Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #24

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"Larry and I were just so upset that number one, he wouldn't be at the memorial service for his dad. Who would not let their child go to that? Who?”

Lori Vallow will face a judge, the national and local media and last but not least — family members of her missing children. The courtroom in Rexburg, Idaho is waiting as Friday approaches.
Deputies en route to transport Lori Vallow to Idaho as extradition begins
I< personally, hope that Tammy has a way to communicate back to us mortal souls that she now sees the truth and is trying to tell her children to know the truth, so they can move on with their own lives experiencing that truth. I just cannot believe, how much I "feel" for Tammy in my little rather insignificant mortal life....

Not that it would ever happen. But for some reason, you're comment reminded me of the scene in "Ghost" where Whoopi Goldberg got possessed.

That would be poetic justice if TD took over LVD's body, and spilled the beans. :D

This entire post is strictly IN MY VERY HONEST OPINION ONLY...

Can I just say that I cannot give Chad a pass. He lied to the police. He may have at one time been a "good guy", an "honest guy", someone that you cannot imagine would do anything like this, but... He lied to his family and to the police! He ran off to Hawaii with a new wife and has been "living it up" immediately after the "love of his life" died.

First, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS). From my observation and experience, I believe that people can get personal revelation that may help guide them in their life decisions - prayer, belief, family, scriptures.... However, when people from our religion take it to the next level; unfortunately, I believe that they get corrupted. Especially in the last few years, I have watched numerous people of my religion get unhinged. Honestly, not as unhinged as I believe Chad is; but, nevertheless, they have become what I would deem as unhinged. For Chad to believe that he has lived multiple lives, to believe that he will deliver the 144,000, to believe that he has more inspiration than the leaders of a church that he says he believes in...

When a person of any religion begins to believe that they have extraordinary powers to talk to the dead, to talk to God, to understand things that we mere humans do not understand, I have to question what exactly they have done to "get" these special powers.

In my VHO (MOO), when Chad began to sell his visions, when money became a motivating factor, he lost whatever pure intentions he had in sharing his "gift". Greed... that is a big corruption. He opened the door for other influences to come in and change whatever good he had and even his "visions" became corrupt. I know his family and friends wanted to believe him. But, did they all know to what extent he was reaching out for monetary gain? Once corrupt in one area, I believe it was a slippery slope to corruption in other manners. I am sorry to those that knew and loved him, but I really believe that he did have an affair with Lori prior to Tammy's death. He likely justified it to himself since he believed that they were together in previous lives.

Finally, he may believe whatever lies Lori has told him, but he has to KNOW that something is hinky. Why in the world would he have told his family that she didn't have kids? Why in the world would he have reached out for living quarters in Hawaii saying they had no children? Why would he tell the police that he "barely" knew his wife and didn't know her phone number???? Because he is lusting after a beautiful woman and he is doing things that he knows is wrong. Sorry, not sorry, I can't give Chad a pass.

I agree 100%, CHAD is NOT a victim, the two missing children/ Tammy/ CV even BB are!!

When I read things he's written, they always come off smarmy and disingenuous! I believe that this man always craved adoration and attention... He's also at typical "mid-life crisis" age, but his actions were selfish and ego driven, completely unacceptable IMO.

Not only the lying to police when they asked about JJ, but then attempting to flee the complex in his car when they went to check the other condo... and BEGGING MG to lie for them (remember they both called).

And I'll tell you another thing about Chad that has been pissing me off (excuse my language) for awhile now, normally when I hear about a person 'having an NDE' it's because they actually were receiving life support of some kind, either they stopped breathing or their heart stopped, and there was ALWAYS some professional there, trying to resuscitate, who can corroborate the story.... But no not for God-Like Chad.... he encountered some scary waves (supposedly, but I think he either made it up or greatly exaggerated this). Then he went on to market and give interviews and become some quasi expert on NDE..... In reality, I think he read someone else's experiences, studied up a bit, and saw this whole 'chapter' ,pun intended, as a path to fame and attention within that community, not to mention power to persuade others with his "gifts from beyond" aka Delusions of Grandeur. I truly believe he wanted to be named in some official way as a living Prophet!

The quiet friendly guy he appears to be is just a mask, and one he knows and uses to manipulate the people. Classic NPD.
okay, rant over, lol!
Don't be sorry. You've brought a lot of good information to this. I daresay even those who are well attuned to the Mormon culture and how things are different in Utah and Idaho compared to other places still learned a lot from your posts.

