ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #7

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Sheriff: Evidence for missing toddler DeOrr Kunz turned over to FBI
By KBOI Web Staff Published: Aug 11, 2015

"Bowerman said Tuesday that everything has been turned over to the FBI, which includes interviews, recordings and physical evidence.

The FBI told the Lemhi County Sheriff's Office that it could be at least six weeks before it receives any information back from federal investigators."

Six weeks sounds like an awfully long time. And that's "at least" six weeks. *sigh
Also if this PI was trying to point the finger of guilt @either of the RSO's in Leadore, he wouldn't have said that they have been investigated and cleared.
Who can say about the "staring old man" @the store?
Maybe the entire story is true. We just do not know yet.
Hopefully the female's TV interview will be amongst those the FBI analysts look over. Even if it does take them 6 long weeks.
I emailed the Lemhi County Sheriff's Office earlier today about the two RSO's and just received a response from the sheriff. I replied to ask him if it was okay to share his response on this forum but haven't heard back yet. I will post his response if he says it's okay. It's just one sentence and isn't anything too earth shattering.
I really dislike the direction this thread is going so I think I am taking a break here. I really hope this doesn't sidetrack the effort to find DeOrr and I hope he is found soon.
IF 1 or both RSO's in Leadore are involved in any way, I'm sure they never thought they would be suspected.
Especially the female. Her problem is being too vocal and a little too pushy in her insistence that no one would want to drive up that horrible road.
Sometimes bits of the truth are homegrown, right there under everyone's nose.
LE verified they know who spread the cremains.
Either it is a wild goose chase or a dead ringer. We shall see.

Totally Twin Peaks creepy when she asks "I think he'd have been found, don't you?" at 1:10.
I apologize I wasn't more clear on my first posting of this. I tried to delete it but was too late so I posted another with more details about who I contacted. It was the localnews8 reporter. I'm thinking we should contact Nancy Grace as well! She'd have a hay day with all of this! JMO Lol.

Please do! Tell her she needs to mention the Websleuths gang too! LOL
Gosh, now I'm tempted to see what RSO live near me....I'm afraid to look!

I always check. I also check before my grown kids move anywhere, and my sister who has a 3 year-old. She almost bought a house one house away from a convicted child molester. The registries don't help if someone has never been convicted, but why not take advantage of the information that is out there? Better to know and be careful than assume all is well. Actually, better to be careful all the time. Knowing there is a convicted RSO nearby just keeps you on your toes.
Please keep in mind that the PI works for the family. He was hired by them. He has also not produced any evidence pointing towards an abduction.
That there was someone looking at Deorr and it made Jessica uncomfortable. I don't buy that it happened. why is this coming out right after the RSO relegation? Why did it take a month for this piece of info to be released? It seems to be trying to make people think that this strange man abducted Deorr.
I agree 100%. Easy to monitor SM and make this story up. PI huh?? Wonder who's side he is on? Maybe the people who pay him!!!
[h=1]KUNZ FAMILY INVESTIGATOR: EVERYTHING POINTS TO AN ABDUCTION[/h][h=4]LOCAL[/h] 0 Updated at 4:08 pm, August 11th, 2015 By: Nate Eaton, EastIdahoNews.comSHARE THIS STORY

[h=3]DeOrr Kunz Jr. National Tip Hotline[/h](888) 852-6505

IDAHO FALLS – The family of missing Idaho Falls toddler DeOrr Kunz Jr. is working with a private investigator to help find their son.
Frank Vilt, a retired U.S. Marshal with years of law enforcement experience, said he’s been conducting his own investigation into DeOrr’s disappearance and he believes the two-year-old was kidnapped.
“I feel that he was abducted,” Vilt said in an interview with Tuesday. “Everything points to an abduction.”
Vilt speaks daily with DeOrr’s parents, DeOrr Kunz Sr. and Jessica Mitchell. He said the couple has cooperated fully with law enforcement.
“I’ve talked to Lemhi County deputies and I’ve talked to Bonneville County,” Vilt said. “The parents are being very forthright and have nothing to hide.”
Vilt has visited the Leadore campground where DeOrr was last seen. He’s also spoken with folks who live near the area and says he shares his tips with law enforcement. Just days ago he learned something he believes may be useful in the case.
“When [the family] went into town the morning after they arrived, they picked a few groceries up and bought some French fries for DeOrr Jr.,” Vilt said. “There was a man who was staring at DeOrr and this made Jessica feel kind of eery. I’m looking into it.”
Vilt says he has interviewed people registered on the sex offender list who live in Lemhi County and, according to him, all of them were cleared.
The private investigator has set up a national phone tip-line in hopes of finding DeOrr. The public is asked to call (888) 852-6505 with any information on his disappearance.
“I honestly believe in my heart of hearts that these are grieving parents and I want to hope that they feel like I feel, that somebody out there knows something,” Vilt said.
This was worth watching. It confirms the following:

The family arrived Thursday night.
Great Grandpa is on oxygen.
The RSO's in Lemhi have been cleared.
This PI knows DeOrr Sr personally.

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So the private investigator hired by the family says their child was abducted?

He states: "I feel he was abducted". "Everything points to a abduction".


"Everything lends to the theory it could've been a abduction"

I have to ask how it is possible a month later that two fundamental points can be changed...time of arrival and Jessica witnessing a man staring at Deorr?

It also doesn't inspire confidence if it is true that local LE have handed the whole investigation over to the FBI. Suggests they have done all they can and are stumped?
New news story ...

“When [the family] went into town the morning after they arrived, they picked a few groceries up and bought some French fries for DeOrr Jr.,” Vilt said. “There was a man who was staring at DeOrr and this made Jessica feel kind of eery. I’m looking into it.”

I'm confused about the timeline. Didn't they arrive Friday afternoon, and he disappeared shortly thereafter? Was the initial timeline wrong?

I don't believe JM and DK ever said when exactly they arrived at the campsite. It was implied to be Friday, but a commenter on a MSM's facebook page said they arrived on Thursday night around 9:30 pm.
Would be very interesting to find out if she (illegally) dumped the cremains in the midst of the search. She said in her interview that they provided food for the searchers, so it's possible she drove to the campsite for that purpose.

The laws are confusing.
I found a couple of sites and a permit would be needed:
b) The scattering of human ashes from cremation is prohibited, except pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit, or in designated areas according to conditions which may be established by the Board.
(c) Failure to abide by area designations and established conditions is prohibited.
(d) Violation of the terms and conditions of a permit issued in accordance with this section is prohibited and may result in the suspension or revocation of the permit.
Scattering ashes on federal land. Officially, you should request permission before scattering ashes on federal land. As with local or state land, however, you will probably encounter no resistance if you conduct the scattering ceremony quietly and keep the ashes well away from trails, roads, facilities, and waterways. You can find guidelines for scattering ashes on the websites for some national parks. For more information, begin your search at the website of the National Park Service.

The Clean Water Act also governs scattering in inland waters such as rivers or lakes. For inland water burial, you may be legally required to obtain a permit from the state agency that manages the waterway.
Don't worry, you would have to be a pedophile store clerk interviewed about the search to fall under scrutiny! Or an RSO whose temp address is at the rangers station. Not really random, per se.

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Maybe not random, but really? Just because someone is an RSO doesn't make them free fodder for accusations about every situation which occurs in their general vicinity.

And the ranger, who we don't even know was or was not aware or involved in where the male RSO lives/works and already people were accusing him of being in cahoots with the male RSO?!?!?!

Really more intrusive than I expect from WS posters.

He gave an address. Do we ACTUALLY know more than that? Are we just assuming A LOT about this person?

Just because someone is an RSO.

My point was that if I live near or work with an RSO, that doesn't make it okay to accuse me! Just like the ranger here.

People are getting a bit overzealous and crossing boundaries, IMO. I'm not talking TOS just general kind humanity and respect.
so, after 4 weeks of the parents worrying about what the media was going to say even the PI says to use the social media.. any media to get the word and photo out there (paraphrasing but listen to the interview) IMO, valuable time has been lost.. this is going no where unless TV picks this up and runs with it. Tip line after 4 weeks? Should have been a tip line immediately.. FBI after 3 weeks? Again.. why wasnt a simple tip line set up by the FBI? Maybe the clue is in the delay.. i dunno.. JMO
I'm posting the Timeline that I've put together and added the latest updates. Please NOTE - all times are approximate (~), only REAL time is the 911 call by JM.

