ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #7

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Does anyone know how far these little cabins/fire-lookouts (whatever they are called) are from Deorr's campsite?

I find it odd that all of a sudden they are saying they bought French fries and a man was looking at Deorr. That has never been said before. Wouldn't that have been in the interview?

I keep seeing "IIRC", what does that mean?

Thanks so much!
I called the P.I. He is not a current LEO but is working with them. He said LE was aware of the RSOs and had checked them out and doesn't consider them suspects. He said he did, though. He said he personally cleared the parents. He suspects abduction.

He did or does consider the RSO's suspects?

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Does anyone know how far these little cabins/fire-lookouts (whatever they are called) are from Deorr's campsite?

I find it odd that all of a sudden they are saying they bought French fries and a man was looking at Deorr. That has never been said before. Wouldn't that have been in the interview?

I keep seeing "IIRC", what does that mean?

Thanks so much!

If I recall/remember correctly
I always check. I also check before my grown kids move anywhere, and my sister who has a 3 year-old. She almost bought a house one house away from a convicted child molester. The registries don't help if someone has never been convicted, but why not take advantage of the information that is out there? Better to know and be careful than assume all is well. Actually, better to be careful all the time. Knowing there is a convicted RSO nearby just keeps you on your toes.

I looked....5 in my town..population about 1000. Yuck.
Has anyone here ever hired a PI? Do you have any idea how expensive they are? The answer is VERY..
Maybe not random, but really? Just because someone is an RSO doesn't make them free fodder for accusations about every situation which occurs in their general vicinity.

And the ranger, who we don't even know was or was not aware or involved in where the male RSO lives/works and already people were accusing him of being in cahoots with the male RSO?!?!?!

Really more intrusive than I expect from WS posters.

He gave an address. Do we ACTUALLY know more than that? Are we just assuming A LOT about this person?

Just because someone is an RSO.

My point was that if I live near or work with an RSO, that doesn't make it okay to accuse me! Just like the ranger here.

People are getting a bit overzealous and crossing boundaries, IMO. I'm not talking TOS just general kind humanity and respect.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but when someone sexually assaults a child, s/he should expect to be suspected whenever a child is assaulted or goes missing in his/her general vicinity for the rest of his/her life. Pedophiles have been shown to have a very high recidivism rate and with very few exceptions cannot be rehabilitated. I doubt the RSOs in this case are monitoring our WS chat, so they will not be harmed by our sleuthing/speculation. If our efforts help LE find out what happened to little DeOrr, I'm okay with the RSOs in question having their whereabouts questioned around the time of his disappearance. When a pedophile molests a child, s/he kills the person that child would have grown up to be, even if the child is left alive. No jail sentence can ever repair the damage done.
This was worth watching. It confirms the following:

The family arrived Thursday night.
Great Grandpa is on oxygen.
The RSO's in Lemhi have been cleared.
This PI knows DeOrr Sr personally.

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re bold - in the text it says:
“When [the family] went into town the morning after they arrived,
Friday morning after they arrived? I can't see the video, so does the PI actually say THURSDAY night they arrived??

I've been on this thread off and on today but suddenly I'm lost. What ranger is everyone talking about?
It really needs to be cleared up what time/place they arrived. *IF* Thursday evening for example, was it at Timber Creek Campground or somewhere else nearby? And then went on to Timber Creek Campground at 11:00AM the next day?
I've been on this thread off and on today but suddenly I'm lost. What <modsnip> is everyone talking about?

There's a male ISO in leadore.. And his address is listed as on the Ranger Road. <modsnip> That is what his address is listed as on the RSO website. As far as I know everything else is just jumping to conclusions. please correct me if I'm wrong.
So, based on the detective's comments, is it safe to say that they did in fact drive up to the campground on Thursday? They then slept at the campground Thursday night and on Friday morning-ish, they drove into Leadore (although they kept saying Lemhi in the video) and stopped somewhere (is the Silver Dollar the only restaurant in Leadore?) to get french fries for Deorr. I assume that they then went to the Stage Stop for some supplies and then headed back to the campground. So, in theory, there should be some witnesses to all that activity and also receipts, etc. for purchases in Leadore. It's strange that none of that has been released before now.
I get that there will be, and should be, but <modsnip> Assumptions can be damaging and I see way more conclusion jumping than facts to support the jumping.

