Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #24

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I'd like to hear you talk more about Tylee and JJ and much less about Chad and religion. Do you know where the kids might be?

Please let him/her speak. We have pages and pages and pages stating the "official" LDS stance (can't think of a better word right now - doctrine?). We finally have someone who can give us some insight into how Chad/others devolved into this "other" world and what may have happened to Tylee/JJ as a result. It may help us figure out how they may have taken a wrong (or different?) turn away from yet still within church teachings. I understand that it may be offensive to some but I want to hear this honest perspective.

Please don't let anyone silence you, idaidaidaho! There is an ignore button for those who don't want to learn from your experience. And, there's always the scroll & roll option.
This has been a very strong awakening to me as well. Not that these groups are out there, but so many more mainstream LDS had no idea. A number of folks here on our site have said so, Nate Eaton has said so, my relatives there in Gilbert have said no...they never knew. I feel this whole case will have the side benefit of informing families, friends and neighbors of what lurks beyond. Some may veer IN that direction, but I sense the majority of people learning about these groups "will teach their children well". Or maybe better to say "will teach their parents well".

True, I will add, for me it all goes back to the basics. The boring stuff: reading scriptures daily, praying, going to church, etc. I am surprised how many members don't have these principles down well.

What gets people in trouble is going after the "meat" sort of speak. They want to chase after the deep doctrines, without even having a solid foundation. We all know the story that talks about building your foundation on the rock, and not on the sand.

I learned a valuable life lesson, when I was wrestling. Our wrestling team took 2nd in the Nation when I was in College. I realized, that the main reason why is that we had the basics down, better than everyone else.

We drilled doing the basics, over and over, and over. Every day, our coach would have us practice this. When I first practiced this it was easy doing the take down moves (I'd been wrestling for years). Then our coach, said ok good job now do the takedowns on the left side. Oh crap, I had never learned to shoot from the left. We practiced the basics every single day.

The point is that all to often we don't really learn the basics, and we want to learn the "cool stuff", this applies to everything in life. Sports, Religion, Jobs, Family Relationships, etc.

I am convinced that people that get caught up in these cults, aren't grounded in the basics.

Chad's lawyer.



Sean has been with the firm since 2015, after having operated a solo practice in Rexburg.

Sean handles the criminal defense for the firm, and has been involved with both high profile cases as well as helping everyday people who find themselves accused of a crime. Sean is an experienced trial lawyer and served as the primary public defender for Jefferson County from 2014-2016. He has spent hundred of hours in the courtroom on behalf of clients.

Sean believes that the heart of any family dispute is the best interest of the children. He encourages clients to focus on how best to achieve their goals while never losing sight of the long term effects of divorce on children.

Sean graduated from Washburn University School of Law, in Topeka, Kansas. After graduation. Sean served as law clerk for the Honorable Greg W. Moeller, the District Court Judge for Madison County. Sean has served as the Eagle Rock Inns of Court President and as an adjunct faculty for Brigham Young University-Idaho, teaching multiple courses. He currently serves on the Planning and Zoning Committee for Sugar City, Idaho.

Areas of Practice:

  • Family Law
    • Divorce
    • Custody/Child Support Modification
    • Contempt Proceedings
    • Child Protection

  • Criminal Defense
    • Felony
    • Misdemeanor
    • BYU-Idaho Student Defense
    • DUI
    • Juvenile Defense
  • Personal Injury

I can't wait to hear his defense for how this is in (any universe) for the best interests of the Children? I'm all ears. :rolleyes:

Someone did have to get LE to consider the exhumtion. Those decisions are not made lightly. WHO did make that case? I always thought it was Tammy's relatives... does anyone know for certain?

I commented on this yesterday.... but my posts got deleted by a mod for the source I eluded to (I didn't even name it, but another poster did and tried to dismiss it... kinda weird as it was the very first and only post they made), it's I guess considered 'Social Media' but the post was written by Chads Daughter.
I wont repeat it here, but if you didn't see my previous post you can private message me.

IIRC, the AZ police asked for the exhumation, and I know in many states LE doesn't need the families consent when its part of a criminal investigation, but I think someone in Tammy's family agreed to, or possibly asked for it. MOO.

I do think someone possibly Chad is trying to sew division, to keep his kids "on the Team" JMO.
Actually yes. Typically, when this happens the missionaries primarily work with less active members.

