Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #51

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Snipped for focus....
The wood would be too wet to burn properly after a storm. And if you have blowdown from a big rainstorm, you'd want to let it dry out first. It may be too green to burn very well, too.
How would he know which limbs would be blown down? I have enormous trees which were professionaly lopped one month ago and now we have gale force winds and there are limbs (not too large) all over my yard. These were healthy limbs.
How would he know which limbs would be blown down? I have enormous trees which were professionaly lopped one month ago and now we have gale force winds and there are limbs (not too large) all over my yard. These were healthy limbs.
I assume the limbs Chad was claiming to be burning were blowdown from a past storm.
Well they made a deal with Chris Watts and he had 4 so there that.
I thought the exact same thing. There are a couple of possible distinctions though. In CW’s case the victim’s family (specifically SW’s Mom) was against the death penalty. Also, though there were 3 people on death row CO hadn’t actually enforced the death penalty in years. Furthermore the DA knew after elections it was very likely the death penalty would be abolished in CO. And indeed it was, and the 3 people on death row have been granted a reprieve by our new Governor.

It’s no accident that CW’s plea was accepted right before elections. And there’s a reason DA Rourke made sure the sentencing hearing occurred on election day before any votes could be counted.

Good question. One thing that happened was, after her near death experience, she thought God had singled her out for a special role in His plan for The End of The World. She was presenting herself (I think sincerely, but others disagree) as a totally changed woman, far more spiritual, far closer to God now.
I don't believe a thing that she says. There is no sincerity in anything. Being close to God, does not allow you to murder your children.
Given the symbolic use of bee images in LDS culture, I find this particularly of interest.
Definitely JMO, though it draws from my experience : Despite the importance of beehive symbolism in the church, most Mormons have no particular love of bees. I don't think there's anything more to make of Chad enjoying killing bees than any non-LDS person enjoying killing bees.
I don't believe a thing that she says. There is no sincerity in anything. Being close to God, does not allow you to murder your children.

But she thinks it does.

So who is her God? Spiritually it's a relevant question, but not overly useful for the current prosecution.

Watching these two is like watching souls die, with pictures and reported live as it happens.
does anyone else understand why LV(D) and CD even participated in this conversation? Did they think they would find out something from MG? Wouldn't it have been better for them, from their perspective, to have said "Hey, MG, great to hear from you, but our dinner is about to burn up... gotta go; we'll call you back later..." or some other blythe excuse? Some people have said they knew it was probably recorded or that MG was fishing for information, so why did they not avoid the conversation?
BBM. IMO they hoped they would be able to convince MG that there was nothing to worry about in regard to JJ. Denying the conversation would look suspicious. They didn't trust her with their location or the truth about the kids anyway. They both acted indignantly about the accusations. Chad and Lori firmly believed that they successfully disappeared the children. No bodies, no murder charges.
When I watching Prior questioning MG about her feelings towards Tylee, it felt (to me) like he was trying to subtly link her to LVD's involvement in TR's demise. There were a few times he questioned her on her feelings towards both children.

I had the exact same reaction, for a movement i was like, hold up, where the hell is he going with this!.
Has Lori's father ever spoken publicly in regards to this case? I found it curious in the call between Melanie and Lori that Melanie brings him up and Lori says most of her family is working against her.

Her brother AdC is the only Cox I've heard of who is not "team Lori". Just more of Lori's lies?

(around 3:00)
MG: So is it, do you think it's like your family, or you know like your family, your dad, or you know, those people --
LVD: Well my family, well not my whole family, but as you know most of my family is working against me and --
MG: Yeah.
LVD: -- and with her [Kay], basically.
MG: Yeah.​

If to take into account the LV's psychological traits we have discussed in many previous threads, and information (even though not confirmed?) about mental disorders including schizophrenia and anti-government behaviors in the family, I think it is safe to say that ALL Lori's behavior/lies should be viewed as a result of her mental condition - psychopathy, narcissism and paranoia (as a result of schizophrenia?) often are just different sides of one coin.

paranoia - a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.
At least 50% of the diagnosed cases of schizophrenia experience delusions of reference and delusions of persecution.

Nice checklist of paranoid narcissist traits here (fun to check how many of those correspond to LV from what we currently know) - Living With the Paranoid Narcissist

Just as a starter:
  1. Projects self-importance beyond position, experience, or what has been duly earned or deserved.
  2. Has a grandiose idea of who he is and what he thinks he can achieve.
  3. Often talks about his need to lead, to be in charge, or to exercise power.
  4. Requires and seeks excessive admiration from others.
  5. Has a sense of entitlement, expecting to be treated as someone special or given priority at all times.
  6. Is interpersonally exploitative of others for personal gain.
  7. Lacks empathy and is unable to recognize the needs or suffering of others.
  8. Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him.
34. Sees those who disagree with him as “enemies.”
35. Has resorted to cheating, conning, scheming, embezzling, or other criminal activity to achieve success.

46.Believes that others are always seeking to exploit or harm him in some way.
47. Sees nothing wrong with lying and coopts others to lie for him— lying for him is a way of life.
etc etc etc
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I feel Lori was being honest when she said "with all that you know" to MG. I feel MG does know more. I believe she DID believe the zombie stuff about if Tylee was not around, so be it based on their beliefs.

