Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Tammy Daybell, 49, Sept & Oct 2019 *Arrests* #60

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One would assume if she was this deep into her beliefs, at some point, she'd have blabbed even to police about Charles being a zombie, or possessed, but no. Everything she seemed to be reporting seemed to be your average collateral damage in a nasty divorce/custody battle (i.e. on the body cam video of her at the PD with MG and Tylee: the suspected affair, Charles "stealing her purse). Granted, we've only seen a small sliver of her interactions with others on video.

I'm not ruling out the possibility that she is seriously mentally ill but it makes you wonder if it really all just was a hit list that grew and grew under the guise of some religious calling but was all for the money.


Exactly! She didn't profess her (so called) religious beliefs to law enforcement. In my firm opinion... ALL of her lies AND the murders were for financial gain.

Interestingly, one of the videos of Charles Vallow with LE we heard him ask if any of the officers were familiar with Mormon beliefs - before he explained what Lori had said to him. Lori could have easily done the same IF this was her foundation... but no she didn't. Greed was her foundation.
can we treat everyone and anyone involved in that group as POIs and dissect them to pieces since these new probable cause affidavit?

Mod Response As There Have Been Recurring Questions in thread:

Unless someone is a named POI or Suspect by LE, it does not open the door to sleuthing or discussing them beyond factual information as stated in MSM, by LE, or in any other publicly released documents.

Statements of fact can be made regarding what is in the documents, but the line is drawn there on any further speculation or sleuthing.

To add, because the question was also recently brought up:

Discussion and speculation of a redacted name on the thread is also a no go. We should assume it is redacted for a reason and respect that. Openly discussing who it may be would be speculative in nature rather than factual. It would also be considered inappropriate as it relates to what has been authorized for public disclosure.

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Exactly! She didn't profess her (so called) religious beliefs to law enforcement.
Of course, they knew that law enforcement, the mainstream church and society generally would not approve of what they'd done, and they took numerous steps to cover up, not just the murders, but their beliefs, and didn't share their beliefs with regular church members or church leaders. They weren't naive about how much trouble they'd be in if they shared them.

But, IMO, they had genuinely convinced themselves the end time was near, when they would lead the 144,000 to survive the coming apocalypse and join Jesus, and everyone else would die in the floods and earthquakes, etc and be cast into hell for eternity, so a small matter like the disapproval of Law Enforcement over a few premature deaths was of no consequence whatsoever. They just had to await the call to begin the great gathering.

The following describes other, less extreme, believers on the LDS fringe:

"There is a train of thought, that they think that they are living a higher law and are better than anyone else...That they are living the way Jesus wants them to during the Millennium, and if you disagree with their beliefs, they just tell you you don’t understand the law or you’re not ready...."

I would say 'living a higher law', and 'superior to everyone else' seem very accurate descriptions of LV's demeanour, and is the most comprensible way to understand her apparent personal transformation after decades without any criminal tendencies, and how she commit such appalling crimes.
A look at the religious circle surrounding Chad and Lori Daybell - East Idaho News
Question…or two…or more.

with all this info that has come out from AZ, what does everyone think MM will do now?

How many motions will MM file? His hands are tied because of his clients status.
How quick does everyone think LV will be cured, to turn the tables on CD?
Will CD turn on LV now?
How will Prior go forward? If this was the time to turn states evidence on LV, it would be now.

Will MM try and represent LV in AZ?
I understand she will most likely not be tried until ID case is finished, but since LV is indicted, she will need a AZ lawyer right to get things on the record?!

I can see MM wanting to represent her but since she is broke….how would that work with the state of AZ? I would think they would use their own lawyers not want MM from ID. He won’t get any travel monies….too bad. I could see if LV was rich and MM was getting paid privately, but not now….so who will represent her?


All my own questions and opinions. I am hoping for the DP on the table soon…I want to see them with a life sentence…..forever.

I would like to be an mechanical fly on the wall….to watch them squirm. I think every so often a second of reality hits.

And what will LV do when MM is no longer allowed on the case because of DP?

Thanks everyone.
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Wow! Just reading the AZ affidavit and Z and Lori had communications re how CV was a dark spirit. It would appear Alex’s new wife/widow agreed that CV needed to go.

I’m even more convinced now that regardless of the Coroner’s findings to the contrary, AC’s death wasn’t by natural causes. Or should I say the natural causes that killed him didn’t occur naturally.

View attachment 303093
Well put!
Wow! Just reading the AZ affidavit and Z and Lori had communications re how CV was a dark spirit. It would appear Alex’s new wife/widow agreed that CV needed to go.

