!

Eta: How do we know LE has not found any signs of foul play? Would they typically announce if they have?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

Once again, it is quite difficult to prove a negative. I keep getting similar questions. Let me give you an analogy. "I have never eaten a strawberry." "I have eaten a strawberry." Which statement can be certainly proven? What was never done or what was done?

Anyhow, if the family had obtained a lawyer, that would be widely reported and known. How do I know that? By following dozens of these case every year since I was 16. It changes behaviors immeidately, frustrates LE and perks the intense interest of the media.

As to foul play, LE has specifically and repeatedly stated they have no evidence of foul play and do not suspect it. Yes, they have been known to state they have no evidence yet of foul play in some cases and then it later becomes clear that they were pretty sure foul play had occurred when they made the statement, but here they went a step further: "We do not suspect foul play." So they don't suspect it nor do they have evidence of it thus far.

That's strong.

This is my first post and I hope I am doing this correctly. I don't see where your questions were answered so I wanted to be helpful if I can. I am a SAR K9 Handler in Walla Walla County WA State. I was not at this search and if I had been I would not be allowed to discuss what I did. I can however address questions in general on how my SAR Team is deployed and what our training and qualifications are. We are professional volunteers for the Sheriff Department in our county and are deployed only as requested and under the direction of law enforcement. It is not about numbers it is about who is trained to do the job. For example in a situation such as this, our team might have been requested to send field certified ground teams. These are teams that are highly trained in area such as search planning, lost person behavior, land navigation, communications and mapping and the major aspects of the Incident Command System. If requested we could also provide K9 Teams, Horse teams, 4 wheelers, first aid, evac/stokes, transportation and a variety of support teams based on need and what law enforcement in charge of the search requests.

Our training is much more extensive then 1-3 days. We are required to attend several weeks of SAR Training Academy in order to be allowed to deploy in the field. We have ongoing monthly meetings with 2-3 hours training and then each team that provides specialized support also trains individually. We have an annual overnight training for the full team that includes mock searches, shelter in place, communication/mapping/navigation etc. We train for specific situations in the wilderness, water, and snow. Specialty teams such as K9 require a whole other training and certification process in order to be deployed. In WA State we are registered emergency workers and come under the umbrella of the department of the military.

There are many extensive SAR courses available. I travel and train thousands of miles a year to go to outside resources to train my K9s and help others on my team train theirs. We have requirements in order to maintain field certification status and train in what I believe you are calling "course work". K9's must be tested for recertification every 1-2 years. Its important to note as volunteers we pay for all our own expenses. We are not supplemented by any entity and we also have to raise funds within our communities for all team expenses/equipment so every team and every county has different resources in place. We also travel to small communities with minimal resources that need our help.

While there are no national set standards for Search and Rescue I believe for the most part, other teams are managed and organized much like ours. In WA we are developing what we call Core Competencies which will standardize SAR in our state. We are required and tested on measurable or observable knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors critical to successful job performance. I hope this helps and is not redundant. I tried to search all the posts to see if it had already been addressed.

I am praying for this little boy to be found. Its one of those situations that clutches at the heart.

Wow! Welcome here!!!! :fireworks::welcome::fireworks:

Thank you for all that helpful information!!!!
Most of that is very true. Except I have never, ever seen LE in one single case where a person is later arrested for a crime refer to that person as "solid" or state "I'm good with them." Those are every unique terms.

Look, there were four people at that campsite. One, the great grandpa, is apparently ailing. One we don;t know much about accept he has a past criminal record and is the friend of great-grandpa. The other two are the parents. Is anyone really suggesting that this disparate group of people conspired together in the most diabolical and horrific manner to either create an elaborate story about a kid getting lost at a campsite, in order to cover up foul play that occurred elsewhere? Really? They're all in on it? It makes no sense.

Otherwise, is anyone really suggesting that all four of these people are colluding to hide some foul play that occurred at the campsite? Then where's his body? They all four did something and/or covered up something and no one is talking? To save themselves? They are all in on it?

Because otherwise, it is almost impossible that only one or two could harm the child, hide his body from everyone else and have the time and privacy do it all without the others seeing or hearing something.

It just makes no sense.