Funny story though. One of the exciting things for LDS missionaries, is where they are going to be called too. The more foreign the country, the more excited the missionary is about it.

However, one poor missionary had the worst experience ever. He grew up in SLC, Utah. When he got called, he was called to (wait for it), SLC, Utah. :D

That has got to be rough. ;)


There aren't many places that are that solidly Mormon though. Salt Lake (the city itself, not the metro or Salt Lake County, I don't think) is under 50%. There was a time many years ago when the area I lived in in Davis County was said to be the only Mormon Stake in the state of Utah that was under 50% Mormon. It included Hill Air Force Base, which is how it managed to do that. Yes, I'm sure you've got a few places that are 50 people or even a couple hundred that are close to 100% (I could even name a few), but I'm thinking towns that are big enough to justify a set of missionaries are going to have some non-members along with the inactives.

Why would you stay away from the children you love for 5-6 months just to fight for their custody/million bucks while sunning on the beach & staying at resorts to make the week be more fun than living in your $6k/month condo and carrying around that baggie of cash? Good luck on that one.

I sure hope we find out what has happened to JJ & Tylee. This witch needs to go down and her dog Toto too.

My mind is going wild on that FBI command center being there.
Well she has already lost custody of the kids, and she never had custody of the life insurance money (which was obviously more important to her anyway), so it looks like she's down that much so far. I guess we see how much worse she wants to make it for herself. Moo.
hmmm. Makes me think of an idea... We have had great analysis of his writing style. If information got to Chad about how "poor" his writing is, he might crack earlier. Authors cannot handle criticism very well. He can handle lying, but bet he can't handle that he is a bad writer.

Nowadays, it does not take much to be a good writer. The bar is pretty low.
Just look at popular e-books selling on Amazon. I feel confident that I can write circles around most of them, and I don't even consider myself an author.

From what I have read of Chad's books, he's not really bad, he's just not really good. He's just mediocre. Definitely nothing to brag about.

Of course, I prefer reading a lot of Dean Koontz, and Vince Flynn novels. My opinion is most likely biased.

I want someone to pull this whole statement apart from a psychological standpoint. What is he really saying? I read this and it makes me fume. MOO
Let me preface this by saying MOO. A big giant MOO.

I'm no psychologist and I wouldn't even know where to begin to analyze this statement. However, there are a number of things that don't sit well with me. Several other people have already touched on some of these things, so I'd like to take a slightly different approach by comparing Chad's other accounts of Tammy's passing.

  1. The first account we know of is Chad's 911 call. Unfortunately that hasn't been released yet, probably due to an ongoing investigation:

    "KTVB's request to obtain the 911 call audio from when Tammy Daybell was found dead was denied by the Fremont County prosecutor's office."
    Fremont County Sheriff's Office says Tammy Daybell's autopsy results could take up to a year

    It would be of interest to find out what was said, and how it was said, during this 911 call. Chad's target audience is LE.
  2. The second account is from Chad calling Tammy's father:

    "Tammy Daybell’s father, Ron Douglas, said he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death. He said she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room.

    On October 19, Douglas said he received a call from Chad Daybell “broken-hearted and sobbing,” explaining that his wife went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up."
    Family members say mother of missing children in Rexburg joined a dangerous cult with new husband

    Here Chad's target audience is Tammy's family, particularly her dad. Chad's demeanor appears to be "broken-hearted and sobbing.” The story told is suggestive of a sickness overtaking Tammy, and that she "went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up." This implies that some kind of sickness was the cause of her death and lends itself to the "natural causes" argument. Something about this story from Chad apparently bothers Tammy's father because he brings up the fact that "he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death" and that "she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room." One other thing to note here is the statement that Tammy "went to bed... and never woke up." This implies that she lay down in bed, fell asleep, and simply never woke up.
  3. The third account is apparently what Chad told other family and was passed on to extended family. Our VI @Maxxer500 , Chad's nephew, reported:

    "Tammy woke up in the middle of the night she died, apparently coughing badly enough to cause her to vomit. Then when Chad woke in the morning he found her fallen out of bed and cold."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #2
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    "I was told by family that Chad woke up in the morning to find Tammy had fallen out of bed and found her cold when he went to check on her. I was also told she woke up in the middle of the night to the coughing and vomiting, and I assume Chad woke up and witnessed this, but Tammy went back to bed at some point. It's been pointed out to me though that what happened that night has likely only been told by Chad, and he's been shown as lying to everyone for some time now."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    Chad's target audience here appears to be his own immediate and extended family (though it could possibly include Tammy's family as well). There isn't much, if any, detail or clue about Chad's demeanor given here, but from what is being described I almost get the feeling of... I don't know... detached? Aloof? Indifferent? Like there's little or no emotion or concern displayed towards Tammy. But I freely admit it's hard to detect or correctly ascertain emotion in just words alone so I could very well be mistaken.

