ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #7

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I might get it better now but I'm still not loving the "hey this person's an RSO. There's NO indication or evidence that they had anything to do with anything, as we don't even know if there's a crime here, but let's just go ahead and draw conclusions that there's a cremains-dumping RSO selling French fries down the road from pedophile-enabling rangers". I'm not telling people how to post, just expressing my opinion.

There was some conclusion-jumping (and possible mis-reading) by some people, I agree. All we know is there are 2 RSOs, both with convictions for child molestation, who live in Leadore -- the female RSO owns the bar/café, the male has a summer address that matches with the Ranger Station. The female's mom died in late June in Leadore.

"As far as I know" that is all we know.
My understanding is that this was an ABANDONED OLD UNUSED ranger station and the 2 cabins and lookout station are available to rent. It is located on Ranger rd. Correct me if I am wrong but there IS NO RANGER. Any RSO listed as living on ranger rd is a renter not an employee of the park service. jmo

How far would those two cabins be from where DeOrr and his family were camping?
He said that LE doesn't consider them possible suspects but he does.
So even though the rso's have been cleared, the PI still considers them suspects. Interesting.

Eta: in his video he states they have been cleared.

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Oh my!! I gave myself a time-out after learning of the tragic death of Jerold. I needed time to clear my head before resuming the following of little DeOrr.

I come back after less than a day and it was KABOOM! I've only just caught up.

Im still confused, they bought French fries for DeOrr. I thought it was candy. I don't know anymore.

While I have no sympathy for RSO's, even though I have read all the postings (albeit very quickly), I hope they aren't being targeted because at this point they're all we have, since family is off limits here and they are not considered suspects by LE. If there is a connection then go gettem.

That little guy is in my heart and thoughts every day.
There was some conclusion-jumping (and possible mis-reading) by some people, I agree. All we know is there are 2 RSOs, both with convictions for child molestation, who live in Leadore -- the female RSO owns the bar/café, the male has a summer address that matches with the Ranger Station. The female's mom died in late June in Leadore.

"As far as I know" that is all we know.

So the two RSOs living in and around the area of where the child went missing would fall under the TOS guidelines per Bessie's post #257 (2nd paragraph) if I'm reading it correctly. Please let me know if I'm wrong.
He states: "I feel he was abducted". "Everything points to a abduction".


"Everything lends to the theory it could've been a abduction"

I have to ask how it is possible a month later that two fundamental points can be changed...time of arrival and Jessica witnessing a man staring at Deorr?

It also doesn't inspire confidence if it is true that local LE have handed the whole investigation over to the FBI. Suggests they have done all they can and are stumped?

I spoke with the PI about an hour ago. I think this may be a pro bono case for him. I made the remark I couldn't understand why LE wouldn't consider it being an abduction, "His reply was, I don't know either, that's why I stepped in to help them." I offered to help in anyway that I could and sent the published article to him about tracking my daughter. I also sent him the Missing Posters I had made. Nice guy...I think this is pro-bono work for him. He said he would be talking with the family tonight. We'll see. He also stated there was absolutely no reason NOT to network. So anybody got the number of the 18 Wheel Angels?

BTW: I had read somewhere...or seen somewhere very early into the investigation, that they indeed arrived late on Thursday night. It might have been from one of the grandmothers or a news guy. I'm not sure where.

I might get it better now but I'm still not loving the "hey this person's an RSO. There's NO indication or evidence that they had anything to do with anything, as we don't even know if there's a crime here, but let's just go ahead and draw conclusions that there's a cremains-dumping RSO selling French fries down the road from pedophile-enabling rangers". I'm not telling people how to post, just expressing my opinion.

There are two RSOs in Leadore. One of them just happened to do a tv interview about this case. The other one lists his address as the same as the local National Forest Ranger Station. Both live near the campground (in Leadore, which is about 10 miles away). Those are simply interesting coincidences.

As far as we know, the female RSO is not the Stage Stop clerk. The female RSO who was interviewed owns a bar/restaurant nearby. Those are two different establishments.
There are two RSOs in Leadore. One of them just happened to do a tv interview about this case. The other one lists his address as the same as the local National Forest Ranger Station. Both live near the campground (in Leadore, which is about 10 miles away). Those are simply interesting coincidences.

As far as we know, the female RSO is not the Stage Stop clerk. The female RSO who was interviewed owns a bar/restaurant nearby. Those are two different establishments.
Yes, coincidentally two people in a town of a hundred live or work near other things. It's a small town, isn't everything near everything else?

I do appreciate the clarification. Thank you.

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We really need a transcript of the PI's interview. It was very interesting & sheds light on some answers on some important questions. I just couldn't hear / understand everything he was saying.
They are two registered sex offenders that live in a small town.
Both committed sexual crimes against children.
To me this doesn't make them just 2 people living near
other things in close proximity.
This should and in fact does cast some suspicion on them.
eta: iirc one of them (can't remember which one) committed a forcible act on a child 12 yrs of age or younger, not some kind of teenage in love w/an older guy type thing)
BTW: I had read somewhere...or seen somewhere very early into the investigation, that they indeed arrived late on Thursday night. It might have been from one of the grandmothers or a news guy. I'm not sure where.