I get people not wanting to go too far down the religion rabbit hole, but if we're trying to understand what Chad and Lori might or might not do, given the apparent importance of religion and quasi-religious beliefs in both their lives, this subject seems like it could be critical. Don't let a few whiners shut you down if you have information you think might be pertinent.


Absolutely, you bring a unique perspective to this. Being raised the way you have, allows you to have an insight that even those of us who were raised LDS, do not have the same experiences.

Seeing this from various angles, and different perspectives helps to get a more accurate picture of how all the dots connect.

For example, when there is a traffic accident the police will get as many witness accounts as possible. It is typical that all of the witness accounts are different, but there is a common thread that weaves them altogether.

Welcome back. So why are AVOW allowed to recruit subscribers?
I am convinced AVOW is being watched closely as are its leaders and many members. During my downtime I spent some time on their Facebook page. I'm not going to pay them a dime for access to their forums as tempting as it is. IMO there is enough on their FB page to constitute criminal behavior. There are lots of posts and memes that threaten or attack individuals, for example, which is a crime. Maybe the FBI is just letting even more fish swim into the net.
Every time I see the "anti government" slant of our conversations, my mind keeps going back to Lori's parents and their constant battles with government. Years and years of stuff---so I feel pretty sure there are contacts and people "out there" who are truly "secret", and are much further from the mainstream press than AVOW and the newer anti groups. Have always thought that if there was a "safe hiding place" it would not be through AVOW. That said, I truly truly hope that the one Cox voice that could be different--Adam, will speak up eventually.
I completely agree! There are connections that have not been revealed yet. I grew up in a VERY conservative area of Arizona. There was deep distrust of the federal government. I even knew numerous sheriff deputies and other LE that would not voluntarily cooperate with federal LE (mostly ATF) back in the 70s. Little has changed where I lived and I strongly suspect the situation is very similar in Idaho to this day. So while I have no doubt Rexburg and the related jurisdiction LE are doing their job to help the kids, I think Chad and Lori have many supporters in the community for standing up to the authorities and many of these may very well hold local LE jobs.

It seems unfathomable to me that Lori's parents have not been questioned so I assume they have and don't seem to know anything. But hopefully we'll find out more soon.

Chard and CP have both promised all the beans will be spilled once they get in court. That is scheduled for Friday! I'm not holding my breath.
I am convinced AVOW is being watched closely as are its leaders and many members. During my downtime I spent some time on their Facebook page. I'm not going to pay them a dime for access to their forums as tempting as it is. IMO there is enough on their FB page to constitute criminal behavior. There are lots of posts and memes that threaten or attack individuals, for example, which is a crime. Maybe the FBI is just letting even more fish swim into the net.
Welcome back! I wondered what happened to you. :)
Let me preface this by saying MOO. A big giant MOO.

I'm no psychologist and I wouldn't even know where to begin to analyze this statement. However, there are a number of things that don't sit well with me. Several other people have already touched on some of these things, so I'd like to take a slightly different approach by comparing Chad's other accounts of Tammy's passing.

  1. The first account we know of is Chad's 911 call. Unfortunately that hasn't been released yet, probably due to an ongoing investigation:

    "KTVB's request to obtain the 911 call audio from when Tammy Daybell was found dead was denied by the Fremont County prosecutor's office."
    Fremont County Sheriff's Office says Tammy Daybell's autopsy results could take up to a year

    It would be of interest to find out what was said, and how it was said, during this 911 call. Chad's target audience is LE.
  2. The second account is from Chad calling Tammy's father:

    "Tammy Daybell’s father, Ron Douglas, said he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death. He said she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room.

    On October 19, Douglas said he received a call from Chad Daybell “broken-hearted and sobbing,” explaining that his wife went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up."
    Family members say mother of missing children in Rexburg joined a dangerous cult with new husband

    Here Chad's target audience is Tammy's family, particularly her dad. Chad's demeanor appears to be "broken-hearted and sobbing.” The story told is suggestive of a sickness overtaking Tammy, and that she "went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up." This implies that some kind of sickness was the cause of her death and lends itself to the "natural causes" argument. Something about this story from Chad apparently bothers Tammy's father because he brings up the fact that "he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death" and that "she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room." One other thing to note here is the statement that Tammy "went to bed... and never woke up." This implies that she lay down in bed, fell asleep, and simply never woke up.
  3. The third account is apparently what Chad told other family and was passed on to extended family. Our VI @Maxxer500 , Chad's nephew, reported:

    "Tammy woke up in the middle of the night she died, apparently coughing badly enough to cause her to vomit. Then when Chad woke in the morning he found her fallen out of bed and cold."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #2
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    "I was told by family that Chad woke up in the morning to find Tammy had fallen out of bed and found her cold when he went to check on her. I was also told she woke up in the middle of the night to the coughing and vomiting, and I assume Chad woke up and witnessed this, but Tammy went back to bed at some point. It's been pointed out to me though that what happened that night has likely only been told by Chad, and he's been shown as lying to everyone for some time now."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    Chad's target audience here appears to be his own immediate and extended family (though it could possibly include Tammy's family as well). There isn't much, if any, detail or clue about Chad's demeanor given here, but from what is being described I almost get the feeling of... I don't know... detached? Aloof? Indifferent? Like there's little or no emotion or concern displayed towards Tammy. But I freely admit it's hard to detect or correctly ascertain emotion in just words alone so I could very well be mistaken.

    Regardless, the details herein depicted begin to show a somewhat startling and different narrative. Here we learn that not only was Tammy coughing, but also vomiting, either as a result of the seriousness of her coughing or some other affect of her apparent sickness. This, to me, sounds like a rather violent, distressful, and distraught condition for Tammy to be in, not just a simple sickness. And yet where was Chad in all of this? Did he witness it? Apparently somebody did as we have the report of it. And if Chad did witness her coughing and vomiting during the night, did he do nothing to help care for her? Where is the expression of concern in all of this? And then that other niggling detail about Tammy having fallen out of bed and found lying on the floor. This little detail seems to contradict the previous narrative that Chad told Tammy's father, that she went to bed and never woke up. The former suggest a calm, peaceful departure - laying down, closing your eyes, and quietly breathing your last - whereas this newer one depicts a more traumatic and alarming end. But perhaps I'm making more of it than I ought to?
  4. The fourth account is a single sentence published in her obituary, which reads:

    "Tamara "Tammy" Douglas Daybell passed away peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, October 19, 2019 in Salem, Idaho."
    Obituary for Tamara Michelle Daybell at Flamm Funeral Home
    View Tamara

    Here the target audience is the local community and general public. No details other than that she "passed away peacefully in her sleep." Granted, obituaries usually paint the circumstances of one's passing in the most favorable light, foregoing any disturbing details, and I wouldn't expect otherwise. But still, this again claims that she died peacefully in her sleep, which would appear to stand in stark contrast of the prior details of a sudden and violent sickness culminating in falling out of bed.
  5. And finally, we have the fifth account, which Chad published to the GRI and through AVOW:

    Here the target audience is his followers and friends on AVOW. Again he paints a beautiful and touching picture of Tammy simply slipping away peacefully in the night, "all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile." No mention of the violent coughing, hacking, and throwing up during the night. No mention of her falling out of bed. Instead one is left with a mental picture of Chad waking up, turning over in bed, and seeing his wife' body lying peacefully and serenely by his side. Note also how he paints himself - he was in "shock," he "couldn't believe" it, "it was devastating." These could be genuine emotions. Or perhaps an embellishment to help forward the "died of natural causes" narrative? He sure seems to have gotten over her sudden, unexpected, and "devastating" death post haste... MOO.
  6. ETA: Re-posting @Gardener1850 post, which contains a sixth example of Chad's description of Tammy's passing to a potential landlord in Hawaii:

Yea, that is extremely suspicious. I personally suffer with gastroparesis and have been hospitalized multiple times for vomiting. I literally ended up in the hospital eating lettuce (of all things). I can't eat all kinds of things now.

Those who knew Tammy, do you know if she had any food allergies?

There is no way that Chad, didn't wake up if she was vomiting, I just don't buy it. If she was vomiting extensively, then she should have been taken to the hospital immediately.

I wonder now if she passed away from dehydration, and Chad just watched. :mad:

It's possible she had a food allergy to something that her system can't handle, this would cause her to vomit extensively. If she got dehydrated enough, she could have died. If Chad knew about this, this would not show up on any tox. reports. This would look normal on an autopsy (I think).

Please reference anaphylaxis, such as a peanut or wheat allergy.