    Regardless, the details herein depicted begin to show a somewhat startling and different narrative. Here we learn that not only was Tammy coughing, but also vomiting, either as a result of the seriousness of her coughing or some other affect of her apparent sickness. This, to me, sounds like a rather violent, distressful, and distraught condition for Tammy to be in, not just a simple sickness. And yet where was Chad in all of this? Did he witness it? Apparently somebody did as we have the report of it. And if Chad did witness her coughing and vomiting during the night, did he do nothing to help care for her? Where is the expression of concern in all of this? And then that other niggling detail about Tammy having fallen out of bed and found lying on the floor. This little detail seems to contradict the previous narrative that Chad told Tammy's father, that she went to bed and never woke up. The former suggest a calm, peaceful departure - laying down, closing your eyes, and quietly breathing your last - whereas this newer one depicts a more traumatic and alarming end. But perhaps I'm making more of it than I ought to?
  4. The fourth account is a single sentence published in her obituary, which reads:

    "Tamara "Tammy" Douglas Daybell passed away peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, October 19, 2019 in Salem, Idaho."
    Obituary for Tamara Michelle Daybell at Flamm Funeral Home
    View Tamara

    Here the target audience is the local community and general public. No details other than that she "passed away peacefully in her sleep." Granted, obituaries usually paint the circumstances of one's passing in the most favorable light, foregoing any disturbing details, and I wouldn't expect otherwise. But still, this again claims that she died peacefully in her sleep, which would appear to stand in stark contrast of the prior details of a sudden and violent sickness culminating in falling out of bed.
  5. And finally, we have the fifth account, which Chad published to the GRI and through AVOW:

    For those who can't read it due to the small size of the attachment, it says:

    My dear wife Tammy passed away in her sleep early Saturday, October 19. When I awoke at around 6 a.m., it was clear she had been gone for several hours. It came as a shock. I couldn't believe I hadn't been awakened somehow, but all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile. It was devastating to discover her that way, but I'm so grateful that her death was peaceful.​

    Here the target audience is his followers and friends on AVOW. Again he paints a beautiful and touching picture of Tammy simply slipping away peacefully in the night, "all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile." No mention of the violent coughing, hacking, and throwing up during the night. No mention of her falling out of bed. Instead one is left with a mental picture of Chad waking up, turning over in bed, and seeing his wife' body lying peacefully and serenely by his side. Note also how he paints himself - he was in "shock," he "couldn't believe" it, "it was devastating." These could be genuine emotions. Or perhaps an embellishment to help forward the "died of natural causes" narrative? He sure seems to have gotten over her sudden, unexpected, and "devastating" death post haste... MOO.
  6. ETA: Re-posting @Gardener1850 post, which contains a sixth example of Chad's description of Tammy's passing to a potential landlord in Hawaii:

    Awesome recap, Onsdag. We can add to the list the text Chad sent to the woman he and Lori tried to rent a room from in Kauai only 2 days after they got married on the beach:

    Daybell changed his mind about renting from her, she says. But she did ask him about Tammy's death. His text back reads, "I woke up that morning and she had been dead for a couple hours but she had a peaceful look on her face at her burial. I felt her tell me she was happy and helping our family on the other side of the veil. She helped me reconnect with Lori so quickly and it helped my children move forward."

    Martin says she never spoke to Daybell again.

    'Free of the spouses, free of the kids': Parents of missing children applied to move into Hawaii home in November

    ETA: I found a pic of Chad's full text (there was more than what was in the above quote):
    Chad Daybell claimed his late first wife helped him find new love with 'cult' mom Lori Vallow | Daily Mail Online
Last edited:
Noted. I don't know how much is helpful when I see these things brought up and discussed, I'm probably oversharing. I edited my post down a bit. His comments about his wife feeling like Sariah are pertinent so I thought additional background there might be useful.

I'm sorry, I don't know where the kids might be, though at this point I'm not holding my breath that they are alive. I do hope the FBI are investigating Chris Parrett though.