I’m even more convinced now that regardless of the Coroner’s findings to the contrary, AC’s death wasn’t by natural causes. Or should I say the natural causes that killed him didn’t occur naturally.
I don't really follow the logic of this. For example, why would it be AC that died and not ZP (being killed by AC?) After all, AC was a known killer. If she knew something but wasn't directly involved, wouldn't she be much more of a threat than ever loyal and protective AC? And how on earth did they allow MG to survive, she refused to cover up for them and had the big confrontation on the phone when they realized she was accusing and betraying them, why wasn't she immediately targetted for elimination using this mystery drug they possessed?
Agree, and I think this shows a grasp of reality & also indicates remorse, neither shared by his sister IMHO.

jmho ymmv lrr
I doubt Alex had any remorse. When he was jailed for attacking JR, he plotted another attempt on him from jail (involving other people). BB was very afraid of the second attack by Alex as well and made a lot of precautions.
Wouldn't a charge be likely at this point though? Why charge her and not him if they have the evidence to support
You'd have thought charges would be laid at the same time against all/any co-conspirators, yet we haven't heard about it yet.

Was this put to a GJ or was it just a recommendation to the DA?

I'm just wondering if the DA held off, or if a GJ didn't sign off on it, or if charges are coming down the pipe for someone else very soon.

Exactly! She didn't profess her (so called) religious beliefs to law enforcement. In my firm opinion... ALL of her lies AND the murders were for financial gain.

Interestingly, one of the videos of Charles Vallow with LE we heard him ask if any of the officers were familiar with Mormon beliefs - before he explained what Lori had said to him. Lori could have easily done the same IF this was her foundation... but no she didn't. Greed was her foundation.
BBM. IMO Lori easily justified withholding her elevated status from police. As unindoctrinated mortals they wouldn't understand her mission. C&L also labeled some of them (RPD detectives Hope and Hermosillo) especially dark. She compared herself to a figure from scriptures who was persecuted and had to resort to various tactics (including murder) to prevail. It must have been exhilarating to her to feel that important.
Words fail. Amazing. Maybe Lori is crazy after all.

After reading that -- I think she very well could be.

Even her texts to CD seem to indicate she really bought into his evil bs.

I just hope she doesn't get a pass for her cult-mindedness. Although, I could see the defense using her beliefs to keep her from the death penalty.

As for Chad--if anyone ever deserved the death penalty--it's him.

As you say, "words fail."
Reading through the redacted affidavit, I'm still struggling to discern whether LVD and CD truly believed in all of this.

Really good question. IMO, Lori really did believe it. Chad--the one who came up with the whole thing, though, knew better, but he badly wanted power over life and death. And, over Lori. He wanted to be a god.

I never bought into his story of how he had an NDE when he was younger and that it left him with "powers," but it was obviously enough to convince gullible, cult-minded readers who devoured his poorly written books.

I'm guessing that his success with the NDE ruse made him think he could push it further--develop his own cult. And, he was doing it--within an extremist offshoot of the Mormon faith.

And, I think more than just Lori bought into his plan, maybe Melaniece, ZP, DW, and others. If I was an investigator, I think I'd look at all the recent relocations to Rexburg. JMOO
Has a LDS representative yet made a statement distancing their church from Lori, Chad and their murderous friends? And if not, why not? If such a statement is not made, they leave themselves open to speculation, surely. MOO
So Lori has been indicted.
Zulema has been given immunity.
Alex is dead.

I think it's a crime that Zulema was offered immunity. I would not be surprised to learn she administered poison to Alex. What's with all these devoted "believers" who thought CD was something special?

All CD had to do was label someone as a "zombie," which meant an evil spirit had possessed their body and that their soul could only be freed if their physical body perished. CD had convinced his cult followers that by killing the body, they were actually doing the person's soul a big favor. What an elaborate cult con.

The man is truly the epitome of evil.
I think it's a crime that Zulema was offered immunity. I would not be surprised to learn she administered poison to Alex. What's with all these devoted "believers" who thought CD was something special?

All CD had to do was label someone as a "zombie," which meant an evil spirit had possessed their body and that their soul could only be freed if their physical body perished. CD had convinced his cult followers that by killing the body, they were actually doing the person's soul a big favor. What an elaborate cult con.

The man is truly the epitome of evil.
He created a bunch of "stats" and declared that the status of each person could be fluid. This way nobody was safe, not even his disciples (like Alex). Anyone could turn dark if the time was right.

This is about IP's document (emphasis mine):

The document detailed “stats” on which a person was ranked by his or her levels of vibration, libido, trustworthiness, and light/dark percentage.

Zombies and Cain’s dark 50: Court documents offer a look at what those close to Lori Vallow have to say

It appears (my speculation) that death percentage was actually light/dark percentage (e.g. light+dark=100%). So low level of light led to zombies.
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