Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Tammy Daybell, 49, Sept & Oct 2019 *Arrests* #58

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But all LDS members are encouraged to do this, at least to a proscribed degree as insurance against future need. At what point is it obvious that pathology exists? And are the people affected by this pathology actually the ones generating it?

When does a cultural practice of storing food warp out of a duty to be prepared into delusion about what the future holds? Who is vulnerable to lose a sense of reality, and who is preying on that vulnerbility?

I'm curious how Lori got into the podcasts and books.


I got a "lightbulb" when Zac said that AC listened to such during the long haul drives. It reminds me how it mirrors so many folks listened to conspiracy theories for (x, y, z. I'll not even list as.. not allowed to discuss conspiracy links at WS)... during the COVID pandemic when many went to non mainstream outlets for information. MOO
I have been on this site since the Anthony case and read here a lot, but I don't comment much. I find that my beliefs typically do not fall within the majority.

I have stated how I feel about LVD being declared incompetent, at least for now. I follow other cases here too. Here is the thing, I am baffled by our willingness to not question LE, to say "they are professionals, they know what they are doing" and yet turn around and question professionals in this case. Can someone please explain to me why we do not believe that LVD might actually have an issue? Her actions thus far have certainly not been those of a sane person. MOO
That is what really bothers me. If Charles' claim that she had lost her mental function was taken seriously, people would not be dead.
Right, but didn't he say she changed. She wasn't always like that, but something happened to change her. I think she fell into the cult thinking (which could be considered mental illness, but not sure it's treated/cured the same way as mental illness).

I'm curious how Lori got into the podcasts and books.

Various timelines state that it was around 2015, but they don't name the source.

Zac's interview mentions early 2017. I think JR's podcast came out that year. If Lori started earlier than that, she must have been still living in Hawaii. I wonder if she attended any prepper events back then.

It's not clear if Alex joined only after Lori met Chad.
It's already happened and she was found incompetent. The question now is, can competence be restored and how long is it going to take?
I submit that the question now is, will the prosecutor’s evaluator confirm or deny her competency. THEN they can go ahead with the trial or restoration. Some evaluators are in and out in a hour, easily enough time for LVD to pull off her famous “acting”. The prosecution needs someone to go in that will spend sufficient time with her to see whether she’s fooling or not. I’m of the opinion that we’ve seen plenty of evidence over the past decade to show she knows how to pretend to the situation that suits her, and her next eval will show she’s competent. JMO
Doesn't surprise me. He wanted and got maximum impact. Shock, surprise, outrage. He's direcitng a play here. MOO.
MM response to the judge at the very end of the initial appearance about filing his motion to continue as LVD attorney ticked me off. He said something along the lines of he’d get it done as soon as he had a moment in his busy life to get it done. WTH is he doing at the women’s center day in and day out, week after week after week? The statement of his being a “director” resonates, as she’s the star of the show. He is mentoring her in the art of incompetency and they both win an Oscar. JMO
What really got me about the Zac Cox interview was around 26:30 when he started talking about the last time he saw Tylee. He felt Tylee wanted to speak to him after Charles' death but Janice Cox guided her away from him. That just broke my heart. Zac gave an exceptional interview that gave tremendous insight into the Cox family dynamic and what appears to be Lori's increasing fanaticism, IMO. So glad he was willing to open up to Justin Lum about his perception of what happened around that time period.
I haven’t watched it yet but I’m glad at least some members of the Cox family have common sense and recognize evil when they see it. I feel so sorry for them getting dragged into this mess. <Modsnip>
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I think when they are able to adjust Lori Vallow's medication to the point where she will sit in her seat subdued, quiet and able to refrain from interjecting without being comatose she will be good to go for court.

LVD wore a nice sweater (not a wrinkled and/or dirty prison smock), her hair was clean, combed and attractively curled; she even put on MASCARA for her court appearance. She is not out of it.

Which does not mean she is not so severely narcissistic, defensive and easily triggered that she can be trusted to sit quietly next to her lawyer even when baited. Stealing, lying, killing husbands and even her children, LVD lacks boundaries. In her quest to be seen as perfect and to have everything the way she wants, LVD will do/has done anything and everything and denied her wrongdoing when caught. She's the kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar and with crumbs all over her face who demeans her accuser: "YOU are crazy. I hate cookies! I'd NEVER, EVER get into cookies. How dare YOU accuse me of eating cookies?!"

When Mark Means reached toward LVD during the arraignment, my husband thought he did it because he had told LVD not to talk and that Means was reaching in LVD's direction as an additional reminder to keep quiet. When Means reached again toward LVD toward the end of the video my husband thought it was to remind her not to stand up to leave until he told her too.

Tylee patted LVD on the arm in the police station when LVD started to raise her voice and get excited. I think Tylee was protecting LVD from embarrassing herself. Which makes me think that LVD has a long-standing problem and that her thin-skinned defensiveness and desire for being the center of drama causes her to make scenes. Her documented legal battles with her former husbands illustrate how LVD abused not only the courts, but also her children to create non-stop turmoil. LVD accuses her victims of doing and being the worst things imaginable, takes everything they have including their lives and then easily manipulates the truth (even uses her Bible) to make her bad actions THEIR [her victim's] fault.

