Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #47

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So I’ve read the new documents. And I’m learning here that facts rule emotion.
This woman was sick and evil far before she met CD. So evil. And Tylee and JJ experienced hell on Earth. This began long before CD.
And CD started long before LVD.
Nevermind the AC factor.
Christ. I seriously need a shower after this.
I am now for the death penalty.
In a previous thread there was a discussion about the possible emancipation of LVD’s children. I have searched and found the posts relating to Tylee. I thought there was also some mention of CR being emancipated as a teenager but can not find the relevant post. Am I remembering this correctly? Can anyone help locate the post/source? TIA
This is an unusual case, in which difficult decisions needed to be made.
LE has been deliberate and methodical with respect to the release of information throughout this investigation.

The documents, which many question whether they should of been released or not, are a testimony to the events as they unfolded over decades and significant for the prosecution of LV. These documents would of become a part of future discovery not only for LV, but as well for CD, and perhaps others not as yet named or charged.

The lies and deceit had to be exposed. Sunshine is usually the greatest disinfectant.
Without these documents, questions would remain. Various versions could of been manipulated by others.

Having said that, great care should be shown as to how they are handled in the future, especially for those directly named.

The story is far from over yet.
I guess the thing for me is, I am surprised he wasn't removed as a detective in this case for conflict of interest.
Just doesn't seem right to me or sit well with me either.

I feel the same way. Any familial connection is usually grounds for dismissal from a case. I suppose we could say Chad is the lead detective's uncle-in-law. Right? Something doesn't sit right with that. JMOO
It is such a conflict, that we here at websleuths are struggling with regarding this release of documents. We are constantly seeking information out of curiosity, justice, sense of closure, whatever. For many cases, not just this one. We read horrific details that we don't really "need" to know and unfortunately it is the same with this case. I think a few days ago, it was proposed that in the soon to be accessed documents there would be a psych eval of Lori. Maybe that is the case, but at the cost of being in context of the children's evaluations. Would we have been so eager to see that if we would have know what else would be exposed to the world?
I think we are going to get over our collective objection to this intrusion fairly quickly, and go back to doing what we always do, which is to pry and demand and be inquisitive. There are already pieces of information coming out that tie certain things together (such as Lori believing she was visited by spirits giving her messages) that to me could help shed light on her beliefs. But was it worth it? I don't know if that is what we should do, just what I think we will do. IMO.

A couple of days back, I was wondering why all of the documents weren't being released on Lori's divorce information. I had no idea when I was asking for such that so much sensitive information was in the docs, e.g. especially children's therapy sessions.

I too am floored that children's psych sessions and what I have thought would be always sealed and private. Yet now, to find unredacted info on kids is now being released.

LVD ‘s voice!
Is that JJ talking in the background?

How can we know when this was really recorded? I do hear presumably JJ in the background. (Absolutely heartbreaking) To whom is he talking? In the MG timeline of visiting LV, when was this? Questions aside, this is a perfect example of how idiots talk. It’s rubbish. Two people babbling nonsense pretending they are so smart... If this is right before JJ’s demise, it sure seems like MG is present a day before or after murders. MG is in neck deep. She stayed at LV’s home a lot before CV was shot; paid a visit to BB’s home right after the attempted murder. I want to say more about the dazed and confused tape, but I should stop rambling.
In a previous thread there was a discussion about the possible emancipation of LVD’s children. I have searched and found the posts relating to Tylee. I thought there was also some mention of CR being emancipated as a teenager but can not find the relevant post. Am I remembering this correctly? Can anyone help locate the post/source? TIA
ETA My initial thoughts were incorrect. It was in relation to the divorce papers - see this post Found Deceased - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #30
Yes, MOO as to her and the murders of JJ and Tylee, but the death by a thousands cuts to CR is more than I can bear. I STAND UP for CR that he did sit next to Kay and Larry, and that he did have his face with his wife by his side during the zoom... and I hope he continues to do such at the next one.

As they say for many cases, when the victims stand up against the one who victimized them, they regain power and only then begins the healing.

It is just awful awful awful that CR is having to go through this outing of private information. I must trust my intuition and belief that Kay and Larry are helping him as I cannot fathom the mental health issues this is pouring on that young man who is starting out his life. And kudos to his wife for supporting and standing by him, and hopefully many many behind the scenes that are sitting on hands and NOT talking to the media that are supporting him and their efforts.

My heart breaks for him.

