Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

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Looks like if no name change, then maybe Lori was already seeing Joe Ryan when Colby was born and maybe put Joe’s name on the Birth Cert. MOO
Opinion - It looks like good old Lori always has had a "back-up future husband" ready to go before she looses/gets rid of her current one at the time....moo
It's been almost 2 days again, but with New Years over I plan to be making posts daily as long as there's something for me to respond to. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions, and if you feel I missed your question go ahead and throw me an @Maxxer500 . I'm trying to keep up but when there's 400 new posts a day it takes me quite some time to get through.

Did LE start investigating Tammy's death as suspicious before or after the family found out about the remarriage?
It sounds like both families started putting the pieces together independently but at the same time... Vallow grandparents asking for a wellcheck in November, Daybell/Douglas families questioning natural death (possibly?) when they learned about Chad and Lori..and the 2 investigations intersected. Moo.

Based on everything I've heard/read, LE considered Tammy's death suspicious AFTER family found out about the new marriage. I believe I gave dates in my previous post.

Thank you so much for patiently answering our questions. And I have one for you.
Do you know the reason Tammy's death was suddenly deemed suspicious? I understand if you cannot answer

I don't know exactly. A relative may have called something in, a private investigator maybe, but my impression is LE decided to list it as suspicious after Lori and Chad skipped town.

I have a couple of queries about reports of Tammy's death. Some MSM have reported she died in her sleep after having a fit of coughing while others have stated she was coughing and vomiting and was found on the floor beside the bed when Chad woke up. So am just wondering whether Chad witnessed the coughing and vomiting and why she died on the floor , if she was indeed found on the floor. Normally dying in your sleep indicates to me that you die in bed or in an armchair or sofa, not dying in your sleep on the floor. As we have some family members on here, I am wondering if that could be clarified at all?
The way Alex died sounded like a seizure to me, with foaming at the mouth and loss of control of bodily functions. Therefore, I am wondering if there are any apparent similarities in the way they both died, that could indicate a particular drug or poison used.

I was told by family that Chad woke up in the morning to find Tammy had fallen out of bed and found her cold when he went to check on her. I was also told she woke up in the middle of the night to the coughing and vomiting, and I assume Chad woke up and witnessed this, but Tammy went back to bed at some point. It's been pointed out to me though that what happened that night has likely only been told by Chad, and he's been shown as lying to everyone for some time now.

I wonder if the book sales of Chad were hurt or helped by his possible excommunication from LDS church?
On the Julie Rowe podcast the other day, one of her rants seemed to be along the lines of how her being ex-ed from the LDS church impacted her financially.
Even though its denied, I do wonder if mainstream LDS folks do shun those that are ex-ed? Its odd though because Julie Rowe mentions that her son is off doing missionary work and Chad also has a son I believe who is off doing missionary work. So, the family members of these people that are ex-ed still seem to participate in temple communities so far as it seems.
Do any LDS folks following along understand this process of being ex-ed and how it impacts family members?

The only source we have for Chad being excommunicated is Daily Mail, and I'm not sure how credible a source they are in this instance. I know the LDS Church doesn't usually make excommunications public, and very few people would ever hear about it unless Chad or an LDS official told people.
Being excommunicated only has an impact on yourself, unless word gets out that you've been excommunicated. If word does get out, I'll personally vouch that Mormons can be very judgmental and if they find out you've been excommunicated it's quite possible they'll cut ties with you. For example, Chad cut ties with Julie when she was ex-ed.

Was Chad a hunter? Into guns at all with his end times stuff? Would Tammy be able to tell if was a real gun or a paintball gun? Who actually determined it was a paintball gun?

Chad was not a hunter, and probably not into guns either. I don't know if Tammy could identify the difference between a real gun and paintball gun, at least not until shown by someone. I haven't seen record anywhere of it being verified as a paintball gun.
There is nothing in the article about the car having a shooter and a driver. Car was registered to Charles Vallow (who was already dead by Oct 2nd). Brandon saw a gun with a silencer poking out of the car's window. It doesn't say if he saw or didn't see who was holding the gun.
"Brandon was about to pull into his driveway when he saw a gun with a silencer poke out of the Jeep's window, he said. He heard a gunshot as his driver's side window shattered."
How a Gilbert drive-by shooting is tied to the Idaho missing children
If you use a silencer is a gunshot usually heard? Or did he just hear the glass breaking?
Idaho Cops Blast Doomsday Parents of Missing Kids

Here's a MSM that seems to indicate Tylee and Jj were witness to the shooting of Charles.

From the article -

" “Things started changing over the past 18+ months when Lori began spending all her time with a new religious group, that we refer to as a ‘cult,’” Woodcock wrote. “She eventually deserted my brother & JJ for 2.5 months early this year. Charles did his best to save the marriage, of which she had no interest.”

