Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #47

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Jason Mow got divorced in 2016 and married to a new wife. One of the many reasons I believe Chad and Lori knew each other earlier than many believe. Could the 7th be ZP? I think she's still totally in this. HS and his wife could still be in this as well. MOO

I have also suspected that Chad and Lori had at least communicated electronically much earlier than we currently know. I believe she was reading his novels maybe as early as 2017. Is it possible that she reached out to CD, as a fan of his books, before the "first" meeting with Melanie Gibb?
Am I reading this correctly? Some of the information contained in the release is 'confidential' under state statute (pages 64 and 65) and is an exemption to disclosure.
"a. State Statutes
The attorney general must interpret numerous confidentiality statutes. Examples of information made confidential by statute include the following noteworthy examples:
 medical records that a physician creates or maintains regarding the identity, diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of a patient;318
 reports, records, and working papers used or developed in an investigation of alleged child abuse or neglect under Family Code chapter 261;319
 certain information relating to the provision of emergency medical services;320
 communications between a patient and a mental health professional and records of the identity, diagnosis, or treatment of a mental health patient created or maintained by a mental health professional;321 and
 certain personal information in a government-operated utility customer’s account records if the customer has requested that the utility keep the information confidential.322"

and also under Common Law Privacy. (pages 68 ad 69)

"(a) Generally Section 552.101 also excepts from required public disclosure information held confidential under case law. Pursuant to the Texas Supreme Court decision in Indus. Found. v. Tex. Indus. Accident Bd., 330 section 552.101 applies to information when its disclosure would constitute the common-law tort of invasion of privacy through the disclosure of private facts. To be within this common-law tort, the information must (1) contain highly intimate or embarrassing facts about a person’s private affairs such that its release would be highly objectionable to a reasonable person and (2) be of no legitimate concern to the public.331 Because much of the information that a governmental body holds is of legitimate concern to the public, the doctrine of common-law privacy frequently will not exempt information that might be considered “private.”"

and further:
"The attorney general has concluded that, with the exception of victims of sexual assault, 333 section 552.101 does not categorically except from required public disclosure, on common-law privacy grounds, the names of crime victims.334"

Is there a Privacy Attorney in the house?

I cannot imagine that there isn't a rule against not only naming a minor with no redactions but also publicly announcing info about potential sexual abuse of the minors as well.

Quite frankly, I am disgusted that redactions weren't made by the purchasers even if there is no law stating they must. Morals and ethics should have kicked in. But that didn't happen because everyone wants to be first with the juicy details.

As far as I am concerned, every child listed in those 1700 pages is a victim and 3 of them are still alive to know that something so private was shared NATIONALLY and potentially worldwide. They were not given a choice whether these documents were brought to light and not redacted. Were they not suffering enough?

I am sickened by this. I will not read those documents and I sure as heck will not pay a dime to re-victimize them. Nice way to kick them while they are down! Classy! I hope those now adult children sue the ever loving everything out of these people who purchased and shared on the internet and sold it to people all while essentially "redacting" their own true names under a screen name here that they said themselves explained in I believe their first post here was to protect THEIR privacy... moo and all that.
In addition to my previous post, I would like to add that every single person other than Lori who is named in that document would normally be considered a victim on WS....

also, bloggers, social media,etc people are not generally considered to be allowable sources such as MSM or Law enforcement.

The rules seem to have changed for some reason. I am definitely curious why.

I understand that these were legal documents and that could be why they are being allowed, BUT redactions should have come before the camera got turned on... just because you can do something doesn't mean you SHOULD... MOO.
I'm just talking possibilities, and I can think of more, but I have no idea who exactly are the magical seven. MOO

These are only my guesses but I feel the "inner circle" would include LV, CD, AC, ZP, MP and IP. For number seven, I'd have to go with MG since she was a buddy, confidant, co-podcaster, etc and was there when LV and CD were lovey-dovey prior to TD's death.

Obviously, we'll learn much more as the cases come to trial and witnesses are cross-examined and as things unfold in this complicated case, there could be some crazy surprises.
I have also suspected that Chad and Lori had at least communicated electronically much earlier than we currently know. I believe she was reading his novels maybe as early as 2017. Is it possible that she reached out to CD, as a fan of his books, before the "first" meeting with Melanie Gibb?
I think we're talking 2015 pretty solidly MOO
These are only my guesses but I feel the "inner circle" would include LV, CD, AC, ZP, MP and IP. For number seven, I'd have to go with MG since she was a buddy, confidant, co-podcaster, etc and was there when LV and CD were lovey-dovey prior to TD's death.

Obviously, we'll learn much more as the cases come to trial and witnesses are cross-examined and as things unfold in this complicated case, there could be some crazy surprises.
I think there are certainly some possibilities for sure
Definitely not seeing the Tony Robbins charisma here, that's for sure!

Can we talk about his shirts for a minute, though? This has been bugging me for a while, because there are so many photos of him wearing clothes similar to the shirt/tie combo in the linked video. Are past-the-elbow short sleeves for men a thing now? Did I miss that trend? I've had this persistent image of CD as an overgrown child in my head for some time, and I am starting to realize the oddly-fitting clothing is driving part of it. The more I look at stuff like this, the harder it is to think of him as this suave, manipulative lothario.
Been away for a few days and catching up but lol at this! You mean to tell me your summer look isn’t the man child in men’s clothes, baggy at the sleeves and hide those elbows? You’re so not on trend :p:D
Actually I think @SleuthD-o-doubleg is probably right, now that I think about it. He's rather pear-shaped; he probably shops at a big and tall store, and ends up getting shirts that fit his girth but not his length/height. LVD temporarily cured him of that, it seems. I imagine his prison jumpsuits will fit OK.
Again, I know I’m late on this, but I needed the laughs you’re dishing out lol
LV should be the poster child for pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside.