I think Colby may have experienced some abuse, but not sexually by JR. The team suspected something, but Lori didn't allow them to continue with CR when they did not find evidence to support her claim. I feel for Colby. He has been manipulated by his mom his whole life. But his story changed about the abuse. Sadly, I think CV was also involved in encouraging him to "report". IMO based on the court documents released. IMO CV enabled LVD to do what she did. Little did he know, she would turn on him when she was ready to move on. IMO he was blinded by love.
I am placing names here of people who have died in Lori's world. I am not saying she is responsible:
Sister SC; ex-attorney ET; ex-husband JR; husband CV; CD's wife TD; brother AxC; child TR; child JJV. If she had a hand in these, does this make her a serial killer? Only asking out of curiosity.

I would not believe LVD had anything to do with ET's (her attorney for a brief period) death, except, I do find it interesting that JRs attorney made a comment to the judge that ET made a statement at the hearing before he died. The attorney said ET stated that if they hadn't found anything (in support of the accusation toward JR) after 9 months, they weren't going to. LVDs current attorney at the time objected and said ET would not say that, but the judge tended to believe he probably did. If he said that in front of LVD, well, it is another curious death with strange timing.
How can we know when this was really recorded? I do hear presumably JJ in the background. (Absolutely heartbreaking) To whom is he talking? In the MG timeline of visiting LV, when was this? Questions aside, this is a perfect example of how idiots talk. It’s rubbish. Two people babbling nonsense pretending they are so smart... If this is right before JJ’s demise, it sure seems like MG is present a day before or after murders. MG is in neck deep. She stayed at LV’s home a lot before CV was shot; paid a visit to BB’s home right after the attempted murder. I want to say more about the dazed and confused tape, but I should stop rambling.
We don't know when that podcast was recorded, but it was supposedly aired in the first half of September (you can find the list of episodes online). No episodes with Lori were released after JJ's disappearance.

We already know that MG was present around the day of JJ's murder - it's in the police affidavit. There's no indication so far that she knew about the murder at the time.

If she really stayed in LV's home before CV was killed, then it appears like she was sent away not to witness his murder (IMO).

She went to check on BB's home a few weeks after the murder attempt upon MBP's an AC's request. Allegedly she was not aware of the attempt.
She is totally sharing, as I said, she is going through them now and will be putting pages from the case here on WS. Not all of them, there are over 1700 pages. She is working as we speak on getting them ready to put here. Btw, for everyone, lots of these questions Tricia has been talking about on Youtube the last few days and they are really interesting shows to watch. MOO

I wanted to say that I have been going through the documents. There are 1771 pages, but as in any court case there are duplicate pages. Each time they filed another document, they would attach the original version, so, bottom line, there are many duplicate pages.
I wanted to add a little bit to the Patreon discussion - the ladies at WTAF had originally started releasing watermarked portions of the 1700-1800 (I've seen both numbers referenced, regardless it's a LOT) pages of documents from the LV/JR custody case, abuse allegations cases, etc., last week. They had spent hundreds of dollars (per their report, which I'm not disputing, just noting that I have no idea how much something like that would cost) on accessing these documents. Then people started removing their watermark and posting it around the internet willy-nilly, and that is why we can't have nice things. They are now discussing the documents on their YouTube videos and have opened up a Patreon for access to the full docs in text.

I'm a little torn, I'm interested in reading through the documents, but not $10/month interested, given that it's not clear how quickly or frequently the documents will be released through Patreon. I understand the need to protect their investment, so to say, but it's still a little icky to me for some reason.

There were 1771 pages (many duplicates, as each filing would attach older filings for the court). In my experience, courts will usually charge about a US dollar a page when asking for copies of filings. It might be different depending on location or the type of media, but they have to pay someone to pull those files and make them available, so $1 per page is usually the norm.
I think I'm just starting to see that LV is one of the biggest and most deceptive monsters of all the cases I have ever come across.

No one would be safe from her.

She only knows destruction. People, her children, were all trash to her.

The mystery is how noone close to her saw it.

She fooled everybody, completely. I kind of understand now why it seemed that CR didn't have answers that made a lot of sense, to questions such as LV being able to leave without him knowing where they were going. I think people like LV achieve whatever they want to achieve, through planned distractions, leaving people not having their wits about them in the moment, and then questioning what happened only after she's run out of tricks. Then she leaves. One of her techniques seems to have been love bombing.

MG: "She had this personality that feels like Velcro. She just takes you in and she doesn’t let you go."

AR: "Really fun. Fun to be around, really positive. Full of energy. Full of life. Really nice to me, my boys. Just enveloped us really quickly into her life."

Nanny: "she babied him, as if he could never do no wrong. It felt a little overwhelming the amount of love she was showing him..."

It worked on all those Gilbert and Chandler police officers.

I cannot wait to see her turn on Chad. For the moment she is playing the meek and mild victim in baby blue. She needs time to see what cards he is going to play, but I'm sure there will be a plan, involving seduction, or love bombing, perhaps the jury, or maybe even whoever has the keys to the jail! It must be killing her not to be able to run.