It was on SM from Jessica's mom (or someone using her FB acct).
Different road/campground/state.

Wrong case altogether. Thanks for calling it to my attention. I deleted my post to not add any MORE confusion to an already confusing case. Obviously this is the road in Little Jerold's case. God Bless him!
Yes, coincidentally two people in a town of a hundred live or work near other things. It's a small town, isn't everything near everything else?

I do appreciate the clarification. Thank you.

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Yes, it IS a very small town.

I'd actually looked into the SOR very early on and noticed she was the only RSO in Leadore. I even mentioned it back when we were first looking at the Stage Stop, just within the context of what a small town it was (something like how there was just one restaurant in town, and how it was owned by the only RSO in town).

It wasn't until she did a TV interview about DeOrr missing that I thought her status was worth mentioning. I watched the interview last night and immediately remembered where I had seen her before.
I agree!! I'm always thrown off too by people being offended by people sleuthing. It's the entire point of this website IMO. If people just want to follow the case, use the media. If you want to show support for the family or pray - there used to be threads here just for that. Or you can start a fb group or something. This website is to sleuth various scenarios within reason to figure out what happened. RSO's are definitely within reason IMO.

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Thank you for saying this ~ well said!

I might get it better now but I'm still not loving the "hey this person's an RSO. There's NO indication or evidence that they had anything to do with anything, as we don't even know if there's a crime here, but let's just go ahead and draw conclusions that there's a cremains-dumping RSO selling French fries down the road from pedophile-enabling rangers". I'm not telling people how to post, just expressing my opinion.

I can only speak for myself, but I only understood that there was an RSO who registered his address as the ranger station. I, in NO way, thought that meant he was <modnsip>. In fact, that seems outlandish. (I was thinking temp summer job.)

We know that sex offenders of minors have a very hard time ever stopping. But most aren't jailed for life or even have to wear an ankle bracelet for life. IMO, the price they pay for that freedom is that they automatically fall under suspicion when harm comes to children in their current vicinity--or, shoot, if they decide to give a local voice to the search of a missing child, weighing in on the mindset of a child abductor.

God knows what's happened here. But IMO, these two don't get the "random bystander" pass.

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Maybe not random, but really? Just because someone is an RSO doesn't make them free fodder for accusations about every situation which occurs in their general vicinity.


Really more intrusive than I expect from WS posters.

He gave an address. Do we ACTUALLY know more than that? Are we just assuming A LOT about this person?

Just because someone is an RSO.


People are getting a bit overzealous and crossing boundaries, IMO. I'm not talking TOS just general kind humanity and respect.

With all due respect flourish, I agree that due caution for boundaries is normally best. I do not agree that a RSO with a criminal history and convictions of violence against children should be allowed "general kind humanity and respect" in any manner. "Just because someone is an RSO" means they have crossed the line between where the rest of the world exists in human kindness into a zone that most of us cannot fathom the horror of. For that reason, they need and deserve to be observed and evaluated. Protecting the children is primary. I am not saying that the RSO in this situation are responsible for anything. I definitely hope they are looked at with a fine tooth comb and if that means fluffing their feathers so be it. Cannot for the life of me imagine that anyone in the RSO list would go on the NEWS and be interviewed unless they expected to call attention to themselves. Well, maybe it worked. JMO.
I am so confused. Starting around 7:45, this is the conversation:

PI: As an example, we're trying to find a lead at the Stage Stop. Uh, when they went into town, uh, the morning after they arrived to pick a few groceries up, they bought some french fries for Deorr Jr. and there was a man who was staring at this little boy. And this made Jessica feel kind of eerie that this old man was staring at the boy. That's unusual. But we haven't found who this person is yet.

NE: And this was up in Lemhi?
PI: Yes up in Lemhi.
NE: They stopped for french fries
PI: Yes
NE: And there was an old man staring at their child
PI: Just staring at their child

So, now they were at the Stage Stop the morning after they arrived and were buying french fries and not candy? This contradicts everything we've been told: their date of arrival at the campground, the timing of their trip to the store, and also what they bought for Deorr (french fries instead of candy). The other thing that is very strange is that they keep saying Lemhi, when I think they mean Leadore. There is a town called Lemhi but the Stage Stop is in Leadore. Lemhi is up the road about 18 miles from Leadore. They keep saying, "up in Lemhi" so maybe they did go to Lemhi? From the campground, I would say they went "down" to Leadore, not up. I am so confused and I really don't understand why the timeline is totally different from what has been released from day 1.

ETA: I forgot to mention that I am referring to the conversation/interview between Nate Easton and the private investigator that was released today:
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