Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #24

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Not sure if this has been posted before. On Feb 21, Inside Edition had Julie Rowe on. Two Julie's claims regarding Chad stood out. After Julie warned Chad about Lori, he allegedly replied: "I've been married to her before". Three weeks before Tammy died Chad told Julie in a frustrated voice: "My plan can't move forward until Tammy's dead".

This is in line with Julie's claims that Chad predicted his wife's death, not necessarily that he was responsible, although it doesn't look good. Of course Julie might be an unreliable witness, but would she be framing Chad? She's not under attack, so she doesn't have to make things up to deflect blame.

Sorry if this has been answered before but there are so many threads I'm trying to catch up on... Do we know if Tammy and Chad were celestial sealed in a temple? I feel like if that's the case, his and Lori's views on their marriage are even further evidence of their contradiction. If I remember correctly there was something about them being destined to be together? This case is so confusing and crazy I'm trying to keep everything straight lol. Hopefully wikipedia links are okay: Celestial marriage - Wikipedia

Edit: I have a lot of friends in SLC, who are apparently direct descendants of Joseph Smith's brother. So I've done a lot of reading up on the Mormon religion in general... This case brought a lot of questions to the surface... Though I would consider Lori and Chad, etc all fringe from what has come to light.
Rumour has it they were sealed by Moroni in an upper room of the Mesa temple some time ago but that is just my opinion.
Not sure if this has been posted before. On Feb 21, Inside Edition had Julie Rowe on. Two Julie's claims regarding Chad stood out. After Julie warned Chad about Lori, he allegedly replied: "I've been married to her before". Three weeks before Tammy died Chad told Julie in a frustrated voice: "My plan can't move forward until Tammy's dead".

This is in line with Julie's claims that Chad predicted his wife's death, not necessarily that he was responsible, although it doesn't look good. Of course Julie might be an unreliable witness, but would she be framing Chad? She's not under attack, so she doesn't have to make things up to deflect blame.

Three weeks before Tammy's death would be 28th September, shortly after the kids disappeared and a few days before Tammy visited her parents at Chad's insistence.
Who's the other one, lol. I hope you don't mean Joseph Smith?! :eek::D
haven't seen her here in the last few days..but we do communicate--i will send her a nudge...
FAQ: What Are All The Hearings In A Felony In Idaho? | Kormanik & Sneed LLP

Good summary of the hearing process and what we can expect on Friday.

If she is held in custody after her Initial Appearance on Friday, the Preliminary Hearing must take place within 14 days.
Valuable information... copied the link to my email so I can reference as we go along....
I agree 100%, CHAD is NOT a victim, the two missing children/ Tammy/ CV even BB are!!

When I read things he's written, they always come off smarmy and disingenuous! I believe that this man always craved adoration and attention... He's also at typical "mid-life crisis" age, but his actions were selfish and ego driven, completely unacceptable IMO.

Not only the lying to police when they asked about JJ, but then attempting to flee the complex in his car when they went to check the other condo... and BEGGING MG to lie for them (remember they both called).

And I'll tell you another thing about Chad that has been pissing me off (excuse my language) for awhile now, normally when I hear about a person 'having an NDE' it's because they actually were receiving life support of some kind, either they stopped breathing or their heart stopped, and there was ALWAYS some professional there, trying to resuscitate, who can corroborate the story.... But no not for God-Like Chad.... he encountered some scary waves (supposedly, but I think he either made it up or greatly exaggerated this). Then he went on to market and give interviews and become some quasi expert on NDE..... In reality, I think he read someone else's experiences, studied up a bit, and saw this whole 'chapter' ,pun intended, as a path to fame and attention within that community, not to mention power to persuade others with his "gifts from beyond" aka Delusions of Grandeur. I truly believe he wanted to be named in some official way as a living Prophet!

The quiet friendly guy he appears to be is just a mask, and one he knows and uses to manipulate the people. Classic NPD.
okay, rant over, lol!
Have always thought this about the NDE being a fiction as well... NDE's are traumatic, not novels. My mother had one when she almost died, and when she was in ICU, she begged me to believe her. (Before Elizabeth Kubler Ross was around), but when she left the hospital, she totally removed the experience from her brain, and would never discuss again. For Chad, it is a perfect fictional segway into prophetdom.
I don't know how I missed that about Tammy's death! Throwing up could have been the bodies natural reaction to the introduction of poison....ridding her of it.

We know AC's death was unpleasant, he lost control of all bodily function, a good indication of poison... but with Tammy also experiencing GI issues...I looked a bit more into JR's death as well, but that's a tough call with indications of a heart condition...
One thought I had was a type of fertalizer compound which included mercury, a few drops on the skin can kill a healthy adult in 10 days....

Also, possibly certain chemical or medical supplies that Preppers might hoard for Doomsday, which could be used as poison.

