Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #24

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Nowadays, it does not take much to be a good writer. The bar is pretty low.
Just look at popular e-books selling on Amazon. I feel confident that I can write circles around most of them, and I don't even consider myself an author.

From what I have read of Chad's books, he's not really bad, he's just not really good. He's just mediocre. Definitely nothing to brag about.

Of course, I prefer reading a lot of Dean Koontz, and Vince Flynn novels. My opinion is most likely biased.

Scott Turow books are even better :)
Thank you. Yes, I do feel that knowing who his audience is is important.

Another thing I forgot to mention is that the details we have about Tammy's apparent sickness - the coughing and vomiting - all come from family members. I feel that perhaps the reason why we even have these details may be because Chad's family were in a position and able to press him for more details. And because we now have these intimate details it casts doubt on the narrative he's pushed out publicly - that she died peacefully in her sleep. It could be circumstantial evidence that there may have been something else going on. Maybe even poison.

I don't know how I missed that about Tammy's death! Throwing up could have been the bodies natural reaction to the introduction of poison....ridding her of it.

We know AC's death was unpleasant, he lost control of all bodily function, a good indication of poison... but with Tammy also experiencing GI issues...I looked a bit more into JR's death as well, but that's a tough call with indications of a heart condition...
One thought I had was a type of fertalizer compound which included mercury, a few drops on the skin can kill a healthy adult in 10 days....

Also, possibly certain chemical or medical supplies that Preppers might hoard for Doomsday, which could be used as poison.

I guess this means I'll be googling more poisons, damn?!
Yea, that is extremely suspicious. I personally suffer with gastroparesis and have been hospitalized multiple times for vomiting. I literally ended up in the hospital eating lettuce (of all things). I can't eat all kinds of things now.

Those who knew Tammy, do you know if she had any food allergies?

There is no way that Chad, didn't wake up if she was vomiting, I just don't buy it. If she was vomiting extensively, then she should have been taken to the hospital immediately.

I wonder now if she passed away from dehydration, and Chad just watched. :mad:

It's possible she had a food allergy to something that her system can't handle, this would cause her to vomit extensively. If she got dehydrated enough, she could have died. If Chad knew about this, this would not show up on any tox. reports. This would look normal on an autopsy (I think).

Please reference anaphylaxis, such as a peanut or wheat allergy.

Dehydration is another possibility if enough fluid is lost. Not sure how long it would take, but I would guess within hours. JMO

It would, in theory, be very easy to slip this into food that the whole family is eating.

I really hope I am wrong, because that would be just pure evil.


I have Crohns Disease, so I completely get where your coming from! Lettuce is roughage and very difficult for bodies to break down.. All raw veggies actually.

Dehydration Death is extremely painful, your organs shut down, this is typically after 3 days though.... In the short term the loss of potassium is the real problem with dehydration, fainting spells, extremely low blood pressure. (I was an LNA for several yrs).

The report stating "natural causes" isn't enough to go on really, what did they mean?? Heart Attack, Massive Stroke, what? Grrrrr

I still lean more towards a chemical/poison.
Possible flights (sorry if already posted)

HNL-idaho falls - layover in Denver -united airlines
depart HNL 9:30 pm on March 4,
arrive at Denver 6:30 am March 5, leave at 8:10 am
Arrive at Idaho falls at 9:58 am -
30 minute drive to Rexburg

Fewest Stops -HNL to SLC delta
Depart HNL 9:45 pm on March 4
Arrive SLC 6:51 am on March 5
Drive from SLC to Rexburg - 3-4 hour drive , so arrival possibly before noon

to help avoid too much congestion and increase safety when word gets out, IMO slc might be preferable. The IF airport doesn’t have too many roads coming in or out.


I think I just read she is leaving at 11.30 PM Hawaii time as I mentally made a note it would be 2.30 p.m. UK time. MOO.
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Noted. I don't know how much is helpful when I see these things brought up and discussed, I'm probably oversharing. I edited my post down a bit. His comments about his wife feeling like Sariah are pertinent so I thought additional background there might be useful.

I'm sorry, I don't know where the kids might be, though at this point I'm not holding my breath that they are alive. I do hope the FBI are investigating Chris Parrett though.
Any other AVOW members who have basements or compounds?
I don't know how I missed that about Tammy's death! Throwing up could have been the bodies natural reaction to the introduction of poison....ridding her of it.

We know AC's death was unpleasant, he lost control of all bodily function, a good indication of poison... but with Tammy also experiencing GI issues...I looked a bit more into JR's death as well, but that's a tough call with indications of a heart condition...
One thought I had was a type of fertalizer compound which included mercury, a few drops on the skin can kill a healthy adult in 10 days....

Also, possibly certain chemical or medical supplies that Preppers might hoard for Doomsday, which could be used as poison.

