Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #24

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Right, and how does that jive with any (fringe/mainstream) belief system - perhaps if we saw evidence of LV & CD working on their 7 tasks then religious obsessions may be a defense - but we didn’t even see that!
I think that lust and money can be very drug like, and at some point that overtook religious convictions. MOO.
This is rubbish IMO. It is not correct that people like Chad and others should be lying and scheming to mislead people under the LDS banner. If what you are saying is true then the LDS church are fully aware this is going on and are ignoring it. But why, I do not know. AJMO.

Please be gentle (or be quiet). I see you wrote, "IMO" but still......
Those of us who are not LDS or knowledgeable of the inner workings of the church appreciate a different perspective! I, for one, have been scratching my head trying to figure out how these people from these splintered groups are so well-liked/well-respected/popular and are still allowed and welcome to participate within the church.

I know you're just trying to protect your own beliefs/the church but this view point is very interesting and enriching and it seems to be coming from someone who has a rich background in this "secret world". Surely, there's room here for a different and well-versed experience?

Maybe it's a matter of "you do not know what you do not know." What's that so many have repeated: "You're just not ready"? I want to hear/read what this person knows that no one else wants to talk about except in a negative/judgmental/dismissive way.

Where are Tylee & JJ? Me wants to know!
That's me, you're addressing, I assume. It took me several weeks to work up the courage to post and I hoped it would be helpful. I hadn't seen anyone else with my specific point of view, but I apologize if my post is tiresome. I'll answer any other direct questions, but won't bring it up again.

Edited to add: I don't think a case like this will ever be separate from religion though. It's too tightly connected.
Please keep posting and give us your insight. Keep in mind that many members have been part of WS following many cases for multiple years. When devastating things happen to the lost of murdered, members will take breaks from certain topics or cases. Oftentimes members can be triggered by events that may have occurred in their own personal lives.
You are truly educating us...especially non-LDS members.
Don't be sorry. You've brought a lot of good information to this. I daresay even those who are well attuned to the Mormon culture and how things are different in Utah and Idaho compared to other places still learned a lot from your posts.

I get people not wanting to go too far down the religion rabbit hole, but if we're trying to understand what Chad and Lori might or might not do, given the apparent importance of religion and quasi-religious beliefs in both their lives, this subject seems like it could be critical. Don't let a few whiners shut you down if you have information you think might be pertinent.


Yes, I feel like we are finally getting a glimpse beyond the paywalls. A valuable contribution.
Not a researcher, by any means, but when you refuse blood transfusions and modern medicine to save lives, that kind of cuts down your chances of spreading your religion: JH.
And one of the groups, Quakers or Shakers, led separated lives. Men apart from women. Separate church pews, separate living quarters. Again, tough to grow your religion if your population doesn’t grow, too. LDS on the other hand, listened to “Go West, young man!” Took on multiple wives. In those years, many, many women died during child birth. LDS generally adopted ideas to promote their growth and influence. From my understanding, if you’re not LDS, in predominantly LDS areas, salaries, promotions, other opportunities do not come your way if you are outside the teachings of LDS.
Joseph Smith, Jr., I think was a great showman. Orator. Leader. If SLC citizens knew a group of its members were trekking across the Great Plains in the middle of winter and did not arrive on time, LDS members would head east in search of them. I have not rea

d of many accounts of other religious groups doing the same. Missionaries, yes. And “Dr. Livingston, I presume?” But to send out search parties for the general public/pioneers that headed West?
No, I’m not LDS. Just some information stored in my head.

In my experience, being LDS has never helped me get any jobs I have applied for. Of course, I imagine there are those that this can be a factor (however, that would be illegal).

What I have experienced widely is that who you know seems more important, than how good you are at your job. I can't tell you how many people I know have got jobs because they were "family" but didn't know the first thing about the job.

Sorry, I got "triggered", I have had many instances dealing with people in management positions, that had no business being there. You try to have a mature discussion with them about a policy your company has, that they are violating. The next thing you know, you are being "let go" for some lame reason or another. :mad:

Well, back to more important things...

Justin Lum Fox 10 on Twitter
BREAKING: Madison County Sheriff’s Office tells me deputies are en route to pick up Lori Vallow. Extradition process has begun. As of now she is still listed in KCCC custody. We will keep you updated. #fox10phoenix

8:09 PM · Mar 3, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

Almost missed that little nugget from earlier that they are flying her back on a commercial flight. That is going to be the longest perp walk ever.
This entire post is strictly IN MY VERY HONEST OPINION ONLY...