I have another possible scenario, niggling at me, that does not involve the three family members. But if , hypothetically speaking, the POI was actually down by the creek, not by the campfire, and the baby followed him down there, it opens up other possible scenarios in my mind.
Have you followed Noah Thomas' case? Perfect example of how LE played up to two people and sold the media on their innocence right up until after the arrest. I will go pull some of the things they actually said about them.

We cannot discuss the alternatives to wild cat, runaway, drowning, and stranger abduction so I can't get into specifics on my pet theories. I do think my theories are logical, but since when do we expect nefarious acts and cover ups to make perfect sense?

Noah Thomas' Case:

On 4th day before body was found:

Police say Noah's family members, who have not made any public comments, are distraught but cooperating with the investigation.

On 5th day after body was found in their septic tank:

Authorities say the family is fully cooperating with the investigation.


The sheriff says while there is no hard evidence Noah was home Sunday, he is trusting the mother's statement that she last saw her son watching cartoons in the living room that morning. He asks the public not to judge the parents, saying "they are living a nightmare."

A week later:

The parents of the Pulaski County boy who was found dead last week in a septic tank have been arrested.


Davis said two investigations began as soon as Noah went missing: an investigation into his disappearance and the potential for foul play or an abduction.

"The first ended tragically with the discovery of Noah during the aggressive search efforts. The investigation and cause of his death and circumstances surrounding it are our priority at this time," Davis said.

Yes. I remember that clearly. There have been others as well.Still different from this one. For many reasons. For one, they have stated here, very clearly that they do not suspect nor expect foul play in this case. Plus they've said the parents are solid and they're good with the parents. In Noah's case, they said there was no evidence of foul play. Which was probably true until they found his body only five days into the search. It's been three weeks here.

You also have to look at the circumstances of the cases. The circumstances of the two disappearances are quite, quite different, including location of disappearance, adults present, and time without finding a body.
I agree completely. That's exactly what's happening on WS with some stating the group arrived on "Thursday" enough times that they believe ( or want others to believe) it's actually part of the timeline.
People are still free to believe things they read elsewhere even if they cannot be discussed as fact here. However, it is okay to acknowledge we do not know for a fact when they did arrive to go camping despite what has been reported in the media.
I couldn't find anything. Am I dense or were posts deleted?
It's still there. It's way down the list of comments. A woman's comment has about 196 replies to it. That is where you will find answers by Jessica's mother. Assuming that it is really her.
I agree completely. That's exactly what's happening on WS with some stating the group arrived on "Thursday" enough times that they believe ( or want others to believe) it's actually part of the timeline.

Or others who insist it was Friday. :rolleyes:

We do NOT have a verified source for that particular factoid.
We are allowed to post a link to the news site on FB. We are allowed to say hey check out the comments under blah blah. We are not allowed to discuss the content of those comments. You made an honest mistake because you were replying to something that was off limits.

If anyone posted specifics of what was stated in those comments you should go back and delete.

Are you sure? I posted something like that last night and it was deleted. I can't remember exactly what I said, but I linked the NEWS FB page and said there was a comment by (initials) at (such-and-such a time).

I'm confused as usual.

ETA--I just want to make sure I'm not posting the wrong thing

It's always been OK to link to msm. KIFI News 8 is msm. Afaik it's always been OK to say check the interesting comments by initials XX at such and such time. (I'm not sure why your post was deleted if that is all you did. I have had posts deleted in error - it happens when trying to clean up a mess I think.) What's not OK is to read those comments and come back here and post them or talk about them.

I asked last night if we could discuss them since it wasn't just a ramdom person commenting on an article - it was a Facebook account that was commenting on a Facebook news article. My logic was that it would be pretty easy to verify the fb poster was legit. But I can see how we cannot be certain she has control of her account and is in fact the person posting. Whereas if you are being interviewed by the media they know who it is they are speaking to.

I wonder if anyone has tipped off Nate Eaton or some other reporter about what is being posted. If so, he could do a story and then it would be in msm.


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I just discovered mine was deleted from last night too. I made sure I was in compliance with TOS so something must have changed.

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I couldn't find anything. Am I dense or were posts deleted?
I don't think they're deleted? I was referring to a comment made (allegedly) by Jessica' mother "when they arrived at campsite" .
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