Dehydration is another possibility if enough fluid is lost. Not sure how long it would take, but I would guess within hours. JMO

It would, in theory, be very easy to slip this into food that the whole family is eating.

I really hope I am wrong, because that would be just pure evil.

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We've discussed Lori's possible defense (fighting custody blah blah). BUT I'm curious as to her defense regarding nonsupport of her dependent children? She receives financial assistance for the care of these children. Very soon she will have to prove how the money has been spent.

Will she claim she hands baggies of cash to unknown secret people who then transport that money to the unknown secret caretakers of the children?!? This argument is ridiculous! And no judge will believe it. jmo

If she produces the kids healthy, <modsnip> and unless they say they were not taken care of, she is guilty of nothing but some very minor misdemeanors. But at this point unless she has a VERY convincing explanation for the judge, she has to produce the kids or go to prison.
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I'm ready to go Calamity Jane on these people verbally. Where's JJ & Tylee? MFCS!

Honestly, I lost hope quite a while ago. My heart has been sad for months. I just hope these two get what's coming to them. Even if it means others in the crazy cults go down too, won't bother me. jmo
If she produces the kids healthy, and maybe Tylee at least at healthy weight if not chubby like we previously saw, and unless they say they were not taken care of, she is guilty of nothing but some very minor misdemeanors. But at this point unless she has a VERY convincing explanation for the judge, she has to produce the kids or go to prison.
I’d consider editing your post. I think you crossed a line.
nope it wasn’t you - but it did end up posting right after yours. I’m sorry for that. Thank you for your insight. It’s truly mind blowing. Click back on all the threads (you’ve probably seen them) and it’s on every page. I’ve contributed a lot myself. o_O Please continue to share anything you think would be helpful to the case.

I do agree with you though, I find myself skimming through alot of the LDS info. because TBH, I'm not convinced this is a case with religious motives... And while some info is certainly useful, some is a little hard for me to swallow. Also, the case is extremely complicated as is, lots of players, and its about to get a WHOLE lot messier with the return of Doomsday Barbie.

JMO, but I agree with you!
Sorry if this has been answered before but there are so many threads I'm trying to catch up on... Do we know if Tammy and Chad were celestial sealed in a temple? I feel like if that's the case, his and Lori's views on their marriage are even further evidence of their contradiction. If I remember correctly there was something about them being destined to be together? This case is so confusing and crazy I'm trying to keep everything straight lol. Hopefully wikipedia links are okay: Celestial marriage - Wikipedia

Edit: I have a lot of friends in SLC, who are apparently direct descendants of Joseph Smith's brother. So I've done a lot of reading up on the Mormon religion in general... This case brought a lot of questions to the surface... Though I would consider Lori and Chad, etc all fringe from what has come to light.
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BBM.... She'll probably do her pageant walk & wave for her "fans"...complete with her nose in its usual stuck up position. Heck, maybe she'll even throw in a "that's great" for the people! :rolleyes:

I, myself, am hoping they drag her through all shackled up :D Is that too much to ask for?

Tangly yellow hair, orange jumpsuit and ankle shackles with extra large flip flops pleeeeze!
I asked whether RKY and CP were indeed the same person because I know they are both listed as authors on the same books. More than that I was intrigued by this Wikileaks document that someone (a very astute sleuth) shared earlier where the email address had both names in it. Of note is the fact that Stratfor was a “global intelligence” company. Noted here:

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Link: The Global Intelligence Files - [Customer Service/Technical Issues] I Forgot My Username

note the email user names

The GI files were an interesting release by Wikileaks.
They gave an insight into the inner workings of subcontractors within the intelligence community.

You can use boolean searches to look up a variety of organizations and see if any information pops up on them.

Whether or not any of these organizations are involved with the disappearance of JJ and TR remains to be seen.

Thus this could be an extremely deep rabbit hole to start going down.

I should state as well, that this may not be the only release that may contain information on a variety of contractors/organizations.
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I asked whether RKY and CP were indeed the same person because I know they are both listed as authors on the same books. More than that I was intrigued by this Wikileaks document that someone (a very astute sleuth) shared earlier where the email address had both names in it. Of note is the fact that Stratfor was a “global intelligence” company. Noted here:

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Link: The Global Intelligence Files - [Customer Service/Technical Issues] I Forgot My Username

note the email user names

Wow, that's an incredible can of worms.... Just HOW deep does this go.... I'm going to set that aside for the moment, because I could really get lost down a rabbit hole there! :D
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