ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #6

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Sorry didn't mean to get all defensive I just already got irritated a month ago when reporters were calling some of my relatives, not realizing the enormity of the family. I mean I don't remember how many kids John Kunz II had but just one of his sons fathered 25 children many of whom had many children and so on. I also know how different the two churches are and how they are perceived in the area and didn't want people thinking things that aren't.

And Yes, I shudder at the carbon footprint ramifications of my ginormous family. It's so huge even saying that doesn't even offer a clue as to who I am lol (totally random, unimportant to the story very distant etc)

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OT but it sounds like you and I may have a lot in common.

Little DeOrr's disappearance has absolutely nothing to do with the religious background of the Kunz family. Can we just get back to trying to figure out where he is and how to find him?
Didnt the mom say "why would someone take him knowing how much he means to us"? It was in the interview.. maybe that is a clue.. even though LE doesnt think he was abducted but cant rule it out..jmo
Why would anyone be thinking about FLDS in THIS case? It's obvious from the families dress and mannerisms that they aren't FLDS. And if they were LDS what difference is that going to make? I think the LEs have been very quiet about this whole case.
If GGF is on oxygen, one wonders about what Deorr Sr said in the video interview, which was that he thought that Little Deorr was supposedly "good with grandpa by the campfire". Usually (or, "as far as I know") if a person is on oxygen they don't hang around fires due to the danger and the smoke.

Or highly conbustible oxygen tanks.
There do seem to be a lot of people here that have written Deorr off as deceased. I'm not one of them. If there is anyone interested in helping to network cross country getting his posters distributed, please private message me. A coordinated effort is needed to do this. WS says there are 52000 views on this thread. If just 1% of you would be willing to put in some time, we could cover the whole country with his Missing posters. I'm on the west coast and covering 3 states. Certainly could use some help with the other 47.
An abduction has not been ruled out. It's being said, there's no evidence of it, but there's no evidence of an animal attack either. And I certainly don't believe he was taken into another dimension the Missing 411 people are entertaining. If this were my child, & I have been in this position with my daughter when she went missing, I would be doing everything I possibly could to network and get his photo's out there. One person can make a difference. My daughter was spotted by one bus driver 2500 miles away in Florida and called me. I found her within 30 hours of landing. Just think of what 52,000 of us could do. IMOB

Have you been in touch with the family? Not necessarily DK and JM, but mY e JM's sister who seems to be taking a proactive role I would be hesitant to do something that DeOrr's parents don't seem to want to do themselves. They had someone from Missing and Exployed Children a advising within a week of the baby's disappearance. They were able to mobilize almost 200 people to search within 24 hours. It's possible there is some reason the family has not done more to reach out and until we understand what that is, I don't feel comfortable "going rogue".

FWIW, 52,000 views is not necessarily unique views. I may have logged 1000 of those myself.

As a parent who lost and found her child, I would like to hear how you reacted and acted, from finding out she was missing to locating her. Would you mind telling us how you coped/kept going/succeeded? TIA
There is a truckers board that I belonged to a while back. They send me mail about once a year. I believe they spread the word and look for the missing while on the road. Unfortunately, I just spent half an hour or so trying to track them down with no luck. Perhaps someone with better tracking skills could find them?

Hi Trident, not sure if this is what you're referring to, but it's all I've found so far, it's the Truckers Missing Child Project:

Truckers, groups, work to find missing and exploited children

And their facebook page:
I think people tend to follow the lead of what the parents are doing. If they aren't out papering the country with missing posters and speaking out about their child being out there somewhere - then there might be a reason for that. Maybe they have realized this wasn't an abduction??

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Or if they thought he was abducted, maybe they thought it was by someone they knew? I thought JM's statement to the effect of "why would they do this to us, especially jammy knowing how much he means to us?" Was odd. How would the kidnapper know how much he meant to them if s/he didn't know the family? Especially since if the kidnapper came across the toddler unattended in the woods.
LDS? FLDS? What is the connection?
LDS? FLDS? What is the connection?

There isn't.

I think some are trying to make a connection to this and the case of the little boy in Arizona who disappeared from a campsite this week. Many have speculated that child is from an FLDS family but even that hasn't been confirmed.

IMO there is absolutely NO connection between the two cases at all. They are merely similar in circumstance.
There isn't.

I think some are trying to make a connection to this and the case of the little boy in Arizona who disappeared from a campsite this week. Many have speculated that child is from an FLDS family but even that hasn't been confirmed.

IMO there is absolutely NO connection between the two cases at all. They are merely similar in circumstance.

There do seem to be a lot of people here that have written Deorr off as deceased. I'm not one of them. If there is anyone interested in helping to network cross country getting his posters distributed, please private message me. A coordinated effort is needed to do this. WS says there are 52000 views on this thread. If just 1% of you would be willing to put in some time, we could cover the whole country with his Missing posters. I'm on the west coast and covering 3 states. Certainly could use some help with the other 47.
An abduction has not been ruled out. It's being said, there's no evidence of it, but there's no evidence of an animal attack either. And I certainly don't believe he was taken into another dimension the Missing 411 people are entertaining. If this were my child, & I have been in this position with my daughter when she went missing, I would be doing everything I possibly could to network and get his photo's out there. One person can make a difference. My daughter was spotted by one bus driver 2500 miles away in Florida and called me. I found her within 30 hours of landing. Just think of what 52,000 of us could do. IMOB

I am in Canada, can I help?
So Little DeOrr, DeOrr Senior and DeOrr the Grandfather are NOT FLDS, right? Have we even seen anything suggesting they're LDS? The only connection I saw was someone in IR's family was once a member. How did we get here?