Then, on July 11, Charles Vallow was fatally shot by Lori’s brother, Alexander Cox, during a domestic disturbance that remains under investigation. Cox died on Dec. 12 of unknown causes. The only other two witnesses were the kids, Woodcock said."
This article has a little bit more information on the supposed paintball gun incident that happened to Tammy on Oct 9th.
I don't know if a small town librarian would be able to tell between paintball gun and a real gun?
Guy threatening Tammy was wearing all black and a ski mask. Police wrote it off as a "prank."

"The Fremont County Sheriff’s office is reporting that two weeks before her death, Tammy Daybell contacted officers, stating someone threatened her with a paintball gun."
Police believe Lori Daybell knows something about her missing children

This kind of looks like a silencer at the end of it. Maybe the gun pointed at Tammy was a real (hand) gun with a silencer?

I just did a google image search to peek as I've never seen a paintball gun. If I saw one of those and it wasn't one of the colored ones, I would think it was a real gun, perhaps a gun with a silencer! Eerie in that Brandon specifically said that he saw a gun with a silencer from the jeep. What if it was a real gun that just jammed?

amazon paintball gun - بحث Google
So it is reported that somebody shot at Brandon B. from a Jeep registered to Charles Vallow. What exactly did police do with this information? Charles Vallow was dead by the time of the shooting, so shooter couldn't have been him.
But obviously Brandon's wife was a niece of Charles' "grieving widow" whose brother Alex actually shot and killed Charles in supposed self-defense?
Did police interview Lori, Alex, and the rest of the bunch? Sure doesn't sound like Lori was even interviewed over this, because at that time she was living in Rexburg, and presumably police would have seen if she had Tylee and Joshua with her or not after October 2nd?
So where was that investigation going? Clearly that shooting was a crime, so there would be no describing that as a prank.
I just did a google image search to peek as I've never seen a paintball gun. If I saw one of those and it wasn't one of the colored ones, I would think it was a real gun, perhaps a gun with a silencer! Eerie in that Brandon specifically said that he saw a gun with a silencer from the jeep.

amazon paintball gun - بحث Google
It could be very hard to tell them apart. But a small town librarian probably isn't going to think somebody was trying to actually kill her with a real gun? So she would find it easier to believe it was a paintball gun and a prank?
Yeah, um, I'm waiting with bated breath to find out the results of the Tammy autopsy, because I know of no natural disease (of which someone did not previously suffer; of which we've heard nothing IIRC - no pneumonia, flu, etc.), that involves outbreaks of sudden nightly "coughing and vomiting".
Yeah, um, I'm waiting with bated breath to find out the results of the Tammy autopsy, because I know of no natural disease (of which someone did not previously suffer; of which we've heard nothing IIRC - no pneumonia, flu, etc.), that involves outbreaks of sudden nightly "coughing and vomiting".

According to Chad...
The Daily Mail article quotes "an expert" as a source and gives her name. The time given in the article is "in the fall", so it could have been after Tammy's death.

If this in fact happened and it was in the latter half of the fall after Tammy died, then that would fit with him apparently stopping attendance to church after Tammy's death.
I just did a google image search to peek as I've never seen a paintball gun. If I saw one of those and it wasn't one of the colored ones, I would think it was a real gun, perhaps a gun with a silencer! Eerie in that Brandon specifically said that he saw a gun with a silencer from the jeep. What if it was a real gun that just jammed?

amazon paintball gun - بحث Google
There was a bullet hole on his car based on the recent article and a pic of where it hit the window frame, you could see Brandon's reflection in the chrome trim.

Here's the link again

How a Gilbert drive-by shooting is tied to the Idaho missing children

And part of the article with photo.
(Click on photo to enlarge)

"How a Gilbert drive-by shooting is tied to the Idaho missing children

Jessica Boehm Arizona Republic
Published 9:10 AM EST Dec 31, 2019

A photo shows where a bullet hit Brandon Boudreaux's vehicle during a drive-by shooting in Gilbert.
Maricopa County Superior Court
Months before the mysterious disappearance of Joshua Vallow and Tylee Ryan garnered national attention, one of their relatives was shot at in Gilbert while driving home from the gym.

The bullet missed Brandon Boudreaux's head by inches, according to court documents. The shooter fled and the investigation is ongoing, according to Gilbert police.

The attempt on Boudreaux's life occurred Oct. 2. The Jeep that his would-be killer was driving was registered to Charles Vallow."
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Yeah, um, I'm waiting with bated breath to find out the results of the Tammy autopsy, because I know of no natural disease (of which someone did not previously suffer; of which we've heard nothing IIRC - no pneumonia, flu, etc.), that involves outbreaks of sudden nightly "coughing and vomiting".

I was wondering about this too. The only thing I could think of would be some sort of anaphylaxis situation. An allergic reaction causes the airways to swell up, so lots of coughing...this happened to my son and the big clue was he couldn’t stop coughing after drinking water, etc. Mayo Clinic says another symptom is nausea and vomiting. I would think there would be enough other clues for police/medical examiners to pick up on it though, such as hives or skin rash.
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