Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #52

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I thought Lori had visible changes in her face. She was very bloated. Her eyes looked sunken to me. One witness said Lori had bags under her eyes and just didn't look the same as she had looked before. Maybe it's just me, I saw someone that didn't look healthy, and she did look healthy in other pictures.
Not sure if you are talking about her gallivanting around Hawaii with CD or her Mug shot and court appearance ???
I thought both she and CD looked thinner in Hawaii before she was arrested.
Her court appearance however, showed her in the orange and white stripe jail jumpsuit and did nothing to flatter her.
She did look bloated at the court hearing, but IIRC, she was wearing a bullet proof vest underneath the stripes.
That would add bulkiness to her shape.
That’s a sweet idea. I’m not sure on the playground idea. We are working to get a memorial built dedicated to JJ and Tylee in one of our local parks. Hoping to have a nice flower garden and maybe a bench. That would be within Rexburg. To get Tammy’s name on a library, I’m not a 100% sure. Maybe dedicating a wing of a library in her name? I’d have to speak to the libraries in the area and see what can be done. I’ll start with the school she worked at and see what we can do.

I wonder how Larry and Kay would feel about a play-park/something, being built in their area in memory of JJ and Tylee? Has/is anything being looked at there - wasn't JJ born in this area?
Do we know if either TD or AC were diabetic? I saw a Netflix movie last week, cannot remember the name of it, where someone replaced someones insulin with hydrogen peroxide and said after a couple of injections it causes blood clots that can travel... It made me think of this case and I'm suprised no one else has mentioned it. It's a new movie about a female couple going on a 1 year anniversary weekend vacation.
I believe one of our insiders here who was friends of Daybells said TD did NOT have diabetes.
AxC Autopsy report reads that he did NOT have any health issues and was NOT taking any routine medications.
Now granted, this is his NEW wife telling LE/ME this but I would think if had to take insulin, she would at least know that.
Did LE search inside the house also, or just outside? IIRC, LE searched inside the house in January.
As I understand it, in January, LE was searching for evidence regarding TD's death and the so-called paintball shooting. I believe the search was mainly indoors and I think they seized cell phones, blue ray disks, and perhaps other items for evidence at that time. They also searched outdoors but somewhat near the house probably looking for spent cartridges from a gun.
I don't know if they searched the house any more during the June 9 search when they found the buried remains. There was a third search in late June where I believe they did search an out-building (barn) but again, I'm not sure if they went back into the house again.
In the more fundamentalist groups "stay sweet" is what women and girls need to be about all things at all times, or bad things are going to happen to you. There is even reports from women who escaped that to make baby girls sweet some of the high level men under Warren Jeffs would essentially water board baby girls so they won't cry until they learn to not bug them by doing so. One of the women who escaped wrote a book that described some of the abuses.

The abuse to enforce "stay sweet" is truly horrifying.
With all due respect, what applies to Warren Jeffs and other polygamous groups likely does not apply here. I have seen no evidence that our group was taking cues from polygamous offshoots. I think we need much more evidence than we've seen to call this a "doctrine" that those in Chad's circles were operating under.

Nevertheless, I agree that the comment "stay sweet" or "sweet Melanie," or whatever it was, was a form of manipulation.
With all due respect, what applies to Warren Jeffs and other polygamous groups likely does not apply here. I have seen no evidence that our group was taking cues from polygamous offshoots. I think we need much more evidence than we've seen to call this a "doctrine" that those in Chad's circles were operating under.

Nevertheless, I agree that the comment "stay sweet" or "sweet Melanie," or whatever it was, was a form of manipulation.

Okay. It seems quite clear that CD and the men involved in this group were actively enacting polygamous direction, and the evidence isn't lacking for that even among the main witnesses here. The likelihood of them being unaware of the "stay sweet" concept when they were clearly modelling on these on these fundamentalist doctrines seems disingenuous. This fact doesn't look necessary to crack this case open to hold these people accountable, though ignoring these doctrines would actively mask the involvement of others who may have been involved. And those involved who are busy only covering their butts and a trail of bodies is not that important in that regard.