<modsnip> The RSO's address is listed on Ranger Street in Leadore.

Missed your next post, I guess people on here are just trying to put 2 and 2 together. Bouncing ideas around. I don't think it's conspiracies. We all want the beautiful baby found.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but when someone sexually assaults a child, s/he should expect to be suspected whenever a child is assaulted or goes missing in his/her general vicinity for the rest of his/her life. Pedophiles have been shown to have a very high recidivism rate and with very few exceptions cannot be rehabilitated. I doubt the RSOs in this case are monitoring our WS chat, so they will not be harmed by our sleuthing/speculation. If our efforts help LE find out what happened to little DeOrr, I'm okay with the RSOs in question having their whereabouts questioned around the time of his disappearance. When a pedophile molests a child, s/he kills the person that child would have grown up to be, even if the child is left alive. No jail sentence can ever repair the damage done.
Thank you rkf, perfectly said as always!!! I AGREE
People, there is "not" <modsnip>involved in this that we know. The rso was living on ranger road or something like that. People were "speculating" <modsnip>. There is no solid info. at all. He could have been renting one of those little /cabin fire lookouts (whatever they are called). We don't know. There is a male rso living in Leadore somewhere but we don't know <modsnip> do we? Maybe I missed something.
re bold - in the text it says:
&#8220;When [the family] went into town the morning after they arrived,
Friday morning after they arrived? I can't see the video, so does the PI actually say THURSDAY night they arrived??


Well when else would it be? We know for a fact that he went missing Friday afternoon. But I am starting to feel like that is one of the only facts we even have for sure.

Unless they arrived even earlier in the week, which I suppose is possible. And people do change camping spots. Sometimes one doesn't have a great view or is too close to noisy partiers or has another problem. But this is all speculation on my part. I feel like I'm on shifting ground here, though, that's a fact.
So, based on the detective's comments, is it safe to say that they did in fact drive up to the campground on Thursday? They then slept at the campground Thursday night and on Friday morning-ish, they drove into Leadore (although they kept saying Lemhi in the video) and stopped somewhere (is the Silver Dollar the only restaurant in Leadore?) to get french fries for Deorr. I assume that they then went to the Stage Stop for some supplies and then headed back to the campground. So, in theory, there should be some witnesses to all that activity and also receipts, etc. for purchases in Leadore. It's strange that none of that has been released before now.

I agree. Also strange that DK and JM (IIRC) gave the impression that they arrived in town on Friday. Why would they want us to think that if it wasn't true? Related to one of the parents' work schedules?
Who is a accusing the ranger? The RSO being talked about has a current address listed as the campground. The SLEUTHING being done was to determine if he works there or camps there. His address is in the vicinity of a missing child. For as long as I can remember, without names, we have been sleuthing RSOs in many cases.

I also think its extreme that people are offended by websleuthers sleuthing.

I also think that if a pedophile chooses to insert her opinions on msm in a missing child's case SHE is open for sleuthing as well.

I get that there will be, and should be, but accusing the ranger when we don't even know why his address was listed like that??? We don't even know if the ranger KNEW the RSO. Assumptions can be damaging and I see way more conclusion jumping than facts to support the jumping.

There is no ranger being accused of anything.

The male RSO has the Leadore Ranger Station address listed as his temporary address on the SOR. The Leadore Ranger Station is a place, not a person. It is probably like the local government department for the Salmon-Challis National Forest.

Nowhere does it say that the male RSO is a ranger or lives with or near a ranger. We do not know why the address of the ranger station is being used.
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