Welcome!! I for one was interested in everything you shared and also want to assure you, we've been longing for input from someone "behind the AVOW paywall" with actual knowledge of its workings, and/or of Mr. Parrett. For folks raised Protestant or Catholic, some terms are familiar; some terms are familiar but mean different things in the actuality; and in general, if it's not in the New or Old Testaments it's all "new to us". Though we have been cautioned by moderators about excessive non-case-related theology debates, I for one don't think we've hit that point at all; and there are new revelations coming out all the time in connection with this case that gives old or previously unspoken insights a new importance.
Let me preface this by saying MOO. A big giant MOO.

I'm no psychologist and I wouldn't even know where to begin to analyze this statement. However, there are a number of things that don't sit well with me. Several other people have already touched on some of these things, so I'd like to take a slightly different approach by comparing Chad's other accounts of Tammy's passing.

  1. The first account we know of is Chad's 911 call. Unfortunately that hasn't been released yet, probably due to an ongoing investigation:

    "KTVB's request to obtain the 911 call audio from when Tammy Daybell was found dead was denied by the Fremont County prosecutor's office."
    Fremont County Sheriff's Office says Tammy Daybell's autopsy results could take up to a year

    It would be of interest to find out what was said, and how it was said, during this 911 call. Chad's target audience is LE.
  2. The second account is from Chad calling Tammy's father:

    "Tammy Daybell’s father, Ron Douglas, said he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death. He said she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room.

    On October 19, Douglas said he received a call from Chad Daybell “broken-hearted and sobbing,” explaining that his wife went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up."
    Family members say mother of missing children in Rexburg joined a dangerous cult with new husband

    Here Chad's target audience is Tammy's family, particularly her dad. Chad's demeanor appears to be "broken-hearted and sobbing.” The story told is suggestive of a sickness overtaking Tammy, and that she "went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up." This implies that some kind of sickness was the cause of her death and lends itself to the "natural causes" argument. Something about this story from Chad apparently bothers Tammy's father because he brings up the fact that "he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death" and that "she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room." One other thing to note here is the statement that Tammy "went to bed... and never woke up." This implies that she lay down in bed, fell asleep, and simply never woke up.
  3. The third account is apparently what Chad told other family and was passed on to extended family. Our VI @Maxxer500 , Chad's nephew, reported:

    "Tammy woke up in the middle of the night she died, apparently coughing badly enough to cause her to vomit. Then when Chad woke in the morning he found her fallen out of bed and cold."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #2
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    "I was told by family that Chad woke up in the morning to find Tammy had fallen out of bed and found her cold when he went to check on her. I was also told she woke up in the middle of the night to the coughing and vomiting, and I assume Chad woke up and witnessed this, but Tammy went back to bed at some point. It's been pointed out to me though that what happened that night has likely only been told by Chad, and he's been shown as lying to everyone for some time now."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    Chad's target audience here appears to be his own immediate and extended family (though it could possibly include Tammy's family as well). There isn't much, if any, detail or clue about Chad's demeanor given here, but from what is being described I almost get the feeling of... I don't know... detached? Aloof? Indifferent? Like there's little or no emotion or concern displayed towards Tammy. But I freely admit it's hard to detect or correctly ascertain emotion in just words alone so I could very well be mistaken.

    Regardless, the details herein depicted begin to show a somewhat startling and different narrative. Here we learn that not only was Tammy coughing, but also vomiting, either as a result of the seriousness of her coughing or some other affect of her apparent sickness. This, to me, sounds like a rather violent, distressful, and distraught condition for Tammy to be in, not just a simple sickness. And yet where was Chad in all of this? Did he witness it? Apparently somebody did as we have the report of it. And if Chad did witness her coughing and vomiting during the night, did he do nothing to help care for her? Where is the expression of concern in all of this? And then that other niggling detail about Tammy having fallen out of bed and found lying on the floor. This little detail seems to contradict the previous narrative that Chad told Tammy's father, that she went to bed and never woke up. The former suggest a calm, peaceful departure - laying down, closing your eyes, and quietly breathing your last - whereas this newer one depicts a more traumatic and alarming end. But perhaps I'm making more of it than I ought to?
  4. The fourth account is a single sentence published in her obituary, which reads:

    "Tamara "Tammy" Douglas Daybell passed away peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, October 19, 2019 in Salem, Idaho."
    Obituary for Tamara Michelle Daybell at Flamm Funeral Home
    View Tamara