Personally if LE don't find the evidence those people were "in the know" or actively involved in the commission or planning or felonies then I just hope those people are somewhat less comfortable today than they were when they were publicly supporting the accused and the cults involved. People aren't as blind to what they are as they seem to wish, their mysteries are not as clever as they imagine, and I hope that makes them uncomfortable enough to never step near the ideas that set the on the path to being involved in these things ever again. I hope they take a moment to re-assess the life decisions and doctrines in these fundamentalist groups that led them to the edge of evil. They won't but one can always hope.

So while this might not be needed by the current prosecution, I'd be unsurprised if their involvement in these fundamentalist ideas that went so very wrong hasn't put them on the radar of various agencies. If they have a presence on these boards (and they likely do) I hope that that fact makes them very uncomfortable that the nosy middle age lady brigade sees them pretty clearly they can assume so do those agencies. Stay uncomfortable boys.
What was Prior trying to do with asking MG and DW about reading Chad's fiction books? DG AND DW seemed to have conflicting testimony. Also, about Chad just being normal LDS members? But he went on to ask MG about her prepper meetings like Chad wasn't involved in these other meetings? Woods scares me by not being very aggressive with Prior and not following up some of the inconsistencies? Sorry , I am rambling. Just Moo..
While I was very happy that Woods proved enough evidence to get a trial, I was worried all the way through the prelim hearing because of his demeanor and presentation.
While questioning MG, DW and FBI, he hardly looked at them.
Basically all he did is read from a script or a piece of paper with questions , with his head down.
I worry about his presentation with a jury trial.
However, he was able to get the judge to see/hear enough to move forward so there's that.
While I was very happy that Woods proved enough evidence to get a trial, I was worried all the way through the prelim hearing because of his demeanor and presentation.
While questioning MG, DW and FBI, he hardly looked at them.
Basically all he did is read from a script or a piece of paper with questions , with his head down.
I worry about his presentation with a jury trial.
However, he was able to get the judge to see/hear enough to move forward so there's that.

I think he is being careful to not tip his hand while still being prepared with the mountains of information. He didn't have to be fully "in" with this, there is more than enough to go on and the only people who thought otherwise was CD in his arrogance. MM skipped the ego trip to get more access to evidence faster.

Also the demeanor may be intentional. He was gentle with MG in a way he wasn't anywhere else.
While I was very happy that Woods proved enough evidence to get a trial, I was worried all the way through the prelim hearing because of his demeanor and presentation.
While questioning MG, DW and FBI, he hardly looked at them.
Basically all he did is read from a script or a piece of paper with questions , with his head down.
I worry about his presentation with a jury trial.
However, he was able to get the judge to see/hear enough to move forward so there's that.
I agree..I am still worried..but it will be ages before this comes to trial..
With all due respect, what applies to Warren Jeffs and other polygamous groups likely does not apply here. I have seen no evidence that our group was taking cues from polygamous offshoots. I think we need much more evidence than we've seen to call this a "doctrine" that those in Chad's circles were operating under.

Nevertheless, I agree that the comment "stay sweet" or "sweet Melanie," or whatever it was, was a form of manipulation.

I have acknowledged that my use of the word "doctrine" was ill-advised in our discussion of the LDS Church here. In answering some fellow sleuths' questions about the meaning of "stay sweet," in no way did I imply that the use is common in mainstream Mormon culture; quite the opposite. I specifically wrote that it was unique to offshoots like the polygamist Jeffs family and certain evangelical Christian groups. Thank you for reinforcing that.
I wonder how Larry and Kay would feel about a play-park/something, being built in their area in memory of JJ and Tylee? Has/is anything being looked at there - wasn't JJ born in this area?
I have someone working with me who has had contact with the family about these plans. They are on board with them for this area. I don’t have any contacts in their area. So I think it’s a great idea I just don’t know how to execute from so far away.
I am beginning to think Chad buried the kids on his property because it gave him a sick, morbid thrill. Finally, his own cemetery to look after and care for. I was reading the "Look Inside" portion of his book "One Foot in the Grave" on Amazon and it turned my stomach. I watch "Ask a Mortician" on YouTube so I am not very squeamish about all things death. No respect at all for the dead IMO.