Someone posted awhile back that she could tell they probably weren't LDS (I think it was because of pictures showing Jessica and Deorr Sr. smoking) and that in that area of Idaho, if you aren't LDS, you may be shunned or thought lesser of by practicing LDS.
Why would anyone be thinking about FLDS in THIS case? It's obvious from the families dress and mannerisms that they aren't FLDS. And if they were LDS what difference is that going to make? I think the LEs have been very quiet about this whole case.
Hi. I said a while back that obviously this Kunz family are not FLDS due to the clothes/hairstyles etc. I believe they are LDS though.
The only reason I mentioned it is...well...just throwing ideas about really. The FLDS and the LDS are not "friends", and disagree with each others lifestyles. There are Kunz family members in both religions. FLDS are known for the criminal activities, child sexual abuse, child slavery, other stuff including "disappearing" male children.
It was something that made me intrigued is all...2 opposite ends of what was, in the beginning, one religion. 2 religions that dislike each-other now. One child who is from LDS family missing from campsite. Another child who is FLDS missing from another campsite.

probably nothing but coincidence. But intriguing non-the-less. And the comment the Mother made, about someone taking Deorr especially as they know how much he means to them, made me wonder if this was something to do with revenge between family members that are in BOTH sects. The same for the Jerold Williams case.

This is only an opinion, likely wrong, but it is worth considering. At least it would mean little Deorr would be alive I guess? I hope.
Someone posted awhile back that she could tell they probably weren't LDS (I think it was because of pictures showing Jessica and Deorr Sr. smoking) and that in that area of Idaho, if you aren't LDS, you may be shunned or thought lesser of by practicing LDS.

This is mostly true, but to clarify, their smoking doesn't preclude them from being church members. They might not be practicing LDS. That doesn't mean they weren't raised in LDS families and it doesn't say anything about their membership in the church. Even if they have familial ties to the LDS faith, to me that is good news! That means they have a large support system right now from the church groups. Meals would be brought in, prayers will be said.
This is mostly true, but to clarify, their smoking doesn't preclude them from being church members. They might not be practicing LDS. That doesn't mean they weren't raised in LDS families and it doesn't say anything about their membership in the church. Even if they have familial ties to the LDS faith, to me that is good news! That means they have a large support system right now from the church groups. Meals would be brought in, prayers will be said.

You may be correct, but what the person posted was that people were raised to recognize various "cues" as to what the person's standing in the church is and/or how they are viewed by those in the LDS church (which apparently make up the majority religion in the area). I have also read elsewhere that in certain areas the LDS stay away from and/or look down upon non-LDS or non-practicing LDS, much moreso than in other geographic areas. But if they are willing to put that aside for a missing child, that's good. Here are a few posts I saw here:

Smoking has only to do with two things here. 1) someone asked about it in regards to the dogs and scent. 2) it has cultural significance, particularly in that geographical location.

I'm sorry I shouldn't have even said anything.

I grew up around there. The predominant religion in the area has a big impact on the community culture there, arguably an impact more intensely than other places and with other religions. In that culture there are cues you're trained to notice starting from around oh birth, which tell you about whether or not someone is a church and/or their ummm standing in the church sorta?

It has nothing to do with DeOrr per se I was just thinking in terms of how people may or may not view the parents?
There do seem to be a lot of people here that have written Deorr off as deceased. I'm not one of them. If there is anyone interested in helping to network cross country getting his posters distributed, please private message me. A coordinated effort is needed to do this. WS says there are 52000 views on this thread. If just 1% of you would be willing to put in some time, we could cover the whole country with his Missing posters. I'm on the west coast and covering 3 states. Certainly could use some help with the other 47.
An abduction has not been ruled out. It's being said, there's no evidence of it, but there's no evidence of an animal attack either. And I certainly don't believe he was taken into another dimension the Missing 411 people are entertaining. If this were my child, & I have been in this position with my daughter when she went missing, I would be doing everything I possibly could to network and get his photo's out there. One person can make a difference. My daughter was spotted by one bus driver 2500 miles away in Florida and called me. I found her within 30 hours of landing. Just think of what 52,000 of us could do. IMOB

Just an FYI - if you use the poster put out by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, they have his eye color listed as blue when they are actually brown. I have no idea why it hasn't been changed yet, as both the NCMEC and Jessica have been notified (more than once) several weeks ago about the error.
This isn't the name I remember, but it sounds like a group that could be utilized to do what you want, no?

18 wheel angels? I think a family member has to contact them...and like rkf said in post 886, the family has had resources and experts made available to them.
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