Timeline for DeOrr Kunz, Jr. disappearance:

Friday, July 10, 2015:
DeOrr Kunz Jr, his father (DeOrr Kunz Sr.), mother (Jessica Mitchell), great-grandfather, and a family friend (IR – won’t post his full name) travel 120 miles from Idaho Falls to Timber Creek Campground in Leadore.

The campsite is remote and takes around two and a half hours to drive to from Idaho Falls. Say they arrive at about 11am – need to get a few more supplies; family leaves about (NOTE: these are “approximate” times – not set in stone! That’s why there is a “~” before each time, except 911 call.)

~11:00am – Arrive at campgound Friday (msm)
~11:30am – leave for store – per Google maps it’s a 40 minutes drive (one way) on a gravel road – 8 miles away (TV Interview: Went down to the store (Stage Stop) as a family earlier in the day (DK)) (Per WS member fishing_idaho: I live in the area and worked up that drainage many times. You’re absolutely correct about the time it takes to drive on that road. It is very rough but if you have a truck that you don’t mind abusing a little (and good tires) you can make it up there in 20 to 25 minutes or possibly even quicker if you really pushed it. It's a bad road, but for anyone who has experience driving rocky dirt roads, it's not that bad. If you're good at avoiding the rock clusters you can maintain a pretty good pace driving up there and not even abuse your truck that much. The website estimates for travel time are way off. At posts #747 & 741) Update August 11, 2015: IDAHO FALLS – The family of missing Idaho Falls toddler DeOrr Kunz Jr. is working with a private investigator to help find their son. Frank Vilt, a retired U.S. Marshal with years of law enforcement experience, said he’s been conducting his own investigation into DeOrr’s disappearance and he believes the two-year-old was kidnapped. “When [the family] went into town the morning after they arrived, they picked a few groceries up and bought some French fries for DeOrr Jr.,” Vilt said. “There was a man who was staring at DeOrr and this made Jessica feel kind of eerie. I’m looking into it.” Vilt says he has interviewed people registered on the sex offender list who live in Lemhi County and, according to him, all of them were cleared. (source:
~12:00 - ~12:10pm – arrive at store – stay approximately 5 to 10 minutes
~12:20pm – leave store – back to campgrounds; (per JM’s mother, JM texts her at 12:38pm as they are leaving the store.)
~1:00pm - ~1:10pm – arrive at campgrounds / start setting up tents, etc. (TV Interview: Haven't left the campsite since 1 pm (DK))
~2:00pm – time for Doer’s nap – placed with G-GP by the campfire; parents go exploring (TV Interview: Went off to explore - close to 2 pm (DK))
~2:10pm – parents back – DeOrr missing… (Source: post# 637) (TV Interview: Went 50 yards and 10 minutes from time last seen til realized missing (DK) and Gone for 10 minutes (JM))
~2:10pm to 2:27pm – search for DeOrr. (TV Interview: searched about 20 minutes before calling 911 (DK))
2:28 pm {Time-Stamped} - DeOrr’s mother, Jessica Mitchell, calls 911 and reports her son missing. Father goes ½ mile down road to get cell service, and calls 911, but mother has already reported in missing. (source: post# 624 and see post# 1144 of “who” was camping) (TV Interview: 2:28 911 call - said he's been missing an hour (JM) and Hauled down the road to get better cell reception (DK))
~4:00pm – (approx. time) - Search crews arrive and begin to look for the toddler.

Saturday, July 11:
Searchers look on horseback, ATVs, foot, and in water for DeOrr. They focus on a two and a half mile radius around the campground. One area of concern is a creek about 40 meters away from the campsite. The area is searched numerous times.

Sunday. July 12:
The Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office reports nearly 200 volunteers show up to look for DeOrr. His grandmother (JM’s mother) tells EastIdahoNews it appears the two-year-old “just vanished.” Volunteer search efforts are suspended but deputies say trained professionals will continue to look for the boy.