    Here the target audience is the local community and general public. No details other than that she "passed away peacefully in her sleep." Granted, obituaries usually paint the circumstances of one's passing in the most favorable light, foregoing any disturbing details, and I wouldn't expect otherwise. But still, this again claims that she died peacefully in her sleep, which would appear to stand in stark contrast of the prior details of a sudden and violent sickness culminating in falling out of bed.
  5. And finally, we have the fifth account, which Chad published to the GRI and through AVOW:

    Here the target audience is his followers and friends on AVOW. Again he paints a beautiful and touching picture of Tammy simply slipping away peacefully in the night, "all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile." No mention of the violent coughing, hacking, and throwing up during the night. No mention of her falling out of bed. Instead one is left with a mental picture of Chad waking up, turning over in bed, and seeing his wife' body lying peacefully and serenely by his side. Note also how he paints himself - he was in "shock," he "couldn't believe" it, "it was devastating." These could be genuine emotions. Or perhaps an embellishment to help forward the "died of natural causes" narrative? He sure seems to have gotten over her sudden, unexpected, and "devastating" death post haste... MOO.
YES! See...I needed someone to tell me the story again and you gave me all the narratives. Thank you..I forgot about our VI Maxxer500 inside scoop.
Please be gentle (or be quiet). I see you wrote, "IMO" but still......
Those of us who are not LDS or knowledgeable of the inner workings of the church appreciate a different perspective! I, for one, have been scratching my head trying to figure out how these people from these splintered groups are so well-liked/well-respected/popular and are still allowed and welcome to participate within the church.

I know you're just trying to protect your own beliefs/the church but this view point is very interesting and enriching and it seems to be coming from someone who has a rich background in this "secret world". Surely, there's room here for a different and well-versed experience?

Maybe it's a matter of "you do not know what you do not know." What's that so many have repeated: "You're just not ready"? I want to hear/read what this person knows that no one else wants to talk about except in a negative/judgmental/dismissive way.

Where are Tylee & JJ? Me wants to know!

I think you are misunderstanding, my impression is that tresir2012 is saying that what Chad is getting way with is rubbish. Not what idaidaidaho said, although I could be wrong.
Let me preface this by saying MOO. A big giant MOO.

I'm no psychologist and I wouldn't even know where to begin to analyze this statement. However, there are a number of things that don't sit well with me. Several other people have already touched on some of these things, so I'd like to take a slightly different approach by comparing Chad's other accounts of Tammy's passing.

  1. The first account we know of is Chad's 911 call. Unfortunately that hasn't been released yet, probably due to an ongoing investigation:

    "KTVB's request to obtain the 911 call audio from when Tammy Daybell was found dead was denied by the Fremont County prosecutor's office."
    Fremont County Sheriff's Office says Tammy Daybell's autopsy results could take up to a year

    It would be of interest to find out what was said, and how it was said, during this 911 call. Chad's target audience is LE.
  2. The second account is from Chad calling Tammy's father:

    "Tammy Daybell’s father, Ron Douglas, said he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death. He said she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room.

    On October 19, Douglas said he received a call from Chad Daybell “broken-hearted and sobbing,” explaining that his wife went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up."
    Family members say mother of missing children in Rexburg joined a dangerous cult with new husband

    Here Chad's target audience is Tammy's family, particularly her dad. Chad's demeanor appears to be "broken-hearted and sobbing.” The story told is suggestive of a sickness overtaking Tammy, and that she "went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up." This implies that some kind of sickness was the cause of her death and lends itself to the "natural causes" argument. Something about this story from Chad apparently bothers Tammy's father because he brings up the fact that "he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death" and that "she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room." One other thing to note here is the statement that Tammy "went to bed... and never woke up." This implies that she lay down in bed, fell asleep, and simply never woke up.
  3. The third account is apparently what Chad told other family and was passed on to extended family. Our VI @Maxxer500 , Chad's nephew, reported:

    "Tammy woke up in the middle of the night she died, apparently coughing badly enough to cause her to vomit. Then when Chad woke in the morning he found her fallen out of bed and cold."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #2
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    "I was told by family that Chad woke up in the morning to find Tammy had fallen out of bed and found her cold when he went to check on her. I was also told she woke up in the middle of the night to the coughing and vomiting, and I assume Chad woke up and witnessed this, but Tammy went back to bed at some point. It's been pointed out to me though that what happened that night has likely only been told by Chad, and he's been shown as lying to everyone for some time now."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    Chad's target audience here appears to be his own immediate and extended family (though it could possibly include Tammy's family as well). There isn't much, if any, detail or clue about Chad's demeanor given here, but from what is being described I almost get the feeling of... I don't know... detached? Aloof? Indifferent? Like there's little or no emotion or concern displayed towards Tammy. But I freely admit it's hard to detect or correctly ascertain emotion in just words alone so I could very well be mistaken.