I feel she got protection for her testimony, and thus MG feels she needs no lawyer.

I believe MG knew "of" the zombie stuff, but I think it skirted a line for her. Unlike Melaniece, who seemed inundated, perhaps to the point where she became a danger to BB and maybe her kids, MG didn't seem to chug down the Koolaid. Maybe she just took a couple of sips.

When I hear Lori saying "...with all that you know..." I hear a woman trying like mad to convince her friend to believe something she thinks her friend is questioning. I hear a woman presplaining. I think that's why MG was left out of the loop -- she hadn't really converted to the light/dark/zombie thing in her head and while CD and Lori were still trying to draw her in, they knew they couldn't let her in on their darkest secrets.

Of course, that probably saved MG's life, seeing as what happened to Alex. I think MG was addicted to Lori's personality, as many seemed to be, and I think she really enjoyed being close friends with her. But, I don't think the two of them are anything alike down deep, and I don't think MG would intentionally harm anyone.

It may be a long time before the real story comes out--if ever.
But then it could be said that having people around would give them an alibi - that there were all these people at the house, busy, busy, making a podcast.....I wonder when the date to record the podcast had been first arranged - had it been set long before that weekend, or was it a last minute rush job as the 'opportunity' to fulfil another part of their mission became available? All my own opinion/thoughts.
I don't think it's at all coincidence that LV chose a night when there were other people around.

She is a planner and a risk taker - we know she had a plan to trap Charles, who would have been very wary of her and Alex, especially after Charles found the email to Chad, and that set-up was very risky with the children in the house and all the things that could have gone wrong.

It's been my thinking for a while that she needed to set up a situation where JJ would leave with someone. But not just anyone, it had to be someone who could handle a child with autism.

Her words give us a clue as to her earlier planning, imo (she has a history of giving her schemes away when she gets herself into situations and it's her second nature to point fingers - she has no loyalties, imo) -

RB: So, who’s the friend he’s with?
LVD: My friend Melanie. Her son has autism. Her name’s Melanie Gibb.

LVD: Yes, he [JJ] has autism and ADHD, he has, he doesn’t really talk to people, like, he’s, he’s very special needs.

It's my thinking that the first person she earmarked for this was the nanny. Someone who had experience with children. Nanny's words -

"She asked me to come over for an interview to see if I could handle watching JJ since he has autism…"
"She then showed me how their tv worked, some options for food to make him, and activities we could do in the future (like go to gravity factory)."
"From what we had talked about yesterday that was what she seemed to be needing, was nearly daily assistance from me."

I think she would have easily pointed the finger at the nanny, under the pretext of taking JJ to gravity factory, not bringing him back. I don't see why there was a necessity for a nanny that evening - JJ could have stayed with Alex while LV went to pick up MG at the airport. Matter of fact I don't even see why there was a necessity for a nanny at all, because that's just causing LV more hassle with explaining to the nanny that she isn't needed any longer. So I do think she was involved in LV's initial planning and had a very lucky escape. On the weekend I think LV decided MG was the better scapegoat, even though she didn't end up using that story because she dodged being questioned about JJ for too long for it to make sense. Perhaps there were too many obstacles with the nanny story - like matching the nanny up to a night-time (sleeping) murder and morning disappearance. But when police did finally catch up with her, she still had the MG plan there, to adapt, for where JJ was.

So I would say that timing JJ's murder with having MG and DW in the house wasn't to give LV an alibi for not murdering JJ, but to use MG and DW as suspects in his disappearance, to another State. Whether she would actually say she was hiding him, or killed him, is another story to ponder.

The KW lie was only good until they discovered KW called in the welfare check. The MG lie was only good until MG recorded LV saying she had lied to police. Until that point she had MG in the palm of her hand - agreeing to say to police she had JJ.

Omg using the nanny to blame actually would explain very easily
I think JP would like to pin the murders on MG and DW.

Difficult now that there is a recording of MG saying to LVD and CD wtte 'you know we discussed him going to KW's house' and there's the both of them saying wtte 'we can't tell you for your safety', but there is that initial call with police in which MG tells police she had JJ, and JP also tried to get in a police interview with MG's son in which he said he had a visit from JJ, but it was ruled to be hearsay for CD's prelim.

There could be something really far-fetched in this when it comes to trial, such as LVD and CD were covering up for MG on the call, and that's why they said something like 'you will be accountable if you turn against us'.

I think that could be JP's strategy. MOO

ETA - remember the only witness to the conversation where LVD said JJ was with AlC on the Monday morning they left the house is DW.

did MG have an affair that we are aware of or slept with someone that was married ? It seemed to me that LVD was threatening MG but kinda in a way that seemed to be like those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones situations. Also MG has acted strangely at times and I thought it was out of guilt - like she felt like in hindsight she might have been able to change or prevent or raise alarms . I also explained away a lot of what she said by thinking she was helping LE so she had to be careful about what she said and how she said it maybe even trying to get LVD by acting sympathetic and explaining to LVD that she got taken in by satan or whatever with the hope that Lori would give up what happened and blame satan and chad or whoever . But maybe MG really had to square her life up and tie up loose ends so that everyone surrounding her knew her secrets and past mistakes before LVD could use them against her.....idk
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