Can I just say that I cannot give Chad a pass. He lied to the police. He may have at one time been a "good guy", an "honest guy", someone that you cannot imagine would do anything like this, but... He lied to his family and to the police! He ran off to Hawaii with a new wife and has been "living it up" immediately after the "love of his life" died.

First, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS). From my observation and experience, I believe that people can get personal revelation that may help guide them in their life decisions - prayer, belief, family, scriptures.... However, when people from our religion take it to the next level; unfortunately, I believe that they get corrupted. Especially in the last few years, I have watched numerous people of my religion get unhinged. Honestly, not as unhinged as I believe Chad is; but, nevertheless, they have become what I would deem as unhinged. For Chad to believe that he has lived multiple lives, to believe that he will deliver the 144,000, to believe that he has more inspiration than the leaders of a church that he says he believes in...

When a person of any religion begins to believe that they have extraordinary powers to talk to the dead, to talk to God, to understand things that we mere humans do not understand, I have to question what exactly they have done to "get" these special powers.

In my VHO (MOO), when Chad began to sell his visions, when money became a motivating factor, he lost whatever pure intentions he had in sharing his "gift". Greed... that is a big corruption. He opened the door for other influences to come in and change whatever good he had and even his "visions" became corrupt. I know his family and friends wanted to believe him. But, did they all know to what extent he was reaching out for monetary gain? Once corrupt in one area, I believe it was a slippery slope to corruption in other manners. I am sorry to those that knew and loved him, but I really believe that he did have an affair with Lori prior to Tammy's death. He likely justified it to himself since he believed that they were together in previous lives.

Finally, he may believe whatever lies Lori has told him, but he has to KNOW that something is hinky. Why in the world would he have told his family that she didn't have kids? Why in the world would he have reached out for living quarters in Hawaii saying they had no children? Why would he tell the police that he "barely" knew his wife and didn't know her phone number???? Because he is lusting after a beautiful woman and he is doing things that he knows is wrong. Sorry, not sorry, I can't give Chad a pass.

Very well put, and I agree.

Chad did this to himself, and he is responsible for the choices he has made. If he is smart, he'll come clean, take the consequences and move on with his life.

Even if we find out that Chad has nothing to do with the missing kids or his wife's death, he is guilty of the rest of it. I can see how him being in an affair would "blind" him to everything else that is going on around him.

I am hoping that Chad is coming to terms with this himself, and is going to make the choices he needs to turn this around. He needs to take responsibility for his part in this, and own it.

When I heard that his family was not behind him, with his visions/beliefs, nor were supportive of his books that tells me a thing or two. It may be a good sign that Chad has been talking to his parents. They may have been telling him "to man up", at least one can hope.

Hopefully, this time away from Lori, the blinders are coming off, and reality is hitting him in the head.

I will say this much, after getting out of a very abusive relationship, I started recognizing the blinders I had while in that relationship.

So, Chad if you are reading this, "Man Up". :)

Almost missed that little nugget from earlier that they are flying her back on a commercial flight. That is going to be the longest perp walk ever.

BBM.... She'll probably do her pageant walk & wave for her "fans"...complete with her nose in its usual stuck up position. Heck, maybe she'll even throw in a "that's great" for the people! :rolleyes:

I, myself, am hoping they drag her through all shackled up :D Is that too much to ask for?
That is really cute!! Are missionaries ever placed in solid Mormon towns though?

Actually yes. Typically, when this happens the missionaries primarily work with less active members.

Funny story though. One of the exciting things for LDS missionaries, is where they are going to be called too. The more foreign the country, the more excited the missionary is about it.

However, one poor missionary had the worst experience ever. He grew up in SLC, Utah. When he got called, he was called to (wait for it), SLC, Utah. :D

That has got to be rough. ;)

iCourt Portal - Online records & payments for the Idaho courts
Case Information
CR33-20-0302 | State of Idaho Plaintiff, vs. Lori Norene Vallow Defendant.

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This 10/19 post is very interesting - especially how CD discusses Tammy’s visionary skills. Sheesh.

I know Chad was 'trying' to be warm with that post about Tammy, but it still came off super detached and even pre-planned. I wish we could see the rest where he finishes explaining "Tammy's after-death instructions" which IMO are hogwash!

Every time he complimented Tammy on her skills etc. there was a "but now" and how he's found ways of doing what she did, either with his son or what have you. Just felt like, okay 'gotta write something on Tammy's Death.... but now I have other things to do with my shiny new wifey'

Yuck he's such an arrogant phony!
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