You have described the pattern to a T. I once worked with and ultimately befriended someone so much like LV and, aside from all the deaths, you could be describing that person. Their path of destruction was wrecking marriages and careers, but no deaths.

I agree, I think she will ultimately turn on Chad if necessary - anything to land on her feet. There is already a plan or two already brewing, with options as she rolls along.

All my own opinion.
IMO she is a shape shifter.
Something my grandmother used to talk about..and not in a good way.
Can appear light but is actually the darkest of the dark.

MOO & sage advise

Yes! And the frustrating thing is, some people can see it right away, but the unfortunate others are taken in and ultimately left in the path of destruction.

One of them mentioned they did not like having to go through Patreon and are trying to only have people sign up for 1 month but have not decided all the details yet. They are only trying to recoup costs/expenses according to the spokesperson but did admit there are different level/tiers. The top tier can have access to all docs (which probably would take it's own amount of computer storage space) and lower levels can get access to less info.
Either way, I am thankful for FOIA for cases like this one as it really allows for a more global picture of how the person has functioned in the past and how they are functioning today. It was tragic that LVD did not have her children's records sealed with the court at the time, but I don't think she was truly focused on her kids needs at the time (all my own opinion).

I agree, wenwe4. Even after the evaluations were completed, LV kept putting the accusations in her filings. She wanted to get even with JR, not justice for her children (obviously, because there was probably no justice to be had for them from JR). I will say that LV's lifestyle put CR at risk for abuse, but during the 9 months they evaluated the children, LV refused to cooperate when they questioned her behavior in any way. She completely sucked CV into her vindictive game. Having said that, I think there was something going on with Colby that needed to be addressed, but LV didn't allow the court appointed evaluation team to continue.

I guess my opinion might be tainted. My son's ex was very much like LV. No sexual abuse accusations, but everything else...well, it's a trip down memory lane, complete with a grandchild that is very emotionally messed up because of lies told resulting in false memories. Fortunately, I documented everything so when ready the grandchild can learn the truth. At 21, I still think the truth might be more damaging.

I feel for CR. I see what that kind of mom can do to a child.
A couple of days back, I was wondering why all of the documents weren't being released on Lori's divorce information. I had no idea when I was asking for such that so much sensitive information was in the docs, e.g. especially children's therapy sessions.

I too am floored that children's psych sessions and what I have thought would be always sealed and private. Yet now, to find unredacted info on kids is now being released.

Last fall I was a juror for a medical malpractice suit. The plaintiff was suing her surgeon because she felt he did not meet the standard of care for her cataract removal and treatment of post-operative complications. As a juror, we were warned multiple times about talking to anyone while the case was going on or doing our own research. We were never warned that we could not discuss the case, including the medical records we saw, after the case.

I had a hard time maintaining the open mind required through the duration of the course of the trial (which was seven days.) I didn't particularly care for her hired expert witnesses. However, the worst was something the plaintiff said while testifying in her own behalf for damages incurred. She said she no longer felt comfortable driving her grandchildren, but not that she felt so uncomfortable driving that she quit doing so. So apparently, as long as her grandchildren weren't at risk, everyone else on the road was fair game.

However, what was really damning was problems she was complaining about as being post-surgery were documented on her charts from her ophthalmologist as being things she was complaining about pre-surgery. And we saw those charts, as well as others, over and over again. I could have committed identity fraud with the information we saw on those charts.

We found for the defense after three hours of deliberation.
I think Colby may have experienced some abuse, but not sexually by JR. The team suspected something, but Lori didn't allow them to continue with CR when they did not find evidence to support her claim. I feel for Colby. He has been manipulated by his mom his whole life. But his story changed about the abuse. Sadly, I think CV was also involved in encouraging him to "report". IMO based on the court documents released. IMO CV enabled LVD to do what she did. Little did he know, she would turn on him when she was ready to move on. IMO he was blinded by love.
I agree with you. I think CV was so taken in by Lori that he hopped aboard the crazy bus for awhile and then was shocked when she tossed him and JJ off, then scrambled to take JJ back on board (and the $ that came with him).

CR had mentioned the early years with CV as the happiest and most stable years of his childhood, but he also said CV was intent upon keeping Lori happy, giving her everything she wanted. That - one spouse fully indulging all the selfish desires of the other because that is what keeps her happy and engaged - is not evidence of a good marriage or of a wholesome family; it is the spoiling of its most selfish member regardless of cost to self or to the rest. That CV could afford to do so didn’t make that a wise choice, as is wholly obvious now. MOO.
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