Monday, July 13:
TV interview, Deorr’s parents explain what happened the previous Friday afternoon. They say they no longer believe he’s lost but think someone may have abducted their son and make a plea for his safe return.
That evening around 200 people gather in Idaho Falls for a candlelight vigil.

Tuesday and Wednesday, July 14 & 15:
Search efforts continue near the campground. Dive crews focus on the Stone Reservoir located about a quarter of a mile from where the family was camping. Deorr’s parents remain camped near the site as deputies search the creek once again and determine DeOrr is not there.

Thursday, July 16:
A representative from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children arrives in Leadore. Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn D. Bowerman posts an update on Facebook clarifying remarks on the search. National media are now covering the story.

Friday, July 17:
The Bonneville County Sheriff’s dive team is called in to help search the reservoir. Divers use a sonar robot to assist in foggy waters. Crews on horseback return to the hills near the campground.

Saturday, July 18:
It’s Deorr’s father’s birthday. He spends the day camped yards away from where his son disappeared. Sheriff searches continue.

Sunday, July 19:
It’s been 10 days since DeOrr was last seen and the campground has been searched a dozen times; still search the Stone Reservoir and the creek. No evidence has been found to “where” DeOrr may be.

Quotes from Monday, July 20th -
What happened during the 20 to 45 minutes the child was alone is a mystery to authorities, said Bowerman, who noted "all possibilities" are being investigated.

"I don't look at them as suspects at this point in time," the sheriff noted.

Bowerman, however, said he's not convinced of an abduction, noting that no other campers were seen or heard in the area at the time of the disappearance.

"We don't have any evidence that somebody kidnapped this child," he said.

"We've literally torn that country apart and found absolutely not one clue." - Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman
Lemhi County sheriff's officials said via their Facebook page, "After 10 days of searching, diving, and scouring the hillsides, the Sheriff's Office has decided to redirect the investigation."

Quotes from Tuesday, July 21st -
Sheriff Bowerman also confirmed that drones are being brought to the Timber Creek/ Stone Reservoir area but doesn't believe they will be used in the search. Instead the drones will be used to document the area for evidence if a trial in connection to DeOrr's disappearance is ever convened.

The sheriff also stated that at this time he does not consider the parents to be suspects in the child's disappearance. He confirmed they did take a polygraph test but didn't know when or if the results of the test would be released to the public.

Sheriff Bowerman also confirmed that drones are being brought to the Timber Creek/ Stone Reservoir area but doesn't believe they will be used in the search. Instead the drones will be used to document the area for evidence if a trial in connection to DeOrr's disappearance is ever convened.

More Quotes from Tuesday, July 21st –
Despite intense efforts by searchers with tracking dogs on the ground and divers in the water, investigators have found no trace of the toddler, who disappeared during a family camping trip on July 10.

After more than a week of searching Stone Reservoir, Penner said he feels confident that they will not find the boy there, but says they still plan to keep checking it daily.

Detectives have re-interviewed everyone who was in the Stone Reservoir and Timber Creek areas the day DeOrr went missing. In addition to Twin Falls County, the Bonneville County Sheriff's Office has also been asked to help with the investigation.

Friday. July 24th -
Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman says the department has not ruled out foul play.

Sunday, July 26th - Twin Falls County deputies are headed to Lemhi County to help in the search for a missing toddler. Deputies are helping to look for 2 year old toddler DeOrr Kunz Jr., who went missing while camping with family near Salmon, Idaho. Twin Falls County Sheriff Tom Carter sent Chief Deputy Don Newman, Lt. Daron Brown, Sgt. Dave Benefiel, and Deputy Jake Benson. They left last Wednesday, and took with them two drones, a Razor, and two 4-wheelers to use in the search. (source:

Monday, July 27th - The Twin Falls County Sheriff's Office is assisting with our high tech drone technology as there is difficult terrain in this area that is virtually impossible to access by foot. The Lemhi County Sheriffs Office requested our assistance with their search efforts. We value the opportunity to serve the community where we live, and hope that we are able to provide the assistance that will help bring this search to an end. We like so many others pray for a positive outcome. We will keep you up to date. To answer a previous question, yes our guys left last Wednesday. We will let you all know how things turn out with regard to our involvement in this search. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! (source:

Friday, July 31st - Lemhi County Sheriff Lynn Bowerman says he's convinced an Idaho toddler missing for three weeks was not abducted. . . Bowerman said he's unable to rule out the possibility. The sheriff also said on Friday that the FBI is sending a team of investigators to assist the Lemhi County Sheriff's office who will be checking the sheriff's office interviews and may re-interview some people to make sure deputies didn't miss anything. (Source: DeOrr’s parents confirm they have been in contact with the FBI and, according to Kunz, investigators have searched their house and vehicles. But no date listed for this search (Source:

Sunday, August 2nd - SALMON, Idaho -- The FBI is now involved in the search for a missing eastern Idaho toddler, according to the boy's grandfather. . . DeOrr Kunz, who shares a name with his missing grandson, tells KTVB that FBI agents have been in contact with family members and are now helping investigators search for the two-year-old. . . Sunday, family and friends were back searching near the campsite where the toddler went missing on July 10. (source:

Monday, August 10 – One month mark of the search DeOrr Kunz Jr.: LEADORE, Idaho – Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office has been assisted by the FBI over the past month to find 2-year-old DeOrr Kunz, Jr. Dogs, divers, searchers on foot, drones and a heat-seeking helicopter are just a few of the resources being used in this search… These have been efforts to bring in another volunteer search, but locals in Leadore believe search time needs to be spent somewhere else. As of right now the Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office will continue with search plans assisted by the FBI. (source:

Tuesday, August 11 – IDAHO FALLS – A national phone hotline has been set up to receive tips in connection to the disappearance of Idaho Falls toddler DeOrr Kunz, Jr…. Frank Vilt, a former U.S. Marshal and private investigator working with the family tells that the public cal call 1-888-852-6505 and submit tips regarding the case. (source:

Tuesday, August 11 - Sheriff: Evidence for missing toddler DeOrr Kunz turned over to FBI
By KBOI Web Staff Published: Aug 11, 2015

"Bowerman said Tuesday that everything has been turned over to the FBI, which includes interviews, recordings and physical evidence. The FBI told the Lemhi County Sheriff's Office that it could be at least six weeks before it receives any information back from federal investigators." (source:

Above timeline from:
For 911 call and parents interview see:
And adding to my own thoughts -- I wonder if they have video of this guy? That would be a HUGE lead.
So when they went to the store in Leadore the 'morning after they arrived' (Fri) and bought fries for DeOrr Jr, did they get them at the Stage Stop or at the Cafe? Anyone want to call and ask if they sell fries at the Stage Stop? From my understanding they do not have video there. But if it was at the Cafe (250 feet from the SS) then maybe they have cameras.

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The laws are confusing.
I found a couple of sites and a permit would be needed:
b) The scattering of human ashes from cremation is prohibited, except pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit, or in designated areas according to conditions which may be established by the Board.
(c) Failure to abide by area designations and established conditions is prohibited.
(d) Violation of the terms and conditions of a permit issued in accordance with this section is prohibited and may result in the suspension or revocation of the permit.
Scattering ashes on federal land. Officially, you should request permission before scattering ashes on federal land. As with local or state land, however, you will probably encounter no resistance if you conduct the scattering ceremony quietly and keep the ashes well away from trails, roads, facilities, and waterways. You can find guidelines for scattering ashes on the websites for some national parks. For more information, begin your search at the website of the National Park Service.

The Clean Water Act also governs scattering in inland waters such as rivers or lakes. For inland water burial, you may be legally required to obtain a permit from the state agency that manages the waterway.


Thank you for this. Seems like common sense to me.
Ok I'm reading posts to catch up and people are naming cases where an RSO abducted and killed a child. Some examples given were Samantha runnion and a killer named Wesley Dodd and Adam Walsh. Samantha's killer was acquitted of child molestation...he was not an RSO. I'm also pretty sure that Dodd abducted Lee in 1989 before the sex offender list existed. Same for Adam Walsh.

With the hysteria surrounding RSO, I would have expected us to be able to name 25 victims in 2015 alone.

You're right - Samantha's killer was not a RSO although IMO he should have been.
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