My opinion. And posting this again because I like what Forever Young said as well as the link:
"Narcissistic mortification is "the primitive terror of self dissolution, triggered by the sudden exposure of one's sense of a defective self ... it is death by embarrassment".
Narcissistic mortification - Wikipedia.
MM response to the judge at the very end of the initial appearance about filing his motion to continue as LVD attorney ticked me off. He said something along the lines of he’d get it done as soon as he had a moment in his busy life to get it done. WTH is he doing at the women’s center day in and day out, week after week after week? The statement of his being a “director” resonates, as she’s the star of the show. He is mentoring her in the art of incompetency and they both win an Oscar. JMO
so he needs her be competent to help him with her defense as he needs everyone to help him with her case. What is medication is advised for her treatment. Can she say it's against her religion and not take it to get if she's competent to say that..will it just be going on forever? She's faking it tho. Jmo
Given the latest development, I have to ask whether there were clear indications of issues with mental competency at that time and if that is why the other two attorneys withdrew. And if so, what are the ethics of the remaining sole legal representative continuing to offer what appears to have been near daily counsel (much more than typically observed) to that client when in fact what she needs is mental health treatment?

An attorney is not a substitute for a mental health professional and as the clock has been ticking away without LVD receiving treatment, and as LVD has reportedly been continuing to feed her delusions by reading CD's books in her cell, CD - the other primary defendant has been preparing his defense with his own counsel.

Snipped for focus

I’ve been wondering if MM has been at the jail to observe psychological interviews, etc.

I would say that again we do not know what he is there for, some are making an assumption when he is at the detention center that it must be for Lori. He has multiple other cases, he could be meeting another client, he could be observing something with mental health professionals and Lori, etc.... I think there are more possibilities than just him continuing to meet with one client who needs mental health restorative treatment and that treatment is being held up somehow because of him.

Without other information, I think we can’t say for sure that he is meeting with her every single time and that she has not started some form of treatment (medication or otherwise) IMO.
Right, but didn't he say she changed. She wasn't always like that, but something happened to change her. I think she fell into the cult thinking (which could be considered mental illness, but not sure it's treated/cured the same way as mental illness).

BBM: The something that happened is her affair with Chad.
I would say that again we do not know what he is there for, some are making an assumption when he is at the detention center that it must be for Lori. He has multiple other cases, he could be meeting another client, he could be observing something with mental health professionals and Lori, etc.... I think there are more possibilities than just him continuing to meet with one client who needs mental health restorative treatment and that treatment is being held up somehow because of him.

Without other information, I think we can’t say for sure that he is meeting with her every single time and that she has not started some form of treatment (medication or otherwise) IMO.
How do we know he has multiple other cases? His home office is in the Boise area on the other side of the state. I don't think it's very likely that he's dealing with multiple other clients that are likely from that side of the state from the women's facility in Rexburg. Just my opinion.
To those outside that culture, Lori’s behavior and statements, she sounds schizophrenic. Remember there’s a culture there which accepts visions as a legitimate (and saintly) aspect of one’s religious faith, so might not seem alarming at all.
Imo LVD has taken things to an extreme state.
How do we know he has multiple other cases? His home office is in the Boise area on the other side of the state. I don't think it's very likely that he's dealing with multiple other clients that are likely from that side of the state from the women's facility in Rexburg. Just my opinion.
From publicly accessible court records....he actually multiple cases in the Fremont/Madison/Bonneville areas right now. So while it is likely that he is meeting with Lori every time we get a local report from @SleuthD-o-doubleg , all I was saying is that I don’t think we can say that for sure.
How do we know he has multiple other cases? His home office is in the Boise area on the other side of the state. I don't think it's very likely that he's dealing with multiple other clients that are likely from that side of the state from the women's facility in Rexburg. Just my opinion.
You can use the court search website to see if there’s outstanding cases in other counties that may use the Madison women’s detention center. Here’s the link for that: Search Hearings - iCourt Portal - Online records & payments for the Idaho courts
So IIRC, the argument between Lori and Charles prior to Alex shooting Charles was instigated by Lori taking Charles's phone. I vaguely remember something about Charles having some type of incriminating (maybe a better descriptor would be unflattering/off-the-rails) recording of Lori on his phone that she discovered and set her off.

Now we have Zac Cox telling Justin Lum in an interview that Charles and Adam Cox had discussed recording Lori in order to provide evidence to local church leadership that she was encouraging beliefs outside the faith while holding a temple recommend/frequently attending the temple. Zac says the men hoped she would be excommunicated and it might shake her out of her fringe beliefs. After Alex killed Charles, Zac says Lori had access to Charles's phone for at least several days and he believes she was deleting things from it.

Do I have that right? Seems like details are starting to come in that connect to one another.
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