    Regardless, the details herein depicted begin to show a somewhat startling and different narrative. Here we learn that not only was Tammy coughing, but also vomiting, either as a result of the seriousness of her coughing or some other affect of her apparent sickness. This, to me, sounds like a rather violent, distressful, and distraught condition for Tammy to be in, not just a simple sickness. And yet where was Chad in all of this? Did he witness it? Apparently somebody did as we have the report of it. And if Chad did witness her coughing and vomiting during the night, did he do nothing to help care for her? Where is the expression of concern in all of this? And then that other niggling detail about Tammy having fallen out of bed and found lying on the floor. This little detail seems to contradict the previous narrative that Chad told Tammy's father, that she went to bed and never woke up. The former suggest a calm, peaceful departure - laying down, closing your eyes, and quietly breathing your last - whereas this newer one depicts a more traumatic and alarming end. But perhaps I'm making more of it than I ought to?
  4. The fourth account is a single sentence published in her obituary, which reads:

    "Tamara "Tammy" Douglas Daybell passed away peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, October 19, 2019 in Salem, Idaho."
    Obituary for Tamara Michelle Daybell at Flamm Funeral Home
    View Tamara

    Here the target audience is the local community and general public. No details other than that she "passed away peacefully in her sleep." Granted, obituaries usually paint the circumstances of one's passing in the most favorable light, foregoing any disturbing details, and I wouldn't expect otherwise. But still, this again claims that she died peacefully in her sleep, which would appear to stand in stark contrast of the prior details of a sudden and violent sickness culminating in falling out of bed.
  5. And finally, we have the fifth account, which Chad published to the GRI and through AVOW:

    Here the target audience is his followers and friends on AVOW. Again he paints a beautiful and touching picture of Tammy simply slipping away peacefully in the night, "all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile." No mention of the violent coughing, hacking, and throwing up during the night. No mention of her falling out of bed. Instead one is left with a mental picture of Chad waking up, turning over in bed, and seeing his wife' body lying peacefully and serenely by his side. Note also how he paints himself - he was in "shock," he "couldn't believe" it, "it was devastating." These could be genuine emotions. Or perhaps an embellishment to help forward the "died of natural causes" narrative? He sure seems to have gotten over her sudden, unexpected, and "devastating" death post haste... MOO.

I think the "address the audience base" is a very important angle and insight that hasn't yet been touched upon; so thanks for that.

Off the top of my head, I'd say that your point about Chad's addressing the AVOW forum is extremely important, IMO; because it points home extremely well that it was very important to him that the audience believe that Tammy had passed peacefully with no adverse effects.

Not to mention the denial that we need to consider which has gone into this statement - Chad is, one assumes, comfortable with letting this bold-faced lie drip from his pen, er, keyboard.

This means he actually, before making such a statement, has to consider whether or not what he is saying is true; and if not true, how comfortable he is writing it. We already know it's not true. Clearly he was comfortable making it, as long as he thought none of the people he was addressing would ever see anything beyond Tammy's obituary, at most.