This whole story is crazy. It's so easy to see how Lori ended up this way. The family tree of mental illness is sad. It's made me look at my family tree a little closer. I'm not saying I am anything like these people but I can map out my own issues and how they came to be. I can empathize with all the players in this story but I can't sympathize cuz at some point they had choices to make and it seems like they chose the wrong road at every fork in the road. These were choices not just something that happened to them (none of the children including Colby had choices, this is stuff that happened to them) and as adults, they could have changed the outcome.

@Grixote I know this doesn't fully relate to your post, I was using it as a jumping off point.

BBM. When I read this I was really caught off guard as I was catching up. I can imagine no scenario in which I can easily see how LVD turned out in a way that resulted in her participating in the murder and heinous disposal of her children.
How can one “easily” see that? How can one “easily” see how she would turn out to call her children zombies and vacation on a beach in Hawaii knowing they were murdered, desecrated, and disposed of in horrific ways?
Empathy. No. That does not apply here. JMO
I've just finished listening to April Raymond's interview with Nancy Grace. She talks about LV playing down and not celebrating JJ's early milestones when they lived on Kauai. She also talks about Tylee's GED and her health issues, amongst other things.

LV told AR that CV was having an affair but she couldn't tell AR what her name was or anything about her. LV had said CV met her on LinkedIn and LV's proof of the affair was his grocery bills were high when he went out of town.

I think this should link to the correct podcast - (ETA it doesn't, but scroll down to the interview on 6 Jul)
Crime Stories with Nancy Grace
Thank you for being such an amazing source of information!
As I’m reading this thread, I tend to agree with most (If not all) of you about CD’s lack of charisma, and a lack of any appeal whatsoever...He seems a bit elementary, immature, rumpled if you will. But this is why these kinds of criminals are able to remain “under the radar” for such long periods of time. Do I think that bumbling somewhat simpleton persona is intentional? Not sure. Would love to understand the criminal mind better. But I’m not there yet. I may never be.
LV is another story. She seeks... no. CRAVES attention. And has absolutely no soul. That’s why I would love to hear from anyone who knew either of these people personally. There is so much more to these 2 that we have yet to find out.
I see CD exactly the same as you have described LVD. Books, Website, zombie conspiracies, speeches, parading to the beach in Hawaii knowing children are burned, desecrated, and buried in his back yard as craving attention as well.
Respectfully, WTAF didn’t reproduce anything. We’ve also acquired documents from several other states. We are more than just “youtubers”. WTAF is professionals who have a YouTube channel.

What profession is that? Lawyers, media, investigators?

You actually don’t require any professional standing to obtain recorded documents. They’re available to anyone by going to the courthouse and paying a copy fee. Many jurisdictions don’t make all records available online but if their recorded with a book/page number they’re public.

Not sure how being a professional entitles one to such documents. It’s certainly not the case in my state.
Wow. So in 2003 CW pressed charges against CV for assault after he got angry and confronted her about an affair she was supposedly having? He allegedly grabbed her arm and pushed her into a wall and she later dismissed charges. This certainly adds a new light to the whole story!

EDIT: Actually, CW did not press charges, the State of Texas did, but in the dismissal it states the "complaining witness" requested the dismissal.
I personally do not believe this adds a whole new light at all. What light? IMO that is a big statement to make.
CV made a defense that was never presented in court because it wasn’t prosecuted.
I’m missing the “wow”factor in this post.
CV was murdered IMO. Is this meant to justify that? Really confused by the post and the “wow”factor. The man was murdered in cold blood. All MOO
Absolutely, without a doubt. To be able to understand how a heinous crime came for be, one must understand the psychology of the perpetrator(s). JMO.
I definitely do not think that a psychology exists to make it possible to “understand” this heinous crime. Perhaps, at best, explained. But not understood. And that is a stretch for me. Jmo
When you say "Lori hated places like that", what are you basing that on?

I don't think there was any ulterior motive in the Yellowstone trip. In fact, that's possibly the thing that scares me most about LVD's behavior. The sheer mundanity of this family outing, complete with photos, juxtaposed with the image of her coldly snuffing her daughter out later that evening. It's pure nightmare fuel to me.
Wholeheartedly agree with this entire post. Horrifying. Jmo
What profession is that? Lawyers, media, investigators?

You actually don’t require any professional standing to obtain recorded documents. They’re available to anyone by going to the courthouse and paying a copy fee. Many jurisdictions don’t make all records available online but if their recorded with a book/page number they’re public.

Not sure how being a professional entitles one to such documents. It’s certainly not the case in my state.
Thanks for this post. I’m confused as well about the entitlement. It seems to me to be public information.
BBM. When I read this I was really caught off guard as I was catching up. I can imagine no scenario in which I can easily see how LVD turned out in a way that resulted in her participating in the murder and heinous disposal of her children.
How can one “easily” see that? How can one “easily” see how she would turn out to call her children zombies and vacation on a beach in Hawaii knowing they were murdered, desecrated, and disposed of in horrific ways?
Empathy. No. That does not apply here. JMO

I should have been more clear... I was referring only to how her narcissism came to be. It seems to be all over the family tree. I cannot understand how anyone kills anyone else and especially their own children. I only "empathize" with how their apparent mental illnesses/personality traits came to be. I apologize for making it sound like I condone or feel bad for a bunch of murderers. I 100% do not! I was just following the family tree of mental health/personality disorders and the empathy comes from recognizing how nature and nurture cause these problems. Basically, I was saying it's very clear to me that the *advertiser censored* rolled down hill from the top limb of their tree all the way down.

I certainly apologize if it sounded like I can understand a child murderer or how that happens. The only thing I understand is how mental health/personality disorders can be passed down thru a family line.

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