I guess this means I'll be googling more poisons, damn?!
I am sure most of us have done research on the poisons, right? How can we not....but our discussions just haven't gotten there yet---once we start to hear something from LE, I think we will go crazy over it. I have certainly researched Mercury too!! And you are probably right about hoarded medical supplies --they must have gobs!! But there are also some people ...lets say... "are one step removed" from players/people in our web. We, of the Obsessed, are likely to still be going at all this in years to come...
Estimating The Time of Death

The body loses temperature at approx 1.5c per hour according to this article.

"Methods Used
One method of estimating the time of death is to measure body temperature. The normal equation for this is:
  • 37.5oC - 1.5 oC
This formula equates to the body temperature (37.5oC), which loses 1.5 oC per hour until the temperature of the body is that of the environment around it; known as the ambient temperature. This ambient temperature - depending on how low it is - may take minutes or hours to be reached and this is a good indicator as to how long a body has been in situ. Additionally it is worth noting that a body's temperature will drop much more slowly if the body has been exposed to extreme cold; such as being left outdoors, submerged in water or icy conditions."

So if Tammy was cold and obviously dead she must have been dead for at least a couple of hours. Rigor mortis then begins after 2 hours. We need to hear the 911 call. Why would they not release it?
Not sure if this has been posted before. On Feb 21, Inside Edition had Julie Rowe on. Two Julie's claims regarding Chad stood out. After Julie warned Chad about Lori, he allegedly replied: "I've been married to her before". Three weeks before Tammy died Chad told Julie in a frustrated voice: "My plan can't move forward until Tammy's dead".

This is in line with Julie's claims that Chad predicted his wife's death, not necessarily that he was responsible, although it doesn't look good. Of course Julie might be an unreliable witness, but would she be framing Chad? She's not under attack, so she doesn't have to make things up to deflect blame.

The convo's between those two must have been maddening. Julie Rowe: "Chad, I see visions that Lori is an evil vixen and will drive you to your doom!"
Chad: "Not to worry, I've been married to her before, actually even before she was married to Moroni. So I know all her little tricks from last time!" Geez!
I asked whether RKY and CP were indeed the same person because I know they are both listed as authors on the same books. More than that I was intrigued by this Wikileaks document that someone (a very astute sleuth) shared earlier where the email address had both names in it. Of note is the fact that Stratfor was a “global intelligence” company. Noted here:

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Link: The Global Intelligence Files - [Customer Service/Technical Issues] I Forgot My Username

note the email user names
Wow.... This is just crazy. This Parrett phoo is a real piece of work!
I am finally caught up. You guys can keep a thread hoppin!!! Speaking about Nate speaking about how he's not sure it was Alex at the storage unit on October 2nd and 3rd...the fact that the men at least one of those days came in Chad's Traverse from what I understand, leads me to believe that really he could have convinced anyone to go with him. We really don't know who has bought into his "stories" so could he have had one of his sons go with him? A Friend? Someone in his Avow group? Keeping in mind this is before Tammy's death, who else would he trust to go to a storage unit and under what guise? Also this point of Chad's vehicle being used to go there implicates him further in my opinion, in whatever has happened. We knew full well about Alex's truck, about Lori's vehicle but Chad's that's a lot of traffic....
the airport on Kauai is Lihue
Details are not being made public for safety/security reasons
I suspect there will be travelers on site at the airports both on the Garden Island and the Mainland who take clandestine photos and video of her perpwalking like last time. This time she wont have her phone handy to point back.
That's me, you're addressing, I assume. It took me several weeks to work up the courage to post and I hoped it would be helpful. I hadn't seen anyone else with my specific point of view, but I apologize if my post is tiresome. I'll answer any other direct questions, but won't bring it up again.

Edited to add: I don't think a case like this will ever be separate from religion though. It's too tightly connected.
I'm still 8 pages back catching up. But I just want to say @idaidaidaho Thank you very much for your input. I was having a hard time with understanding some things that you cleared up for me. I don't think any of us found your posts to be tiresome, but super helpful. I do not believe this comment was meant directly towards you personally.

ETA: I see that @josephinemarch cleared that up already! That's what I get for posting ahead of myself.
I worked with his niece, well, the niece of the woman who was murdered, horrible story.

I never could get my head around what he meant by clearly dead for a couple of hours? How's that Chad? MOO

I've had the same thought. He worked at a cemetary, not the ME's office. The incident with my neighbor last week was determined by clues and physical changes. Jmo
I am finally caught up. You guys can keep a thread hoppin!!! Speaking about Nate speaking about how he's not sure it was Alex at the storage unit on October 2nd and 3rd...the fact that the men at least one of those days came in Chad's Traverse from what I understand, leads me to believe that really he could have convinced anyone to go with him. We really don't know who has bought into his "stories" so could he have had one of his sons go with him? A Friend? Someone in his Avow group? Keeping in mind this is before Tammy's death, who else would he trust to go to a storage unit and under what guise? Also this point of Chad's vehicle being used to go there implicates him further in my opinion, in whatever has happened. We knew full well about Alex's truck, about Lori's vehicle but Chad's that's a lot of traffic....
It would have to be someone who knew about Lori. Could it be Chad himself on the 2nd Oct? Tammy had conveniently been sent away to her parents then.
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