When he commits it to paper, at the time he commits it to paper, does he believe it? Lori believes she's a loving and devoted mother; and also, for a big deluded chunk of time, sincerely thought that "the hype [around her and her activities] will die down".
So regarding the FBI mobile command center, I found this Idaho statute on Kidnapping/custodial interference. Since whomever is hiding JJ and Tylee IF they are alive (which we are all hoping for) is now committing a felony, maybe the FBI presence is sending them a message too.
Section 18-4506 – Idaho State Legislature
18-4506. CHILD CUSTODY INTERFERENCE DEFINED — DEFENSES — PUNISHMENT. 1. A person commits child custody interference if the person, whether a parent or other, or agent of that person, intentionally and without lawful authority:
(a) Takes, entices away, keeps or withholds any minor child from a parent or another person or institution having custody, joint custody, visitation or other parental rights, whether such rights arise from temporary or permanent custody order, or from the equal custodial rights of each parent in the absence of a custody order; or
(b) Takes, entices away, keeps or withholds a minor child from a parent after commencement of an action relating to child visitation or custody but prior to the issuance of an order determining custody or visitation rights.
2. It shall be an affirmative defense to a violation of the provisions of subsection 1. of this section that:
(a) The action is taken to protect the child from imminent physical harm;
(b) The action is taken by a parent fleeing from imminent physical harm to himself;
(c) The action is consented to by the lawful custodian of the child; or
(d) The child is returned within twenty-four (24) hours after expiration of an authorized visitation privilege.
3. A violation of the provisions of subsection 1. of this section shall be a felony, unless the defendant did not take the child outside the state, and the child was voluntarily returned unharmed prior to the defendant’s arrest in which case the violation shall be reduced to a misdemeanor.
4. Any reasonable expenses incurred by a lawful custodian in locating or attempting to locate a child taken in violation of the provisions of subsection 1. of this section may be assessed against the defendant at the court’s discretion in accordance with chapter 53, title 19, Idaho Code.
[18-4506, added 1987, ch. 88, sec. 1, p. 168.]
I don't know, Lori obviously believes reincarnation (though she would call it 'multiple mortal probations') and I recall someone said Chad did too, so that can't be it. Julie R. said she performed energy healing on Chad and his family, so that's not it either. I think what he's rejecting of her beliefs is her own claims of being the central figure in the tribulations. Julie made many podcasts and spoke all about future events and her role in them, and these could be what Chad rejected: especially since we now know that he foresaw a prominent place and special authority for his own self and lori in the tribulations.
Julie likely rejected Chad's claims of being responsible for gathering the 144,000, and I think she likely knew there was something going on between him and Lori which she didn't think was right (and Chad was justifying it) IMO Maybe she also didn't agree with his belief about his '7 missions to fulfill'.

In a nutshell--I think it's a matter of rival claims that give the individual more power, prominence and authority than the other. When Narcissists clash. MOO

One common theme I've been picking up on, is the "I'm Special" mentality, I have removed myself from you mere mortals.

This plays to the human psyche and is a very powerful motivator for some. People can be influenced with this all kinds of ways. Look at successful Narcissists (nod to Trump);), look at people who identify themselves based on their music, or belief systems, religion, race, etc.

The problem is that these can all be taken to the extreme. That is where there can be a problem. Especially if this is religiously based. There is a reason people fear extremists in religion, wars have been started over it since the dawn of time.

It all starts by segregation. I, for one, think that this is the root to many problems we all struggle with. Why aren't we content with seeing what we have in common? Why do we have to identify with a specific group(s)? ideologies? etc.

The point is that these cults empower this "I'm Special" mentality, and this can lead to devastating outcomes, especially when taken to extremes.

From the previously attached thumbnail that is too hard to read:

In 1989 Roger K. Young began an exhaustive research and analysis of Global Events. He then published his work and began a lecture tour to outline his findings. In 2005 he published a list of Global events which, according to his analysis, he believed would happen in the near future. In 2008 the Global Research Initiative was formed to continue his research and analysis of global information and present it in a timely manner for those interested in understanding and knowing more accurately the What and Why and the Future of Global Geographical, Political, Economic and other critical events throughout the world that will affect them and their lives.

For 10 years Roger acted as the chief editor and publisher of the newsletter that went out each month to subscribers around the world. This last summer Roger voiced his desire to step down as chief editor and turn the reigns over to someone else who could pick up the baton and continue to the race without missing a step. Today we announce that the GRI Newsletter has a new Editor and the first new issue has been released!

LDS-AVOW, in conjunction with author/publisher Chad Daybell took over the day to day operations of GRI in October and Roger K. Young now acts as a guest commentator as his time and desires allow.​

So, per the document, RKY was the original founder and publisher of the GRI, and then in October 2015 he turned ownership/management of it to AVOW and Chad Daybell.
I asked whether RKY and CP were indeed the same person because I know they are both listed as authors on the same books. More than that I was intrigued by this Wikileaks document that someone (a very astute sleuth) shared earlier where the email address had both names in it. Of note is the fact that Stratfor was a “global intelligence” company. Noted here:

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Link: The Global Intelligence Files - [Customer Service/Technical Issues] I Forgot My Username

note the email user names
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