From: "About the Author" from the paperback edition 2001:

About the Author
Chad Daybell lives in a small town in the Rocky Mountains. He wrote this book while serving as his city's cemetery sexton. However, once the book was completed, Chad realized what a weird job he had and has since moved on to another job. He certainly has less job security now, but the locks to his office haven't been mysteriously opened, either.
He does have aspirations to eventually become one of the cemetery's "riding lawnmower guys" when he retires, though. BBM

Just a thought and MOO.
I have someone working with me who has had contact with the family about these plans. They are on board with them for this area. I don’t have any contacts in their area. So I think it’s a great idea I just don’t know how to execute from so far away.

I think it's lovely that an official memorial is being put into motion in Rexburg and how Larry and Kay have given their blessing to it. My heart truly broke for them when I watched them in CD's prelim, they showed such dignity. Perhaps if/when 'higher' charges are brought in, that folk in their own area might consider doing something there too.
I am beginning to think Chad buried the kids on his property because it gave him a sick, morbid thrill. Finally, his own cemetery to look after and care for. I was reading the "Look Inside" portion of his book "One Foot in the Grave" on Amazon and it turned my stomach. I watch "Ask a Mortician" on YouTube so I am not very squeamish about all things death. No respect at all for the dead IMO.

From: "About the Author" from the paperback edition 2001:

About the Author
Chad Daybell lives in a small town in the Rocky Mountains. He wrote this book while serving as his city's cemetery sexton. However, once the book was completed, Chad realized what a weird job he had and has since moved on to another job. He certainly has less job security now, but the locks to his office haven't been mysteriously opened, either.
He does have aspirations to eventually become one of the cemetery's "riding lawnmower guys" when he retires, though. BBM

Just a thought and MOO.

Interesting aspiration.

Brings to mind: In the first season of True Detective, the "riding lawnmower guy" who acted as building caretaker and groundskeeper for the Light of the Way religious schools was a serial killer of children.

That season ends with the two detective characters reflecting on the ongoing universal battle between light and dark.

(Edited out hanging quote.)
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IMO, Chad's group was following the original Mormon teachings. Yes, the zombie belief is way out there. The only thing I could come up with is that he made up his own twist on the teachings about translated and resurrected beings.
What are the differences between exalted, resurrected and translated beings?

I remember the couple that took me in and raised me telling me if a spirit visits me I could tell if it was a good or evil spirit by shaking its hand. Maybe Chad took this teaching and twisted it into his levels of light and darkness spirit chart.
Doctrine and Covenants 129
Then, there is the teaching of dark or light countenance of a person.
I think Chad simply watched too much t.v.
BBM- Bottom line is they could NOT risk the children being found anywhere.
If they buried them in some woods, or park or lake and by chance somebody stumbled upon them, this could NOT happen in their minds.
They needed to bury them where they had control who was on the property at all times, nobody could "accidently" discover them.
and the reason is because LVD kept telling everyone that the kids were "SAFE" and Happy" and she is hiding them from Kaye, from family, etc.
By burying them in CD backyard, they had control, no risk of accidental discovery and the kids would still be "missing" in the publics eye but no proof of any discovery, so they could all go on their merry way to get married, go to Hawaii, etc.
What if Chad wanted to sell the property and move? He would have lost control.
Central Elementary School focusing on learning following librarian's death

Garner noted that Daybell had applied for a grant shortly before her death and funds from that grant have provided extra books for the school’s library. It also helped ensure that Central Elementary School students have a book of their own.

“We gave a book to each family at a parent-teacher conference,” Garner said.

New book shelving has been created thanks to Daybell’s efforts. There is also a memorial plaque dedicated to her, he said.

That’s a sweet idea. I’m not sure on the playground idea. We are working to get a memorial built dedicated to JJ and Tylee in one of our local parks. Hoping to have a nice flower garden and maybe a bench. That would be within Rexburg. To get Tammy’s name on a library, I’m not a 100% sure. Maybe dedicating a wing of a library in her name? I’d have to speak to the libraries in the area and see what can be done. I’ll start with the school she worked at and see what we can do.
Would you think that bodies may be buried in a property that you bought?
No, but if the police approached you you'd let them take a cursory look. At least I would. As a buyer you'd probably be aware of the owner's notoriety. You could also discover the remains accidentally if you decided to build there.
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