ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #7

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So did you also notify the authorities/tipline or you told the news reporter and he/she is going to....or both?

Thanks, by the way.

I hope both. I will leave it at that. I'm tired of backspacing and deleting. Lol
I also think you guys need to start emailing this stuff to them. They may not have the talent we have:_}

But we shouldn't inundate them. Too many emails will just annoy and distract them. It is best if one or two people send them organized info. I nominate BeeFriendly! :wink:
Neither of Leadore's 2 RSO's is in custody. Correct.
No one is in custody, though.
Coincidence is possible, but it's more like the perfect storm.
The parents are still considered victims. We have all had our own suspicions. To me, this is a viable avenue of sleuthing.
Who knows why, one day, unlike all the other days, something causes one of these pedophiles to crack?
Could be losing a loved one. Being shunned. Lots of things.
I ask again, why would a RSO even comment/insert themselves into this case?
Were they wanting attention? Something like that I suppose.

I like to think the RSO was interviewed by the reporter at the request of the FBI, unknowingly to the RSO.. Maybe they wanted to see her body language?

I like to think they (FBI/LE) are doing something to find the lil boy..
Originally Posted by wondering25

Yikes, what is being done about it.. does LE know? I hate to ASSume anything. The bottom line is, we cannot solve anything here.. it makes for great online conversation but honestly..who here has ever called in a tip to Idaho? IF you ( everyone here) feel this is a huge bit of info that should be brought to the forefront then call the FBI or the Lemhi Sheriff. Discussing it, wondering about it, theorizing who knows what, is not productive unless you are willing to take your mental packet of info to the authorities. A tip is a tip..Sometimes the most obvious thing has been overlooked thinking someone else surely must be aware of it and KNOWS. JMO

I just notified them. They didn't have a clue about any of this.

bbm: Disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful.

We're going on a month here with a little bitty child missing, and LE hasn't even interviewed known sex offenders who were not just in the area but ON SITE?
I hope both. I will leave it at that. I'm tired of backspacing and deleting. Lol
I'm babysitting 3 grandkids right now who need lunch. Can someone back track and post all of the documented sources in one spot, including the one with the aliases? I need it all compiled together and will be happy to call it in.
IF 1 or both RSO's in Leadore are involved in any way, I'm sure they never thought they would be suspected.
Especially the female. Her problem is being too vocal and a little too pushy in her insistence that no one would want to drive up that horrible road.
Sometimes bits of the truth are homegrown, right there under everyone's nose.
LE verified they know who spread the cremains.
Either it is a wild goose chase or a dead ringer. We shall see.

I guess she is Noone? I mean if she is the one with the cremains then she would be talking about her self..ODD
did you see new article on East Idaho News about hot line #. also mentions PI on case. more info this afternoon.
Marriage Licenses

Idaho State Journal
November 3, 2013 |

POCATELLO -- Marriage licenses recorded with the Bannock County clerk include: Ferrin Kay Bodily, 69, Snowville, Utah, and Janice Bodily, 69, Pocatello.

ETA- Odd that they both have the same last name unless they were previously married to each other.

Could they be the 'elderly couple' camping nearby? Spreading Cremains?

Neither of Leadore's 2 RSO's is in custody. Correct.
No one is in custody, though.
Coincidence is possible, but it's more like the perfect storm.
The parents are still considered victims. We have all had our own suspicions. To me, this is a viable avenue of sleuthing.
Who knows why, one day, unlike all the other days, something causes one of these pedophiles to crack?
Could be losing a loved one. Being shunned. Lots of things.
I ask again, why would a RSO even comment/insert themselves into this case?
Were they wanting attention? Something like that I suppose.

The perfect storm theory is as feasible as any, IMO. And one of my 'most likely' theories has been that someone either overheard the family talking at the store about where they were going and followed them up there, or they were given a lead by another person unknown to us.

The whole cremains event is bizarre and very suspicious, also IMO. Then we have two adults who are RSO right on location, one of which is located at the Leadore Ranger District. How much stranger can it get? That seems like too many coincidences to be a coincidence, JMO.

I was attempting to find something on child molester recidivism statistics but have run out of time. So far all I found is this:

The behavior is highly repetitive, to the point of compulsion, rather than resulting from a lack of judgment.
-Dr. Ann Burges, Dr. Nicholas Groth, et al. in a study of imprisoned offenders.
I live in Idaho too and I've never seen minnows in a fast moving creek. They are usually along the edge of a lake or along river banks where the water is slower. The photos/video I saw of the creek didn't look too hospitable to minnows - it was steep and rocky and the water was moving very fast. I would love to drive up there (it's about 4.5 hours each way...) and look around but my family already thinks I'm crazy. lol I guess I'll leave it to the local police and FBI. I do hope they are as inquisitive and suspicious as this group!

I am wondering if LE has 'anybody' on ice in the local pokey?

In cases like this if they have a suspect they sometimes find a bit of pot or a traffic violation and hold them in jail while they continue their investigation.

Just a random thought.
One of the things I love about WS is how much I learn about various topics through different cases. In this case it's mountain lions and scent dogs. There's been speculation that the cremains were spread to distract the dogs. I've got to admit, while the timing is interesting and I'm curious to know who it was, I'd have never thought to use cremains to distract/attract a dog. Is that a common knowledge thing? Seems like a bit of planning for a supposed crime of opportunity.
I just got off the phone with a reporter at Local News 8 and told him all of this! They had no clue they were interviewing an RSO or that she has 6 or 7 aliases. No idea another male RSO was in the area. They were very grateful for the tip and said they would investigate and pass it on to the authorities.

I'm sorry but that just shocks me that they didn't know. Is it because they are a small newspaper? Do they happen to have an investigative reporter on the news staff?

I am speechless...

Thank you for making them aware. Maybe they will print it and the FBI will read it and we can find who took little DeOrr.
I just got off the phone with a reporter at Local News 8 and told him all of this! They had no clue they were interviewing an RSO or that she has 6 or 7 aliases. No idea another male RSO was in the area. They were very grateful for the tip and said they would investigate and pass it on to the authorities.

Did I misunderstand? I thought you meant that LE new nothing about this, but you were referring to Local News 8, not LE, right? Maybe I'll go back and delete that last post.

ETA: Deleted :)

RB (alias for RC) was originally charged with Rape of a Child in the First Degree - (1) A person is guilty of rape of a child in the first degree when the person has sexual intercourse with another who is less than twelve years old and not married to the perpetrator and the perpetrator is at least twenty-four months older than the victim. (2) Rape of a child in the first degree is a class A felony.

She ended up pleading to a lesser charge of Child Molestation in the First Degree.
I called the P.I. He is not a current LEO but is working with them. He said LE was aware of the RSOs and had checked them out and doesn't consider them suspects. He said he did, though. He said he personally cleared the parents. He suspects abduction.

Think he'd be interested in signing up here and clearing up some of the confusion and rumors?
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