I guess this means I'll be googling more poisons, damn?!
I have wondered if he himself did not witness the coughing and vomiting but another family member did. I even wondered if he was not in bed when he discovered her dead. Does it say anywhere that he was in bed with her at the time he discovered her? The 911 call would probably explain more but they are not releasing it for some reason. MOO.
So, it's about a 7 hour flight from Hawaii? Wonder if we will get any reporting from passengers on her flight. Probably she will only board once all the passengers are already seated and will be placed in the least conspicuous seat, which I think must to be back of the plane?
I don't know how I missed that about Tammy's death! Throwing up could have been the bodies natural reaction to the introduction of poison....ridding her of it.

We know AC's death was unpleasant, he lost control of all bodily function, a good indication of poison... but with Tammy also experiencing GI issues...I looked a bit more into JR's death as well, but that's a tough call with indications of a heart condition...
One thought I had was a type of fertalizer compound which included mercury, a few drops on the skin can kill a healthy adult in 10 days....

Also, possibly certain chemical or medical supplies that Preppers might hoard for Doomsday, which could be used as poison.

I guess this means I'll be googling more poisons, damn?!
Hmmm. There was 10 days between the "paintball" incident and Tammy's death.
So, it's about a 7 hour flight from Hawaii? Wonder if we will get any reporting from passengers on her flight. Probably she will only board once all the passengers are already seated and will be placed in the least conspicuous seat, which I think must to be back of the plane?
Ok so ETA could be around 8 a.m. local time tomorrow, is that right?
I have wondered if he himself did not witness the coughing and vomiting but another family member did. I even wondered if he was not in bed when he discovered her dead. Does it say anywhere that he was in bed with her at the time he discovered her? The 911 call would probably explain more but they are not releasing it for some reason. MOO.

Only Chad himself claimed it IIRC, it was his post on GRI? It's linked several pgs back on this thread.

I hope they will release the call!
Please be gentle (or be quiet). I see you wrote, "IMO" but still......
Those of us who are not LDS or knowledgeable of the inner workings of the church appreciate a different perspective! I, for one, have been scratching my head trying to figure out how these people from these splintered groups are so well-liked/well-respected/popular and are still allowed and welcome to participate within the church.

I know you're just trying to protect your own beliefs/the church but this view point is very interesting and enriching and it seems to be coming from someone who has a rich background in this "secret world". Surely, there's room here for a different and well-versed experience?

Maybe it's a matter of "you do not know what you do not know." What's that so many have repeated: "You're just not ready"? I want to hear/read what this person knows that no one else wants to talk about except in a negative/judgmental/dismissive way.

Where are Tylee & JJ? Me wants to know!
No I certaunly will not be quiet or gentle while kids are in danger and I explained my comment to the OP in a later post. I am nothing to do with LDS or any religion. We can all give our opinions and mine is that this person should provide specifics about the acquaintances mentioned - the ones who are blaming Grandma and hide behind a paywall. AJMO.
Actually yes. Typically, when this happens the missionaries primarily work with less active members.

Funny story though. One of the exciting things for LDS missionaries, is where they are going to be called too. The more foreign the country, the more excited the missionary is about it.

However, one poor missionary had the worst experience ever. He grew up in SLC, Utah. When he got called, he was called to (wait for it), SLC, Utah. :D

That has got to be rough. ;)

oh yes...less active members. makes sense. My brother's step daughter went to China--experience of a lifetime. Makes me wonder.though... do boys get jealous if a girl gets such a distant post?
Let me preface this by saying MOO. A big giant MOO.

I'm no psychologist and I wouldn't even know where to begin to analyze this statement. However, there are a number of things that don't sit well with me. Several other people have already touched on some of these things, so I'd like to take a slightly different approach by comparing Chad's other accounts of Tammy's passing.

  1. The first account we know of is Chad's 911 call. Unfortunately that hasn't been released yet, probably due to an ongoing investigation:

    "KTVB's request to obtain the 911 call audio from when Tammy Daybell was found dead was denied by the Fremont County prosecutor's office."
    Fremont County Sheriff's Office says Tammy Daybell's autopsy results could take up to a year

    It would be of interest to find out what was said, and how it was said, during this 911 call. Chad's target audience is LE.
  2. The second account is from Chad calling Tammy's father:

    "Tammy Daybell’s father, Ron Douglas, said he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death. He said she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room.

    On October 19, Douglas said he received a call from Chad Daybell “broken-hearted and sobbing,” explaining that his wife went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up."
    Family members say mother of missing children in Rexburg joined a dangerous cult with new husband

    Here Chad's target audience is Tammy's family, particularly her dad. Chad's demeanor appears to be "broken-hearted and sobbing.” The story told is suggestive of a sickness overtaking Tammy, and that she "went to bed in a coughing fit and never woke up." This implies that some kind of sickness was the cause of her death and lends itself to the "natural causes" argument. Something about this story from Chad apparently bothers Tammy's father because he brings up the fact that "he saw his daughter about two weeks before her death" and that "she was in good health and in good spirits, dancing in the living room." One other thing to note here is the statement that Tammy "went to bed... and never woke up." This implies that she lay down in bed, fell asleep, and simply never woke up.
  3. The third account is apparently what Chad told other family and was passed on to extended family. Our VI @Maxxer500 , Chad's nephew, reported:

    "Tammy woke up in the middle of the night she died, apparently coughing badly enough to cause her to vomit. Then when Chad woke in the morning he found her fallen out of bed and cold."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #2
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    "I was told by family that Chad woke up in the morning to find Tammy had fallen out of bed and found her cold when he went to check on her. I was also told she woke up in the middle of the night to the coughing and vomiting, and I assume Chad woke up and witnessed this, but Tammy went back to bed at some point. It's been pointed out to me though that what happened that night has likely only been told by Chad, and he's been shown as lying to everyone for some time now."
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3

    Chad's target audience here appears to be his own immediate and extended family (though it could possibly include Tammy's family as well). There isn't much, if any, detail or clue about Chad's demeanor given here, but from what is being described I almost get the feeling of... I don't know... detached? Aloof? Indifferent? Like there's little or no emotion or concern displayed towards Tammy. But I freely admit it's hard to detect or correctly ascertain emotion in just words alone so I could very well be mistaken.

    Regardless, the details herein depicted begin to show a somewhat startling and different narrative. Here we learn that not only was Tammy coughing, but also vomiting, either as a result of the seriousness of her coughing or some other affect of her apparent sickness. This, to me, sounds like a rather violent, distressful, and distraught condition for Tammy to be in, not just a simple sickness. And yet where was Chad in all of this? Did he witness it? Apparently somebody did as we have the report of it. And if Chad did witness her coughing and vomiting during the night, did he do nothing to help care for her? Where is the expression of concern in all of this? And then that other niggling detail about Tammy having fallen out of bed and found lying on the floor. This little detail seems to contradict the previous narrative that Chad told Tammy's father, that she went to bed and never woke up. The former suggest a calm, peaceful departure - laying down, closing your eyes, and quietly breathing your last - whereas this newer one depicts a more traumatic and alarming end. But perhaps I'm making more of it than I ought to?
  4. The fourth account is a single sentence published in her obituary, which reads:

    "Tamara "Tammy" Douglas Daybell passed away peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, October 19, 2019 in Salem, Idaho."
    Obituary for Tamara Michelle Daybell at Flamm Funeral Home
    View Tamara

    Here the target audience is the local community and general public. No details other than that she "passed away peacefully in her sleep." Granted, obituaries usually paint the circumstances of one's passing in the most favorable light, foregoing any disturbing details, and I wouldn't expect otherwise. But still, this again claims that she died peacefully in her sleep, which would appear to stand in stark contrast of the prior details of a sudden and violent sickness culminating in falling out of bed.
  5. And finally, we have the fifth account, which Chad published to the GRI and through AVOW:

    Here the target audience is his followers and friends on AVOW. Again he paints a beautiful and touching picture of Tammy simply slipping away peacefully in the night, "all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile." No mention of the violent coughing, hacking, and throwing up during the night. No mention of her falling out of bed. Instead one is left with a mental picture of Chad waking up, turning over in bed, and seeing his wife' body lying peacefully and serenely by his side. Note also how he paints himself - he was in "shock," he "couldn't believe" it, "it was devastating." These could be genuine emotions. Or perhaps an embellishment to help forward the "died of natural causes" narrative? He sure seems to have gotten over her sudden, unexpected, and "devastating" death post haste... MOO.
  6. ETA: Re-posting @Gardener1850 post, which contains a sixth example of Chad's description of Tammy's passing to a potential landlord in Hawaii:

Thanks for this recap of the varying accounts.

The most interesting I think is to the audience of one and is the most recent account from him of her death. She had been dead a couple of hours he says to the lady in Hawaii. How did he know?
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oh yes...less active members. makes sense. My brother's step daughter went to China--experience of a lifetime. Makes me wonder.though... do boys get jealous if a girl gets such a distant post?

I would suppose that varies from one person to another. I went on a foreign speaking mission, so never gave it any thought. JMO
I asked whether RKY and CP were indeed the same person because I know they are both listed as authors on the same books. More than that I was intrigued by this Wikileaks document that someone (a very astute sleuth) shared earlier where the email address had both names in it. Of note is the fact that Stratfor was a “global intelligence” company. Noted here:

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Link: The Global Intelligence Files - [Customer Service/Technical Issues] I Forgot My Usernamenote the email user names

This is interesting on its own!! Never knew about this "Stratfor Email Leak"... but I think the @rogerkyoung is just their server name... not that they are the same.
I asked whether RKY and CP were indeed the same person because I know they are both listed as authors on the same books. More than that I was intrigued by this Wikileaks document that someone (a very astute sleuth) shared earlier where the email address had both names in it. Of note is the fact that Stratfor was a “global intelligence” company. Noted here:

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Link: The Global Intelligence Files - [Customer Service/Technical Issues] I Forgot My Username

note the email user names

I typed in the RKY website name and it took me to the AVOW website then to here eventually.
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